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Messages - ycleption

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Fixed Bugs / Krandor Deep Crypts door transition
« on: February 25, 2008, 02:12:07 am »
Description: There is a door that opens, and seems like it should be an AT, but cannot be entered. Since without being able to go through that door makes the area a single, rather anti-climactic corridor, I am fairly sure this is not intentional... I know at point there was more to the area, with very very nasty undead things at the end.

Location: Krandor deep crypts, to the left after coming through the jeweled door AT.


Reproducable: Certainly should be.

Trade and Market Hall / Box of Bodak's Teeth
« on: January 27, 2008, 10:06:38 pm »
*scribed in Drexia's neat handwriting*

I have a box of bodak's teeth for sale.
My asking price is ten ancient dire bear pelts, but I will entertain other offers as well. Since I often run by [location of bodaks], I can supply these on a semi-regular basis, if any hunter is interested in a long term partnership exchanging teeth for pelts.


CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Cloak and boot suggestions
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:29:39 pm »
Some suggested tailoring recipes for things already in game as droppable items (as I know new items are problematic due to the palette size). Currently neither footwear nor cloaks (with the exception of exceptional ones) are comparable to even mid-level dropped items: The best craftable boots are the boots of the swift (which have limited usefulness, especially for those who already have the dodge feat), and there are no higher level craftable cloaks. I don't think other crafts the disparity between dropped and crafted items is so great. I realize that it could make tailoring too powerful a craft by sheer variety of useful types of items, to address this, I have included ingredients from other crafts in the recipes.

Boots of Striding +1
1 thread
1 cloth pattern
2 hill hound leathers
1 enchanted diamond - endurance.
4 essence of power
(perhaps make the +2 version the exceptional result?)

Silver Slippers
1 thread
1 cloth pattern
2 bolts queen silk cloth
5 silver ingots
1 visual effect holy
1 prayer beads

Blue Suede Shoes
1 thread
1 cloth pattern
2 dire tiger leather
10 sapphire dusts
2 essence of grace
1 potion of grace
2 essence charm
1 potion of eagle's splendor

Cloak of protection +1
1 thread
1 cloth pattern
2 brown bear leathers
1 scroll of shield
1 silk padding

Cloak of protection +2
1 thread
1 cloth pattern
2 grizzly bear leathers
2 scrolls of shield
1 dark silk padding

Cloak of Resistance +1|Cloak of resistance +1 - Alternate
1 thread|1 thread
1 cloth pattern   |1 cloth pattern
2 jaguar leather|2 dire wolf leather
2 gems of resistance|2 gems of resistance
3 nuggets of iron|3 nuggets of platinum
[x dust of emerald]
Cloak of resistance +2   |Cloak of resistance +2 - Alternate
1 thread|1 thread
1 cloth pattern|         1 cloth pattern
2 dire wolf leather|      2 dire tier leather
4 gems of resistance|      4 gems of resistance
3 nuggets platinum|      3 nuggets cobalt
     |[x dust of emerald]
Somewhere in-between the two may work as well. *shrug*

So... that's my stab at trying to make some item recipes. Feel free to rip apart now :-)

Rumour Has It / Around Leringard
« on: January 08, 2008, 11:27:00 pm »
A white robed elf is seen spending quite a bit of time around the city, talking to masons, bricklayers, builders, and others. At first, she seems a bit unsure about what she needs to know, but as she spends time talking, she learns the right questions to ask. Those who et a bit closer to her say that she takes meticulous notes as people talk to her, getting price quotes, and taking signatures that the various tradesmen will stick to the quoted price.

