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Messages - Ne'er

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General Discussion / Re: 06/06/06?
« on: May 06, 2006, 06:57:56 am »
Nah, the world can't possibly end on June 6th. The world is supposed to end on a Saturday, just before dinner. And June 6th is definately not a Saturday.

Just for Fun / Re: Frappr
« on: May 03, 2006, 02:54:52 pm »
Hehe, now there's a good group of us in New england. :)

General Discussion / Re: Removing ECDQ's
« on: April 27, 2006, 03:02:12 pm »
1. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size
2. Heroic and impressive in quality

That's the definition from The very fact they are above the ordinary shows that they are, indeed, as big deal. I mean, look at the epics in history. There have been hundreds of heros and generals throughtout the history of the world worthy of note, but only a handful of which people would actually consider "epic." So why should it be any different with Layonara? After all, if everyone finds their way to epic with little or no difficulty, it is no longer above the ordinary.

I guess another way to look at this would also be in terms of sports. Take baseball for instance. There are the people everyone wonders how exactly they managed to play professional baseball. Then you have the mediocre players and the really good players. However, then you have your players like Babe Ruth, or Ted Williams. Players like them would be the "epics" of baseball. They'll probably never be forgotten, and that is a big part of being an epic.

In Layo, an epic character is the type that would be remembered ages after they die. They would live on in tales and legends, and people would aspire to be like them (or, in some cases fear them). That's just not something that can, or should happen to everyone however sad it may be.

That's my 2 cents on all of this.

Just for Fun / Re: Yet Another Test: Machiavellianism
« on: April 20, 2006, 02:03:20 pm »
85 High Mach

Development Related Topics (DRT) / RE: Layo Prc Idea
« on: April 02, 2006, 07:40:26 am »
xXDenizeNXx - 4/1/2006  8:41 PM  
Dorganath - 4/2/2006  9:22 AM    This would be neat, but here's the problem...
  Anyone see a Gold Dragon lately? (no, the Dragon Dream doesn't count)
 Touchè. it would be neat but....
 Well... there IS Rofirien himself, but I don't think anyone has seen him recently. Although there is a first time for everything...

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Vampires
« on: April 01, 2006, 09:41:05 am »
I had always figured if you became avampire you had to have some pretty big life-altering things to occur for that to happen. So I would imagine it would be difficult for most players to be a level 1 vampire. However, I could see vampire happening more if it were attainable through a CDQ, from either failure or success, and I can't imagine it would be too easy a CDQ either.

Just my thoughts on it.

Just for Fun / Re: Taters!!
« on: March 28, 2006, 05:55:43 pm »
You know... this reminds me...

Their taking the Hobbits to Isengard!

I liked that move/song better... heh, if only I could find it.

General Discussion / Re: Grinding :(
« on: March 28, 2006, 04:20:01 pm »
When I first started here it was in the summer. I had lots of free time with no school, no job, no track. I thus had lots of time to play Layo. And I did in fact hit level seven in a bout a week, from a lot of play time. I had three characters, the highest level of which was I think 9 when the summer ended, about 2 months after starting up.

And now, school is in session and things go very slowly. I can very rarely make it to quests, which is frustrating. But a lot of the time it is just fun to sit back and talk to others, try out a new character, or just go mining or 'hunting' with some friends. And frankly, that has held me since last summer ended, and will keep me going until the summer is back :)

Now, as for getting on quests I did not even know there were such a thing as standard quests, or rather that there were quests beyond CDQs. This was my first online server, and the concept of DM run events was fairly new to me. But I got lucky enough to run across a DM run event and I had blast.

So I can relate to those of you that can't get on to quests (strangely enough, the only real quests I have time to go on are my own). But just keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to just go out and wander. I know a lot of GMs love to have impromptu events, just because they seem more natural and can create really interesting moments for players.

Just for Fun / Re: Oblivion!!!
« on: March 28, 2006, 03:56:59 pm »
I have a couple friends who were talking about this game in school today. One is never going to leave the house again. The other one said that he has now gone a full two days without playing WoW. If you knew him, you'd know that was impressive.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Looking for adventure?
« on: March 28, 2006, 03:29:29 pm »
*Tarran smiles as he reads the note*

Ah, a motely crew of adventurers gathering to march off either to glory or to their own doom. What wonders could possibly await such an odd band? And most importantly, why was I not told about this sooner?

