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Messages - Eorendil

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Development Journals and Discussion / Of Faith and Love
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:23:44 am »
I thought it was going to be another day just like any other. I've been working hard on the nails and hinges we need for the building to take place in Roldem. Miss Jennara wants to teach them fishing as well. We talked about Pranzis.. so long as the people are being taken care of no good will come of deposing its new ruler. It reminds Jennara of Stone and what happened there.. not a comforting thought at all.
  I sat with Miss Jennara for some time on the benches in Hlint when a man came and asked us for assistance in the Haven Mines.. I went, because I should but as with so much these past years my work feels so empty. I know those that I help are thankful but I just don't feel it. No meaning.. no purpose. I hid it from myself for a time.. tried to deny it but I see Anna and I can't help but be reminded. She hurts.. in many ways, like my dear Imogen. My heart cries out but it is also trapped by pain. Lord Protector.. how can I be worthy?
  Jaleel.. devout of Rofirein.. he seems so anyways, though he seeks conflict and excitement. His youthful eagerness, perhaps. It can not compare to my shame.. my crime.. my helplessness.
  Lady Jennara noticed something.. I don't know. She was concerned at least and I knew she would ask or I thought she might but she bade me good journeys and went to rest. I almost told her.. were it not for bad timing I might have. I have a great respect for Jennara but I'm not sure what she would think or do about my confessions.  
  I can't see straight any more.. it clouds my mind and chokes me like a thick black smoke and calls out, 'I dont care'. I headed to the Freelancer in hopes of finding the one person that has been able to clear it.
  As I arrived Anna was setting there next to the Ankh, Master Starr speaking with her, but she seemed so small against the world. I almost turned away but something pushed me forward. The look on her face made my chest grow tight and my breathing difficult but Starr welcomed me and Anna nodded that I was welcome. It wasn't long before Starr had to leave and he asked that I help Anna into the Freelancer.
  I knelt down and reached out, holding out to her a single finger from my hand for her to see. It took a few moments but her eyes came into focus. She remembered and smiled. We talked for a few moments about the rain and the docks before she stood up and we went into the Freelancer. I've noticed she does not take compliments well.. She even berates herself with hardly any provocation. It makes my heart ache so.
  I handed her some Juniper berries after making our way past the crowd of children. It makes me smile to see their faces, despite the world and our troubles. After squeezing the juice from the berries she handed me bottle so that I might try it; definately something I will have to add to my meals now and again. I spoke of Jennara and the idea we had talke about about fishing. I had inquired if they still had some boats, even small ones. Anna became even more uneasy and I could tell she was guarding something. I don't know what but I tried to reassure her that I need not know. It is best that she keeps what secrets she needs. I have faith in Anna.. whatever she needs to do she needs to do for good reason. It was all I needed to know that things were being taken care of for the better.
  So we sat by the fireplace.. I on the edge of the stage, Anna on the floor. My knees.. They just don't like me being on the hard floor.. or down too low. She asked me if there was something I wanted to talk about. In truth I just wished to be there but there was something long overdue.. a story that I had promised Anna several times before. I'll save that for another entry as it deserves the attention.
  I finished my tale and Anna handed me a cloth to wipe my face for the simple tell of it is enough to overwhelm me. I saw in her actions that there was some recognition there of what I was telling her but she still seemed far away.. and with reassuring and kindness she confided in me as well. I understand her fear.. from another perspective. I understand the emptiness that she feels for I, myself, have an emptiness.  
  I held her hands in mine as she told me she wished to help my poor dear Imogen and my legs nearly swept out fron beneath me, betraying both my feelings and my lack of sleep. For the second time since I have known her I offered to watch over her.. for her sleep has been fitful and she needs her strength. It was amongst a pile of children that I later found sleep. Having read a number of stories and recounted a few more that I know personally they fell asleep one by one. Anna slept in amongst them, peacefully. I smiled and the world melted away.
  For me sleep was once again restless. A dragon came and took my hammer.. I hope the dream was only born of fear and not some far sight. The other dream came as well.. but this time it was Mith. Mith was in the door. I could see Anna in the back of the room so frightened and crying. Only, I remember what I did... in my dream. I am a protector... but I don't feel worthy.. not of my lord. All the good works in the world could not cover the shame I feel... the loss. Why does he still tolerate me?

