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Messages - Harlas Ravelkione

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70
Trade and Market Hall / Ring of charisma II
« on: July 09, 2005, 04:17:00 pm »
I am looking for a ring to increase the control I have over my talent. If you have such a ring, please send me a message.

Rashar Moiro Jerichan

// Ring of +2 charisma

Trade and Market Hall / Buying Alchemist's Fire
« on: July 07, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
If you are practicing alchemy and crafting alchemist's fire, do not throw them out. I will pay you for these flasks. Buying large quantities.

Rashar Moiro Jerichan

General Discussion / Great job Rhizome!
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:43:00 am »
From what I have seen thus far you are having your hands full in your new position as Grievance Officer, and you are doing a hell of a job. Good job! :)


General Discussion / Drow series - Underdark expedition
« on: July 04, 2005, 05:12:00 pm »
We should finally get the second part of the underdark expedition to the Grove of Az'atta rolling.

Could those who attendet last time please add their available time this week onto this thread. Some of those were Kobal, Connor, Katrien, Yashilla, Synaldur, Bra'car, Bruenor, Sand... and a others. Lalaith and Talan should come as well.

This week I am available Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday noon-afternoon GMT (more or less). Next week I will be gone.

Thanks, Harlas.

General Discussion / My first quest: Locked up!
« on: July 02, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
Thanks to the players who joined my spontaneous quest, and thanks to Proteus for his help :). I had a blast! I have set the next part of the quest for next Saturday at noon GMT. I hope to see you all there.


* One morning these posters have appeared in most inns on Mistone. *

In the past week, much attention has been focused on our affairs. Much of that attention is based on false rumours, some on outright lies. To clarify a matter that many seem to think our primary goal I will tell you this! We do not seek to attack the weave, Lucinda, the clergy of Lucinda or anything like that! We merely work towards a law against the use of necromancy in our lands. A law that we believe will result in less evil and more peacefulness.

To those that have threatened our members outright, and those who have betrayed our trust and revealed much to those that work against us, know this! An attack on one of our own a result of information that has been revealed by whom we thought to be our friends, will not be tolerated. Be assured that if you strike at us, we will strike back!

* The poster is signed with a Grey Circle, drawn with charcoal. *

Trade and Market Hall / Silver enhancement II and IV for sale.
« on: June 12, 2005, 01:29:00 pm »
I have recently been fortunate enough to craft two silver coatings that may be applied to a weapon. The ones I made are of the II and IV power.

Send me a message if you are interested.

Kobal Bluntaxe

// silver II: 1d4 against undead/shapechangers, silver IV: 1d8 against undead/shapechangers

Trade and Market Hall / A wizards outfit for sale.
« on: June 07, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
I am selling my old outfit. Come see me if you are interested.

Rashar Moiro Jerichan

// lesser mage/sorceror armour (+1 AC, +1 lore, +2 spellcraft)

// This post is for those who answered the call, but could not make the first meeting. This is your chance to give me a dates and times, so we can set a second meeting. In case only one or two are interested, we will handle things less formally, in-game.


Fixed Bugs / Half the chests in my house are gone.
« on: June 04, 2005, 05:42:00 am »
*sighs* When I came to my house today, I discovered that half of my chests have been erased. Those chests with my regular stuff like iron weapons and such I don't mind, but two of the chests held rare hide- and leather armours, a Bloody club, an Armour of the made man, adamantium clothing and some others of the special CNR items. A third chest held 6 or 7 ingots of cobalt, 6 ingots of adamantium and some ingots of silver. That one I would be sad to loose as well. And a fourth held around 10-15 deadly traps.

Can you restore these chests? The reason I am asking is because I saw no warning before the update, and check the forums every day.

I also spent 4-5 hours decorating our Guild hall... and I wonder if all that work is wasted now.


General Discussion / Who handles guilds?
« on: June 02, 2005, 03:20:00 pm »
Is it still Aryn who does the guild-business? Or whom do I turn to for member registration?


General Discussion / A question regarding plot-related activities
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:16:00 am »
Often I have ideas for investigations, or scouting do discover news or truths about troup movement or the lay of the lands. How can such ideas come to life on the server? Do I just ask on the DM channel if anyone is around, and if yes, if he/she can tell me what I want to discover?