Trade and Market Hall / Auction for a cloak
« on: December 28, 2007, 06:38:49 pm »
*another notice springs up in the usual places, carefully scribed on bleached vellum*

I have recently crafted a cloak which may be of interest to those seeking to protect themselves, or move unnoticed. It is crafted of the finest quality panther leather, strong enough to deflect blows, but supple enough to flow around the wearer.
The auction will last one week.
Bidding will start at 15,000 trues
Thank you in advance for your bids,

//Exceptional panther cloak, +3 AC deflection, +5 hide, +5 move silently, auction ends Friday Jan 4th, midnight GMT

Ask A Gamemaster / Selling quest rewards
« on: December 21, 2007, 04:11:43 pm »
Hey, I'm wondering what the policy is about selling static quest rewards. One of my characters has a helmet of armor II that she has no use for, (she only got it at the request of someone who had lost theirs, who ended up buying one from someone else), the other has a pair of Ronus' boots, that several lower level characters have indicated they would be interested in.
So, I have been getting conflicting information about whether it is allowed to sell quest rewards, and wondered what the official policy is, and whether I can have gm mark the items as non-plot, so I can sell them or at least move them out of my inventory.

Trade and Market Hall / Auction - Exceptional belt of Cunning
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:38:42 pm »
*A message is scribed on fine white vellum*

I have made a belt of highest quality which I am placing for auction. The belt strengthens the powers of perception as much as a diamond ring, and aids scouts as well.

The bidding shall start at 15,000, and last one week.

Thank you in advance for any bids.

~Drexia Faison

//+2 Wisdom
+3 Hide, Search
Auction ends at midnight on the 27th, GMT

Just for Fun / For anyone who thinks law school is boring.
« on: October 05, 2007, 05:19:00 pm »
Many people think law school is dry and boring. This case was from my textbook, and I think shows otherwise. (I edited it down a bit). I think the judge who wrote it harbored a secret desire to be on the Layonara writing team, although he didn't know it.

This case presents the ordinary man-that problem child of the law-in a most bizarre setting. As a lowly chauffeur in defendant's employ he became in a trice the protagonist in a breach-bating drama with a denouement almost tragic. It appears that a man, whose identity it would be indelicate to divulge was feloniously relieved of his portable goods by two nondescript highwaymen in an alley near 26th Street and Third Avenue, Manhattan; they induced him to relinquish his possessions by a strong argument ad hominem couched in the convincing cant of the criminal and pressed at the point of a most persuasive pistol. Laden with their loot, but not thereby impeded, they took an abrupt departure and he, shuffling off the coil of that discretion which enmeshed him in the alley, quickly gave chase through 26th Street toward 2d Avenue, whither they were resorting 'with expedition swift as thought’ for most obvious reasons. Somewhere on that thoroughfare of escape they indulged the stratagem of separation ostensibly to disconcert their pursuer and allay the ardor of his pursuit. He then centered on for capture the man with the pistol whom he saw board defendant's taxicab, which quickly veered south toward 25th Street on 2d Avenue where he saw the chauffeur jump out while the cab, still in motion, continued toward 24th Street; after the chauffeur relieved himself of the cumbersome burden of his fare the latter also is said to have similarly departed from the cab before it reached 24th Street.

The chauffeur's story is substantially the same except that he states that his uninvited guest boarded the cab at 25th Street while it was at a standstill waiting for a less colorful fare; that his 'passenger’ immediately advised him 'to stand not upon the order of his going but to go at once’ and added finality to his command by an appropriate gesture with a pistol addressed to his sacroiliac. The chauffeur in reluctant acquiescence proceeded about fifteen feet, when his hair, like unto the quills of the fretful porcupine, was made to stand on end by the hue and cry of the man despoiled accompanied by a clamourous concourse of the law-abiding which paced him as he ran; the concatenation of 'stop thief’, to which the patter of persistent feet did maddingly beat time, rang in his ears as the pursuing posse all the while gained on the receding cab with its quarry therein contained. The hold-up man sensing his insecurity suggested to the chauffeur that in the event there was the slightest lapse in obedience to his curt command that he, the chauffeur, would suffer the loss of his brains, a prospect as horrible to an humble chauffeur as it undoubtedly would be to one of the intelligentsia.


The chauffeur apprehensive of certain dissolution from either Scylla, the pursuers, or Charybdis, the pursued, quickly threw his car out of first speed in which he was proceeding, pulled on the emergency, jammed on his brakes and, although he thinks the motor was still running, swung open the door to his left and jumped out of his car. The plaintiff-mother and her two infant children were there injured by the cab which, at the time, appeared to be also minus its passenger who, it appears, was apprehended in the cellar of a local hospital where he was pointed out to a police officer by a remnant of the posse, hereinbefore mentioned. He did not appear at the trial.


