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Messages - Lareth

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70,000 for one emerald.


55,000 for one emerald is bid, or 105,000 for both.


General Discussion / Re: Baby girl
« on: October 16, 2009, 08:06:28 am »
Congratulations :)

I had a thought which I'm sure would likely be horrible to try and script... but could we get it so that..

If lvl 10 or less preserve the cap on what is paid out e.g. 35000 but only count amounts say over 50gp (insert whatever amount) towards that, thereby allowing you to sell all those low level scrolls, star.dusts etc. even when the big money has run out.

For everyone else, just keep it the way it is.

I don't think that would harm the economy too badly, after all when I play my lowest lvl pc Damon, most all of his ready cash gets spent on heal kits, and new equipment.  So it would be nice if he knows he can get rid of it, and pick himself up a quick 10 stack of bandages, and not hoard it all until a reset means he can get rid of it.

Layonara Server / Re: Version 3.21.4 is online
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:59:43 pm »
You guys rule!!! Thanks for all the effort you put in :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Vrebel's Chest Sale
« on: September 14, 2009, 10:49:38 pm »
10,000 for the Cloak of Resistance is bid.

~Alassir Vil'Drazzic~

General Discussion / Re: Done.
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:28:51 pm »
Congratulations :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Auctions of traveling treasures!
« on: August 22, 2009, 08:46:19 am »
//What are the Broken Scales?  Armor or something else?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Old Bard's Stuff
« on: August 09, 2009, 09:55:17 pm »
I'd like the Duergar Full Plate for 15,000 trues.

~Alassir Vil'drazzic~

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's Stuffs for Sale
« on: July 26, 2009, 12:41:50 pm »
Master Chakar,

If they are still available I would like to purchase the Stone's boots of protection for 3,000 trues.

*Damon Silverdawn*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Oma's bazaar
« on: July 25, 2009, 09:18:48 am »
2,000 trues for the cloak of elvenkind, I'll take it.

~Damon Silverdawn~

I was thinking about this as a suggestion for refilling the pawn shop monies for lower level folks, without unbalancing the game by bringing too much money into the system.

Use an entry tax to the city to replenish the pawn shop cash, it could be fairly low and increase by level, so say 2gp / Level each time you enter port hempstead, sort of like having to speak to the master of entry at Prantz.. "That'll be 16 true to enter the city sir.. but ye look as though ye'd be able to afford that easy enough...".

  That would refill the coffers enough that a low level pc could sell some of the things that they find, most of which only go for less than 50gp, whilst not being enough to allow the higher levels to dump off their excess crafting stocks - by the time it would have gone up enough to allow the sale of a stack of fire opals, I would imagine that a the lower level folks will have drained it down.

General Discussion / Re: Announcing! The Gypsy's Gala
« on: July 03, 2009, 06:53:24 pm »
I would like to reserve two tickets also.

~Lareth Vathach~

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Zarianna's Clothes for All Occaisions
« on: June 23, 2009, 10:27:30 pm »
**A letter is delivered to 125 Leringard**

Dear Lady Zari,

I would like to order something to wear to the upcoming fete at the Leringard Arms, as I hear that it will be a party of special magnificence, and my current rags will simply not do at all.  Please let me know when would be a good time to stop by for a fitting.

With Kindest Regards

~Lareth Vathach~

~Fighting like the wind~

It's been many months since last I had time, and inclination to dip quill in ink and record my thoughts here.  I feel almost as if I have been letting myself slide with this, in order to gain mastery in other areas, or is that just an excuse?  In any event, much has been learnt by me, at least in my skills with the blade, though perhaps not so much in other areas, such as discretion and temperance.

My dealings with the Angels Guild have once more shown to be a most profitable arrangement, their acceptance of trade goods in lieu of coin has allowed me to stretch my budget and equip myself well.  This, if not my skill, has proven invaluable in preserving my hide. Which is just as well given it seems my propensity for finding trouble, even in the most innocuous of places.  I'll be hoping to stop in there again soon, as there's a good deal more that I think I'll need, just as soon as my coin allows.

Now as to the folks that I have met, well of late they've been an interesting, and at times salty crew I must say.  Perhaps that is doing them an injustice?  If so, I doubt that they'll mind.  Hmm, the lady Endra, now that's an interesting lass, quite the spirit, and handy with a blade too.  Perhaps the most interesting thing I've seen of late was a new style of attack, quite by chance too I might add.  Having gone into the spider caves past Hempstead on the way to the desert looking for silk, I happened to run into a fellow by the name of Redri Phendrake, gave me quite a start too at first, seeing as he was all surrounded by castings of the Al'Noth, and with fire running up what had the look of a Halberd.  But being it seems a personable chap, and having said our hellos, we decided to see what trouble we might find in the lower caves.  I'm more than glad to say I made his acquaintance, as we fought our way lower, through the bugs and other nastys I got to observe a most amazing attack style, he struck almost like a tempest, a spinning attack that put everything in reach of his blade in danger.. which could of course explain why he was using such a bleeding huge pole axe.. Fascinating though, and I think some thing that I can attempt to learn, as coupled with my increasing speed and skill with my rapier, this will prove a very deadly technique, this attack like the wind itself.  All in all, a good fellow, one whom I hope to fight alongside again, as we proved ourselves well able to defeat some foes most deadly, in fact quite beyond that which I ever imagined myself being able to defeat.  I brag not here, we felled a creature with many eyes that floated in the air, only later did I find out that this is called a Beholder, and is something which can strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned warriors.  So it is with some pride that I am able to say that this fell before our blades, but with some honesty that I can say it is good that I knew not it's name before I attacked, else I doubt I would have held my nerve to face such a hideous beast.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Looking for silk and arabic gum.
« on: June 19, 2009, 04:56:37 pm »
I have 2 boxes of silk ready now if you still need them.

*Alassir Vil'Drazzic*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's Stuffs for Sale
« on: June 14, 2009, 08:08:54 am »
I would like to buy the Silver Slippers, if you still have them.

~Alassir Vil'Drazzic~

General Discussion / Re: Advanced Crafting Hall outside Hempstead?
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:04:44 pm »
True, but I think the authorities in Mariners Hold are as Dark Elf tolerant as Hempstead ;)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Serissa!
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:33:44 pm »
Happy Birthday :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Serissa!
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:57:20 pm »
Happy Birthday:)

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