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Trade and Market Hall / RE: Wanted - Cooking and brewing ingredients
« on: June 24, 2005, 06:55:00 pm »

Talk to me or Rawkwin, Rodlin, or Kavil in game and we can point you to some of these.  


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Rangers Polymorph spell
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:02:00 pm »
I am wondering about the suggestion that druids be able to transform into chickens.  Would they be able to lay eggs?  *eyes scribing supplies thoughtfully*

Fixed Bugs / RE: Lost Item
« on: May 05, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
Still have the gem of remeberance.  I guess I was looking too hard for the cause of my problems.  I didn't know that stones sometimes become unknow items during crafting.  I won't worry about it anymore.

Thanks for the reply.

Fixed Bugs / Bug or Feature?
« on: March 24, 2008, 07:39:48 pm »
Fighting the trollocs in the no magic area I took a critical hit from there thrown "grenade like object."  It did 70 some points of damage.  I remember not too long ago Ellis took even more damage than that and after reviewing logs said that it was a critical hit.

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an exception to the monsters don't critical PCs rule, but it could convert a lower hit die PC from relatively good health to dead in one hit.

Trade and Market Hall / Looking for rings to help me identify things
« on: March 24, 2008, 03:05:01 pm »
I'm looking for rings and what not that would help me identify the items I find as I wander the world.  I've found those pesky pawnbrokers try to cheat me every time if I don't know exactly what I'm trying to sell.


//Looking for items to improve my lore, but I'm not sure that there is jewelry that helps with this.

Development Related Topics (DRT) / Environment Based XP
« on: January 25, 2008, 06:45:22 pm »
I have always thought that areas like no magic or wild magic present a higher challenge for a given CR than "normal" areas.  Would it be feasible to provide a bump to kill xp in those areas?  In other words, if you kill a CR 17 Large Snake in a no magic area it would give XP as if it were maybe CR 20.  This would reflect the added challenge of facing creatures without mind blank, mage armor, haste, etc.

I realize this probably isn't a realistic thing to include in V3, but thought it might be worthy of consideration in the new game.

Ask A Gamemaster / Undead Slayer Eligibility
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:16:13 pm »
Is the Undead Slayer class available to paladins and clerics of all good deities?  I thought I had seen something associating the class only with Toran, but couldn't find any such restriction in lore.


Development Journals and Discussion / Bartholomew Fallowfield
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:24:14 pm »
Full Name: Bartholomew Fallowfield
Age: 45
Class(es): Fighter (with plans to develop to weaponmaster)
Race: Dwarf
Subrace: None
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Lucinda
Domains (if cleric): N/A
Biography and Description:

Bart was born in Lar to a family of long time farmers. His family had worked several small patches of arable land in the narrow valleys of the high mountains. It had never been a prosperous life, but put food on the table with a bit left over to sell for other essentials. Bart was the youngest in a family of 9 and always felt that he got the smallest portions and the dirtiest jobs as a result. (In truth he was just another mouth to feed in a large family that was struggling to get by.) His family suffered from the way Lar was isolated from the rest of Mistone by the treacherous mountain passes and marauding ogres and giants. In recent years the climate change had a devastating affect on the family farm. Many of the crops were lost and the family barely had enough food to survive. His father directed all his children to work harder to protect the precious crops that remained. Bart found himself spending many cold hours in the fields removing even the smallest weeds and chasing away birds and other scavengers. He couldn

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Layo Greeter NPC Suggestion
« on: April 13, 2007, 06:40:15 pm »
When I think of the Layo I started on a couple years ago compared to the V3 world, one thing that stands out is that when I first arrived in Hlint, I didn't have to cross any transitions to find the sewers and also the crypts.  As I wandered around clicking on NPCs I was steered toward quests appropriate to first level characters.  The first quest you are likely to find out, if you start in Port Hempstead, is the fetch the stick quest from the Kobolds.  I don't think that one is meant as a first level quest.

It seems like the first direction a new character in Port Hempstead should go is to the sewers.  The rats are a little bit of xp.  You can earn a little coin and you can learn how your character works.  Unfortunately, it takes a fair bit of exploring to find the sewers (or maybe I was just unlucky in my initial exploring).
  I haven't brought a character into Vehl from the eye of the storm, but I suspect you are somewhere close to the crypts when you enter, so that's probably good.

I suggest that one of the NPCs that a new player is likely to click on gives some advice on where a new player might look for work.  For instance, the pawn broker my have a dialogue option "tell me about Port Hempstead" where he (she?) mentions in general terms where the sewers are and that the sewer keeper has frequent need for help.  I'm not sure how much information you want to give out, but something to steer characters toward areas where their first layo experience will be at least some success seems like a good plan.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Mass Blindness vs Sunburst
« on: April 11, 2007, 09:38:22 pm »
Comparing the Mass Blindness-Deafness spell description in lore to the Sunburst description it seems strange that both are 8th level spells.  Sunburst is more flexible (blinds, causes a little damage to undead, and is extremely effective against undead), sunburst causes permanent blindness versus a round per level for mass blindness-deafness, and sunburst is a gigantic area of effect versus 10 ft radius for mass blindness-deafness.  On the plus side for mass blindness-deafness, it does cause deafness too.  