Returning to our chauffeur. If the philosophic Horatio and the martial companions of his watch were 'distilled almost to jelly with the act of fear’ when they beheld 'in the dead vast and middle of the night’ the disembodied spirit of Hamlet's father stalk majestically by 'with a countenance more in sorrow than in anger’ was not the chauffeur, though unacquainted with the example of these eminent men-at-arms, more amply justified in his fearsome reactions when he was more palpably confronted by a thing of flesh and blood bearing in its hand an engine of destruction which depended for its lethal purpose upon the quiver of a hair? When Macbeth was cross-examined by Macduff as to any reason he could advance for his sudden despatch of Duncan's grooms he said in plausible answer 'Who can be wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral, in a moment? No man’. Macbeth did not by a 'tricksy word’ thereby stand justified as he criminally created the emergency from which he sought escape by indulgence in added felonies to divert suspicion to the innocent.


The chauffeur-the ordinary man in this case-acted in a split second in a most harrowing experience. To call him negligent would be to brand him coward; the court does not do so in spite of what those swaggering heroes, 'whose valor plucks dead lions by the beard’, may bluster to the contrary. The court is loathe to see the plaintiffs go without recovery even though their damages were slight, but cannot hold the defendant liable upon the facts adduced at the trial. Motions, upon which decision was reserved, to dismiss the complaint are granted with exceptions to plaintiffs. Judgment for defendant against plaintiffs dismissing their complaint upon the merits. Ten days' stay and thirty days to make a case.

Just for Fun / Sometimes I get bored at Law school...
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:11:35 pm »
Okay, given the overwhelming response and outpouring of accolades generated by the first time I did something like this, and my burning curiosity on the subject, I decided to figure out the exact average of the best three out of four d6.  (For those of you unfamiliar with non-layo D&D, often three out of four regular six sided dice is used to assign a character's abilities)
Sooo... I decided that the best way to go about this was, rather than calculate the roll as a whole, just to concentrate on the discarded die, and figure out the value of the average low die, and then subtract that from 14, which is the average of four dice.
With that decided, the problem becomes counting: I needed to figure out how many times a given value is the lowest die, then multiply that by the value, and add those numbers together:
So, I started at the top, because I knew there would be fewer, and thus it is easier to count.
The first one is real easy... six is the lowest die exactly one time: when all four dice are sixes.

Now, with five, it gets a little more complicated. To organize things (which will come in handy in a bit), we will separate things by how many fives turn up. (In mathematical terms we are "choosing" successive numbers out of four)
There is one case where there are four fives and five is the lowest number: (5555)
Four where there are three fives (5556), (5565), (5655), (6555)
Six where there are two: (5566),(5656),(5665),(6556),(6565),(6655)
and Four where there are one: (5666),(6566),(6656),(6665)

In math terms:
4 choose 1 = 4
4 choose 2 = 6
4 choose 3 = 4
4 choose 4 = 1

That's fifteen ways (4+6+4+1) that a five is the lowest die, and 15x5=75

Okay, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm lazy, and counting the fives in my head is about my limit, so I'm going to have to figure out something better to use for the fours and below.

So, if I look at what I've written out in the fives, I can see that the other numbers will follow that pattern. Incidentally, the 4,6,4,1 pattern is part of pascal's triangle (the fourth line, because there are four dice), and crops up in various other things. With 5, there was only one other number to consider, but with four and below, we have to multiply the number of ways the number we're looking at can occur, by all the permutations of however many larger numbers there are. Luckily, permutations is easy to figure out. We just have to take the number of dice we are looking at, to the power of the available slots.

