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Messages - vgn

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General Discussion / RE: Question on Warrents
« on: August 26, 2005, 08:23:00 am »
While I agree it is probably worth talking about this subject as bounties do exist so people should know their options, I do want to point out one thing that was said that is not true:


Its just that, how to you actually capture someone, say your a mage, you have true sight (assuming spell hasnt been changed) so you can see those Shadow Dancers...

While the NWN mechanics allow people with true sight to see characters that are hiding, it should not and therefore as a mage or cleric who is able to cast true sight, it is your responsibilty RP wise to ignore someone you can see if you know that they are hiding and you don't have the spot skill level to see them.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Gem mining?
« on: August 24, 2005, 11:44:00 am »
Yes, both the pick and the chisel work. The pick is a hold over from old and unless you like carrying around 3 extra pounds just use chisels.

On the mining. I have also noticed it doesn't do anything first time you touch it. It's slightly annoying but nothing big. The sand and clay piles do the same. I think it is related to if you click on it and move to it, or if you are actually standing next to it and click it.
Now as far as what it does after you start mining. It is all random and working as intended. You often get nothing from piles or at times you get a seemingly unending stream. All the luck of the rolls.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Bags of sand
« on: August 23, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
Changes to the bags of sand have been asked for before as you mentioned. They have been turned down before and will likely continue to be turned down. The bags have charges for the bits of sand and "crafting" sand to remove a sprinkle of sand from a bag doesn't make much sense.
While logically you should be able to put a bag of sand on an ox, I would imagine a good portion of the reason this still is like this is for balancing to slow down the glass making. If it is hard to gather materials then it is harder to craft.
On a final note. You say you are a mage with 10 strength and I'd say you aren't using your full potential. A small spell or two and you can have a 50% increase in strength and easily carry double or more your normal load.

General Discussion / RE: Layonara - my opinion
« on: August 19, 2005, 11:32:00 am »
I'd like to point out something, but before doing so, I want to make it clear that all who enjoy role playing are welcome in Layonara whether they can only log on 1 hour a day or 12 hours a day.

Layonara is a role play focused server. We have some scripted quests to help people get a boost up through the first few levels. After level 7 or 8 though, there aren't many left to do (though there are a small sprinkling for 10+) and while grinding out killing monsters will give some XP, the bulk of your XP comes from GM run quests (or at least that is the design).

GM quests take time. Very rarely are they less than 3 hours unless it is a small improptu quest that doesn't run away with itself. 3-5 hours is probably normal with some that go longer. I understand not everyone can get on for long blocks of time to play, but the fact of the mater is, that is the trade off you unfortunately have to make with your schedule.

If you know you can only get on 1 hour at a time, then I'll realistically tell you that you are not going to level very fast. You won't get GM quest XP. You aren't going to have a lot of time to kill monsters. But I have known several people who are in this situation and just embrace the server for what it is, a great place to come and meet people and play out a role in this world. They are content that they will sit at a low level for a long time, but they don't come on to level up, they come on to converse and in general role play. If you only have a short period of time to play but leveling is very improtant to you, there are other servers out there that are geared more towards fast leveling and are more about slashing monsters than engaging in stories and role playing.

If you can put aside 3 hours or so, you can always request a CDQ and part of the CDQ process involves the GM finding a time that works for you. So maybe your 3 hour block doesn't line up well with normal quests being run. You can at least do a CDQ every two months that will fit your schedule. Just let the GM know that you only have 3 hours and if the CDQ will be longer than that, then it can be split over 2 or 3 sessions.

So, while that was a little wordy, the bottom line is more "fluff" NPC quests are not what Layonara needs and it is not what is good for the world. There are enough NPC quests to get you up through level 6-8 depending on how much adventuring you do and that really is plenty to get a foothold in this rich world. After that it is up to you to then choose to log in at level 7 and spend your time role playing in the short time you have, or you can find longer blocks and either join GM quests or request CDQs.

It's not exactly what you want as it is B&W with a color cover, but as far as ease of use, CafePress can publish a book for you.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / RE: Enchanting in your own temple
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:22:00 pm »
You need a diety to enchant in the pool. How else are you going to get the devine spells?

General Discussion / RE: Meet your Maker Quest **READ**
« on: August 11, 2005, 08:12:00 am »

2) 9 pm August 12th *original time*
6) 9 am August 13th
7) 10 am August 13th
8) 8 pm August 13th
9) 9 pm August 13th

Quests Ideas and Discussion / RE: CNR Alternative?
« on: August 08, 2005, 12:13:00 pm »
This does exist. Unique items are often made for ECDQs and on rare occations when warrented a normal CDQ. If you stick with Layo long enough, make an impact and get to the "higher" levels you may find you have an item like this as well.