For instance, Kobal would like to sneak to the dwarves at Bloody Gate to once and for all determine if we can count on their assistance (perhaps in an assault to retake some of what was lost on Rilara). How do I do this?


* Kobal and Hargranar personally deliver these letters to a priest of Vorax of the Ulgrid clan of dwarfs and at the door of Brac'ar Fireface in Shoufal. *

I are writing you to inform you about a disturbing discovery in the Berhagen Mountains. An informant passed information to me earlier today, so I went with Hargranar Craggenhilt, battlepriest of Vorax, to investigate.

We found what he described to us as a secret passage to the Underdark. The design of the tunnels and the interior in general is anything but dwarven. Our first assumption was drow, but on second thought it might have been made by the squid-men. The place looked very alien to us, and it seems it has been abandoned. But anyhow, a possible passage needs to be secured and guarded before things from emerge from the dark. We explored the place until we came upon a magically sealed door. It is heavilly trapped.

* What follows is a detailed description of the location of the entrance to the place. * // Not writing it here so this information doesn't get abused. Just in case.

I hope you will look into this further. Call for assistance whenever you need it.

Regards, Kobal Bluntaxe

// Posting this letter here, since I don't know where else to put it.

Wild Surge Inn / Will you defend Layonara from its enemies?
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:24:00 am »
* A hooded figure posts notes in inns, and near the wells of towns and cities on Mistone. The figure is seen by few, and recognized by no one. *

 - Do you oppose the darkness that is gathering all around us?

 - Will you fight, so that others might continue to live in peace?

 - Do you oppose the use of dark magic (necromancy), the summoning of demons, and the creation of
   undead? Would you see such foul rituals banned from these lands?

 - Are you prepared to do what it takes to win the war against those who assail us?

If you find the statements above to your liking, you should consider joining a The Grey Circle. Write your name beneath this note, and you will receive word from us.

General Discussion / +2 AC epic feat.
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:13:00 am »
I am considering taking this feat, but since I am no longer able to choose many feats, I want to make sure I take the right one.

Does the +2 natural AC feat stack with AC from armour, tumbling, boots, barkskin, etc.? I would think that armour and shield ac is another type of ac. Tumbling would be dodge, while barkskin would be natural. So the +2 would stack with armour, shield and tumbling, but not with barkskin? Do you have this right?


Fixed Bugs / Ox stabled on Central, now lost on West.
« on: May 17, 2005, 02:14:00 pm »
My ox was on west. Then I pulled it out on Central, and stabled him again after that. When I tried to take him out of the stable in Hlint today, I was told I have no ox. Do I have to go get him on Central? Or is the beast lost?


Trade and Market Hall / Job-offer.
« on: May 14, 2005, 02:15:00 am »
I am in need of molds, so I offer payment in gold or equipment for one who is willing to dig me some clay. Since my crafts are many, and I am often in need of raw materials we could make a more permanent deal out of this.

Write me if you are interested.

Kobal Bluntaxe

General Discussion / Stupidest death ever!
« on: May 01, 2005, 01:16:00 pm »
Kobal was mining iron today in the Haven mines. It seemed tedious though, and there was something on TV that he wanted to watch, so he decided to do both at the same time. It seemed to work out well enough, but after some time his pick shattered, but Kobal kept pounding without noticing, which resulted in bloody hands... bloody enough that it finally killed him. (kept hitting the powerattack and attack keys on the iron vein without watching the screen, heh)

The lesson of this -> TV is a killer!


Layonara Server / Fire bombs = Alchemists fire
« on: April 29, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
I tested a fire bomb on some goblins today, because a friend told me they don't work. The gobbas received 1 damage, so I guess something went amiss somewhere...


Wild Surge Inn / Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« on: April 14, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »
* This poster is posted in Hlint, Fort Hope, Fort Llast and Port Hampshire. *

Because of a rift between our world and the world of shadow, immense destruction was wrought upon the Silent Watch Mountains and the surrounding areas. No giants survived what happened there. Be careful when travelling through these places. Something we do not know about might have come through, and could still be there.

Kobal Bluntaxe

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