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Messages - Alatriel

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 98
Quests Ideas and Discussion / "But if I am, and if he's not
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:27:03 pm »

"But if I am, and if he's not dead... why is he writing me?"  Rose shakes her head, obviously confused.  " I don't understand it."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose points at the letter on
« on: November 07, 2013, 10:50:36 pm »

Rose points at the letter on the table.  "It's from Master Cedric.  I saw him die.  He was stabbed.  He was ill.  I stood by his bed next to Master Dominic and Mistress Lila when he died."  Her voice is shakey and uncertain.


//PM incoming


Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose takes in a sharp breath
« on: November 07, 2013, 10:17:49 pm »

Rose takes in a sharp breath and looks at Bree's eyes for a long moment, then nods, still shaking.  "Yes..."  she nods again.  "Yes..."  She turns back towards her room and makes her way back there a bit slower.  When she arrives at her door she stands outside of the threshold for a moment before entering, then cautiously moves into the room, looking around into the corners before sitting on her bed and looking at the table and the letter.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / "The letter!" Rose gasps. 
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:56:52 pm »

"The letter!" Rose gasps.  "There's a letter in my room.  It's from him, but he died.  It's his hand, but I saw it, Priestess, I saw him die.  I haven't wandered, I promise, but it came here anyway.  The dead don't write letters!"  She looks fairly terrified.  "He's watching me, my progress with the Mistress."  She clings to Bree.  "How!?"

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose takes off town the hall
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:37:46 pm »

Rose takes off town the hall looking for Bree.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose's eyes scan the letter
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:23:30 pm »

Rose's eyes scan the letter and then she drops it, standing up quickly and backing up so fast away from the table that she knocks over the chair, backing away several steps and then running out the door into the hallway, looking for any other slaves nearby.

"The letter... where did it come from?  He's dead.  He died.  I saw it!  I saw him die!"

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose's brow furrows when she
« on: November 07, 2013, 09:04:09 pm »

Rose's brow furrows when she notices the letter and she looks around a moment questioningly before opening it and reading the contents.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / After one particular night
« on: November 07, 2013, 06:27:00 pm »

After one particular night when Bree leaves her to her own devices Rose sits on one side of her room and stares across towards her wash basin.  Her foot begins to tap.  She looks down to her cup of tea still sitting in front of her, then looks away quickly only to catch her reflection in the window.  She stands quickly and moves to the other side of the room, but her eyes are drawn to a flickering flame of a candle.  Her lower lip trembles and she bites down on it, taking a deep breath.  Her foot continues to tap as she struggles against the promise of the touch of power that is easily within her grasp.  In one last desperate move, she runs across to the candle and snuffs it out before hurrying to her bed and burying herself under the covers. 


Quests Ideas and Discussion / It doesn't take long before
« on: November 07, 2013, 05:59:34 pm »

It doesn't take long before Rose seems to relish the part of the day she spends with her new Mistress.  Each morning, once she is accustomed to being woken up before the dawn, she moves through her morning routine with Bree quickly in order to get to the time with the Mistress.  After a few times being caught wasting time, usually looking for something in a mirror or a glass of wine once poured, or hovering over something a little too long over something with a more powerful thrum of magic, she starts to try harder to please her Mistress.  Each time a new item is explained, she asks questions about each bit to truly understand it as she works through her tasks, drinking up the new information in the absence of wine.  Each time she is offered praise for her correct actions and responses, she smiles a little more throughout her day, and the initial rebellion that was bubbling just under the surface seems to ebb just a bit more.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / After a few days of the
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:59:55 pm »

After a few days of the routine, there are a couple days that Rose is far less than thrilled to be woken up once again before she gets used to the routine.  Even still, there are flares here and there of thoughts of rebellion, and some days she has more difficulty pulling herself away from clear reflective surfaces.  As she becomes more accustomed to eating more, she gradually stops looking so full that she feels sick, and eventually is able to finish her meals without issue, even finally putting on a couple needed pounds.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose smiles gratefully. 
« on: November 07, 2013, 12:26:35 pm »

Rose smiles gratefully.  "Yes, Priestess.  Thank you."

