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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 26
General Discussion / Re: Newbie
« on: April 06, 2006, 12:58:44 pm »
O if you need layonara_v13.rar its not in layonara_allhaks.rar its not on the download page
So you have to hack the site to get it with

Sorry but its true

Just for Fun / Re: April 15th - Doctor Who!
« on: April 02, 2006, 01:30:51 pm »
Your going to hate me for this but I worked on DW this time around what till you see the cybermens bell bottoms
hahaha, man the poor guy who had to have the out fit on all day on shoot he could only do it for 10 mins at a time
hot as hell.

heheh your going to love it O and keep an eye out for Cutter! youll see

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Ireth’s Items of Interest
« on: April 02, 2006, 01:21:25 pm »
amulet of Str +1 please

General Discussion / Re: About death and what happens after
« on: April 02, 2006, 01:17:00 pm »
"Make pies not war"

General Discussion / Re: Layonara Thanks Talan
« on: March 30, 2006, 10:05:24 am »
He will be misssed, thinking of ya good luck and Ill look out for ya posts


General Discussion / Re: Plane of Shadow?
« on: March 30, 2006, 10:02:28 am »
My PC MAc is From Sigil and knows some thing of the plains but not V layo hes lost on the Layo Prime plain and just finding out about gods
nerer mind getting to other plains, so not all bards are of use as he is one.

But ask him for the Book on the cage and cutter he'll rip you a page of lemon this side of the spin.

General Discussion / Re: Worst bug in other games
« on: March 29, 2006, 01:18:48 pm »
Black Hark Down

Shooting some one with and Graned at point blank range only to see it go throw them as the game lag mines there not where the game shows you they are.
So every one jumps every where letting the lag save them from harm.

Ever seen a war where every one PO-GOS and dos not walk

General Discussion / Re: finally online
« on: March 29, 2006, 01:37:36 am »

Been doing a small bit of work on a PS3 game and well NW2 looks kind of ok Still all Polys and Sub-dives for the critters ?
Shaders good, would like to see the interaction levels

General Discussion / Re: Doesn't it drive you crazy when...
« on: March 28, 2006, 12:14:43 pm »
Hay dos it matter about the XP is the RP right that counts thats what we keep saying right

Or dos it... *looks around with slant eyes*

General Discussion / RE: Grinding :(
« on: March 28, 2006, 04:38:07 am »
This has been a big thing with me.
Layo is one of the best RPG servers going, so most any one will tell you and in the next breath they say RP is its own reword,
but that’s not how DnD works, do you know any one who would play the same level for the 1000 of hours in a PnP game.
No you have to get a steady level fix or you adventure is not a PC there just boring NPC you just happen to be playing.
The way a DnD world works is that the farther out you go into the world the harder the challengers are, that’s how layos set up.
You move for area to area getting better but as you do the challengers get harder you then hit the limiting factor of the 10DT rule hit that and its GAME OVER start over 1000’s of game hours gone. That’s why the percentage of higher level players drops of very quickly so there is less and less RP out there in the world the farther out you go.

(unless your in a Epic team or DM’ed there)

That’s why plays hang around Hlint it RP rich and EXP poor and seeing as this is a RP server once you hit 7th level your only RP way up that level ladder is DM games its that or  10,000 hour crafting in the wilderness only popping back to sell stuff and bye more Minarets/gems/tools etc.

I my self don’t craft the RP payoffs to small for my light play.

Layo is at its hart a low level world, higher and epics there are, but few and very very hard to get, Most players to get them have put so much time Like Ozy they become more than just a player PC by that time they are part of LAyo history.

So do as I do, play for RP, think of a very good Low level PC 7th to 9th  that will get along with all levels and play that.
Also the DMS are grate as seeing players like you and me and most will set up on the spot Mine-DM games just for the fun of it.
I love them there my bread and butter and so much fun. One moment you’re sitting chatting the next Demon Spiders pop out of the drains
all the plays who are there at the time have to sort RP and play the event.. Its Spontaneous and grate fun.

So hang in there, make you PC so much fun to be with as you can and others PCs will come and find you in your time zone just to play. I played 5 PCs befor I hit on Mille Mooneyes the Map Maker, and she has had some much fun just being around
when other PCs are upto stuff as she can look after her self and will always try and help.

Dwarfen Armys have taken her along to war, Big L let her see the land of the Fey even if she did run off with a Fey boy
and miss then end of the DM game.

I think what Im trying to say is think of a PC thats can pop in and out and fit your time zone.
You can wright notes in LAyo and give them to players ingame.

Also you can set up your own Player game and as see who comes along,
Plus you dont have to ask GMs all the time I have asked long time players PCs if they will show me a place
or help me get there, for them its a grate chance for RP and fun to show off what there PCs can do after
1000 of hours getting there levels. I have seen most of the Layo world this way.

Well that’s my take

yep I know bad spelling again

General Discussion / Re: What set you down the path of D&D geekdome?
« on: March 23, 2006, 11:38:41 am »
The Women

General Discussion / Re: A letter of regret and farewell
« on: March 23, 2006, 11:37:11 am »
I left for a bit you just need it some times
If you do come back ill see you then

General Discussion / Re: Who's Your Daddy?
« on: March 23, 2006, 11:33:26 am »
Well done to your lady and you old chap
Hip hip hurray

General Discussion / Re: BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 22, 2006, 01:18:23 am »
OK time to fess up here I have worked on evey one of the Potter Films, from the chess set in one to the Shark Boy in the last one.
Its me job is all, Im most proud of the Hipogriff in HPIII, and Im now working on HPV been on the sets and all.
Dont ask me what I doing on it Ill have to kill you after, no only jokeing but the NDA with WB is nerly that harsh.
So you see as it pays my wages I LOVE THE FILMS o yes baby

O and Keep and eye out for the Directer own film looks very errr moden.