General Discussion / RE: Another Monk Question
« on: August 04, 2005, 06:41:00 am »
Lion Gloves do not make your fists a +1 weapon. Lion gloves just give you a +1 attack bonus. The Ki Strike makes it so your fists act as a +1 magic weapon, but it does not actually adjust your attack rating. It's more of an issue of beating DR than of bonuses.
So yes, you still want to use the gloves. Also, you can put enchantments on gloves but not on your bare hands.

General Discussion / RE: How about you?
« on: August 02, 2005, 10:48:00 am »
Sago has alertness and it wasn't a mistake.

Some time ago, while traveling with some others through Lorindar, darkness and shadow creatures began haunting the area. It was traced to an odd box with many chaotic runes inscribed on its faces. A captain of a recently moored ship said the box was likely picked up on their last stop, which was Saudiria. A halfling trader of collectables in Saudiria mentioned he found the box in the ruins of a caravan in the desert. We found the caravan and all who were there were dead. There was a small odd man covered in tattoos similar to the runes on the box. Someone recognized him as likely from the swamps on Roldem and after searching the wagons we found corroborating evidence.

It took quite a while but we eventually made it to Tibum where we set off for the swamps on Alibor. Hunted by shadow creatures and a tribe of irrate pygmies we eventually found a village in the swamp that had been wrecked by tribal warfare. A lone survivor warned us that a rift had been opened between our world and the shadow plane that surrounds us. A pure soul is holding the rift open and the only way to close it is to kill the person holding it open or exchange him for an impure soul. He said this was all likely somewhere near a coastal town called Neth.

We set sail for Neth and found the town in ruins and overrun with undead and shadow creatures. We eventually found a cave full of cult members who were the ones that opened the rift. Deep in the cave while others busied themselves fighting the cult and the undead creatures, I wandered off into the darkness and found a boy holding open what looked like a shadowy hole into nothingness.

I was not sure where I would find an impure soul, though mine would likely fit the bill I saw no need to sacrifice myself. The boy on the other hand likely would not be horribly missed and the tribesman on the islands had said the rift could easily be closed by killing he who was holding it open. So I walked up next to the boy and took one of my knives and slit his throat.

The boy quickly died and the rift began closing. The cave also seemed to shake and shudder and I left as quickly as I could. The others I was with eventually made it out as well. Some weren't sure what happened and I felt no need to tell them. One of the others had found the dead boy and I heard that he tried in a vain attempt to fix what I had already fixed he exchanged the boy's body for the body of one of the cult members. We made the trip back to Tibum without event and I went on my way happy to have helped.

Layonara Server / RE: Dual-Classing question
« on: July 28, 2005, 01:15:00 pm »
It is certainly allowed to multiclass fighter/ranger and a 12/8 split is within our rule guidelines for mutli-classing.
On adding paladin or cleric at level 21. I don't think there is a problem here either, though I believe if the switch was to paladin it would have to be forever. You couldn't flip between paladin and fighter or ranger levels.
You would have to keep in mind that with a 12/8 fighter/ranger split, it may not matter to you, but you should be aware that if you add a third class (paladin or cleric) at level 21, you will endure a 20% penalty to your XP for the first several levels, and while unlikely, if you managed to make it that far, after you reached 13 levels of this new class the penalty would start again because of the 8 ranger levels.
Just a mechanical thing to keep in mind, which may or may not matter to you.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Equipment of Sinthar's forces
« on: July 27, 2005, 08:03:00 am »
Duur lik sum gluv
Duur lik STRONG!
Sum pee-pal say Duur ogr.
Duur no ogr
Meebee Duur git ogr gluv
Duur hav BIG goldee sak


Duur lik sto-ree

General Discussion / RE: Tokens tokens tokens....the death ones :)
« on: July 18, 2005, 03:56:00 pm »
I voted as 2, but the actual breakdown for the 6 characters I run is:

Min level 6, Max level 14

I'm not at all worried about tokens currently as I try not to die.

General Discussion / RE: bronze armour
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
Do not add a resistance enchantment to bronze please. You might as well do it to copper as you will just destroy the bonuses bronze gives you.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Checking Death token count
« on: July 15, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
That's odd every time I check it says 0 is that a bug I guess I don't die much so maybe I don't have any can you check if I have any because that 0 seems odd because everyone keeps talking about how many tokens they have and I wonder why I have 0 so do people actually die a lot because it seems like you would try and avoid dying

oh well just check if I really have zero please so I know if I should start to worry

General Discussion / RE: Lag whilst quests are being run
« on: July 15, 2005, 10:30:00 am »
The most critical reason why parties cannot be removed in a real time combat system like we have in nwn is the fact that you will die more, a lot more. Why? Because if there are no parties and the clerics can't see who is getting hurt on the health status, people will likely not get healed in time. Yes, this is meta gaming some as the clerics shouldn't just "know" who is hurt, but unlike PnP, there often isn't time in battle to cry out "I need healing."

