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Messages - Crunch

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General Discussion / Implosion
« on: May 06, 2006, 03:09:09 pm »
Is the only protection against this spell either a high fortitude save or a spell mantle?  I thought my shadow shield was still active when I was killed by it.  It seems to fit the description of an instant death spell for which shadow shield should protect.


Fixed Bugs / Stone of Dragon's Breath
« on: May 06, 2006, 03:07:26 pm »
I found a "stone of dragon's breath"  or at least a name close to that today.  It does either cold or paralalysis dragon's breath.  Looks like just once.  It looks like the item will function, but the picture is just a solid black square.  Like you had nothing in your inventory only darker.  I'll post again if it has a picture next time I log in.


General Discussion / Bigby's Question
« on: April 25, 2006, 12:20:53 pm »
I have noticed recently that when I use Bigby's on giants, it generally doesn't stop their movement and I see them making fortitude saves.  I looked on lore and see that both the 8th and 9th level versions now show that a fortitude save allows the target to move.  The 9th level version in the write up still mentions an opposed strength check against a strength of 51.  

Is a simple fort save enough for any creature, regardless of strength, to resist the spell?  In that case the 9th level spell is only marginally better than the 8th level version.  If this is the case, I would suggest that the duration can go back to a round per level.  I would also suggest that the 9th level version should at least give a slow effect when resisted.  


Wild Surge Inn / Illegally Parked Elemental
« on: April 11, 2006, 12:59:59 pm »
To the owner of one slightly used wild surge elemental.  This creature seems to have been abandoned by it's owner near the Yew tree.  When we approached it to ticket it for removal it reacted violently.  This really is a rather dangerous creature and was quite bothersome.  It's gone now but it killed half our party.

//This thing appeared to be leftovers from some previous DM chastisement of someone seeking Yew.  It's dead now, but, hehe, it killed both of the guys with axes for cutting wood.  Kavil and Esi got to look at the tree and reflect on the merits of the martial weapon feat before making the long walk home.

Fixed Bugs / Creatures that don't ever seem to drop anything.
« on: February 27, 2006, 03:01:06 pm »
I have never found drops on dark spiders or on whirling dervishes.  I'm not sure if they are supposed to have anything but I suspect it may be a problem like the satyrs.



Fixed Bugs / Spell Description for Cloudkill - FIXED
« on: February 03, 2006, 10:59:41 am »
Wrong description for cloudkill on the lore description.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / House to House Teleporting
« on: January 19, 2006, 03:55:35 pm »
Maybe this would be excessive, but...  

How about letting individuals with housing access in multiple areas to teleport between houses.  The tag I was imagining you might use is the house key?  i.e. When you step into the teleport portal the game engine looks at what keys you hold and then offers you the standard west, central, and east destination and then adds additional destinations based on the housing keys you hold.  So if you have a house with a teleporter in fort hope and another in pranzis it will ask if you want to go to one of them.

Fixed Bugs / Enchanting Gem
« on: January 03, 2006, 11:11:00 am »
Since the update making level 3 enhancements says it requires 3 "enchanting gems" as well as enchanting oil, rod 3, flour, and fine topaz.  I have looked at the craft merchants and haven't found any such item.  Does this item exist or is this a bug?  Sorry to post here, but I'm getting no response in the general discussion forum.

General Discussion / What is an enchanting gem?
« on: January 03, 2006, 12:56:00 am »
I just tried to make an electrical enhancement 3 and the table asked for an enchanting gem.  I could find no such thing from the craft merchant.  Can anyone tell me what it is and where I can buy or make it?  Is it consumable?

General Discussion / ECL Implementation
« on: December 08, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
I have found some data on ECL here in the forums saying that a certain percentage is taken off experience for each monster slain based on ECL.  My question is, does this percentage vary based on level or is it constant all the way up through epic. My aasimar cleric is taking a very noticeable hit in xp at 7th level and I wasn't sure if that was because xp from 9th to 10th is 320k or if it had been that way from level 1 and I just hadn't noticed before.

It seems like an ECL 2 character would see a big hit at 7th level effective level is 9th and 9th to 10th is 320k, but then at 9th level it seems like there would be no hit because 9th to 10th and 11th to 12th are both 320k.

Just looking for clarification on what I have ahead of me.  I know quest xp is the best way to advance ECL characters, but given my time zone and play time I am unable to make very many quests.

Thanks  :)

Trade and Market Hall / Adimantium Shield
« on: November 23, 2005, 05:44:00 pm »
I am interested in purchasing an admantium tower shield.  Looking for price quotes and availability.  Please contact Timothy in Fort Hope.  