I don't recall ever seeing anyone use this spell and it seems like it has the potential to be a good spell with a little tweaking.

I think that the area of effect for mass blindness-deafness should be greatly expanded to match sunburst and it seems like a will save against illusion would be more realistic than the current fortitude save.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Johan and Postmaster Vale
« on: April 11, 2007, 05:01:31 pm »
I was just wondering if these two worthies have retired or just moved somewhere else with the loss of East Hlint.  I've looked around for them and not found them, but it is hard to prove a negative.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / New Redlight Goblin Shamans
« on: April 11, 2007, 04:47:03 pm »
I have noticed that the new goblin shamans cast phantasmal killer with a DC of 19.  Between that and the elemental shield they put up, they are a very serious challenge to low level fighters.  Unless I knock them down before they get started casting, they have something like a 1 in 3 chance of killing my fighter in the second round of combat.  They don't seem to give any more xp than a standard goblin fighter/rogue.

I think a slightly lower dc on the phantasmal killer or bumping up the CR might be appropriate.  In general it seems like the default NWN spell casting progressions for NPC casters give the PCs a little time to get on them before they get very dangerous.  This balances the fact they seem to be the same XP as a similar level fighter.  When custom scripts are used to go straight to offensive spells, IMHO the CR should be adjusted accordingly.

I agree that the default spell selection makes many of the caster NPCs too easy, and am glad to see the team tweaking it.  I just think it maybe has gone a bit far with the goblins.

Fixed Bugs / Items being collected for new NPC quests
« on: March 03, 2007, 04:02:22 am »
I tried tonight after the update to complete the sewers quest and the fetch the magic stick quests.  I believe I killed the bosses for both, but still didn't find the items I was looking for.  Might have just been bad luck on the drops, but if others are seeing this I haven't seen it in the other bug reports.

Thanks for the quick turnaround on bug squishing so far.  I know that rolling out the update has been and continues to be a lot of work by a lot of people.  V3 is very cool.  Nice to be back in world exploration mode.  :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Musings of a Fighter
« on: January 02, 2007, 07:18:58 pm »
Well, it has been a long time I was standing idle while others continued to fight the good fight.  I just couldn't get back into farming though.  It's not the same without ma and pa; and I guess I've seen too much of the world to go back to working the earth.

Eventually I pulled my sword and shield and armor back from the closet and went out looking for adventure.  I said to myself, Tim me boy, you best get back to fighting before you get too old for it.

I ran into some old friends and found that some others are gone forever.  It seems that young kid that Yar saved got the same amount of protection from Toran that Yar did.  Riley followed too closely in Yar's footsteps and went to the soul mother as well.  I hear that Addison passed the same way.  *hangs his head for a moment*  So many changes.

Old Kavil and Rodlin are still around.  They have both advanced in a lot in their skills since I last saw them.  They had tales to tell of the the far east.  A most wonderous place it sounds, but far beyond the likes of me.  I also met a fighter by the name of Lilly.  She is an artist with a blade.  She uses a scimitar, which is  big for her, but she always seems to know just where the sharpest part of the blade is and where the focus of all her strength will strike.  It is amazing to watch her.  She tells me these techniques can be applied to any blade if one finds the right teacher.  I may have to look into this.  I hit pretty good, but nothing like what she does.

General Discussion / Lag Question
« on: November 04, 2006, 05:37:52 pm »
As I understand the lag-on-log-in problem, it has to do with the server verifying EVERYTHING in your inventory, including counting through all the stacked items.  I know that CNR is a major part of this, but what about arrows?  I don't think it is unusual for an archer to buy over a thousand arrows in a single trip to the store.  The last a bow centered character wants is to run out of arrows, and when hasted and with rapid shot, he or she goes through 6 arrows a round.  As I understand the setup, a stack of 99 arrows is essentially the same as 10 stackes of 10 dust each.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Crafting System Suggestion
« on: August 15, 2006, 09:05:04 pm »
Let me start by saying this would only probably be fair if it started in NWN2 since so many of us have already made levels in crafting where this wouldn't hurt us in the current game.

I propose that each character only be allowed to complete a set number of crafting actions per real life period.  

For example:  You are allowed to tailor 8 items per day.  On day one you collect cotton and try your hand at making cloth.  You make 8 attempts and succeed in making 2 bolts of cloth.  On day two you could attempt to turn those 2 bolts of cloth into patterns and also try 6 more times to make more cloth.  Eventually you start using your attempts to cure leather, make thread, and then eventually make your black leather armor.  

