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Messages - Harlas Ravelkione

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General Discussion / Fens Caves maybe closed today!
« on: November 07, 2005, 09:27:00 am »
Due to a GM event the Fens Caves may be closed for a couple of hours today.

Thanks for your understanding, Harlas

General Discussion / Now that the orc series has ended...
« on: November 02, 2005, 03:28:00 am »
I would like say thank you to my devout group of players. You guys coped will with the changes that were forced upon you (more or less), and you adapted well to your new roles. You RP'ed very well, also outside of the quests, and you caused involvement of a lot of characters that had no direct connection to the series.
Now that I look back and review my first series as a GM on Layonara, I must say that I could not be any happier about the outcome of it. :)

Thanks to everyone involved.


Bioware Issues / Tenser's tranformation
« on: October 19, 2005, 09:20:00 am »
Whenever I change form using Tenser's transformation I loose spells. It does not happen only the first time, but every time I use the spell again.
Lets say I buff my charisma to 28. I use the spell, go down to charisma 22, and instead of 8 lvl 1 spells I now have 7. I go back to my normal form and cast Tenser's again, and loose another lvl 1 spell (not only lvl 1 spells, but just as an example). Each time I change, I loose spells. I'd think that I loose the number of spells equivalent to the bonus of the charisma of my character the first time I use the Tenser spell. After that I should not loose spells, since my charisma is not lower than it did the first time the transformation was made. Am I wrong?

Ohh, and this happens to a sorceror. Might be different for mages.


General Discussion / The Nightmare Series.
« on: October 02, 2005, 09:18:00 am »
A huge thank you to Stormspirit and Pankoki for a fantastic and very imaginative quest series. Great storyline, detailed NPCs and epic battles. It had it all. :)

General Discussion / People who were on Varka's Bloody Gate CDQ
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
Let us spend a week or two thinking about what could be done about the situation. Try to be realistic and remember who/what we are up against. If you come up with anything during the next two weeks or so, use this thread to call a meeting.

Please do not use this thread for discussing anything, since this is rather hot information, so keep it to yourselves. If others should be involved, the group should agree to it first.


General Discussion / Happy birthday Ed!
« on: September 24, 2005, 08:33:00 am »
You deserve a birthday-thread. :)

General Discussion / Do not rush the server!
« on: September 20, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
It has been said a thousand times, and now 1001 times: "Do not rush the server after reset/time out." Rushing it causes time-outs.


Trade and Market Hall / Paying 2,500 gold for a box of Bodak's teeth.
« on: September 15, 2005, 09:57:00 am »
In addition to that I require the following:

- 1 box of purple mushrooms. Paying 1500 for that.
- 1 box of ginseng roots. Paying 1500 for that.

Seek me out if you need directions.

Kobal Bluntaxe

General Discussion / Cannot log in to access my characters *sighs*
« on: September 13, 2005, 08:04:00 am »
I cannot log in as "Harlas Ravelkione" and access anymore, for some reason I cannot fathom. The password I use is the right one. The only possible reason I can think of is that something happened while I created other player characters for some testing. I made around 10 different new log-ins, and maybe something got bugged.
I can use one of the newly made test characters to access my GM avatar. But my player characters I cannot access.

Any ideas on what I can do?


General Discussion / 2.nd People's Assembly
« on: September 05, 2005, 02:19:00 pm »
How about a 2.nd Assembly in another timezone?

« on: August 31, 2005, 09:38:00 am »
I will pay 500 gold for any useful information regarding the assassin Kelezephian, also called "The Albino".

He is a tall man, in outstanding physical shape. He is trained in the martial arts, and fights unarmed. His skin is very light, almost white. He bears an intriquate tattoo of a black spider on his neck. This tattoo carries a poison called "Desolation's Spire". Many people on Mistone carry this tattoo, so do not bring in people that are obviously not Kelezephian.

