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Messages - Harlas Ravelkione

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The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: August 17, 2009, 04:42:10 am »
// I have gone through my calendar to see if I could run this on a Friday or Saturday night instead, but my weekends are booked for the next six weeks, so that isn't an option.

How about another time of day on Sunday? A few hours earlier perhaps - would that help?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: August 15, 2009, 04:23:52 am »
// Sadly, something has come up for one of us in RL and combined with the fact that one or two major things still need to fall into place, we've agreed that it's best to postpone this one week. I know, the reasons are somewhat mysterious, but I'm not posting spoilers. :)

I hope this doesn't create problems for any of you and hope to see you all there!


General Discussion / Re: High level adventuring tonight!
« on: August 11, 2009, 12:58:05 pm »
High level adventure on Belinara in 1 hour - at 6pm GMT.

Late notice, but if you have a chance of coming, come! :-)

Cheers, Harlas

PS: Due to dangerlevel your character should at least be lvl 20.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: August 07, 2009, 03:58:06 am »
// I have posted a tentative date and time on the calendar. It's set for Sunday the We're very caught up by RL matters atm. and the final session requires some planning and that's why this has taken so long. I hope that the last bits and pieces fall into place, so that the set date can be confirmed.

I'll keep you posted and hope for your understanding.

Sincerely, Harlas

General Discussion / Re: High level adventuring tonight!
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:43:33 pm »
Hi guys - this starts in 1 hour and 10 minutes!

Layonara Server / Re: Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 28, 2009, 01:38:31 am »

General Discussion / Re: High level adventuring tonight!
« on: July 27, 2009, 08:17:11 am »

A big thank you to those that came along for the trip yesterday. I had loads of fun and visited the Glittering Isles for the first time. :)

I've posted another trip on the calendar for Tuesday evening (GMT). I hope to see many there!

Calendar event:

Cheers, Harlas

General Discussion / Re: Someone has a birthday ...
« on: July 27, 2009, 03:57:46 am »
Many congratulations, Pan. :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday!
« on: July 26, 2009, 10:41:59 am »

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:03:35 am »
// You can still comment, but show care not to force-emote, please. Action has been taken and the rest will (more or less) have to be handled in game.

Stay tuned for suggestions for a date and time of the next - and likely final - episode.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:13:32 pm »
* Suddenly you become aware of the newcomers. Just as the man with the mask utters the words: "At last!", you turn to regard the strangers... or enemies?

As your minds work to comprehend what is going on and to analyze this new information, the masked man continues... *

Ressourceful, to have gotten this far.  * He pronounces each word carefully, even with respect. *

Now you must choose.

You will be allowed to step aside and make your way out of here.

Go home to your families and loved ones. Do not throw away your lives recklessly... there is nothing for you here.

* He extends his left arm and motions for you to move by him and his group, the woman and the grey skinned dwarf step aside to let you pass them by. *


// The group consists of six members. Below they are described from the left to the right. Also, please note the attached screenshots.

1. The masked man, who was the first to speak. He carries a strange mask that conceals his face. In his right hand he carries what can only be a magic staff. His only other weapon is a large dagger, sheathed to his left. At his right hip you notice a square leather bag or case, decorated and adorned with gems. At first glance it could be a spellbook, but it seems both too large and heavy for much travelling. The man carries what seems to be light armour or reinforced clothing. The man is tall and slim, and does not look like your typical warrior or rogue.

2. Clad in heavy armour, coloured in grey and dark colours, the dwarf seems stout and strong. Nothing of the dwarf's face is visible due to the helmet that covers his face and neck. He or she carries a large and menacing-looking greatsword that gives off a slight glow. Like carved out of a mountain, the dwarf seems solid and unyielding.

3. Clad in thick plate mail, this figure stands very tall - and much taller than your average human. Squareshouldered and bull-chested he looks more like a humanoid bear than a man. The twobladed sword rests easily on his shoulder as he regards you, his posture making him seem at ease.

4. In the back stands a strange creature. At first glance a large lizardman, but then again something else. The creature stands more erect and is wider of chest and taller than a lizardman. The creature has very thick and muscled arms and legs, whereas lizards usually are thin and dexterious this creature seems of incredible strength and durability. Keen black eyes regard you from the back, yellow teeth flashing as it seemingly smiles at you. It's only weapon is a short spear.

5. Cloaked and clad in blackened leather armour, this female stands at ease, but at the same time seems like a coiled spring - ready to jump into action. Like most of the others, her face is concealed by a helmet. Agile and lean, she carries two broad kukris.

6. A strange grey skinned dwarf, clad in a large robe and wielding a staff that seems much too large for him. The runes that adorn his clothes and hood, along with the many rings on his fingers, mark him as a magic user. He has a mad gleam to his bloodshot eyes as he studies each of you carefully.

Layonara Server / Re: On vacation
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:24:05 am »
Have a good vacation, Ed.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« on: July 20, 2009, 02:01:55 am »
// OOC clarification:

So, from (1), I'm assuming postings should encapsulate the period before "Suddenly the momentary peace is disturbed..." (at least initially).