Development Journals and Discussion / A growing storm
« on: July 17, 2006, 10:54:07 am »
Personal entry.. I fear losing myself again. My journeys take me to the far stretches of Dregar these days but distance no longer calms the storm for the reminders are all there... with me.. inside me.
  I met an interesting little fellow recently.. his name was Lyle.. *several dots and a squiggly doodle* Well, his name was Lyle and I fear I did him a disservice. My mind is not my own. My spirit seems to fly to other places.. other times. I nearly overran the little halfling as I passed the merchant houses in Hlint. I apologized and then called him by the wrong name after he introduced himself. He must think I'm a complete idiot and I guess that might not be far from the truth these days. He's looking for his uncle; same name as him. Never heard of him. So much passes my notice...
  Such as... well. I found myself out in the desert with Cymeran and a number of others when I should have been headed for Roldem to meet with Lady Jennara.. I didn't know my way to return and no one was willing to see me back. I was so lost.. but I kept fighting. If I was stuck there I had better earn my keep. I really wasn't thinking.. I'm afraid I might be able to name only a few of those that I worked with to retrieve their minerals and supplies... I wasn't there.. not really. Well.. luck was with me because the group found itself at the house of Ozymandius. He was kind enough to allow those of us that needed to be elsewhere to use his portal. Hesitantly, I took it straight to Pranzis.
  It was the second time in so many days that I had walked those streets and my heart sinks each and every time. So, I left quickly for Lorindar... feeling so overwhelmed... I almost wish to return permanently to my post in North Point. There I feel like what I do has some sort of meaning and these other things seem like little more than distant nightmares. Maybe that's hiding though... From there I sailed to Tibum where I was fortunate and caught the end of the meeting for the Roldem relief. Anna was there as was Lady Jennara, Miss Ash, Daniel Poetr, many others I knew and the Lady Brisbane. Anna had told me about her a number of times but she truly has a presence and most definately makes an impression. As she sized me up I felt almost small even though I tower over her.
  Making our way to Roldem we encountered a number of.. what the others said were.. undead drow. Unbelievable. The first couple of encounters were easily delt with but we were ambushed as we drew closer to Roldez. I stopped, for there were others in these creatures' path and while they tore through my armor I gave the group the time they needed to prepare and deal with them. And another piece of myself was torn away.. inching me ever closer towards my next life. I hope that Rofirein finds me worthy when the time comes.. I don't know any more.
  Lady Brisbane was kind and returned to assist me. She is very direct and perhaps strong willed but definately not cold as some rumor would have told. We ventured a second time through her grove on the way to Roldez and she stopped to reflect. I can not think of a natural place more beautiful and wonderous, dense with growth and life. All the animals within that grove were calm and unafraid. I handed an acorn to a squirrel who'd lost his grip, my head being almost level with the branch he sat upon. He took it and for the remainder of the time I stood there he investigated every inch of my armor. I wonder what that little creature thought of me.. or what he thought me to be, if anything. There was an exchange of words between Lady Brisbane and I regarding the future of her great grove. I hope that I can visit it again. My new, tiny friend chittered at me and jumped to a nearby branch as we moved to leave and catch up with the rest. I felt sad.. If only Imogen could see these places... meet these people... Regardless, Lady Brisbane saw me safely the rest of the way to Roldez but had to return to her grove.
  So, there I stood with Lady Jennara and Anna. We talked over many things and I have been assigned to assist, primarily, in Roldez. But first, I have to make nails.. as many as I can manage. I've a list of things: nails, hinges, wheelbarrows... those will mostly have to be built there if possible. First we will need to clear debris and sort the unusable from what can be reused. Even half beams and scorched doors can be reused as well as any building rock that may still be in good shape. There's so much.  Nails first, then hinges. We'll need a lot of shovels and baskets.. They're going to be lighting the fields with glowing staves.. There is yet hope in the darkness.
  It was an eventful talk and I felt as though I was more myself for a while but I had to leave. I had plans to keep and an outting with members of the Crimson Shield. Saying my goodbyes I reluctantly stepped through the Roldez portal to Hlint and made my way to Fort Hope with haste. My mind was fresh when I arrived. The effort in making good time bled much of the worry from my body.
  Another thing that escaped my notice. Rawkwin is a member of the Crimson Shield. I do not know why I was surprised or why I hadn't heard... He could tell I was troubled and since he asked I found myself talking about Imogen and my distress. His wife, Emerald, graced us with her presence and several others began to gather as well, so the conversation shifted and I was glad of it. I do not know how they might see me in light of what I was about to admit. I won't even write of it here. Fortunately, the pages of my journal ask no questions. They only lay there bare, waiting for me to fill them as I am ready. Some day, perhaps soon, I will lay out what I know and what I feel so that I can make better sense of it all.
  I went with the Crimson Shield group, back to Dregar and the mines I had visitied what seemed like only days before. As we stood on the road to the desert there came a familiar tugging on my cape. I looked around but did not see a soul and it was then I heard the giggling and a familiar shape stepped from the air. Anna was passing through and though I expected her to make for the wilds of Dregar, the Vale perhaps, she join us. I was at once confused and elated. I know Anna hates bloodshed but she seemed very ernest in her desire to come along. With her there it was easier to focus on what was going on, Rodlin, Riley, Cymeran and the others..
  I did not feel nearly as scattered and while I watched over the others in their sleep she rested against me. Will that trust be shaken if I tell her? I have promised that I will and eventually I will have to tell Lady Jennara of my shame as well. I almost blurted it all out when we returned to Mistone to track down some oil in the Grey Peaks.. Anna wished to part company. I told her to go but I wished for her to stay. Even in this I did not waver and therefore it was not a lie but if felt odd, somewhat uneasy. She had seen enough of this world's savagery for one day. I wanted to tell the whole story right there but she bade me to go and catch up with the rest. We said our goodbyes and went our own ways... the world faded a little and in the back of my mind I heard the voice from so long ago, "I don't care"
  We found the oil for the lady.. returned it, and decided we were done. There was some climbing to be done and I am thankful that I was not all there. Thinking of it afterward made my head swim but I was so tired from the events of the day that it didn't matter. I sat there in my padding, resting under that small tree in Fort Llast near the gates that would lead me to Hlint and quickly fell asleep. It was a fitful sleep, an unresting sleep filled with dreams and nightmares. I could see his face there in the doorway. I could see poor Imogen cringing in the background but most of all my ears rung with, "I don't care."

