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Messages - Xiaobeibi

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If you excluded time off you would defeat the purpose. One of the reasons people take time off or start playing less and less is when their character is near perming.

General Discussion / Catch 22
« on: September 01, 2010, 01:51:48 pm »
I am in two minds about posting a reply. One hand I this has already dragged on for a ridiculous amount time, on the other it directly involves me. Hopefully this will be the last post.

I am of course very disappointed with the decision reached, and to be blunt I do not feel the character approvers dealt with this in a generous manner. So, bearing that in mind, what follows below is my personal impression of the process and it is not directed at any one individual.

Working with a GM
"I strongly advise xiaobeibi to begin working with a GM to help him work toward the transition with Galathea that he wishes, so that there are no mixed signals or confusing statements moving forward."
This is good advice and luckily I am already doing so with Dezza and have been doing continuously ever since her first CDQ.

Concerning the Heal Kits and Heal domain

I have always held you in great respect you Dorganath and therefore I am surprised to see you repeat an all too common misunderstanding:
"Now, I'm not invalidating xiaobeibi's observations and opinions at all, but at the same time, what feedback has reached me does not agree with the assessment that the 3.2 update has somehow made the cleric class less valuable [My emphasis]."
I have not made the claim for the whole cleric class! This I have already explained in my post to Rowana and therefore it is disappointing to see it being brought up again:
"Thirdly, you are absolutely right. I do wish to downplay the frustrations I felt when the kits were introduced. I do not find these frustrations very positive, nor do I find dwelling upon them constructive. Part of the reason for taking my break was to find a way of not focusing on the frustrations, and instead find a positive and natural way of progressing beyond them. Furthermore, even if the change had not take place I would still have made the move towards Earth because it reflects her changing nature as she moves from a young girl to a mature and confident old woman. Personally, given the unique effect they had on her and her unique composition I would find this ground in itself for a change in domains [My emphasis], but I do hope it will not be the case. I would much rather have the change approved on positive in-character grounds than a negative impact of an OOC change."
Before the changes Galathea was unique in the sense she could keep a party standing on their feet and fighting when no one else could. Afterwards this was no longer the case. She was no longer unique and that took away much of the joy of playing her.

For this reason (and others) I took a break to get a bit of perspective. When I came back after the break I decided to choose a positive solution to the frustrations the new heal kits had caused, and since I made that decision I have actively tried to downplay the role they played. Hence, I talked and worked with Dezza on a way forward and went from there. I still believe this to be a far more satisfying solution for all parties.

Concerning the process

What caused severe frustration in this request was not been the long decision time - I can appreciate all the good (and not so good) reasons for it to take time -, it was:
  1. The lack of communication. After two weeks waiting I asked if more info was needed from me and was informed "no". For the next month I heard nothing. Not a word. Communication is especially important when there is a delay and double so when there is a difficult decision to make or complicated arguments. In this case there wasn't any substantial information for a month and a half.
  2. The lack of involvement. Had I been involved or just informed of the issues you were discussing perhaps I could have been able to explain better or present my point of view early in the process and before people made up their minds. Perhaps not, but the experience would certainly have been much less frustrating.
The Hospital

As both Dezza and I have explained the decision to continue with the hospital (and how it was made), it has been a saddening experience to see emphasis placed upon it in the decision making process. I cannot help but help feel that what was meant as a positive player contribution has come back to haunt her. Now I am being told I have to step away from it.  

I am not sure what to say apart from it being thoroughly disheartening...

The double CDQ request

The request has already -- for good and not so good reasons, as is life -- been a very long time underway. Two CDQs, the waiting period and the inevitable delays this will involve feels to me as adding insult to injury.  

Furthermore, Rowana states: "I want to state that this was (clearly) not an easy decision to come to. No one wants to be a wet towel on someone else's fun".

Were the team to demonstrate a touch of grace and change this to a one CDQ requirement (bearing the before mentioned in mind) then I honestly believe it would reflect well on them.


I can appreciate that it was a difficult decision, I can appreciate the team not considering this a denial, but with all due respect, I also believe the team could use this case a learning experience in the importance of communication and involvement.

I hope this has explained my perspective and I hope this will be the end of it.

What happens next is something I will have to discuss with Dezza.



Just for Fun / Re: Pseudo on TV!
« on: July 14, 2010, 04:57:44 pm »
And if you look at the 30 second mark you see Ark being taken away.....


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: A Pox on All Our Houses
« on: July 06, 2010, 02:29:09 pm »
Quote from: akata

Adds power to the cleric class:

Cleric is already one of the most powerful classes in NwN, there is no need to add more to their template even with the new bandages and healing potions they still have a high use. Some spells will always been more useful than others, just like feats and skills. Trying to change Layo to make all of them useful would be the screw with no end

Glad to know we still have a high use, even if you can get your cheap healing elsewhere, I presume you are thinking as a buff monkey?!