Ps who do I work for

See walking with Dinos cuz I did them.

"Spuralus VFXuss"
"CG Magicusss"

General Discussion / Re: Minerva's PC go ..phizzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
« on: March 21, 2006, 07:52:09 am »
BAck in the 90's me and my mate Apo working at RR now he had a long ongoing
argument with some IT bod about his Sun work staion playing up.
This chap had been to see him 8 or 9 times each time the Sun would work fine.
But once he went the Sun would play up once more.
Then one day things just got to a head, half way throw another Phone call with IT Shaun lot it big time,
After the call he unpluged the Sun box and carred it to the TI department which was 3 floors up.
He asked where this IT chap was and found him with out a word he then opend a window and throw the poor
Sun out into the car park Below. Shaun said this chap just looked out the window at the smashed tin and then said
"Well looks like its broken, we better get you a new one from stores"
and off he walked happy as can be.

See some times PC's need to die thats what I say

General Discussion / Re: Newbie Questions regarding Brownies
« on: March 21, 2006, 04:51:59 am »
I Play Mille Mooneyes whos I think most PCs know as shes always a dashing about.
My brownie Mille is the best PC i have ever had, shes fun and grate to play.
She Makes maps and has been with lots of other DM edvenchers.

I should say some things about brownies that are not on the web site.

In game a lot of the PC brownies like to be called "Quickling" not "brownie"
Its just sound better and well brownies sounds like an insolt but your PC my like it
you will see why when your PC is in game they move very fast.

Also brownies are related to Halfling but they are also Fey
So there looks can be from ether group. I would say Green Skin is ok.
Mille has green hair from her Fey side etc

Most brownies/Quicklings from the start talk Halfling and the Tool (halfling ear for this)
is of grate use in game, Mille aften talks to halflings V thing in game.

Also Size wise Quicklings take a hit with weapons so a Raipa is a 2 handed weapon to a brownies
Rember that. But you get back +1AC for small size so it evens out.

Magic resetance is very good, but its only 10 keep that in mind when your out and about.

In game some brownies use the world "Tall" or "Talls" to any body not a brownie as that what they are to a Quickling.
So Hlint is the "Talls City" etc.

Rembers brownies love fun and tricks so if you ever do a miss click or some thing dumb in game
just RP it as a Quicklings sense if fun. You will find the other Pcs very forgiving as we all mess up some times.

Don't be afread to stay back and hide its the Quickling way to hide, run, fight in a world of talls its the only thing that can keep you alive some times.

Last of all, in game a long cape realy helps other PC see your very small Quicklings on DM games
It Dos not afeact your Hide or MS skills just helps other playes see ya in the tall grass.

Well right him/her up and Look for Mille in game
See you soon.

A mage Quickling would have a lot of fun riding there Fimiler around.
A raven or dog, very cool RP stuff there or you could have a male Quickling
who wife is his Pixe Fimilers where she thinks its the other way around he is hers.
Now that would be funny RP

General Discussion / Re: BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 21, 2006, 04:40:55 am »
On harry potter

Well seeing as Dumbeldoor is not dead! why the clues are there I say.

If JK dos what I think shes going to do, then there will be at least
3 new main players in the next book, all Headed for that last act we all hopeing for



But also Ask your self If snape has a brother who would it be.

General Discussion / Re: BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 21, 2006, 04:33:51 am »
>Ugh... no offence to anyone who likes them but I cannot read the Lord of the Rings book

Your not wrong there what with Tom Bomerdil
I resd the Simlirreallostonenomblebluuber book
Tolkins alter history

O man was I dead bord

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: March 20, 2006, 05:14:37 am »
I have had some grate news, I have been told of a place where magic dos not work and where only darkness proviles may be this is the place where thows that use shadows as Abi says live? I must find this place and see it my suspition is true.

Also I have seen Abis shade, hes tall and seems to pull darkness around himself

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: March 19, 2006, 11:55:26 am »
My life has been non-stop of late and now I have desided to right down the adventuers I have had of late.

Well I have my home now in Hlint and its a nice town, the talls are happry with me around and I have made some good freands.
Best of all is Mr Ozy and Abi who look after me when we head out into the wilds.

Mr Ozy is very olds and knows so much about the world and history, he tolded me of the Blood wars and the end of the land of the fey.
I fell sad about thats but not long ago I and a lot of others when to a place where the fey of old live.
I met there queen and she told me about there hiding away, I also met a nice fey boy who sang such sweet songs to me.

O how I wish I could lead  the other Quicklings to thos fine land, but I promested the queen I will not tell a soul how to get
to her lands.
It was such A fine place and there skills are so fine the things thay make from there biulding to there tools.
I could go on and on.

My map makeing has been taking much of my time, after the theft of my of stone which I made after my trip there
I have been more carfull with them.

I have mapped out most of the sea roots as well as most of Hlint and Madestone the copper and Iron mines
But I still need more skills in getting to the harder places. Abi has been showing me some I have to try and
feel the night but what do that meen, hear shadow it sound so odd it makes no sence.

any the adventuers I have had, I folowed an amy of dwarfs into the underdark to kill a demon long changed
I have investegated a murdar and then found a body, seen a seal open from another plain and let cratuers
in from the halls of choes. I have fuert Demon Spiders and teviled all over the world.

But my maps are still my gole and im trying so hard to get my work done.

I asked Abi to make for me some lever armer like hers which better bleands into the shadows and will help me.
Abi like pink but I like green better, i have them now and they fit so well.
I have also payed for 2 rings which which have magics that help me hide and move around in my mapping.
It has made such a difarnce as has the new inks I have which are now red and bluse not just back.
Some day ill find a good green one but untill then.

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