Also based on speculation orth and I had, we believe this is one of the major factors in the lag you seen with big parties. As each member of the party is added, then they are also added to the notifications on party member status. So each heart beat every member of the party gets sent the status of every other member. Intense traffic!

Transmitting all the party talk is also likely an issue, though probably not as much as the health updates.

General Discussion / RE: Cleaning Up Your Spawns
« on: July 15, 2005, 08:24:00 am »
Some of this is timing and the way the spawns are triggered. A great example of this in the goblin caves is the area with the hut. When you first come to this room you trigger the spawn as you approach and you of course have to fight it. You then go down and do your business. On your way back, when you enter the room with the hut from below, you don't trigger the spawn, but if you spent any time below mining, you will trigger a spawn on your way out, part way down the hall. You won't even see you did this. No one attacks you and unless you back track for some reason, you won't know.
So if you are headed down into the mine and you go just after someone left (which happens a lot as we have a lot of copper miners) then you will not spawn the gobbos as someone else did and you will be faced as you said with the spawn created by someone else.
This happens in several areas of games, not just here. The thing to remember is the world is dynamic. One should never assume that just because you've managed an area alone once that you could do it again. Environments change either because the spawn levels were actually changed in an area, or because someone else is in the area or even because a GM is running something special.

Further, on the idea of cleaning spawns in general. To make a blanket statement like you should kill everything you see, that's just poor. I have a fighter character. He does kill pretty much anything he sees or spawns. All of my other characters though are not fighters or even fighter types. They get around the world alive by either hiding very well or using spells to cloak them. It's what balances the classes. When a spawn is triggered by a fighter, the solution is almost always fight and unless they are severely outmatched, that solution usually works. When a spawn is triggered by a rogue or a mage, fighting isn't necessarily the best solution and it is never the only solution. Often a different solution must be taken or certain death is at hand.

General Discussion / RE: Bruenor LG
« on: July 11, 2005, 10:14:00 pm »
Bruenor, you can RP any way you want, but as Ice has said, there are consequences. I'd also like to point out the Brue follows CN much closer than CG.

 1. May keep his word. (Most of the time Brue keeps his word)
 2. Lies and cheats if he feels it necessary. (I'm never sure whether it's Brue or his player, but often lies when it helps fits)
 3. Never kill an unarmed foe, but may knock out or beat up one. (Brue doesn't purposefully kill innocents that I've seen, but he does beat them up and/or harrass them verbally. Case in point would be the kidney punches on today's quest or the constant verbal beratements.)
 4. Never kill an innocent but may harm or kidnap. (Again, he doesn't usually kill, but he will often harm and later claim some excuse.)
 5. Will use torture to extract information but not for pleasure. (I'm seen Brue threaten torture on a quest and I'm sure he would do it)
 6. Seldom kills for pleasure. (Here he is even worse, while he doesn't kill innocents Brue kills anything else in sight for immense pleasure)
 7. Is not likely to help someone without an alterior motive. (Even if its just
    showing off!). (Brue always claims he is helping people, but really he rarely is. His motive is almost always personal gain or showing off.
 8. Has little respect for authority. (Brue has zero respect for athority)
 9. Does not work well within groups - tends to do as he pleases, despite orders
    to the contrary. (Brue does not work well at all in groups unless he is the leader and running around getting people xp. If he is not the leader (and really who in their right mind would follow an axe idiot) he is awful in a group as he never takes direction and does anything and everything to make the current situation fail.)
10. Will usually take dirty money or items. (Brue will gladly take anything that isn't nailed down)
11. Is very unlikely to betray a friend. (Brue seems loyal to friends so this holds true)

So you see, unlike your CG list, CN fits much better. I for one don't see how Brue could ever make it to LG with his CN tendancies, and even if he did, if I was the LG Dwarven God of War, I would never make an axe idiot one of my champions. They are too uncontrollable.

Brue's "excellent RP" as a gruff dwarf is often borderline griefing. He knows that pvp is not allowed so he verbally abuses and pushes every situation until all those involved are uncomfortable. His "excellent RP" has made him the number one feared person to have on a quest. In my experiences over the past few months, every quest that I have been on with one of routerblade's characters, be it Bruenor, or any other has failed. I would rate that any quest he goes on has about an 80% chance of failure due to his outrageous actions.

So stand by Bruenor and his excellent RP but all I see is a disruptive individual that destroys most everything he gets involved in. All of my quests I run are usually fairly stand-alone. They don't effect the world outside them much if any. I think I may start changing that and requesting changes to the world based on the success of my quests. If enough failures happen, maybe some people will learn that failing isn't as fun as they thought it would be.

I didn't ever plan on bring any of these opinions out in the public forum, but Bruenor opened it up himself by posting this thread that didn't even need posting. Posting and trying to look like a victim to illicit sympathy and support to bend the rules for one's own gain is frowned upon in my book.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Revised mage armor
« on: July 11, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
Mage armor is a function on both Helmets of Armor. That would give everyone a much more powerful item.

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