*he smiles and and his signature in elegant writing*
Tarran Tal'flor

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: The training of Jet
« on: March 26, 2006, 11:28:53 am »
**Jet stands overlooking the area that was once Stone. He looks over the carnage then wanders away from the town where he came across Jade**

"Jet... was Stone reclaimed?"

"No, we managed to rescue the survivors but in the end we could not hold out against the reinforcements."

"Oh. THat is unfortunate. Thank you for the update, Jet.

**Jet then wanders back up to look over what was once Stone**

Why Stone? Such a small, out of the way town. I had passed through it many times, paying little mind to its presence. But then it was attacked. Then things changed for all of its inhabitants. But... why would someone want to even attack the town? A base to launch further attacks? Was there something important that was in Stone? The gnomes we saved knew nothing...

It was a harsh battle, one that nearly claimed all of our lives. I have seen beasts more powerful than I had thought possible. And these creatures are merely servants for another, greater power. It only shows that together the fight will be difficult, but alone it will be impossible. We have to work together. We have to fight the same way we did at Stone.

So what happens next? Will Blood and Milara strike elsewhere? Of course they will... and we will be there to fight them. We haveshown them we are not going down without a fight, and we will fight to our last breath. Even in Stone there were those of us who were willing to fight the reinforcements, were willing to face whatever would come our way. I would have fought if my comrades chose to. I would have stay until the end.

While it may have been the end for Stone, it is only the beginning. The lesson learned from Stone will hopefully inspire others to take action, to step up and face Blood and Milara. And, hopefully, we can end this all soon.

**after taking one final look around, Jet slips away from his spot and heads back to Point Harbor, careful to avoid any patrols along the way**

General Discussion / Re: Introduction: Nice and new
« on: March 26, 2006, 04:42:46 am »
Welcome to Layo. I'll see you in game :)

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Re: Dezza - Canislupis
« on: March 25, 2006, 06:57:40 am »
Think its about time for the next part of Jet's CDQ, if you're willing to take it again. PM sent with details.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: A bargain! The best rings ever made!
« on: March 22, 2006, 05:52:52 pm »
//could be either or.. some people would notice the bluff, others the true value of the item. either way...

I could use a ring to increase my strength. Put me done for an order and we can meet to trade.


General Discussion / Re: Stone: Ooc Discussion
« on: March 22, 2006, 04:05:40 pm »
If the battle stays for this Saturday, I can go. I know I haven't been able to go to any of the meetings  because of my real life schedule, but Jet gave his word awhile ago that he would be there to fight for Stone. I'd love to be able to have Jet keep his word.

So if it can be done this Saturday, I'd prefer it.

General Discussion / Re: BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 21, 2006, 04:40:38 pm »
Pretty sure ol' Dumby is gone. But I figure there is a twist involved, involving a deal with Snape and such. Of course, I could be dead wrong.

As for the second movie, I thought it was good. And I don't really know if it followed the book well or at all, but for all I care that battle at Helm's Deep and Isengard, heh, that was worht messing with things. And, he made some smart choices in leaving things out, *coughsTomBombadilcoughs*

General Discussion / Re: BAD fantasy Books
« on: March 20, 2006, 02:51:35 pm »
Ugh... no offence to anyone who likes them but I cannot read the Lord of the Rings book. They are just too long and drawn out. I'm not a huge fan of Tolkien's writing, although I will say the plot is good and the world he made is really cool.

And the movies. Loved the movies.
*runs off and hides*

General Discussion / Re: Leave of Absence
« on: March 20, 2006, 03:32:18 am »
Take care Talan.

General Discussion / Re: To Ne'er
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:45:18 am »
Not a problem, and I understand. We can reshecdule for next week then. Hope you get things up and running soon.

General Discussion / Re: Black Guard?
« on: March 19, 2006, 04:08:26 am »
Talan Va'lash - 3/16/2006  9:38 PM

Hehe, yeah, layo don't have any good LE gods, well, non-strongly-race-specific ones.  Need an LE god of organized crime.

Mobster: *points gun* "I nevah shoot a man in th' back." *pauses* "Turn around."

I was thinking more along the lines of a diety similar to Bane. Big, evil, powerful, and controlling. Mobster works too though.

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