For example, take the specific case where there are three fours: there are two numbers greater than four (five and six, in case you have trouble counting), and one available slot. So, we have (2^1)(4 choose 3) = 2x4=8

We can confirm this by counting them out:
Now we have a general rule for four six-sided dice (I have this written in formal summation notation on a post-it note, but don't know how to display math symbols on the forum): The sum from one to six of each value multiplied by the sum from one to four (we'll call it n) of six minus the die value to the four minus n power, multiplied by four choose n.

Because that's a mouthful, (and probably not terribly well stated) here's the actual numbers:


Performing the calculations, 671 + 738 + 525 + 260 + 75 + 6 = 2274
So, dividing 2274 by the total number of possible rolls which is 6^4, or 1296, we get about 1.745
As we said at the top, we subtract that from the average of four dice which is fourteen, so 14-1.745 = 12.245

There's what we've been looking for: the average of the best three out of four d6 is about 12.25


Of course, it's no fun to end there.... what if we needed to rollthe best 7 out of 8 d10 instead? We can generalize to the best x out of x+1 dice of any number of faces..
(We could potentially generalize to the best x out of y, but that would need an addition summation, and would be much much more complicated, and it's messy enough as it is. Also, we could make it look a lot neater using summation notation). We'll call the number of faces d, the number of dice n, and designate xCy as the choose function, x choose y.

  1[((d-1)^(n-1))(n)+((d-1)^(n-2))(nC2)+ . . . +((d-1)^2)(nCn-2)+((d-1)^1)(nCn-1)+((d-1)^0)1]
+2[((d-2)^(n-1))(n)+((d-2)^(n-2))(nC2)+ . . . +((d-2)^2)(nCn-2)+((d-2)^1)(nCn-1)+((d-2)^0)1]
+3[((d-3)^(n-1))(n)+((d-3)^(n-2))(nC2)+ . . . +((d-3)^2)(nCn-2)+((d-3)^1)(nCn-1)+((d-3)^0)1]
+(d-1)[(1^(n-1))(n)+(1^(n-2))(nC2)+ . . . +(1^2)(nCn-2)+(1^1)(nCn-1)+(1^0)1)]
+d[a bunch of stuff I don't feel like writing out but equals 1]

Wasn't that exciting?

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for oak shield.
« on: August 28, 2007, 01:59:33 pm »
I want a large oak shield.
If you have one for sale, send me a note with your price.


General Discussion / Summer's ending...
« on: August 08, 2007, 11:41:43 pm »
Well, I've told a few people, but just wanted to let everyone know....

I'm beginning law school in a few weeks, so it is likely that my playtime (which had been bounteous while I've been working instead of at school) will plummet. I certainly still intend to play, but just don't know how much I'll be able to, if what they tell me about the first year of law school is true.

For IC purposes, Drexia is stepping up her training, doing intense meditation and practicing techniques out in some remote mountains...

If anything, a larger percentage of my free time will go to Layo, just not sure how much free time I'll have (you know, that whole "having a life" thing people keep telling me about might be nice too ;) )


the following is scribed on fine-grained vellum, with illustrations following the mention of each item* [size=+1]

I have recently acquired a small fortune's worth of quality malar pelts, ten to be exact. For those of you who have not had the pleasure of dealing with malar leather, it is one of the strongest hides around, yet soft to the skin. It has a variegated blood red and inky black coloring when properly tanned. When tanned and treated with hot water or wax to harden the leather, it is a favorite of hunters for it's ability to conceal and protect, and, when split into thinner leather for use in clothing, magic-users and others who desire lightweight yet protective attire find malar wares unmatched.

As a number of people lately have been asking me about making malar attire, and to avoid the specter of trying to guess consumer demand in order to decide what to what to do with this material, I will take orders, and make things until my supply runs out.

If there are more orders than I have material, I will try to sort it out in the fairest way possible.

Items I can make without any risk of failure:

Malar leather armor:
Leather that has been normally tanned normally, made with a balance of strength and flexibility. If you've bought panther armors, and are looking for a replacement, I suggest this.
Requires three pelts. 18,000 trues is my asking price.