General Discussion / RE: greed vs need
« on: July 14, 2006, 06:57:46 am »
You know.. I have seen scripts that announce to the party items/coin that have been looted. I'm sure, though, that 1) it adds to lag and 2) it steps a little too far in the direction of some MMO's.. Just mentioning.
  I'm always NbG in any game I play. If I was playing a selfish character I might grumble about it but I still do it. I look at it this way - if it strengthens those that my character is partied with it means 1) better chance for all of us to survive and 2) we'll be able to do tougher encounters sooner.

Development Journals and Discussion / The wolves among us... part II
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:05:47 am »
Time continues rush by like a raging river. I remembered Miss Lee and the Freelancer's story night long enough to pull myself away from the answers I searched for. On my way my I made a trip to Haven and visited my family. My mother had been baking for days, knowing much that I know, preparing her special molasses crackers for Miss Lee's orphans. I was sworn to deliver them, and so I did.    
  There were three who brought things to share. Ifion blessed us with a humorous anecdote from his father. Miss Lee finally recounted the story of Elezander and his Horses. Treana shared with us a poem dedicated to Addison... It was beautiful but so sad.. I could barely hold back the tears.  
  My heart aches for Miss Treana. She seemed to finally have found that happiness we all search for.. that something that we all unknowingly seek. In her grief I only hope that she isn't too proud to remember that she has friends.
  Miss Abigail, you too will be missed. I'm saddened that we never spoke at great length.
  But, back to the Freelancer. For some reason I could not take my eyes from Miss Lee.. something was different and when it struck me it was like a load of iron had been dumped on my chest. At first I asked if she had had her children already but no.. they were taken from her womb by magic. I can not believe this. So much has happened to Anna already. Why can she not be spared for a time? But, she has a strength about her and she takes pride in her work. I admire her and am happy to be there for her. Sometimes I just wish I could do more. This whole thing with Mith... The four of us remaining at the closing of the Freelancer talked about it, generally speaking.
  Blind, desperate obsession... It drives people to do things, unhealthy things. It can turn a hero into a villain.. a savior into a demon... a loved one into a monster. I have yet to recount my own telling and experiences in this but I will. I have to. It rests on my heart like an open wound and it tears a bit more each time I see my sweet little Imogen, broken now these five years and still unable to forgive. I thought I could bear it alone.. but for what I have done I can not begin to show her the way. I am torn. Anna would understand but she bears so much on her shoulders.. Mother, father.. my other brothers and sisters.. all of them feeling so helpless.. and me most of all. She will not even bear my presence.
  When you've killed a man in anger.. you can never forget how that feels. But, to be robbed of the responsability... to be refused any accountability... to be called a liar... but, perhaps, one less wolf among us, though it has earned me no comfort.
  Rest. I must get what rest I can.. so many things weigh on my mind.
  Lord Protector, watch over Anna. Keep your watchful eye on her babies, wherever they may be. Let your wings shelter and keep them safe until we find them. Guide us along the path to the knowledge we need to be able to stop those responsible.