*posted in advanced craft houses in Pranzis and Port Hampshire*

General Discussion / Saving Throws
« on: October 01, 2005, 10:46:00 am »
When I cast Phantasmal Killer at something, what determines the DR of the saving throw?  I suspect that it is my level + my intelligence modifier and that spellcraft doesn't enter into the equation unless the target has a bonus to his save from spellcraft.  Can someone confirm how this works?  I couldn't find anything in the manual which addresses this.  Thanks

General Discussion / What to do After You Crash
« on: September 30, 2005, 05:51:00 pm »
Last night I was fighting trolls with a group in Troll Central.  Lights blinked and came back and I thought "that's a close one.  This would be a terrible place to crash."  Then the whole house went dark and I lost my internet connection.  After a half hour wait for power to come back, I went to bed.  As I expected, when I logged on this morning, there were several trolls on top of me, beating me to death before I could even move.  By the time the red welcome to Dregar line came up, I had made it about 2 steps and was already dead.  I told the sould mother to kiss off and headed for the bindstone so things weren't too bad.  

My questions is, what if I had received a DT?   Is this a reasonable basis for a grievance, or should I have followed a different path to get out of that situation via DM intervention?  When I crashed I was right by where we had just killed the trolls, and my unbuffed ac is trivial for a troll.  I expect to die every time in that situation.  In general being sent back to the bindstone in that type of situation isn't that big of a deal as long as I don't take a DT.  Since I wasn't confident of being able to sneak back invisible without being spotted I used the wait 10 hours option.  If I had received a DT, I would have filed a grievance to get the DT removed.  Is this reasonable?  If not, what should I do?  Or, is this just one of the hazards adventurers face?  Fainting in the face of the enemy leading to death or some such.

Fixed Bugs / Dregar Cleanup Script Doesn't seem to run
« on: September 15, 2005, 05:02:00 pm »
I've been mining some silver with Dorax the last couple of days and there seems to be an ever increasing pile of hides scattered around the screens on the way from the black hills to the silver mine.  There are little bags showing all over the place.  I believe the cleanup script should be removing these but it doesn't seem to be happening.

Fixed Bugs / Scribing Ice Dagger
« on: August 22, 2005, 12:07:00 pm »
I was trying to scribe the first level spell ice dagger and couldn't find it anywhere on the scribing menu.  Maybe I'm just missing it, but could someone take a look when you get a chance?


Wild Surge Inn / Beware of Berhagen
« on: July 02, 2005, 09:53:00 pm »
*posted on on the gates of Fort Velensk*
Last night I traveled to Berhagen with a small party of other adverturers.  It started out as a normal trip but when we left Shoufal we were soon set upon by earth elementals.  Every time we killed some more came along.  Eventually they sucked my friend Dorax into the very earth where he was killed.  His ghost was spit out in Shoufal and he spoke of this being a warning from the giants god.

If we continue to hunt the giants of berhagen.  I fear they will rise up, leave the mountains and hunt us.  Please do not travel Berhagen except at need.


Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of a Wandering Mage
« on: July 01, 2005, 01:51:00 pm »
*Written in an elegant hand on loose bound hickory scrolls*

Dear diary, where shall I begin?  I have been in this world for a fair time now and have seen many strange and often terrifying things.  However, I have made no progress in tracking down my family.  I think that the day arrived here is symbolic of the way my life has trended since I arrived.

It began with a meeting of a dragon of awesome size and power.  He asked that I help fight the blood, which I gladly agreed to.  From there it was a short but memorable walk to Hlint.  Shortly after I arrived I met a group including Yar, Rawkwin, Rodlin, and Kavil.  They were much mightier than I, but I have since realized that we were all weak as kittens at that point.  No sooner had I arrived than a huge battle broke out outside the goblin caves.  Large numbers of goblins kept pouring out and the entrance was bathed in fire.  During the battle I took wounds that I thought surely would send me to the heavens.  I was amazed to find myself back in Hlint and relatively whole.  I was weakened for a short bit but quickly recovered.  

*hears a knock at the door*

My life has continued at a similar pace ever since.  Today I finally gained access to the advanced craft house which seems a major milestone.  I will continue this soon, but must go now.

Trade and Market Hall / Oak Scrolls Wanted
« on: June 23, 2005, 04:03:00 am »
I will pay 1500 coins for a full box of oak scrolls.  Respond at the bottom of this note if you are interested in selling me blank scrolls.


//posted in various inns around Mistone.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Layonara Modified Spells
« on: June 14, 2005, 12:11:00 pm »
I know the spell modifications in Layonara are listed in the player's guide, but the easiest way I've seen to view the way the spells work is on the spell selection screen at level up.  Would it be hard to transfer that view to a card like the crafting cards?  That way it would be easy to view all the spells available and determine what to spend my hard earned cash on buying spells via scrolls.

Thanks. :)

Trade and Market Hall / Ruby
« on: June 08, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
I found a ruby on a critter that didn't need it anymore.  I can't cut it yet and am wondering what they are worth?



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