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Messages - Pseudonym

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Just for Fun / Re: Christmas songs
« on: December 19, 2010, 06:21:55 am »
Quote from: minerva
Lets go for the non traditional ...
 Six White Boomers

I thought you said you were going for the non-traditional??? That's an Aussie classic!

Just for Fun / Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« on: December 19, 2010, 06:19:42 am »
*learning letters with 5 yr old daughter (ie. the 7 yr old cynic's little sister)*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'A'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'A'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'A'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'a'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'B'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'B'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'B'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'b'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'C'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'C'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'C'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'c'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'D'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'D'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'D'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'd'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'E'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'E'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'E'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'e'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'F'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'F'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'F'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'f'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'G'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'G'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'G'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'g'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'H'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'H'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'H'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'h'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'I'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'I'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'I'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'i'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'J'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'J'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'J'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'j'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'K'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'K'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'K'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'k'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'L'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'L'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'L'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'l'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'M'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'M'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'M'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'm'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'N'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'N'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'N'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'n'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'O'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'O'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'O'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'o'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'P'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'P'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'P'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'p' (after stifled giggle)*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Q'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'Q'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'Q'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'q'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'R'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'R'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'R'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'r'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'S'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'S'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'S'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 's'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'T'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'T'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'T'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 't'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'U'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'U'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'U'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'u'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'V'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'V'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'V'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'v'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'W'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'W'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'W'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'w'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'X'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'X'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'X'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'x'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Y'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a big 'Y'*
Pseudo - "Now a little 'Y'"
*5 yr old daughter writes a little 'y'*

Pseudo - "Write a big 'Z'"
5 yr old daughter (outraged) - "Hey! You're getting me to do the whole alphabet!!"

Just for Fun / Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« on: December 18, 2010, 05:39:50 pm »
Mrs Pseudo (responding to some wrongdoing) - "If you're naughty, then Santa doesn't bring you as many presents."

Pseudo's 7 yr old daughter - "I don't believe that, I think that's a myth."

Rumour Has It / Re: Seeking Information Regarding Slain Gnomes
« on: December 12, 2010, 03:21:20 am »
*Sometime later, a man and a woman approach the parchment with its ever-increasing series of additions. The man reads for a moment then turns slightly towards his female companion.*

"Liselle. You've read Argali's response?"

"Yes, Lord Arkolio."

"Did I miss an apology in there somewhere amidst the threats?"


"Did I miss an admission of eternal midget-ey love for Fenrir ... or even a blushing refutation?"


"Would you say I had been clear with my conditions upon which I would hear Argali's claim for the gnome's possessions?"


"I thought as much ... and people think I am arrogant. What do you think?"

"I have no thoughts on the matter."

"Fair enough. Shall we?"

*The man offers his arm (which the woman declines) before walking away, toward the harbor*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Hlint Relief Auction #1
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:49:09 pm »
50,000 Tr if you throw a Rod III or IV of any extraction in on the deal.

Arkolio Salvorre

Introduce Yourself / Re: Checking in
« on: December 10, 2010, 06:32:34 pm »
*waves* Nice to see ya!

Rumour Has It / Re: Seeking Information Regarding Slain Gnomes
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:34:08 pm »
*A response is inked on one of Argali's messages*

Argali Trueaxe,

I have information about deceased gnomes in the Silkwood Forest. Indeed, I also have their possessions. I, however, don't like the inferences in your note about how such may have come into my possession.

Make public apology here for your presumption and also declare your true feelings towards Fenrir Thornaxe and I shall perhaps consider hearing your claim for their possessions.

Any hint of false apology or false refutation about your feelings and the items go into the harbor.

*the response is (wisely) unsigned*

General Discussion / Re: Another of one of those days . For Alazira..
« on: December 02, 2010, 04:50:15 pm »
It's the time of year when all cool people were born'd! Happy birthday :)

General Discussion / Re: Dagda
« on: December 02, 2010, 12:05:34 am »
Thanks Dagda, in addition to all else, for endeavoring to use WLs as plot hooks instead of easier-to-manage and far less petulant NPCs.

Take care.

Now that 3 minute afk nine months ago makes sense!!

Buy a TV man!! It's way cheaper in the long run!

Just kidding, congrats!!  :)

Just for Fun / Re: Character theme songs
« on: November 22, 2010, 08:22:48 pm »
Sometimes, in those rare moments of introspection, Ark might sing this to himself.

General Discussion / Re: Long time no see......
« on: November 21, 2010, 03:51:08 pm »

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Sorcerer Teleportation
« on: November 20, 2010, 06:36:36 pm »
A discussion that touches upon this (amongst other ideas).

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Hellblazer!
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:47:42 am »
Happy, happy birthday!!

Just for Fun / Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« on: November 19, 2010, 06:28:48 pm »
*Bed time at the Pseudo household. Pseudo is saying goodnight to 7 year old daughter*

Pseudo - "Nigh night sweety."

Daughter - "Dad?"

Pseudo - "Yep?"

Daughter - "Some people think war is this great big adventure  *lengthy pause of consideration*  but they don't know what war is really like."

*Pseudo leaves, wondering how a 7 year old girl knows what war is really like ...*

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Anamnesis
« on: November 09, 2010, 01:32:45 am »
Happy, happy birthday!!

Foot in the door for Arkolio - will PM you my demands for world domination.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Good acts
« on: November 07, 2010, 03:44:04 am »
Is it evil? Why is it evil?

From dandwiki;

If the creature's alignment was different from yours, the corpse gets a Will save to resist the spell as if it were alive.
This spell does not let you actually speak to the person (whose soul has departed). It instead draws on the imprinted knowledge stored in the corpse. The partially animated body retains the imprint of the soul that once inhabited it, and thus it can speak with all the knowledge that the creature had while alive.

If the questioner and 'questionee' have differing alignments, the questionee gets a save. Not otherwise. Doesn't that imply the pain, the wrench, the trauma of the questioning is not from the questioning itself but instead only from some lack of harmony, some incongruity between the entities involved?

I'd have thought this one example where, given the inanimate nature of the matter involved, this particular question of good and evil is all about the ends over the means.

Sorry about the thread derail. Acacea * started it.

* almost

Just for Fun / Re: Darkstorme's Word of the Day
« on: November 06, 2010, 01:19:30 pm »
Yep, I did.

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