Forum Discussion / RE: Help! Corrupt files
« on: July 13, 2006, 07:21:09 am »
Have you tried updating your file compression utility? I've seen this happen when using a slightly outdated version of winzip or winrar that wasn't quite up to current standards. They do change/adjust/update/tweak those compression/decompression logarithms occasionally.

General Discussion / Re: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« on: July 13, 2006, 07:16:40 am »
Insane, perhaps, if you haven't been playing many more recent games.
  I will vote for option one.
  The freezing thing sounds very intriguing, maybe as a plot tool for something interesting down the line.
  A large portion of the NWN community seems to be very... I guess... frugal. While my system can handle the NWN2 specs I tend to be more concerned with content and the possible sudden drop in individuality/variety. That's not to say it can't be fun. We all know what a great group of GMs Layo has and for many of us its the story and interaction that truly drives us.
  When or if it happens.. it happens.

Yeah... I tried that.. =( And the original bio was really good too. I was going to go LN Tiefling Monk with Meira.. Well, I ended up going a totally different route cause Chaotic is pretty much it for Tieflings in Layo. She's an okay character. I like her but she's not what I initially envisioned.

Roleplaying / RE: Unwanted summmons - Leanthar?
« on: July 05, 2006, 07:33:10 am »
Sorry to edge in here but while pumping a bunch of bones with negative energy may not be, at its core, evil, disturbing the remains of any person or creature in order to make said minion could be seen as such. Not everyone has a dispassionate view of these vessels we call bodies and sometimes, in lore and myth, the disruption of those remains can torment or cause pain to the spirit that has passed on.

Development Journals and Discussion / The wolves among us...
« on: July 03, 2006, 09:11:34 am »
You would think that of all the devoted followers of the gods, Ilsare's would understand much more about love... much more about that which appears to be love but is twisted and warped... much more about the differences between devotion and obsession... between possession and cherishing... between desperation and faith... They meddle in others' lives only because they can, not thinking on if they should. They are fools, blind fools.. My poor Imogen, can they not learn from the past?  
  And it seems Miss Lee is in the middle of it all. Much happened in my absence and I fear much more will. My duties keep me too busy to be available as much as I'd like but we spent many hours catching up...
  The bone woman... Its all very strange and in the back of my mind I sense an immense task is at hand. I was nigh useless when the horses of pandemonium were choosing their riders and again I fear something beyond my ability darkens the paths of my friends. I will try and be there, no matter the task. Miss Lee trusts me.
  And Mith... there is little to be said. I had only a slight inkling, only a small glimpse. Unfortunately, my impressions back then are now verified.
  I'm sorry Miss Lee.. sorry that I was not here.. sorry that he proved me right...
  There are wolves among us. They hide in plain sight. Some do not know their own nature and yet others do. Circling, they find their prey and devour it, but not the flesh. Identity, self respect, foundation, security... are torn from them. And so they come to rely on the wolf and fear it. Some get away. Many do not. None are ever the same... My sweet Imogen.. and now Anna.

Development Journals and Discussion / On the road
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:30:03 am »
Finally!  I have arrived in North Point.  Thank the Lord Protector.  The cold sea breeze is so refreshing to my soul.  There were times I doubted I would ever feel it again; times I doubted that I could continue.   My heart is greatly relieved as the Children and the area are still untouched, but for how long?  And this dreadful cloud cover... ever present.  Its positively freezing.  Were it not for the arduous pace I set for myself I might have noticed sooner but even now I am hot, soiled and soaked in my own sweat.  I am weary as well but time is always against us..
  If it continues to get colder this place will not be desirable for the children.  Mala and Meira have agreed to remain while I seek out Miss Lee.  I only hope that she is okay and that her own expedition did not end so horribly. I worry for her.. and of her.  Many things have become clearer during this trip and perhaps more complicated as well.  
  Hard work.  That's what my father would say.  There's nothing like good hard work to make you think clear, to clense you of conflict and turmoil.

