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Messages - Pseudonym

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Just for Fun / Re: Darkstorme's Word of the Day
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:15:39 am »
Also, despite this, I still see this!!

A GM and a teacher in RL no less.

DS, you can lead a horse to water ...

Just for Fun / Re: Darkstorme's Word of the Day
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:10:34 am »
NB. The 'thanks' above was for Carillon.

Just for Fun / Re: Joke
« on: November 02, 2010, 07:26:18 pm »
Arkolio - "Sall, old friend, how've you been?"

Sall - "I spent some time by the wife's grave today."

Arkolio - *nods sympathetically*

Sall - "She doesn't know ... she thinks I'm digging a pond."

Quote from: Dezza

I cannot say thank you enough to Lord Cove for putting together such a well rounded WLQD, his use of areas, creatures, visual effects and plot really built a great environment for us to experience.

Ditto! Great job on every session that I attended.

Congrats! You couldn't have done it without me!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Pirate Camp
« on: October 30, 2010, 04:41:32 am »
Often the in-game representation is just that, a representation.

Maybe what you see on your screen is the edge of a vast bay with half a dozen pirate ships at anchor. The camp which you just attacked has reinforcements flocking that way. Same with umpteen other places on server. The Red Light goblin caves are the upper levels of a vast network. The Haven mines go deeper than any adventurer has ever been.

It makes sense of respawns.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: (Another) Bindstone question
« on: October 28, 2010, 05:11:49 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
Some of these are Ed questions. I'm not even sure they're even fully defined in a quantitative sense.

One thing I do want to clarify though, is that while mechanically all PCs are stonebound, RP-wise, you can chose not to bind.  However, if you do so, then your first death, without someone to raise you, would also be your last, RP-wise.

There is one character that I know of who has chosen this path.

I had a character that RP-wise refused to bind to the stone (too) and was deleted after his first (accidental) death.

Quote from: Dorganath

Moving further through the list, bindstones have nothing to do with deities. Because they are in a temple or a shrine or something does not mean that they are somehow controlled or influenced by said deity.  There may be a ritual that some churches have for such, but it is one of those "for show" and not anything necessary.  It's not a test of faith or piety or anything else.  A Pyrtechonite could bind to a stone in one of Aeridin's temples, but then that would either be fabulously horrid RP or a similarly poor way of trying to stick it to Aeridin.

Yeah, I understand they have nothing to do with deities. I read the LORE entry. However, the fact is that they are put into a temple, used as a focus point, carved into relevant shapes. They have significance. Surely there are common-to-all-temple rumours and myths about the processes? Surely the temples have a duty of care to their followers to have some explanation about the stones and the maybe-effect on their everlasting souls?

Quote from: Dorganath

Adventurers as a whole tend to possess a degree of bravado (and perhaps foolishness) that the bulk of the population lack. It's entirely possible for one's motivation to be "Well....I might as well try, because I'm going somewhere dangerous regardless, and I could be dead either way."

I'd venture there is a fair difference between an armour-clad & confidence-clad warrior venturing into a dark cave with his glowing sword swinging versus subjecting oneself to a mysterious process over which there is little control, little known and an empirical xx% chance of survival. That 'xx%' is something that is significant. I don't normally get too hung up on having to define and delineate every last detail in my gaming ... this however is relevant to my character in-game (and interesting to me OOC too now I have devoted some thought to it all!)

As ever, thanks for taking time to answer these questions. I'll point Ed to this thread when he returns - he'd probably be disappointed to return from a trip away and not have some question/issue or ten awaiting him.

Layonara Server / Re: Version 3.30 is online!
« on: October 28, 2010, 01:42:53 am »
Thank you to everyone involved. Very grateful.

Just for Fun / Re: Parental Quote of the Day
« on: October 26, 2010, 10:19:51 am »
*Pseudo walks into a kid's bedroom to investigate the sounds of children wrestling. Opening the door, he is greeted by the sight of 5 yr old daughter (ie. The winner) sitting on top of 7 yr old daughter (ie. The loser)

Pseudo - "Ainsley (loser), you okay under there?"

Ainsley - "Yep, it looks like it's gonna be one of those days when you end up with your sister's bottom in your face"

Just for Fun / Re: Darkstorme's Word of the Day
« on: October 26, 2010, 04:48:16 am »
Quote from: darkstorme

A quick note, however -a vile cannot contain things.  A vial contains things.  Presumably, then, a vile vial would contain disgusting things.  A vile vial of unholy water.  A vile vial of mucous.

Did you mean, 'A vile vial of mucus'?

Oh, how I have waited for this day!  :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Orth!
« on: October 25, 2010, 06:51:42 pm »
Happy birthday!

Rumour Has It / Re: Tragedy in Wayfare.
« on: October 25, 2010, 04:11:42 pm »
*Fellow Knight of the Wyrm, Justice is a quiet (though large) addition to the small ceremony. Having no appropriate words (specifically and generally), Justice remains mute throughout, his sorrowful face speaking volumes*

General Discussion / Re: Yet another birthday thread!
« on: October 24, 2010, 02:50:20 am »
Happy birthday!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Chakar's bits and bobs
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:26:26 am »
Staff of Ascension x 1

K'Halziras Holy Axe of the Azure Hunter x 1

Arkolio Salvorre

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Epical Items for Sale!
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:52:43 pm »
45,000 for the boots.


*Two love hearts are drawn around his name as well as a bouquet of flowers and some bluebirds circling around what appears to be sparkling motes of sunlight. Faintly, in the background, deer and bunnies frolic and prance. The 'o's in Arkolio's name have little cherubic faces drawn within.*

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nature faction plot quest
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:48:13 pm »
*Frakk gasps at the flagrant use of crushed gemdust to highlight the druidic runes*

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday to D Blaze
« on: October 13, 2010, 06:34:47 am »
Happy, happy birthday!

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Layonara policy questions and discussion
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:35:46 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
Discussions on the Purple Dragon Knight PRC are under way, stay tuned!

Any word on this? Can't recall now why I was re-reading this ol' thread.

Just for Fun / Re: Darkstorme's Word of the Day
« on: October 12, 2010, 01:47:01 am »
Inexorable one, you've done a word about which I have a question.

I have always used 'putrification' - is it interchangeable with putrefaction or have I been, brace for it, misinformed?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Re: Nature faction plot quest
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:01:22 pm »
// It's 0130 to 0630 hrs with a work day before and a work day after so I won't be there. That said, Frakk gave his proxy vote to Grovel Foaming Wolf.

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