Also, I'm assuming you are looking for something more from those that have been "affected"(?). And I'm also assuming those people know who they are(?). Unless I've missed something ('cos Arg was going through the whirlpooly things twice while the above was happening), and we are all actually feeling the effect of being in such proximity to the runed sparkly rainbow lights(?).

Some were more affected than others. I will PM the people in question, just to make sure. If you were not informed during the quest (in tell) or receive a PM, you still are affected by a pull or wish to walk into the lights, but you are aware of the effect and able to resist it. Even if you manage to resist, you cannot help but wonder what would be in it for you, if you entered that circle... what opportunity are you missing? Will your comrades around you not eventually decide to sneak over there and enter before you? Can you trust them to have the same strength of will than you?

Should you not perhaps be the one to enter, to ensure that the person to walk the path is not someone weak, someone without honour or even someone with dark intentions...

// New calendar event posted for the upcoming Sunday. Please sign up as soon as possible if you're able to make it, so that I know whether I should move it forward instead.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Gulnyr!
« on: July 07, 2009, 12:01:34 pm »
Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one ;)

Since the party has not ventured far into the Hammerbound Peaks yet, I will allow you to recruit additional members to your party. Call them in via falcon, bird, familiar or whatever other means you have at your disposal.

There are both IC and OOC reasons for this opportunity. IC: You already more or less know who and how many you will be facing - you will need whatever aid you can get. OOC: I would like to keep plot quests open for as long as possible.

See you guys on Sunday :)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: June 20, 2009, 05:47:55 pm »
I have about one and a half boxes of Bodak Teeth. They are yours for 500 a piece.

I'll try to meet with one of your representatives.

*signed* Hjalmar

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday BC!
« on: June 13, 2009, 04:41:27 pm »
Happy birthday!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Serissa!
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:28:40 pm »
Have a good one!

Sorry for the late respons, but the GMs working on the plot are currently experiencing months of business and RL pulls us away from time to time.

Now for your request. Many of your questions (miner, titanium, earthquakes, etc.) do not concern the plot, but a WLDQ that is currently being ran for a player and his group of friends. The events influence the world at large and I can see why you thought they were related to the campaign. My best advice is to seek more information in game, until you stumble upon someone who is actually partaking in the quest or the prospective world leader himself. :)

The Ovdear question is probably not something you can research in a library. Information may be sought from players though, who attended the quests.

Regarding your general research towards the green dragon cult, much information can be gained from players who have participated in one or more of the numerous plot quests and who have followed the rumours posted on our forums.

Most of your questions are very good, but they are far apart because they concern various different matters. If you focus your questions and narrow it down towards the current dragon storm plot, we will be more than happy to run an investigation session in the Great Library on Voltrex. What I ask of you beforehand is to gather information - perhaps through arranging a meeting, calling upon those who have knowledge to share on current matters. In fact, there are many pieces of the puzzle out there. Some know some, some know others. It would serve all if information was shared between all parties involved.

I hope that helps.


Quote from: SteveMaurer
Having received the answer to a number of questions, some of the things Darthirâe intends to investigate have changed.   Also, since she now knows that the portal to the Great Library on Voltrex is open to all, there are no specific party requirements.

- - - - -

Darthirâe intends to use the teleportation portal out of Blackford castle to go to the Great Library on Voltrex.   She intends to pursue a number of lines of investigation while there.

This is driven by information she has gleaned from in-game knowledge from various PCs, and also from things that have been posted in many public taverns.

She is looking for the answers to a number of questions:

1] She has learned the earthquakes are being caused by the large scale mining of Mithril and titanium.  She also knows that the sun elves in Voltrex are requesting those metals.   She would like to know to what purpose?

2] Are the elves on Voltrex aware of the songs being sung on seaside taverns as a warning/threat to stop building Ov'dear.   Do they know who is spreading them and what purpose they may have?

3] That song specifically mentions that "those who play with fire get burned".   Is there great magical significance associated with the site?

4] How, and more importantly, why, was Ov'dear destroyed originally?

5] What has become common knowledge in the Great Library about the Green Dragon cult?   This knowledge may not be so common on Mistrone.

6]  What do they know about any miner who is collecting Mithril?

7] What are the dragons of note who still remain in the world?   This new phenomena seem to be intricately tied up with Dragons - Dragon cults, undead Dragons from crypts, other Dragons.

8] Darthirâe is also interested in researching stories related to the ancient conflicts of the Dragons, specifically because she believes that the trigger of the current unsettled situation was the death of Bloodstone.  One possible explanation is that having lost their common enemy, some ancient dragons may have decided to rekindle an old war.

9] As general research, but also potentially to gain clues, Darthirâe would also be researching all knowledge of "lost" (or hidden) Gods.   She would again be focusing largely on the Draconic ones.

10] She would also be quietly listening to learn any other information being discussed on the closed continent.

There are other things Darthirâe would be looking to find out, but they more properly, belong as a CDQ.

I am in the US Pacific TZ, and am generally available evenings, and days on weekends.

Party restrictions: Darthirâe would be happy to form a team to perform this research.  It appears that so long as one is within the Library, one is welcome there.

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