Malar hide armor:
A stronger and consequently stiffer leather, the hide is thickened, which also makes it shrink, and thus uses more material. Ideal for fighters who favor additional protection, especially against cutting weapons, and don't mind a heavier, less mobile set of armor.
Requires four pelts. I ask for 19,000 trues, which is discounted, because I want to have a reason to make this fine armor.

Studded malar armor:
Two layers of leather which have been riveted together. The metal makes this armor heavier, however it increases its ability to stop arrows and similar forces.
Requires five pelts. I ask for 25000, which I feel compelled to admit, is more expensive than other vendors might ask, but I will ask this much due to the amount of material it requires, and the time required to  place the studs.

Lesser armors of mage, rogue, and monk:
Soft clothing from the inner split of the malar pelt and another cat pelt, both of which are generally brushed to a suede finish. Considerably lighter  than the full-grain pieces above, but also less protective. Various effects can be achieved, depending on the other leather used. I have personally used one of these, and can attest as to its efficacy.
Requires one pelt. 7000 trues is my price.

Armors of the mage rogue and monk:
As the clothing listed above, but using a larger ratio of malar to other cats, for a stronger finished product.
Requires two pelts,14,000 trues.

Malar gloves:

My personal choice in glove, I soften the inner lining, and reinforce the outside of the glove along the knuckles, heel of the palm, and other striking surfaces with a harder leather, to help create a more forceful punch. Exceed only by gloves from dire bear leather.
Require one pelt per glove, but I will only sell as a pair, for 10,000 trues.

Malar whips and slings:
Although these weapons are small, there is only a small amount of suitable leather for use in slings or whips in each pelt, and the process for treating and extracting this leather renders the remainder unusable for other projects. Due to the expense of the material, I would be unable to sell the items for a reasonable price. Thus, unless there are unusual circumstances, I cannot conscience  wasting so much material on these items and will not take orders for them.


Items that I can make, but at small to significant risk. I honestly cannot recommend that anyone hire me for the following, (unless they have very very strong magics to aid me, supply their own malar pelts, and are aware of the risk involved.) but I place the following as reference for other consumers.

Hood of Shadows:
Four malar pelts blended with panther, to create an rich black hood suitable for hiding and stalking prey. After looking at the pattern again, I have determined that it is a simpler matter than I had previously thought, but by no means certain. I am willing to negotiate a price.

Greater armors of the mage, rogue, and monk:
As the lesser and normal varieties, but incorporating 3-4 malar pelts.

Malar bag:
This legendary bag is one of the most difficult patterns to create that I have ever seen. It is notoriously difficult to get thick hides like malar to absorb enchanting oil properly, and eight pelts must be stitched with a very fine silk thread that is not typically used in leather-work.

I realize that many will be unable to afford such high end items, and suggest they arrange to barter, look through my normal wares, or (with a signed statement from a paladin or other reputable person to vouch for you) ask about buying on credit.
Feel free to send me a falcon message with any questions.

//there follows a highly optimistic amount of space for responses
(PM or send me a tell if you need the exact stats of any item) [/size]

Fixed Bugs / Crafting Dark Padded Armor.
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:48:24 am »
Description: Dark padded armor appears to be listed incorrectly. The listed ingredients are 3 bolts of dark silk, one pattern, and one thread: padding is conspicuously absent. Even if you put the ingredients on the dummy, you are unable to craft the armor (see attached image). I tried putting silk padding in as well (which is used in non-padded dark silk armor), and that didn't work, so my guess the missing ingredient is dark silk padding.

Location: Both the tailoring recipe cards, and the tailoring dummies.


Reproducable: yes

(editorial: if it does require dark silk padding, that's a lot of a relatively difficult to acquire cnr for that kind of recipe, imnsho).

Trade and Market Hall / Seeking Colbalt Nuggets
« on: July 25, 2007, 09:06:51 pm »
I am looking for cobalt nuggets, in groups of five. I am willing to pay 1000 trues per nugget. I may also be willing to negotiate a barter, please see my notices for a listing of what I sell.

I am told that libation or other form of respect should be given to the earth while mining such precious metal, and as voices far wiser than myself urge this, I ask that any who supplies me metal comply with this practice.