Ahhh the joy of still being useful as a buff monkey. Almost as much fun as double checking the payroll at work; that is apart from the obvious lack of salary....

And since I know you, :)- :)- :)-


Roleplaying / Re: WL frustrated with options offered
« on: July 03, 2010, 02:53:56 pm »
Thanks Acacea, took the words right out of my mouth.

There is a world of difference between a roleplay opportunity with hints and nudges and an unkillable monster dumped or even worse left.

The best way to heal rifts of miscommunication, is to communicate. Prefably before and after.


Layonara Server / Re: Participants of "From One" quest
« on: June 18, 2010, 06:16:00 am »
July the 10th


Just for Fun / Re: New guild
« on: June 13, 2010, 03:20:29 pm »

We miss Isherwood and Father Badger at Krandor

*nudge nudge, wink wink*

Oh and the problem with Pyr forums is they getting burnt down....

General Discussion / Re: Isherwood cant make it
« on: June 11, 2010, 03:00:20 pm »
He will be sorely missed!


Server Rules / Re: CNR Harvesting/Camping
« on: June 11, 2010, 12:40:56 pm »
I think this is the origin of the rule of "3 passes"

From LORE:

"We ask the community to limit any looping behavior through a small number of areas to sixty (60) minutes. We ask the community to limit any camping behavior in a single area to thirty (30) minutes. In the case of logging in, harvesting and logging out, we ask that you simply do not do this more than 3times in a row over a twenty-four (24) hour period.

The GM Team understands that not everyone has a lot of play time. Sometimes there is only a small amount of time to log in, take care of a few things and then log back out, and we do not wish for people with limited time to feel like criminals. However, we also believe that players should exercise some degree of self-restraint when doing such things. While we will not be actively policing for camping and looping behavior, if we observe such in excess of the stated guidelines, we reserve the right to intervene and inform the party that they have pushed the boundaries of what we would like to see."

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Looking for an artist
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:53:27 pm »
*She takes the poster down*

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Re: Looking for an artist
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:52:57 pm »
*She takes the poster down*

The Silver Buckle / Re: Looking for an artist
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:52:27 pm »
*She takes the poster down*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Looking for an artist
« on: June 07, 2010, 02:51:57 pm »
*Galathea reads all the replies and smiles, then talking to herself she mumbles*

"Ohhh so much for the suprise my love, well I better pick up some flowers and write some letters"

*She takes the poster down*

General Discussion / Re: CDQ vs. GCDQ
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:49:28 pm »

General Discussion / Re: CDQ vs. GCDQ
« on: June 06, 2010, 11:41:49 am »
Was about to make the exact same post in the "ask a gm" forum. So I can only concur.

Recipe for mission impossible:

1) Take 8 people with lives and obligations outside layonara
2) Add a touch of timezones.
3) Stir in some roleplay and a lot of effort & ideas
4) Leave to plan for a month or so

5) Require all the participants to use a CDQ slot thus adding a serious demand som players can't/won't give up due to PRC application etc.
6) Get all the CDQ schedules to fit together

The scheduling without the CDQ slot demand is already tough, but the CDQ demand makes it near impossible to agree on and coordinate a GCDQ.

Please, could we let the GCDQ rest on the guild, i.e. 4 months between each GCDQ for each guild, but they dont count against other CDQs.


General Discussion / No longer stuck
« on: June 05, 2010, 01:34:14 pm »

Thanks Dorg!


Wild Surge Inn / Re: Looking for a teacher
« on: May 22, 2010, 04:29:27 am »
Lets talk about the gnomish.

/Galathea Arnaduillae

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Giving away a soul stone
« on: May 19, 2010, 09:44:47 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
I have seen some Good-aligned clerics say, "Bah, no soul stone.  Anyone have a scroll?" (yes...really), I have seen clerics pay it absolutely no attention and I have seen clerics cast raise/resurrect without RPing beforehand but then RPing the after-effects of XP loss as a temporary weakening and an admonition to the raised to start carrying soul stones.

Why should a good aligned cleric take a hit to cover what is in 9 out of 10 cases is someone else not caring? Just because you are good doesn't mean you have to be a sucker.

I have raised lots of players of quests and outside when they didn't carry soulstones. Sometimes I have lectured them afterwards, sometimes not.

If it is a new player I dont - much - mind, but when its experienced players and it  evolves into a pattern of not carrying or paying attention to soulstones, then it is quite frankly nothing but disrespect towards your fellow players.

On the point of roleplaying. I have quite often experienced - both on and of quests - that when I kneel down to pray before raising then someones gets impatient and pulls a scroll out, instead of waiting a moment.

Just for Fun / Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« on: May 18, 2010, 11:11:10 am »
Voices of a distant star!

Not sure if you like anime, but this is pure beauty...

Voices of a Distant Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quote from: Ravemore
I believe Pear Juice is used for Oils of Sharpness (ie. Keen), so pibe is probably right. :)

It is, but that also takes dust of mahogany and adam

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