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Messages - vgn

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General Discussion / RE: how would i go about getting my hands on....
« on: October 28, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
Three ways basically:

1. Craft them. You stated you didn't want to so this is out.
2. Buy them from a crafter. There are some good tinkerers out there, look around.
3. Find trapped areas and recover the trap. Of course if you kill yourself then I guess you found out how good of a rogue you are.

General Discussion / RE: Playing a character with no name
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:44:00 pm »
I am a GM but not on the character approval team. I would thinking naming him something like "Nameless Forest Dweller" or the like would be fine.

General Discussion / RE: orth is back full time
« on: October 12, 2005, 01:19:00 pm »
Happy day!

Layonara Server / RE: Project Team Applications open once again
« on: October 10, 2005, 11:02:00 am »
Applications are now closed. I will be contacting people who have applied very soon. I hope to get to it later today, but I have a project I have to finish first. It will definitely be within a couple of days.

I'm excited to see so many apply and I look forward to having many of you help make Layonara even better than it is.

General Discussion / RE: Happy B-Day to OneST8
« on: October 10, 2005, 10:59:00 am »
Yay! Have a great birthday OneST8.

General Discussion / RE: Has this happened to anyone else
« on: October 07, 2005, 01:58:00 pm »
You might want to double check your log. It probably isn't attacking your friend. It is probably using it's drown attack which affects everyone, the tiger, your friend, and you.
The tiger got hit, your friend made his save, and you failed. I could be wrong but I don't see summons attacking friendly units unless factions get messed up somehow.

In general a lot of the water summons are evil and you really have to be careful with them because of the drown.

General Discussion / RE: Crafting exp
« on: October 07, 2005, 12:13:00 pm »
Yes, the tools required are:
1. Tradeskill journal in your inventory.
2. Pocket Calculator (Or your brain if it is good enough)

1. Look at the XP gained in the first craft and start with this number.
2. Look at the XP gained in the second craft and add it to the total.
3. Repeat step 2 for the rest of the crafts, sitching pages in the journal when necessary.

When through you will have a nice handy grand total of your crafting XP.

General Discussion / RE: A simple question regarding Weapon enhancements
« on: October 06, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
I am pretty sure that works G, but I haven't tried it because well I didn't want to lose my nice enchantment. I could try next time I'm on as a DM and see what happens.

General Discussion / RE: Had enough! (language)
« on: October 05, 2005, 04:19:00 pm »
Bryantiza - 10/5/2005  4:06 PM

I'll let it go...

also, what exactly does it mean in america?

In America it means essentially what you outlined, the difference is in America it has more derogatory undertones. To quote back at you your own example. You pointed out that Fanny is more of a cuss to you than the other word. Well in America you could say it is the other way around. Fanny is a more polite way of referring to your backside and the other is much ruder.

General Discussion / RE: It all happened on October 4th
« on: October 04, 2005, 09:58:00 am »
Your wife must love the fact that you spent your 7th wedding anniversary playing a computer game. :)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Sharing Gold.
« on: October 03, 2005, 07:17:00 pm »
Lalaith Va'lash - 10/3/2005  5:14 PM    
Talan Va'lash - 10/3/2005 8:08 PM
Ne'er - 10/3/2005 4:26 PM Well, I think the most important thing when it comes to sharing gold is that you DON'T let the Chaotic Neutral Rogue loot. Not a good idea... just a warning though :)

  What about the TN one?  *winks* Talan always lets Lala loot....  
 I'm still always amused when people actually let Vin loot for the group....

Rumour Has It / RE: The Ring Seekers gather to discuss events*
« on: September 26, 2005, 02:27:00 pm »
*Sago bustles in stepping quickly and after asking for a quick re-cap, adds...*

Sorry I'm late here and that I wasn't able to meet everyone in Saudiria. I'm glad to hear you tracked them further to Tibum. I'll be sure to meet you in Tibum for further investigations.

Points of interest:

The Bard was said to have come from Karthy not Point Harbor. The only reason we went to Point Harbor was to check on who stole the wagon from the Halfling in Stone. But it is a good thing we did as we found that man you mentioned and found out about his ring.

