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Messages - Alatriel

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 98
General Discussion / Yes, but that is a reserve
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:50:27 pm »

Yes, but that is a reserve that we're pulling from in cases where we don't have enough so that we don't end up with a "donate or we're gone" type scenario in the future.  We're keeping the numbers open and public so that everyone can see, but we still need monthly donations.

Introduce Yourself / Epic monologues!  And here I
« on: January 06, 2014, 12:10:33 pm »

Epic monologues!  And here I was so close to deleting my dark ear again...

Ask A Gamemaster / Sorry Alkain, been under the
« on: January 05, 2014, 05:20:53 pm »

Sorry Alkain, been under the weather.  You don't really need to use an exact date if you keep things vague.  I don't have the exact date right now, but if anyone else who has been in game knows that would be useful.  My advice would just be to keep things vague unless you really needed specifics.

Ask A Gamemaster / [GM/CA input] You're
« on: January 02, 2014, 09:14:00 pm »

[GM/CA input] You're definitely welcome to create a Sun Elf character from Voltrex.  It's not restricted to have a character from there.  However, once a Voltrexian Elf leaves his/her homeland they are not allowed to permanently reside there again (in any normal circumstances).  They wouldn't have to necessarily be kicked out or shamed into leaving (unless you wanted them to be!), and other than the fact that they chose to go live amongst the non-elves (disgusting!), they wouldn't be so much dishonored really, just... well, looked down upon for choosing lesser beings over their own kind. 

So... go for it! *smiles*

General Discussion / Steel will never beat Richard
« on: December 07, 2013, 01:18:19 am »

Steel will never beat Richard Watchman at Creature Cards.

Development Journals and Discussion / The first year with Abigaile
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:02:42 pm »

The first year with Abigaile had gone by too quickly.  Now her little girl was walking and starting to talk, and more and more, Daniella had started to feel the urge to return to the field.  Jaedon was adamantly against the idea, but it was clear that the more he protested, the more he knew that it was inevitable.  Neither of them could cease to be who they were.  Daniella would hug her daughter, sing to her, and kiss her small hurts away with the power from Toran to heal them as any mother would, but she began to grow more and more distant with each new report from her men and women in the field.  She was a leader, but she was not a ruler.  The arguments between her and Jaedon grew more frequent about her role within their relationship and her role as one of Toran’s own.  Raised voices were common in their section of the castle, but Daniella’s heart panged with guilt whenever their daughter was near during one of their spats. 

“Jaedon, we can’t keep doing this to ourselves.  It’s not fair to either of us, and it’s not fair to Abigaile,” she finally told him one morning.

Jaedon frowned.  “You know my thoughts.  Why do we have to go over this again?  You simply keep fighting me.”

Daniella fought her instinct as she could feel the ire rising within her.  “I’m not trying to fight,” she said as calmly as she could.  “I’m trying to put a stop to the fighting.  We need a solution.”

He looked at her, and then at his plate.  He was silent for a few moments.  She continued slowly, testing the waters.  “I’ve been thinking about this a great deal.  There’s simply something missing.  I can’t keep hiding here and pretending that this feeling doesn’t exist.”  She took a deep breath.  I’ve been here with you now for two years, but I just keep feeling like my time is up.  It’s like…”  she pursed her lips in thought.  “It’s like the air keeps being taken from my lungs.  The longer I stay, the harder it is to breathe.”

He didn’t look up.  “So that’s it then?  You said you would be my wife, and yet you’re going to leave?  What about our daughter?”

It was Daniella’s turn to look at her plate.

“Daniella, she needs a mother.”

“I know,” she whispered quietly. 

Jaedon pushed his chair away from the table and walked away without another word.  Daniella looked at her plate, feeling the emptiness of the room and the blossoming ache in her chest.  It wasn’t that she didn’t love Jaedon Siphe.  She did.  The life he promised her was one that would be a welcome challenge, and it was one where they could be a family with their daughter.  But it wasn’t her.  There was an emptiness in her being and the distance she felt from her god was palpable in this place.

Rumour Has It / ///Just shoot me a PM.  I'm a
« on: December 01, 2013, 06:35:35 pm »

///Just shoot me a PM.  I'm a lot better at keeping up with PMs than threads.

When you do, include any relevant research experience/skills, specialty knowledge in related subject, NPC contacts etc.