After Bree leaves, she finishes washing and her eyes are drawn to the water in the bowl for a few moments as it stills.  Looking at her own reflection, she grips the side of the bowl and stares just a moment too long before shutting her eyes tightly.  "Not now, Rose.  Not a good time.  You'll learn what you want in time.  For now, play their game."

She lets out a long breath. "Yes, Mistress."

Slowly, she pulls herself away from the basin and climbs into bed.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose nods with a small smile
« on: November 07, 2013, 11:19:37 am »

Rose nods with a small smile at the promise of possible rewards.  She finishes off the last of her food and then clears away her own table.  As she is pulling out something to wear for the following day, she looks over her shoulder toward Bree for a moment.  "Today was different.  It was... solid, I suppose, though still a blur.  Just a different sort of blur."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose sighs, her arms dropping
« on: November 07, 2013, 10:30:17 am »

Rose sighs, her arms dropping down by her sides in resignation.  "Yes, Priestess."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose slumps down in the
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:36:54 am »

Rose slumps down in the chair, exhausted by the day's events.  She does her best to eat, but finds herself dozing off at times only to jolt herself awake again to try to finish her meal.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose sits where she is told
« on: November 07, 2013, 02:09:36 am »

Rose sits where she is told and eats her meal slowly and in silence.  She lets herself enjoy the rest as she watches the Mistress work.  When she does finally finish, she stacks up all of the empty dishes as quietly as she can and glances at the pages left to dry as well as the ones in progress.  She almost asks about it once, but stops herself short and closes her mouth quickly before the sound escapes.  Pressing her lips tightly together, she finishes clearing the remaining dishes and takes them out to be cleaned.  Afterward, she returns and stands off at a distance, watching once again in silence.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / "Yes, Mistress," Rose
« on: November 06, 2013, 11:03:00 pm »

"Yes, Mistress," Rose answers.  She bows her head briefly and heads off to the bedroom. 

She doesn't work exceptionally quickly, but even though her hands are shaking with nerves, she goes through each task, starting by changing the sheets and making the bed and then moving through the rest of the room, and picking up clothes or other things off of the floor and bringing them down to be washed.  She runs a cloth over all of the furniture, stopping a few times to brush her hair away from her face and to rub a sore muscle here and there.  As she wipes down the bureau, she pauses a moment to feel the thrum of the magic warding them.  She closes her eyes and takes in a slow breath before shaking her head.  "No.  Not there," she tells herself quietly.  Letting out a sigh, she continues wiping down the room until it is as clean as she can make it, then stops to look around at what she's done, leaning slightly against the wall for a moment, her nerves having calmed through the tasks.  "It's for the best, Rose," she tells herself softly.  She nods to herself and pushes a strand of hair back out of her face before returning to her new Mistress's side.

As she walks closer to the woman, she seems to suddenly remember that she forgot something and quickly turns back and almost runs to the storage space, holding her stomach tightly.  "Stop it Rose.  Don't forget!  You must be perfect."  She nods and swallows, catching her breath, her hands shaking again before throwing herself into tidying up the storage space and arranging all of the belongings therein.  Finally, she makes her way back to her Mistress, glancing over her shoulder a couple of time as if trying to remember if she's forgotten something once more.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose looks around the room at
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:00:36 pm »

Rose looks around the room at the various objects in the room and then to the woman.  "Mistress, if there is a certain way to clean or care for these things... I don't know any of it.  I was never given care of magical tools before."  She licks her lips and runs her teeth over her bottom lip.  "I don't even know what they do.  I can feel power from different things, their importance, but I don't know what to do with all of them."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose nods quickly, but keeps
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:30:42 pm »

Rose nods quickly, but keeps her eyes lowered.  "Yes, Mistress, completely clear."

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Rose nods slowly.  "Yes,
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:40:29 am »

Rose nods slowly.  "Yes, ma'am," she says just above a whisper.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / She shakes her head, "No,
« on: November 06, 2013, 01:48:00 am »

She shakes her head, "No, ma'am, they let me go."  She shrugs her shoulders up high, then rotates the right shoulder a couple times back and forth as she winces slightly at the discomfort it causes.  "I don't..." she pauses, the same confusion returning, "I don't remember all of the pieces where each piece of time fit together.  They don't fit in a line.  But I can't go back after what I did to Master Dominick.  It wasn't supposed to be like that.  I didn't meant to kill him."

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