Further, you mentioned the third ring belonging to the healer of Azatta and a fourth of the healer of Aragen. Excellent to find out you found another ring, even it was missing in Tibum. It seems to me though that might be the fifth ring. If you recall, both women in the temple of Azatta appeared to have rings and in fact Jennara almost managed to get one of them.

Finally, we should all remember that we have an odd golden key that we found on that dead sailor in Karthy. That may come in handy should we ever find a lock.

That is correct and why I didn't put it on the list. Putting an elemental enchantment on a bronze weapon strips off the bronze properties and you basically wasted your time and money as you now effectively have a copper weapon with an enchantment.

General Discussion / RE: Layonara Con
« on: September 22, 2005, 06:42:00 am »
That's cool. We could all get together somewhere and sit around and talk about how cool it would be to be back home playing Layonara. :)

Trade and Market Hall / RE: 173 Blackford - Rooms For Let
« on: September 08, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
*A new note is posted below the other, in the above note, the 1000 gold is crossed out*

Well it appears that 1000 gold per month is too much to ask for my fine rooms. We will try 500 gold per month and see if we have any takers.

These are enchantment level reqs, not resistance, so these are for weapons. There are no platinum weapons.

We have put an end to the Maker. We gathered once again and based on information from the healer in Seilwood, we headed for the ice caves on the northern island. Our path was obstructed by demons of various powers though with my scouting none were caught unaware.

Eventually we made our way to the caves and delved their depths. We eventually found the Maker's demonic ritual and pretended to take our necessary parts. Bonded to a demon as I was, I took my place in the ritual. While this was happening, at the height of the ritual, Cole using a light step, snuck past and crept close enough to the gateway. Using instructions from the healer's research he then shattered a vial of blood on one of the stones and the phylactory on the other.

At this, the ritual was undone and the Maker extinguished. The caves started rumbling and we all ran for our lives. We made it out safely and the ring fell from my hand and the tattoo on my arm faded.

It is likely not the last time demons will haunt my life. With Blood's forces on the move, we all must be vigilent. I still will gain revenge on the foul drow, but for now Blood's armies take center stage.

General Discussion / RE: a not urgent but bothersome question.
« on: August 29, 2005, 09:19:00 pm »
I believe this is because you changed from the default head during creation. Wemic's like most of the monsterous races cannot choose their head or body attributes. The others it doesn't tend to matter, but for the Wemics you cannot change the head or it won't show up.
So someone will have to leto the character and fix the head, or more likely because you just started this character, you should probably have him deleted and do a rebuild.

Layonara Server / RE: Mondays Quest
« on: August 28, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
Yes! Yes! Yes!
*Vin does a dance of joy*

I can go on the quest now. Woohoo!

General Discussion / RE: ”Dice Bag RP”
« on: August 26, 2005, 12:17:00 pm »
As a GM here I'll tell you I use the dicebag both by forcing rolls on people or by asking for rolls from people, but I also expect that if you want to do something that you will also roll on your own and not make me ask for it.

A few examples:
1. Player wants to search for a secret door. Player types something to the effect of *Walks along the wall looking and feeling for oddities and possible doors.* Then I would hope you would then take the initiative to roll a search check without me asking. If you don't, I'll ask for one, so you might as well do it.

2. A room has a magical aura in it and those who fail a will save need to run out of the room. In this case you didn't decide to do anything, this is a check I wanted. So I'm going to either force a roll on you or ask you to roll.

3. I notice you seem stuck on a tricky riddle or puzzle. I may force an int roll on you to possibly give you a hint if it's high enough. (I've always felt if you have a smart character the player shouldn't be completely punished if he himself isn't as smart as the character.)

So basically, if I want some information I'll either force a roll or ask for it. If you want to try something whether it is searching, bending an iron bar, etc. Then please say what you are doing and then make some rolls you think would be appropriate. If I think something different applies to what you are doing, I'll ask for it, but common sense goes a long way and you should have an idea of what roll(s) will be needed.

As far as buffing. If I force a roll or ask for a roll in my opinion, pretty much only buffs currently active should apply. If on the other hand you are trying to do something and you want to buff before doing so, then go ahead. Buff up, say what you are doing, and make the roll. Or say what you are doing, buff, and make the roll.

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