Development Journals and Discussion / On the road
« on: June 25, 2006, 07:28:48 pm »
Quick entry as I am on the roads.. There are still enemy forces scattered here and there.  We lost Pranzis.. the Citadel.. and many many lives as well.  A dwarf name Vakra had an ingenious idea.. to use explosives and to take out their leader.  If only he had shared his idea.. perhaps, with backup, a secondary individual to set blaze to the bag he had carried, it might have succeeded.  Treana fought like she was possessed of demons.. my hammer struck true time and again but still we were overwhelmed... we held for many days, and in the end we were allowed retreat to fight again.
  The skies are darkened with dust and cloud of the likes I have never seen and it is cooler than normal.  I fear this does not bode well.  Perhaps the other fronts were no more successfull than ours but we musn't give up hope.
  For now, I must run.. rest is a luxury that I must take in small doses and the areas I venture through are dangerous at best.  I continue on.  I must ensure this chaos has not spilled into North Point.  For the Children, for my brothers and sisters.. for Miss Lee.  
  Lord Protector, may your wings shelter and keep us, the light from your golden eye guide us, your tail guard us, your claw make our weapons to strike true...  Protect Miss Lee, the Children, Layonara and this humble warrior as I travel this dangerous path.

Development Journals and Discussion / Its a funny thing..
« on: June 23, 2006, 09:01:49 am »
I sit here.. or stand. Often I am standing or practicing here outside the temple. I've come to be on good terms with the guard that patrols here. He doesn't like the rain at all. He is bound by contract and duty. I am bound by... *scribbles and doodles..*  
  That's just it. I'm a protector, a defender. It's been in my soul for as long as I can remember, even as a child. And now I guard these children.. these children who sought to be free of a prison they were born into; a prison they never had a chance to escape from, until Miss Lee.
  She is such a generous and caring soul; it pains me deeply to think of her in the state she's in. I pray for her protection and guidance every night as well as those close to her. I pray for the poor fallen angels who lay motionless... Their wounds have long since left, thanks to the magic of the clerics.. their bodies drawing breath but their spirits seem trapped, unable to react, to cry, to laugh, to speak, to run or even blink in response to our presence. The poor fallen angels... for that is what they are.. They thought only of the safety of their rescuers. I can not begin to imagine how much courage and love is contained within these tiny vessels.. but then again.. that's Miss Lee.. Anna.. A humble woman, unable to see the light that shines from her own spirit, for everyone to see. These children saw it and I see it still... despite whatever is tearing her apart inside. Were it only the fate of these children.. I would know. There is something more.
   Everyone seems to think that they failed.. that somehow they are to blame. I hope this will pass when these fallen children wake.
  *places the pencil in the book, between his knees and sits just outside the door to the temple as it is open on this day to allow in the temperate breeze that brings fresh air. He looks up, his eyes welling, at the beautiful orange and reds of the soon to be twilight sky*
  *hums for a short time a soft tune, his deep voice sometime barely registering to the ears of those not listening*
  *sings in a that gentle but deep bass voice*
  "Sleep children and peace attend thee,   All through the night   Guardians and Gods will send thee,   All through the night   Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,   Hill and dale in slumber sleeping   I my loved ones' watch am keeping,   All through the night     Angels watching, e'er around thee,   All through the night   Midnight slumber close surround thee,   All through the night   Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,   Hill and dale in slumber sleeping   I my loved ones' watch am keeping,   All through the night
  *pauses a moment and smiles, still looking up at the sky*
  Caighd and Quill are here with thee
  And still beyond this night
  Anna's love will e'er surround thee
  Well beyond this night  Many hearts for you are feeling,    Prayers and wishes o'er you spilling    Gods and Healers please be willing,    To set this damage right."  
  *glistening lines run down his dark skin from his eyes, over his cheek and down to his chin as he stands in the twilight and quietly pulls the door shut* *as he turns around, gripping his journal it falls to the ground* "Oh.. A.. Miss Lee! I didn't hear you...."