Please contact me by falcon, or by writing at the bottom of this parchment.


Trade and Market Hall / Drexia's Tailored Goods and Miscellany
« on: July 15, 2007, 11:22:01 pm »
Hello, This is a notice for Drexia's goods.
As I am an independent crafter, I only have one or two of my items in stock at the moment, I will add items as I make them. I may be able to take orders on some items. I prefer true-weight coins, but some barters may be considered (See below). All of my pieces can be tailored to fit various body sizes, and both male and female figures. If you are interested in my wares, please contact me so we can arrange a time for a fitting.


I have color coded this advertisement for ease of posting:
Items marked in black ink are in stock or easily made without supplied materials.
Items marked in red ink are in stock, higher end, rare, or in-demand merchandise, and I cannot guarantee that they will remain in stock.
Items marked in blue ink are not in stock, but can be made with materials supplied or (in some cases) ordered sufficiently in advance.
Items marked in turquoise will only be made by special order, and require the services of a user of the Al'noth
Please feel free to ask about items not listed.


Cougar bags or Scroll boxes, 1000 trues each.
Crag cat bags, 4000 trues each
Lion bags, 10,000 trues
Malar bags

Leather armors:

Black leather armor 1000 trues (concentration +3, level req. 1)
Black hide armor 2000 trues (concentration +3, +1 AC v. slashing level req. 4)
Black studded armor 2000 trues (concentration +3, +1 AC vs. piercing level req. 4)

Cougar Leather  10000 trues  (Tumble +3, level req. 1 )
Studded Cougar Leather 2000 trues (Tumble +3, +1 AC vs piercing, level req 4)
Cougar hide armor 2000 trues (Tumble +3, +1 AC v. slashing level req. 4)

Jaguar Leather 3000 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, Level req. 5)
Studded Jaguar 3500 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, +1 AC vs. piercing, level req 9)
Jaguar hide armor 3500 trues (Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, +1 AC vs. slashing, level req 9)

Worg Leather 3000 trues (AC vs. Goblinoids +2, Discipline +3, level req. 8 )
Studded Worg, 3500 trues (AC vs Goblinoid +2,Discipline +3, +1 AC vs Piercing, Level req. 10)
Worg hide (AC vs Goblinoid +2,Discipline +3, +1 AC vs slashing, Level req. 10)

White Deer Leather, 4000 trues (Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 8 )
White Deer Hide, 5000 trues (+1 AC vs slashing, Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 10)
Studded White Deer, 5000 trues (+1 AC vs piercing, Immunity disease, +1 save vs. poison, low light (10m) white, level req. 10)

Brown Leather 3500 trues (AC +1, +3 concentration, Level req 8 )
Brown hide armor, 4500 trues (AC +1, +3 concentration, AC +2 v. slashing, Level req 11)
Studded Brown armor, 4500 trues (AC +1, +3 concentration, AC +2 v. piercing, Level req 11)

Leopard Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, level req. 10)
Leopard Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13 )
Studded Leopard 5000 trues (AC +1, +1 fortitude save, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. piercing, level req. 13 )

Lion Leather 4000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, levl req. 10)
Lion Hide 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 13)
Studded Lion 5000 trues (AC +1, Will throws +1, Tumble +3, +2 AC vs.
piercing, level req. 13)

Panther Leather, 5000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, level req. 10)
Panther Hide, 6000 trues (AC +1, +3 Hide +3 Search, +3 Move Silently, +3 tumble, +2 AC vs. slashing, level req. 14)

Grizzly Leather, 7500 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, level req. 11)
Grizzly Hide, 9000 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, +3 AC vs. slashing, level req. 17)
Studded Grizzly 9000 trues, (AC+2, +3 concentration, +3 AC vs. piercing, level req. 17)

Polar Leather 15,000 trues (AC +1, cold resist 20/-, Concentration +3, level req. 13)
Polar Hide 17,500 trues (AC +1, +2 AC vs. slashing, cold resist 20/-, Concentration +3, level req. 16)
Studded Polar 17,500 trues (AC +1, +2 AC vs. piercing, cold resist 20/-, Concentration +3, level req. 16)