This man is VERY dangerous. I never saw or fought a more deadly assassin. Kelezephian shows no remorse, since he has no conscience. Consider that a warning.

Information on Kelezephian that shows immediate results will be rewarded with 5,000 gold pieces.

*signed* Kobal Bluntaxe

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Harlas - [INACTIVE]
« on: August 22, 2005, 11:50:00 am »
CDQs/ECDQs upcoming!
  GMT late afternoons and evenings on Mondays-Thursdays are normally best for me, but other times are negotiable. I will only consider to run ECDQs for a characters that I know fairly well and/or have detailed character development threads.
  OneCDQ/ECDQ slot available:
  1. Ahndar Sussair, ECDQ
  Upcoming: Lo'muril, CDQ

General Discussion / Drow Series - Underdark Expedition!
« on: August 12, 2005, 06:07:00 am »
Could those who attendet last time (two months ago I think) please come to Arabel tomorrow, Saturday 9pm Australian, noon GMT. See the GM Calendar for additional times.
Some of those who were there are Kobal, Connor, Katrien, Yashilla, Synaldur, Bra'car, Sand, Remiel, Arestes, Kaizer, Bilviki, one of Dezza’s character, and perhaps a few others I cannot recall.

Please reply to this thread whether you are able to make it or not, and/or sign up on the calendar.


I have the following items for sale:

- Several topaz, alexandrite, sapphire and fire opals. Both in cut and mineral form. Dusts are also sold.
- One set of platinum reinforced clothing, which has been prepared to make it resistant against fire (5/- fire resistance, +1 AC, 5/- slashing resistance)
- 2 pairs of ogre-gloves (+1 strength)
- 3 necklaces of cat's grace (+1 dexterity)
- 1 ring of eagle's splendor (+1 charisma)

Prices are negotiable.

Rashar Moiro-Jerichan

Trade and Market Hall / Box with silk and cotton, paying 1500 gold.
« on: August 09, 2005, 05:11:00 am »
I am in need of some spider silk and some cotton. I will pay 1500 gold for a box half filled with silk and half with cotton.

Kobal Bluntaxe

Wild Surge Inn / Enter the High Forest at your own peril!
« on: August 08, 2005, 02:38:00 pm »
The High Forest has been taken by a large force of orcs. It is not known when or from where they came. All known roads and paths leading into the High Forest are now barred by the Queen's Forces. Until a large enough force has been mustered to route the orcish forces, commoners are adviced to avoid the High Forest and its outskirts.

Captain Garent, Hlint Militia.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / The locked gate on Firesteep.
« on: August 03, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
As far as I know that gate has been overcome only a handful of times during the past 6 months or so, basically because no one can unlock it.

How about making it bashable, but making it either soak 10-15 danage pr. hit or giving it 1000 HPs? The epic trap will still kill anyone trying to bash it without having removed the trap, but it will allow a few more players to attempt to breach it and see what is hiding in there. If you are worried that spellcasters will easily be able to breach it with firepower, make it resistant to magic or invulnerable even.
With these changes people getting past the gate will still only be those who bring one who can remove the epic trap and/or unlock the gate. (which still not many can do, but a few more than previously)


Wild Surge Inn / Public notice!
« on: August 01, 2005, 03:36:00 pm »
* Posted in all the merchant and crafting houses on Mistone. *

We are happy to announce that the rate of ambushes and raids of the orcish tribes on our caravans on Mistone has decreased extensively over the last months. We have therefore concluded that the orcs are in trouble or that their birth rate is declining. I am therefore happy to allow a decrease in the number of caravan guards assigned to each contract.

Sincerely, Gornan Holbarth, chairman of the Golden Moon Trading Company.

Send me a letter if you are interested.

Rashar Moiro Jerichan

Trade and Market Hall / Fireopals for sale!
« on: July 10, 2005, 07:33:00 am »
I have mined a handfull of fire opal minerals. They are for sale.

Rashar Moiro Jerichan.

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