General Discussion / Finally have a custom
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:19:09 pm »

Finally have a custom portrait for Daniella!

Development Journals and Discussion / They led her in and left her
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:29:22 pm »

They led her in and left her there.  The room swirled with the scents of incense and magic.  She drew closer to the marble pool and intook a deep breath as the magic awakened beneath her touch, sending prickles through her skin, making her come alive again.  As always, the water beckoned her.

She closed her eyes and took a few breaths, feeling the pull of the magic, the need, the desire, but did her best to resist.

"I have nothing to look for," she pleaded, perhaps wishing for the pull to cease, or wishing for it to grow stronger with purpose.

"Pretty, isn't it?"  The voice was lush, distorted by the influence of the incense.

"Yes."  Rose's voice breathed out with her desire for the pool, not only its intricacies, but the power it contained.

"Come sit," the woman's voice beckoned her with a gentle, yet commanding tone.  This was not a request.

Reluctantly, Rose let go of the pool and turned to go towards the voice and the offered seat, doing as she was told. 

The woman radiated her own power that was only accentuated by her fitted dress that complimented her coloring perfectly.  "Rose is it?" she asked with a slight smile.

Rose blinked, her mind foggy from the incense.  She nodded slowly.

"Good.  You may address me as mistress for now."  She smiled again.  "I'm told you might like to work for Xeen, that you have a very special type of Gift."

"Yes mistress."

Mistress tipped her head to the side.  "Is that what you think I want to hear, or is that the truth?"

Through the fog, Rose struggled.  "I..."  she rubbed her forehead and took a couple deep breaths.  "I don't know, mistress."

Mistress smiled again. "Fair enough.  It has been rather trying fo ryou lately, so I hear."  She paused slightly.  "You seem to be recovering as expected, however.  Perhaps you are not beyond salvaging, hmm?"

Rose wrung her hands, appreciating the feel of her own skin to keep her grounded.  There was no other voice in her head to help her.  "Things are broken," she admitted.  "I'm broken."

"We are all broken in our lives at some point, Rose," the Mistress offered.  "Every one of us.  It is how we build ourselves back up that matters.  Would you like to build yoruself back up?"

Rose nodded.

"I won't lie to you," Mistress continued.  "I'm not offering you freedom.  You will remain a slave, but you will have a purpose greater than serving the whims and whistles of some blowhard.  You will get to play with that power you have, so long as you do so constructively.  Is that interesting?"

Rose listened as the words cut through the fog to her understanding, then nodded.

"Show me what you can do, Rose.  Convince me."  She paused and smiled, a touch wickedly.  "You may use the pool you were admiring."

Rose looked up and took a deep breath, searching for the Mistress and holding on to her image even as the fog threatened to engulf her.  "What am I to look for, mistress?"

She pressed her lips and studied Rose.  "Show me the object of your affections."

Confusion cut through the fog like a knife, knocking Rose side to side in her awareness.  There was no affection.  There hadn't been in a long time.  There was desire, longing, need, but not affection.  "The object of my..."  She shook her head to clear it.  "I don't... I don't understand."

"Show me something you want, Rose."  The mistress's tone became cool, and her eyes narrowed warningly.

Rose's heart jumped in awareness, pounding, and her hands began to sweat.  She lowered her eyes and stood, uncertain.  She moved to the pool and laid her hands against its cool marble and closed her eyes.  Once again, the pool came to life, sending jolts of electric power up through her fingertips as it awakened.  As it did so, Rose took a breath and searched for the one thing she knew she wanted more than anything.

The pool flashed to life, the water flickering and then brightening to the reflectiveness of a mirror.  It smoothed away like a pane of glass.  Colors began to swirl around as the magic sought in the direction it was sent.  A moment passed, then another, and another.  The power of the pool and the magic began to fill the seeker, flowing in and out of her.  The desire and fullfillment was overwhelming, and she continued to seek.  Slowly, a form began to coalesce in the still reflective waters.  Purple fog filled the space, condensing down into a cloth, then wrapping, snake-like, around the neck of a humanoid form.  It began to wind its way down around the form, clothing it, but somehow electrifying it in the process.  Sparks of visible power arched away from the body where ever the electric cloth touched it.  The vision flowed down the form with the movement of the cloth, then drew back.  Tendrils of color of black, blue, green, yellow, and more drew toward the figure as the vision expanded. 

