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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 26
we I'm going to upset you all, I would say don't read moden fantasie its all mind roting pap,
I hate the 5 books of (funny made up name) where some farmer/mage kid etc saves any thing at all ever.

I say go back to the start pre-tolkin, try tresher iland, or the count of monticristo, there are classic grate works.
Which just put 99.9999% of moden fantasie to shame go back to the start in with the ok fantasie,
A kaneticat yanky in the caurt of king arthuer, the lion which and wardrobe there ae so meny.
Then (not tolkin keeps her away from elfs dwarfs etc)try the earth sea books,  or lord valintines castle.
The princess  bride was a book befor a grate film. Then Micky Morrcock or the books of amber
(not an elf in sight)

well that's my take, keep her away from the graduate - fantasie -word prosesing writers who's distation is an out line of there 12 book fantasie epic.

you could use harry potter as well,
rats elfs got in ..

General Discussion / Re: Chat Logging
« on: March 18, 2006, 10:37:27 pm »
sorry about last post viewing v pda on set messed up please disregard thanks nexus7

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:33:07 am »
Hi Goldz8
Missing In Action

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
« on: March 15, 2006, 02:29:28 pm »
Gaints Army
Hlint Brigade
"Me Captin Spugly, Sargent: Zug and Private Stump, Went on Pitrol to Port Hamshire after reports of light house brokens, then we gos to haven mines where bad elvs, and halflings had sets up camps, We fights and SMASH goods.Private Stump did very good smash as did Sargent Zug we wins fignts and takes camp which we smash so all gone for now. End reports"

Next meetings will be posted on dis bord.

//Zan Ill post a PC game for our next outing, it will be a full petrol outing. What is the best time for you all Sunday would be good for me GMT 3pm on

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Giant Army: NOW RECRUTING
« on: March 15, 2006, 05:53:59 am »
Hlint Roll Call
The Giants Brigade
General Glokk
Captain Spugly Fuglet
Sargent: Zug
Private Stump
Private Zanirth Nûr :-Honor Giant
Private Grogg (MIA)
Private FogSnot (MIA)

Amry advisors, Micheal Mordicai, Citizen Farmer

Once yours names down we have meets and Sware Outh den go on Gaints Pic-a-nicks
Drinks foods and smashs for trainings.

Spugly fuglets


General Discussion / Re: Plot quest of yesterday
« on: March 13, 2006, 06:21:18 am »
well done to Ice and thank you to Leanther second that O yes
Sad to say My metwork conetion crashed a 2am GMT
so I mist evry thing after the sever tree was handed over can someone mail me what happen next, or arange a meet in game so we can RP it.

The plains severe looks gruvey
I love the it tuck 2 years for players to make this bit
very cool

General Discussion / Re: Stuck on the Planes Server
« on: March 13, 2006, 06:16:17 am »
Yep I lost MY network last knight on the Plot Quest at 2am
any tell me how it ended thanks

General Discussion / Re: Wizard Familiar Question
« on: March 12, 2006, 10:07:18 am »
Best way I find to think about  familiars, is to ask what would your PC need one for, company, protection, running chores.
In the books Only the raven can talk all others talk there own langwage, But on Laya all Fimilers talk.
It makes for better RP I feel. PCs can call up Undead and demons even when there LG NG CG so I think is all about Rping your alinment.
well that my take on your Q see you in game

General Discussion / Re: Crafting Woes
« on: March 12, 2006, 08:59:09 am »
I dont craft any more its just to painfull

General Discussion / Re: Well Done
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:42:30 am »
It was a lot of fun, the delicaet niations being hampered by dwafes and gaint tacking the biulding apart, falling gaints and then haveing the hostage tell us she would rather "not be saved thank you very much!", LOL all the way.

General Discussion / RE: Tips for Villains
« on: March 09, 2006, 04:52:46 am »
This site can help you in your evil ways

General Discussion / Re: life without layo...
« on: March 09, 2006, 02:12:45 am »
If you can not get Layo
I you have hours and housr of life to spear why not try,70348-0.html?tw=wn_index_3

Funny o yes

Roleplaying / Re: Running
« on: March 08, 2006, 02:53:56 am »
Can I add, Run jump skip hop fly whats the difarance in RP.
Houses dont canter, gaints move as fast as brownis, its the code and thats all.
A portel is a click away, I think it makes no difarance if you run to RP.
We all go around with tons for kit and 1000s of gold coins you should ask
"why do we move at all?."

General Discussion / Re: Any guidelines for in-game bio's?
« on: March 06, 2006, 09:38:09 am »
O this one is one of my pet peves,

I hate Bios thats Say how your PC "FEELS" about there PC.
Ones like...
"You feel uncofitabel around HIm/her"
"HE/SHE fills you with dread"
"You can not help your self but be drawen to them"
Please! Dont tell my PC how they feel Ill do that thank you

Its as bad as telling other PCs what happens to them in game.
"Y PICKs X up and THROWS them in the lake"
When it should be
"Y trys to pick up X and throw them in the lake"
This lets Roll come and RP happon

Your RP should make otheres players PCs feel the way you would like them to not your Bio.

Well that said Peve over

Just for Fun / Re: LARP Lightning bolt video
« on: March 06, 2006, 09:27:30 am »
O my, mad as a bag of Monkys LARPers

General Discussion / Re: Pure classing vs. Multi classing
« on: March 05, 2006, 07:55:09 am »
I would say 100% this its how you PC develups as you play in game, I have one PC and she was always going to be Rogue all the way
but has she has been travingling makeing maps other PCs come along and start to show her better ways of doing this, Now with two other pcs showing she will hopeully one day have a shadowdancer master find her and show her thows same tricks, But there is also a 2ed root othere PCs have shown here Magis which can also aid her and as shuch she could go the mage root. This has very littel to do with power playing its all about where you PC is headed and what happons in game.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Hide Armor Emporium
« on: February 28, 2006, 05:52:25 am »
Sorry for this but could you put the levels needed for use

Just for Fun / RE: 2006 Darwin Awards
« on: February 28, 2006, 05:18:54 am »
There seem to be a lot of entrys from the USA this year?

There was a UK Bank robber who held up a bank and (on Vidow) spent 10 min trying to push the door open to get out, all the time waving a gun and say that the clarks had to swich off the Door lock. It was only when the police came and opend the door with a push from the out side that he found out his mistake.

Thick as 2 planks or what

General Discussion / Re: What D&D Character are you?
« on: February 28, 2006, 04:52:43 am »
Chaotic Good Elf Bard

Haha I new it
Im a good guy at hart

General Discussion / Re: A call for Aid
« on: February 27, 2006, 08:01:51 am »
Sounds fun may come

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