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Watching and waiting....
« on: June 22, 2006, 08:04:50 am »
An odd thing happened today.  The door to the temple opened briefly and then closed.  When I poked my head inside to ask Winu if anything was wrong she said an Elven healer had entered the temple and had gone to see the children.
  I paniced.  Miss Lee sent no word and Rawkwin hadn't mentioned anyone.  So, I ran into the temple, fearing the worst; that somhow the people that hurt them had tracked them here.  I stopped immediately just inside the room where they lay.  The Elf was chanting and blessing the children, checking their bandages and crying.  When I asked who he was he initially told me that he was the one who caused all this..  I was concerned and stepped a bit closer, ready to pull my hammer from its mount on my back.
  No.. he told me his name was Quillwen, healer of Berryl and leader of the Freelancers.  The worry slipped from my like so much spilled water and I apologized as he continued to tend to them.  Miss Lee speaks quite highly of him, though he, like Treana and Miss Lee seemed to blame themselves for what happened.  I know this to be natural but they've saved so many and even these fallen angels chose the risk rather than remain where they were.  Regardless, I explained that I need exit the place since there was no danger and later he came out to speak about the children.
  It seems I will have more friendly company here after all..  Master Quillwen spoke of the children and his regret for their condition and I spoke of my faith in him and Miss Lee and everything they have done.  I also pledged to help drive from Karthy the worms that seep through it like a poison.  He appeared to be pleased at this.  For now we both wait.  He will do what he can.. I do what I must, for these poor fallen angels and Miss Lee.  
  Haven't seen Miss Lee in almost a week... I hope everything is okay with the other children.  Perhaps I should send her a falcon.  No.. best not.  I'd hate to get her hopes up like that.  I told her I'd send her one as soon as the children wake.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Watching and waiting....
« on: June 22, 2006, 07:46:26 am »
Several days have passed... still no progress on the fallen angels but I am certain their spirits will return..
  Miss Lee comes and goes fairly often and its nice to see someone familiar occasionally. She's so busy with these and the others in Point Harbor.. I do not feel it fair to delay her with small talk.
  I spoke briefly with Miss Treana.. she was very sad when I mentioned the children but she's forgiven me my brief loss of composure during the dealing with Christian. I am glad to be rid of the guilt. I would sooner sever my hand from my body than cause harm to any of my friends...
  The rain falls at an odd angle today. The wind blows in odd gusts causing the fallen rain to pound into the walls of the temple at times.. The weather requires I keep good care of my armor.. strangely, I do not mind the drenching. It is cleansing. The rain almost sounds like music sometimes.. as it causes my armor to ring like a metal drum.
  I wish I could sing to the fallen angels the lullabies and songs my mother taught to me and those that I sang to my brothers and sisters as I helped.. I do what I can for these innocent creatures...

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Watching and waiting....
« on: June 22, 2006, 07:28:01 am »
There are a lot of different kind of rain.... and I think they all fall in North point.
  A few days ago Rawkwin came to the temple of Ilsare in Hlint to care for the children. With inadequate shelter he suggested moving them to North Point and Aeridin's temple. Nothing woke these poor fallen angels. Mith would have had some Golem carry the lot of them there but I protested. Even in their state they should be kept comfortable and I can not imagine a golem's touch to be very reassuring. So, I cradled two of them in my arms; Master Rawkwin, Miss Lee, Talen, myself and Mith took the portal directly to North point. However, Garent voiced his displeasure with the children's present, claiming it was not a nursery. I explained that it was an emergency and we were moving them.. I think that set his mind at ease.
  The trip was fast and we quickly found ourselves at Aeridin's temple, though I was left standing outside.. I am sworn to not enter temples unless they are that of my Lord's allies.. save for dire circumstances. Master Rawkwin soon returned to take the children with him and I stood there at the door, looking in for a time and feeling somewhat helpless.
  Not wishing to be rude I allowed the door to close and went about making myself familiar with this place.  There is definately a less civilized feel here.. The locals are brash and rough but they live, in what I hear is, a very demanding environment.
  Well, by the time I had checked around, Miss Lee and the others were coming out of the temple and told me that Winu had informed Rawkwin of a shipment of healing supplies that had gone missing on its way to Pranzis.. This, some artifact, a strange mage giving warnings and pirates... I'm not sure what to make of it all but if its all connected may The Lord Protector's tail guard out backs, his wings shelter us and the light from his golden eye guide us...
  Miss Lee and Mith made sure I was properly provisioned before they left.. though there is a bank and a decent inn here. I've no insight at the moment into Miss Lee's stuttering but its obvious that something's wrong. Her and Mith were both acting a bit odd.. but he's a Necromancer and I suppose that sort of thing comes naturally for him. I hope Miss Lee is alright.. and perhaps my being here will take a bit of that terrible load off her shoulders.

