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Messages - Teo

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General Discussion / Might be a good start into
« on: February 21, 2014, 04:30:03 pm »
Might be a good start into the world for my new character (Kelvaron Al'dunii)

Ask A Gamemaster / Thanks for the clarification!
« on: February 16, 2014, 07:06:45 pm »
Thanks for the clarification!

Development Journals and Discussion /           Luck1. An event
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:32:32 pm »


1. An event apparently brought on by chance rather than by one's own actions.


Why did I survive? Why is it that, out of all the dark elves in the deep, I was one of those who decided that the rituals were foolish? And then, I was one of the very few who survived to the surface. Even past that, I survived on the surface from the assault that came from my kin, the surfacers, and wild beasts. I have been on the surface for a long time... What were the chances that I should be alive to this point? Many planets must have aligned in order for me to be sitting here... At camp with Layla, awaitng Kal with news on the next action to persue my redemption...

I must wonder why Kal decided I should be left behind from going to the Ilsarians... and why he thought Layla needed to stay and watch me. She is much more trusting than Kal, seeing as how she is sleeping. If I was going to sneak off or do whatever Kal thought I was going to do, I would not see much resistance. Perhaps I will build his trust and respect... But I get the feeling that, deep down, he feels that all he is doing is keeping me out of trouble. I suppose he is trying to help... but if he didn't trust me, why would he leave me here alone with Layla? If I were one of my kin who do not think like I do, she might not see sunrise. Although she will, because I have reconised how foolish my kin are. I can see why he cares about her... I must wonder what it is like to care about someone in the way he seems to about her. Maybe once I am redeemed I will find time for that, but now is not the time to think about the future... I must focus on the present. 

Development Journals and Discussion /          Loathing1. a feeling
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:00:36 pm »


1. a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred.


Perhaps there is no way to redeem myself fully of my heritage. The loathing that the surfacers feel for me may not change, no matter if I carry a spider flag, nor if I wear Az'atta's signs. Yes, I may prove myself to those who know me... But perhaps this mask I wear can never be cast off. My obsidian mask... My grinning skull, which I have worn since I reached the surface. It represents the insanity and death that surounds me... And when I cast it off, I wish to cast off what it represents in the same motion. But perhaps that is not possible. No matter what I do, I will be shuned and loathed by some. I will be hated by those who do not know I would be redeemed. Perhaps I need to do a deed for a town... At least have one location where I can be free of the mask, free of what I am.

Perhaps I can never truely of what I was born as. 

Development Journals and Discussion /           Revenge1. the
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:20:39 pm »


1. the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.


Is revenge wrong? Is the repayment of a harmful deed evil? For on this path to redemption... If revenge is wrong, I have one last wrong deed to complete. Velen Sunstride. He is linked to my kin. He speaks the language of the dark elfs, his house, 122 Leringard, is liked to them. I do not yet know how, or why, but it is my last act of questionable intentions. Do I do this to teach him wrong from right? Do I do it to pay him back for his connection to my kin? Or do I do it out of curiosity? Whatever the reason, I feel an urge to find out what he is doing. And I feel as if that process has a high chance of ending in revenge on the dark elf who poisoned me.



Roleplaying / Thanks to Ni'haer, Layla, and
« on: February 02, 2014, 12:07:38 pm »

Thanks to Ni'haer, Layla, and Kal for some fun last night with my darkie! And I was so close to figuring it out :-)

Ask A Gamemaster / Alright, thanks for that link
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:28:59 pm »

Alright, thanks for that link and the information!

Ask A Gamemaster / Alright, I will start
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:00:22 am »

Alright, I will start concidering a CDQ series for the Sanctus Mortis position. And as far as a lich being hunted to be destroyed and not being able to go in populated areas, could there be an item like the lich skin that would give the illusion of bein alive that would be good enough to pass off as living?

Rumour Has It / A hooded figure stops by 184
« on: January 20, 2014, 01:25:54 pm »

A hooded figure stops by 184 Haven, but find the door locked. She slips a note under the door requesting a meeting of some sort.

General Discussion / Happy New Year! 
« on: January 01, 2014, 01:06:24 pm »

Happy New Year!

Trade and Market Hall / //Xera enters and takes a
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:59:00 am »

//Xera enters and takes a ring of Owl's wisdon +1, and leaves the full 1750 in the chest

Trade and Market Hall / //Xera's first
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:57:15 am »

//Xera's first transaction:

Dropped off: 14 dire spider venom sacks - 700 trues

Taken: Belt of Cunning - 2750

Left 2250 in transaction chest to cover remainder of cost and 10%

Trade and Market Hall / Deverain's Old Balance -
« on: December 05, 2013, 09:05:27 pm »

Deverain's Old Balance - 50,780

Dropped Off-

          Iron Half Plate - 2,000

          Foe Hammer - 1518 (75%)

Taken - 

         Iron Long Sword - 1200

New Balance - 53,098

Left 120 trues in bank chest

Development Journals and Discussion /           A pet dragon. . .
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:04:54 am »

          A pet dragon. . .  Lilah suggested the idea, and I must say that I find it quite apealing.  It may give me a chance to save a dragon baby from the evils the parent may impart upon it, and, well. . .  I would get a dragon.  The woods around the cabin would be a good area for it to hunt, as long as I could teach it not to eat people.  It could feed on the bears and gryphons that already wander the forest, and the Bear Caves near the cabin would make a suitable bed.  Perhaps I would need to aquire some sort of license from the city. .