Rose's face appeared, floating in space, overlayed, yet not directly part of the body.  Her eyes rolled upward, sparking light flashing randomly from her irises.  Her loose hair blowed dramatically as if from an updraft, whipping around violently. 

It was desire, longing, need... ecstasy.  But the pleasure continued to build more and more, begining to send the thrum and hum of the energy up the Rose's arms.  Electric magic drilled into her bones in her fingers, then her hands, and then upward to her wrists and arms.  The pain mixed with pleasure to fuel her desire as she continued to hold on and ride the waves of power. 

The color continued to build, filling the image of the Seer with more and more magic and light.  The form swelled and her mouth opened, expelling a shock of white light.

The pain increased, spreading further upward into the Seer's shoulders and neck.

The colors darkened, spilling more red around and around the cloth on the form, dark and dangerous.  Pain shot light lightning up through her head and down into her womb.

And the darkness swallowed her once more.


Development Journals and Discussion / The visions came as she dug
« on: November 11, 2013, 07:54:56 pm »

The visions came as she dug deeper and deeper.  Futures brought to present, then the past mixed in, all the same.   Dominic was there, in her grasp and she pulled from him to fuel her search.  He coughed.  There was blood.  So much more blood than she ever would have imagined.

He collapsed.

She screamed.

The fog rolled in and swirled around her, pulling her from the sight of others. 

She ran.

The Mistress pulled Rose back away from the danger as plans were made, and travels taken across the sea, leaving in the dead of night before they came for her.

In the silence of the fog, Rose waited, huddled, wrapped in her own being.

"I didn't mean to."

"Shh, Rose, quiet now."

"Not again.  I can't go back there again."

"Quiet.  All will be well.  Wait and be still."

The broken bracelet fell from her hand and sank into the depths of the cold, dark swirling seas, and Rose was still.

Rose was still as they tended to her broken mind and body and slowly, little by little, it was safe again to emerge here and there. Bree pulled her out of her hiding place.  Mai taught her to find her center.  Ember watched silently, ensuring it was safe.

Through the fractured sections of time, pieces filtered in, filling in the broken void of space between the horrors of past and future brought to future.


Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rather than disturb her, Rose
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:42:39 am »

Rather than disturb her, Rose slides down and sits down against the wall next to the door to wait.  She draws up her knees for a place to rest her head, settling in for as long as necessary.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose takes a few bites of the
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:18:00 am »

Rose takes a few bites of the food and lifts the mug to sniff its contents before tasting it.  She looks out the window and up at the sky, then into the courtyard and returns to finish off the rest of the food given without even bothering to light a candle.


After she finishes her meal and drinks the water given, she opens her door and peeks out and then heads down the corridor towards where she thinks her Mistress might likely be.


Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose gets out of bed and
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:11:36 am »

Rose gets out of bed and semi-cautiously moves to the table, uncovering the tray.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose stares at the ceiling in
« on: November 09, 2013, 01:02:25 am »

Rose stares at the ceiling in confusion for some time before she finally sits up with a start, looking herself over for injury, and looking for her Mistress.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose seems unconcerned about
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:43:56 am »

Rose seems unconcerned about her Mistress's irritation, her attention focused on something else as she moves towards a scrying glass and touches its edge and looks into the reflective surface.  "It's calling me.  I'm supposed to See this."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / She intakes a long breath,
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:35:13 am »

She intakes a long breath, then exhales slowly, closing her eyes as she places a hand on the table to steady herself.  "Mistress... I can feel it calling me.  There's something I'm supposed to see."  She lets out another slow breath.  "Oh, I've missed this..." she whispers.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose pauses in what she is
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:24:49 am »

Rose pauses in what she is doing and tilts her head, focusing her senses on the strange, yet so familiar sensation.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Though the letter set her
« on: November 08, 2013, 09:08:04 am »

Though the letter set her back a bit in her routine, it isn't too long before she settles back into how things were before.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose still seems shaken as
« on: November 08, 2013, 12:15:51 am »

Rose still seems shaken as she eats her dinner.  She is quiet and pensive, and gladly accepts any distraction that Bree offers to take her mind off of the letter.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose nods.  "I don't want
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:50:28 pm »

Rose nods.  "I don't want it."

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