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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 26
General Discussion / Re: Parchment folder
« on: February 27, 2006, 06:06:32 am »
I like it thanks for the info

General Discussion / Re: Parchment folder
« on: February 26, 2006, 06:46:01 am »
Smame here have one, put stuff in it and now can not get them out
Aragon, sorry but could to out line this better for thickes like me

Select how what where sorry
Who do you know if any one has a folder, is it on the web, in game or in Inventory?

Like I say Thicke

General Discussion / Re: GRAND LOTTERY - Final prize list and ticket sales!
« on: February 24, 2006, 05:06:23 am »
33 to Mille Mooneyes :o)

Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Re: Mixafix - The Stranger
« on: February 23, 2006, 09:37:21 am »
Hi mixafix, Nexus7 here soon I will be looking at a CDQ for my PC Mille Mooneyes the Map maker as she has been with Abi (pc) loves the Shadowdancers skill in hiding from others eyes, I have been righting a CD on this.
As your a GMT evening DM your in my time slot which is very good as I can make your times. But Im Dyslexic which mean my spellings just plain bad and Phonic only so Im asking if you could help me with this and MY pc Mille ast some point. It will not be for some time but I like to have a root into things so I know where Im going.
Thank you for your time

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Looking for a partner
« on: February 23, 2006, 07:05:54 am »
a small note reads

If you need maps then look no more for Mille Mooneyes has just what you need when going about Hlint
come see me and Ill show you my wares.

Mille Mooneyes

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: NPC babys
« on: February 18, 2006, 01:50:30 pm »
LOL thanks for posting back on theis one, Buy the looks of it its all been done and yes I take the point the Dm team have 1000's of other things to do.
Love the sold baby line, RP at its best.

NExus7 Over and out

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: NPC babys
« on: February 17, 2006, 06:41:45 am »
Is it not all ready?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mille Mooneyes Maps Co
« on: February 15, 2006, 10:28:37 am »
Entry 3
Have met a Drow called Zan at 1st I was very scared as the dorw where the race that stole our home lands but Zan talked about here love of the trees and green spaces, she hates the evil that some of her race do just as I hate mine, after walking with her I found her to be a good frend when she saved my life from some Ogers. She has such skill in hiding I can only hope to asatain.
We have agred to meet up again. Ax made me gigel when he fell over his axe agian. He has such a good hart why do other distruest him becouse hes a gaint.
My work on the goblin miones map is going well.

General Discussion / Re: barnyard massacre at Fort Velensk - a confession
« on: February 15, 2006, 10:09:56 am »
very very funny I wish so much i could have been there to see

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Mille Mooneyes Maps Co
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:07:42 am »
Entry 2

I have made my 1st Map and it feels very good, It shows the root to the Goblin camp just out side Hlint
where the scouts keep an eye on the town. It was on Blue papaer and had fine pen work.
I have made a copy for to sell which I hope will give me coin to get more Ink.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: seeking things to help one hide
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:00:32 am »
Well met Pathfinder Anu-pilinn we should meet up and talk
when are you next it Hlint

//I play GMT spiradickly

General Discussion / Re: When the Reptillians Come to Earth...
« on: February 15, 2006, 03:41:02 am »
It would make a grate Movie
Yerrr baby

General Discussion / Re: Who is the oldest player of Layo
« on: February 14, 2006, 03:14:21 am »
I got the feeling Layo was around long befor NWN are there any players from Leanthar's 1st works who came in to layo and have been around still now.
Leanthar I just cureos as to the history of layo, it seem to rich to only be 3 years old what forms did it take befor then.

As for players who have been on NWN layo for 3 years wow thats some playing time, how much time do you thing you guys have put into layo excluding
DM stuff and added work for the Handbook and web, I meen just playing time in game.

General Discussion / RE: scribe system
« on: February 13, 2006, 09:13:51 am »
Thanks can see the images now

General Discussion / RE: Be Careful of your in game Love intrests
« on: February 13, 2006, 09:01:34 am »

General Discussion / Re: Time to say good bye
« on: February 10, 2006, 08:22:50 pm »
I think Shadowblade225 has it it spot on with this

a balance your life Nexus. Some folks have the time to play 5,10,15 hours a day. Most don't. Many have left for a while including myself to get that "back to reality-learn how to balance gaming and RL" state of mind and to further realize "this is just a computer game, which means absolute lowest priority in the grand scheme of existence". Always keep it enjoyable for yourself and step back when you have that longing to "compete" level-wise with your fellow PC's. Take a deep breath, remember it's just a game for enjoyment, and stay grounded. The more you know you're balancing your life, the more enjoyable and "guilt-free" the game can really become.

I was all Latoed out and then I got Ill with Flu and have been in bed for 2 days, sudenly some time in Layo felt like heven and was, the odd thing after stopping was that just like good PnP games and fine books I dreamed about Laya.
It dos feel good to play but for me it will be lght play.

Thanks for letting me back.
As for my old PCs im more than happy with just Mille

Niles09 :o) missed ya most

General Discussion / RE: Time to say good bye
« on: February 09, 2006, 02:23:21 pm »
I have had a long and hard think about this, Layonara seem to have worked its way under my skin I find that I miss playing with
you all a lot more than I could ever have gest. The havey playing that others do is out of my reach but as many have said on this thred
light plaing with one PC would I think fill that Layo hole. Now I did a daft thing and asked for all my PCs to be deleated
Wich is ok, What I would like to do is just start one over and play that one PC in light play when I have a bit of time.
I dont wont to put out any of the DM team so im happy to start from srach with just one.
Ill let old Spug and Max go and stick with my last and lowest PC with Mille mooneyes if I may.
If there is a problem with this please let me know
Im sorry if I put any one out and for thows who said I would be back with in a month
give your selfs a pat on the back kuz you where right.
Layonara is a hard place to kick.

I feel a lot better now. :o)

Spugly reads over there notes as he always dos (skipping the big words) then he sees Pigs note

Here FrogSnote comes looks at this Pigs has had some lernnings hes wights nows looks

Spugly looks stunded at the well rit note

General Discussion / Re: Bad things....expensive things.
« on: January 23, 2006, 07:27:55 am »
Loseing data has been the bane of my life, I have lost some big stuff.
You can call me parinode but what I do now is have a M60 dell laptop, it has hard drive, I have 2 thats right 2 USB 80G back up drives
One with work on and one with all my Docs on. I have A DVD barnner in the laptop (Note DVD ROT!)
and do more back ups there, I have a 2g PCMCIA card in the laptop for HOT data
and last of all when I pop it on our network the hole lots backed up there to.

My email is backed up ion three servers as well.

There is nothing in the world that gets you down more that losing years of work.

Get a USB hard drive asap and a DVD barnner.


General Discussion / RE: Finding religen
« on: January 23, 2006, 06:27:36 am »
Thanks :o)

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