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Messages - Ne'er

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Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: June 08, 2006, 11:40:58 am »

Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:45:07 am »
*head hurts from the odd ways to make numbers and the math*

188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199 and...

200! Now we have 9,800 more to go. We're 1/50 of the way there!

Just for Fun / Re: Strange class combinations
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:39:43 am »
AS for the Monk/Bard, its possible in NWN, just not Layo. You can alternate levels but you have to shift alignments in between each level that you take one of the classes. So you could go 5 monk, switch to non-lawful. Then go 5 bard. Then switch back to lawful and repeat. RP wise and logically its stupid and impossible, but mechanics wise that is how it works in NWN.

Its the same for the Paladin/Bard too... although the character described by Lonnarin sounds like a pretty nifty character.

Another combo I've wanted to try was a Bard/Weapon Master/Duelist. I thought that would be pretty nifty as well.

Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: June 03, 2006, 01:44:38 pm »
167.... only 9,833 to go :P

Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: June 03, 2006, 04:37:04 am »
156, 157, 158

Hey, gratz. I'm still a good 2 years away from graduating, and not reeally in much of a hurry, but at the same time sort of wish it were happening to me :). All the seniors left recently at my school too, so its weird having a lot of the people I'm used to seeing leave all of a sudden.

Ill go to the movies or to the mall to get something, but I won't walk around the neighboorhood aimlessly like a moron...*grins*

That happens to be fun to walk around the neighborhood aimlessly. I do that all the time, as well as go for runs when I can. Its a good way to just relax :P.

General Discussion / Re: Into the Underdark - Rescuing Darren
« on: May 31, 2006, 03:56:57 pm »
The weather's been great lately, so go out and enjoy. Being from New England I know how you have to enjoy the good weather when you got it :). Have fun.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday DMOE
« on: May 30, 2006, 05:51:12 pm »
Woo! Happy birthday. Enjoy the cake!

General Discussion / Re: The Offical Kudos Thread
« on: May 30, 2006, 01:19:20 pm »
Kudos to L for leading the world.

Kudos to orth, oneST8, and Dorg for all the technical stuff youguys do for us.

Kudos to the GM team (as a whole) for the quests that make Layo as awesome as it is.

Kudos to Ice for showing me the ropes of the DM trade.

And kudos to everyone who put up with me when I just started DMing, to those that have made playing Layo enjoyable for me, and for those of you who continue to work behind the scenes to make sure everything goes like clockwork. You all know who you are. :)

General Discussion / Re: half giants duel weild
« on: May 30, 2006, 01:15:01 pm »
They can't dual-wield large as a large creature. Its just how the game is. Yes, medium size creatures can dual-wield medium sized weapons (i.e. dwarven waraxes, longswords, etc.) But the giants and all other large creatures (even the NPCs and monsters) are not capable of doing so.

Why? I'm not wholly sure, but I would imagine it relates to issues with the toolset. Perhaps something along the lines of animations, or other technical stuff I don't understand. Bear in mind that half-giants and other large creatures were not originally designed to be a playable race, so the game was not originally planning to have to worry about the issue of large creatures dual-wielding.

So in short, the largest weapon you can have in an off-hand is a medium weapon. Why? Because that's how the game works.

Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: May 29, 2006, 03:13:12 am »
venti tre... which is Italian for 23

Wild Surge Inn / Re: The Wicked End
« on: May 29, 2006, 03:10:24 am »
*Jet hears the news and is at first speechless at the loss of his friend. He later would reflect on Cole's passing*

" He died with his blade in his hand, and I would guess swinging the whole way down. Some how I think he would rather go like that than any other way."

*Jet then gives himself a solemn nod and continues on*

Just for Fun / Re: Strange class combinations
« on: May 22, 2006, 03:34:40 pm »
Philosopher - 5/21/2006  12:15 PM

I was looking on the epic builds on the offical site, and they have like a super-healer build - but it takes levels in the pale master prestage....WHY!? WHY!? Palemaster with a cleric seems an odd combo to RP.

Those builds are power-builds solely. They have the palemaster levels for the abilities that are available, not for any RP purpose of the class.

Layonara Server / Re: Welcome to the new Project Team members
« on: May 20, 2006, 03:30:34 am »
Welcome aboard all, and congrats!

Just for Fun / Re: Strange class combinations
« on: May 20, 2006, 03:29:44 am »
Paladin/Bard. Need I say more?

Layonara Server / Re: Welcome aboard Egoober
« on: May 20, 2006, 03:24:21 am »
welcome aboard, man! Congrats

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: May 19, 2006, 01:46:58 pm »
Happy birthday! Enjoy the cake!

General Discussion / Re: To the lazy corn collector
« on: May 14, 2006, 08:31:14 am »
SOmetimes you don't have to go to the spawn itself to trigger them. Just near the area. The sugar spawn you're talking about I believe just spawns ogres when you are in the area, and sometimes those ogres go a little close to the road. Like it has been said, its one element of the game and you have to be prepared for wandering monsters.

General Discussion / Re: Today its your Birthday
« on: May 07, 2006, 10:57:59 am »
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the cake

General Discussion / Re: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« on: May 07, 2006, 06:25:09 am »
Shadowblade225 - 5/5/2006  1:06 PM

I'm personally not a big fan of prestige classes.  Glad to see shadowdancer isn't on the list, but I'm sure it will be eventually. *Shrugs* I think they're overpowered.  Argue if you will.  I doubt you could sway me :)

I'll agree that Hide in Plain Sight is overpowered. But then if you look at the other abilities shadowdancers get (with the exception of the summon), they aren't that great.

I liked shadowdancers a lot better in PnP, and they were actually my favorite class then. Sadly, its  tough to relay a lot of the PnP aspect of Shadowdancers into NWN.

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