Dire Wolf Leather, 15,000 trues (AC+1, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 15)
Dire Wolf Hide, 17,500 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. slashing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )
Studded Dire Wolf, 18,000 trues (AC+1, +2 AC vs. piercing, slashing resist 5/-, +1 universal saves, +3 discipline, level req. 18 )

Old fashioned Malar Leather  (AC +2, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3)

Dire Tiger, 22000 trues (AC +2, 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 18 )
Dire Tiger Hide, 25,000 trues (AC +2, AC +3 vs. slashing, 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 21 )
Studded Dire Tiger, 25,000 (AC +2, AC +3 vs. piercing, 5/- Dmg resist slashing, +1 universal save, Tumble +3, level req. 18? )

Dire Bear Leather, 25,000 trues (AC +2, Dmg reduction +1 soak 5, Concentration +3, level req. 18 )

Malar leather: 25,000 trues (AC +3, Hide +3, Move Silently +3, Search +3, Spot +3, Tumble +3, level req. 19)
Malar hide, 27,000 trues
Studded malar, 29,000 trues

Ancient Dire Bear Leather, 35,000 trues, (AC+3, Concentration +3, level req. 16)

Legendary Dire Bear Armors

Other Tailored Clothing:

Iron Reinforced Clothing, 5000 trues (AC+1, level req. 7)
Platinum Reinforced Clothing, 7,5000 trues (AC +1, slashing resist 5/-, level req. 10)
Cobalt Reinforced Clothing 12,500 trues (AC +2, slashing resist 5/-, level req. 13)
Mithril reinforced clothing, price negotiable, (AC +3, 5/- slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, level req. 22)

Dark Padded Silk armor, 7000 (+1 Saving Throw v. Neg, +2 Hide, +2 Move Silent, Level Req. 10)
Bebilith Silk armor, As this is a rare item, please offer (1 Base AC, +2 AC, +3 parry level req 11)
Bebilith Dark armor, As this is a rare item, please offer (1 Base AC, +2 AC, +2 Saving Throw v. Neg, +3 Hide, +3 Move Silent level req 17)
Queen Silk armor, As this is a rare item, please offer (1 Base AC, +3 AC, +3 parry, level req. 16)
Queen Silk Padded armor, as this is a very rare item, please offer (+3 AC, +3 Soak 5 damage, +1 fort, +1 will, level req. 28 )
Queen Dark Silk Padded armor, as this is a very rare item, please offer (+3 AC, +3 save vs. negative energy, +4 hide, +4 Move silently, level req. 23)[/color]
Other rare silk armors.

Lesser Monk's Robes 2500 trues (+1 AC, +2 discipline, usable only by monk)
Lesser Mage Armor 2500 trues (+1 AC, +1 lore, +2 spellcraft, usable only by wizards and sorcerers)
Other specialty clothing.

Hood of Shadows, 15,000 trues (AC + 1, Hide + 4, Move Silently + 4, level req. 9, only usable by rogues and sneaky prestige classes)

Boots of the Boar,  1000 trues (+1 save vs. disease, Concentration +3, level req. 2)
Boots of the Cougar, 1000 trues (+1 save vs. mind affecting, Discipline +3, level req. 4)
Boots of the Tiger, 4000 trues (Reflex save +2, Tumble +4, 60% of weight, level req. 8 )
Boots of Arachnea, 5000 trues (Spell immunity: Web, level req. 2)
Shoes of the Swift, 10000 trues (Bonus feat: Dodge, Tumble +4, Reflex save +2, level req. 10)

Tiger leather belt 1000 true (Perform +2, level req. 1 )
Belt of Archers Edge 6000 trues (AC +1 [deflction], Entropic Shield 1/day, level req. 8 )
Belt of Cunning, 7000 trues (Wis +1, +1 hide, +1 seach, level req. 11)
Belt of the Battle Mage

Panther Cloak 2000 trues (+3 hide, +3 move silently)
Cloak of the north

Weapons and such:
Lion Leather Gloves 2000 trues (+1 AB)
Malar Gloves, 10,000 (+2 AB)
-used item- Gloves made for fighting undead, 10,000 (+1 AB, +d6 fire, +d4 v undead and shapeshifters, level req 10)
Lion Leather Sling 1500 trues (+1 attack bonus)
whips and malar slings


I also make a variety of alchemical goods, please inquire for specifics.
All materials must be supplied for alchemical goods

Currently seeking:
I generally am not looking to buy these, but the following may be accepted as credit against the cost of an item, at current market prices.