I chose 8 items per day arbitrarily, maybe the right answer is 20.  If this could be coded without too much difficulty, you could tweak the number of items per day to get a balance between a reasonable economy and a reasonable skill progression.  You might also find that with a system like this, you could reasonably adjust the xp rate such that you advance a level by making say 40 iron long swords at 50% instead of making 70 iron long swords at 50%. It would also create a market for journeymen who create cloth patterns, thread, clay molds, etc.

I think this would get rid of the weakness of the current crafting system which is that your best served by finding your niche and then rinsing and repeating.  (e.g. in tailoring you start doing dire badger pelts as soon as you have about a 30-40% chance of tanning them.  you throw away the resulting leather because it isn't useful for anything in quantity.  Next you change to dire boar.  Those leathers make belts of cunning. You do the leather curing for a few levels and start making the belts at around 40% chance and those will carry you to where you cure dire bear.  Same drill until you are making gloves of fury.  Soon you are level 22 like so many characters before you.  

By reducing the number of items which could be made in a batch the crafting has become more frustrating, in my opinion, to discourage over production.  However, the old formula for leveling remains in effect.  The same thing goes for enchanting, except it is a good bit more expensive as you go through a huge amount of enchanting oil.

My hope would be that by limiting how much an individual could craft in a day we could:
1. Slow the production of high level crafters.  It becomes a long term commitment instead of putting in a short burst of time and money to get the levels to produce whatever widget you desire.
2. Slow the production of items at levels -- someone wouldn't be producing dozens of oak bows in a weekend to hone their skills to make the mahogany bow he is dreaming of.
3. Increase the economy for intermediate products.
4. Hopefully lower the incentive to hoard large quantities of mid-level CNR.

Fixed Bugs / Vine Mine
« on: July 20, 2006, 07:52:52 pm »
The vine mine cast by Elite Skull Crusher giants seems to be nearly permananent.  I looked duration up in lore and it says 1 turn per level.  I think they are about 23rd level casters, so I made sure I waited half an hour to try to get a grave back which was surrounded by one of these vine mines.  The vine mine was still there, keeping me from getting my grave in greater sanctuary.

Aside from my current, personal, issue with the vine mine, I suspect that these vine mines are a source of lag.  I've come across old vine mines from other peoples fights a number of times on Xantril.  It seems like this spell could actually last a round per level and not cause any problems.  It is a combat spell and, in my experience, if you can't win a fight in rounds per level, you are in serious trouble.  : )



General Discussion / Whirling Dervishes
« on: June 09, 2006, 12:29:00 pm »
The Whirling Dervishes near Fort Miratrix are doing negative energy damage to archers every time they hit them with arrows.  Is this a bug?  It isn't an effect that I have ever seen before.



NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Housing Teleporters
« on: June 01, 2006, 12:38:47 pm »
I recommend that housing teleporters be added to Taverns, at least in large cities, for a fee.  It seems reasonable to me that a character who finds himself in Pranzis after an adventure should be able to walk into the Hotel Layonara, slap his money down on the bar, suck down a cool one in the shady bar and then teleport back to Hlint.  Otherwise, there is a huge incentive for people to make many copies of house keys for their friends to allow them to use the housing teleporter in a house to which that person otherwise wouldn't want access to.  I think for many people a prime motivation for buying a house is to gain access to a teleporter.  (Since otherwise this person can look forward to a slow walk across Rilara) If this happens, I suspect more houses would be available for role play as opposed to just storage and teleportation.

In the same vein, a set of chests in the craft hall which resemble the airport temporary storage boxes, would be nice.  Here is the scenario:
You have gathered your materials to finally make that widget you have been dreaming of for months.  When you put all the materials on the craft hall bench, of course you discover you forgot one little thing, which of course you will have to trek across 3 continents to obtain.  Under the current method you have to either trust all your hard earned components to your ox, if he is even there, or you try to jam it all in your bank vault, or you carry it back to your house if you are lucky enough to have one.  Under my proposal you would carry everything over to the craft hall temp storage.  Pick an empty chest, when you open it, the chest says something like "use of this chest costs 200 coin. any materials not removed within 72 hours will be lost. do you wish to continue?"  You can then pay the coin, drop off the material, and go get your last component unencumbered.


General Discussion / Dire Bear Whip
« on: May 12, 2006, 12:47:30 pm »
I tried to find this in the advanced craft house in Pranzis but couldn't find it.  I thought it should be on the advanced tailor's table along with the Malar whip, but it wasn't an option.  Is it supposed to be on the advanced tailor's table?  (If so, I will double check it still isn't there and then move this over to bug reports).



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