         Armand is truely convinced that I am a "gobelf", some sort of fusion between a goblin and an elf.  I am not sure where it comes from, seeing as my ears are not pointed and I am not green.  But it is entertaining telling him that gobelfs may have special powers.  I told him that if he looked through a mirror at his mouth for five strait days without setting the mirror down, he would become imortal.  He probably is somewhere, right now, with a mirror.


         Glitch showed me a pair of gloves today that would increase my strength beyond that of my old gloves. . .  I only need 14 bear pelts and 42 salts and a bunch of other fun things to gather.  I borrowed some from Cord's crates, and I have a list so that I can get it all back to her.  I just need 12 bear pelts and some tanning acids and oils.  And a crafter who is willing to make it, seeing as it is a very difficult item to make.  Glitch said that even very experienced crafters need a bit of luck to make it. 

Development Journals and Discussion / My skills are growing... I
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:31:46 pm »

My skills are growing... I can tell. I am finding myself able to ambush more and more. I set down a ranger before he was aware of me, I find that to be an accomplishment. Soon I will be able to travel unseen wherever I wish, and steal whatever I can reach while unseen.

I got payed exceptionaly well for mining for a wizard. He gave me half of the loot, which added up to 504 trues, and 200 for mining. I used part of the money to buy a cloak after a Rofie was able to identify me as an elf, and saved the rest. I don't like being known as an elf... Optimaly, I hope to blur the line between human and elf so that any time I get caught, the list of suspects will be longer.

Trade and Market Hall / Royce walks in and takes a
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:31:49 pm »

Royce walks in and takes a cloak of Protection +1, paying only when stopped at the door. He leaves full payment of 75% lense price (750) + 10% transaction fee (75) for a total of 825.

Development Journals and Discussion / It seems as if I have chosen
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:50:48 pm »

It seems as if I have chosen a good path. The people pay well for simple jobs, that provide little challenge. Some of the lizard-folk warriors can put up a fight, but they are well handled by a crossbow. I need to find somebody who is willing to fight in front of me. I do not like the brutish fighting that is hard to avoid when I have to pull out my knife. I dislike taking blows, that is a job for others. The bank vault in Center is poorly guarded, I do not have any good ideas yet but I keep it in the back of my mind. Perhaps I will come up with a good enough plan for them to 'loose' some gold. There are candles in the back that could fall over and force an evacuation... I just need to learn who handles the fires in that town and fit in with them. I should be able to pick the lock if I got some time alone... Say, if another fire lit elsewhere.

Development Journals and Discussion / I hate undead...  The acid
« on: October 19, 2013, 12:50:27 pm »

I hate undead...  The acid skeleton in Krandor almost got me, again...  

But I believe that Layla is my next problem.  She's a Xeenite...  But I don't believe that she is a lost cause. I hope to show her Toran's light.  I hope that Toran will see me traveling with her as me spreading his light, not me siding with his enemies.  It worked with Nex, perhaps she will come around as well.

I have also been spending more time in the spider caves, but the poison slows me down. I have heard of a belt that protects the user from poison, and I need to look into it. 

Development Journals and Discussion / I swear I'm not crazy.  The
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:10:48 am »

I swear I'm not crazy.  The candle did attack me, and the monkey did turn me into a weremonkey. 

I was dropping off coin at the bank vault, and a figure started to appear in the fire.  At first there was just a face.  I ordered Caleb to get under his craft-hall counter, and the vault keeper to get out of the room.  Arms formed, and a fire elemental jumped out of the fire.  I killed the beast, and found a tattoo of a snake, wrapping around a giant, breathing a cone of water.  I believe it had to do with Grannoch. 


Later, I was adventuring in the Brechs with Iron Oxide, a dwarf who aspires to become a dwarfen deffender.  A strange, snow monkey-rat approached us, and when I tried to let it sniff my hand, the bugger bit me.  It seemed like nothing, and I cleaned and dressed the wound as I would with any other wound.  But I got the sweats and the shakes, and I turned into a weremonkey when the moon came out!  Iron got the priest from Ulgrid, and he told us to gather the monkey's blood, a belledonna plant, and some silver.  There was a silver ingot in my pack, thankfuly.  I tracked the monkey up a hill and snapped its neck, and we found belledonna under a tree.  Iron mixed the ingredients together, and I drank it.  My blood must have turned to lava.  It was more painful then any blow I have recieved.  Luckily, it worked, and I can now say that I am not fuzzy.  I may keep an extra potion on hand for the next full moon, however. . .

Trade and Market Hall / Deverain walks back in
« on: October 06, 2013, 01:27:40 am »

Deverain walks back in moments later and grabs a flail.

Previous balance  -  55,780

Items taken  -

Asp flail  -  5,000 

New balance  -  50,780

Left 500 in Transactions Chest

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