Queen or Bebilith Silk
malar skins
Sapphire - raw or dust
bodak teeth

Charity Special
For those seeking items that top-of-the-line quality that can not be predictably made, I offer a special deal: Bring me the materials, and if I should produce an specimen of exceptional quality, I will sell it to you at a fair price (20,000 for belts of cunning, 30,000 for panther cloaks, and 50,000 for gloves of fury; other items can be negotiated). If I fail to produce such an item, I will donate whatever I do make to the Foundation, the Mistone defense, or any other charitable effort of my choosing.


Trade and Market Hall / Seeking jeweler
« on: June 24, 2007, 09:41:57 pm »
*written on a piece of vellum and placed in craft-halls*

I have two mineral diamonds, which I wish to be cut set in rings, one to be enchanted with grace, and the other with strength. If anyone can accomplish this, please send me a bird, or write your name and price at the bottom of this notice.


Trade and Market Hall / Exceptional Panther Cloak
« on: June 10, 2007, 02:41:54 am »
I have made a panther cloak, of the finest quality. This item had been reserved for someone who could not meet the price, therefore I am placing it for auction. If you are interested in other cloth and leather wares, please see my listings. The last item like this that I saw on the open market sold for 22,000 true. With that in mind I would like to open the bidding at 10,000.
Although I have left the cloak the dark bluish tone characteristic of fine-crafted panther, I will dye the cloak any color the winner desires, free of charge.

//+5 hide, +5 move silently, auction will end at midnight wednesday GMT

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for true?
« on: June 01, 2007, 11:09:32 pm »
I am currently purchasing lion and dire boar hides.
Both can be found without endangerment from other creatures. If you are interested in supplying me with either of these, I would be happy to take you hunting to show you where they live.
I am willing to pay 50 true per lion skin, or 75 per if you bring them in groups of six (for a total 450 per group), and 100 true per dire boar skin.
I respectfully ask that any meat from creatures supplied to me be eaten or donated to the hungry.
As a reminder, these and many other hides can are accepted as credit against anything I sell, please look at   my listings for details (note that I have added a few, slightly higher end, leathers).

//purely ooc, I would prefer that I buy from relatively lower level characters, use your own discretion.

Ask A Gamemaster / Average joe's life
« on: June 01, 2007, 04:06:25 pm »
We get a little bit lost in the adventurer lifestyle, sometimes I lose sight about the ordinary people in the world...

1.) Average Joe's economic concerns: how much do goods for non-adventurers types cost? For instance, how much would a commoner family of four need to make in a year in order to have a subsistence lifestyle, assuming they aren't farmers or otherwise self-sufficient?
With the current state of the world, is there even food to be bought for those who have a more true?
I think it's useful to know this kind of thing, (Let's see, I could buy a new sword, or save 100 people from starvation...) for various roleplaying reasons.

2.) Average Joe's religion: Is the adventuring population representative of the general population's religious preferences? If I'm a commoner in a random village, do I worship a single diety of personal choice? a diety favored by the town or region? A few related dieties? Or do I just utter prayers to whoever is convenient at the time?
What about ceremonies/rituals? Do I attend a temple on a regular basis? if so, how often?

Thanks in advance for any answers or insight

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Mooneyes!
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:25:34 am »
Well, it turns out Mooneyes was born upon this day. If you don't know her, she's the player of Peanut (everyone's favorite halfling scimitar master) and Clover (magicker-type extrordinaire).

So, raise a glass, and give best wishes to Mooneyes on her birthday!

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