Development Journals and Discussion / Watching and waiting....
« on: June 20, 2006, 07:39:51 am »
I pen this entry having had little sleep so bear with me...
  I don't think I've ever seen Miss Lee in such a state... even during the trouble with Pandemonium.. She falters and trips over almost every word that issues from her mouth.  It was obvious when she came to ask my assistance that she had not slept well.. My heart goes out to her for whatever she is dealing with weighs heavily upon her.. So terribly heavy is her burden that it can be seen upon her face and the way she stands.  As a friend she knows that I would gladly help bear any burden but that decision is hers and hers alone to make.  For now I stand, hand out as it were, ready to lend her my strength.  She's strong willed, that one, and proud but even the strongest timbers can buckle under too much weight.
  So, after handing her a bit of cloth for her tear, a reassuring hug and vowing to protect her angels I gladly took the bit of pie she offered me as payment if for no other reason than because it lightened her mood for a moment or two. I set about guarding and patroling the the outside of Ilsare's temple.  Rofirein help me.. Miss Lee and others have freed many angels.. but a few of them paid an incredible price.  I had a glance or two at the poor things and can not describe the anger or sadness that filled my heart.. Lord Protector, guard their little souls and bring them back to Miss Lee.  That anyone could do this to children.. Miss Lee assured me that their assailants had met their end but I'd rather have seen them shackled and breaking stone.  For some death is too good.. Strengthen me Lord for who is more innocent and deserving of our protection than the little children..  
  I would have been in Roldem already and perhaps I would have bumped into Miss Jennara, Miss Lee and Miss Brisbane.  I do not know but Miss Lee caught me as I was getting ready to walk out the gates.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Black mage warning
« on: June 19, 2006, 08:53:35 am »
True, it is difficult for many to trust any Drow. As a culture they have a long standing history of deceit and treachery, even within their own ranks. Does this mean we should ... the lot of them? I say no, but let those that come to us be given a chance to earn our trust.
  As a paladin of the Lort Protector I have been witness to Cymeran's conduct on many occasions and I would not hesitate to vouche for his character. I cannot, however, vouch for the motivation or intentions of this.. wizard.. but it is always good to be mindful and on guard in these times.  
  ~Caighd Brendimeere

Fixed Bugs / Re: Mice Who Talk
« on: June 16, 2006, 08:54:59 am »
Just don't try and feed him to any cats, okay?

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: The long and short of it...
« on: June 16, 2006, 08:37:29 am »
I recently met Storold, a Lucindite I believe, and a lady named Nyyana as we attempted to assist another lady by the name of Malamilaa.. Mala. That's what she told me to call her. Her name is much longer and as with many Elven names it has a beautiful ring to it, at least when she speaks it. I butcher it horribly, I'm sure.
  The four of us traveled into the Grey peaks towards a Village I think is named Lars... I've never successfully made it that far I'm afraid and this time would be no different.  The ogres ambushed us quite unexpectedly and as soon as Mala, an Aeridin sorceress, and Nyyana began casting the brutes could not be distracted from their pursuit. I was able to heal Mala once, laying upon her the healing touch that Rofirein has given me but the Ogres wasted no time and knocked her flat. It was only a few moments after that that Nyyana fell and then I was overwhelmed.
  I awoke in the Rofirein temple in Velensk only to see Nyyana. We greeted one another and talked for only a short time before she needed to rest. I then made my way back to Hlint.. a long trip for someone in my condition. It seems that Miss Mala was left for dead and escaped from the ogres of the valley. So, with her magics, she helped me return to the valley, shrouded from sight to pray at the spot where I fell. After that we made a hasty retreat back to the road outside of Fort Llast where, in my debt, I asked if there were anything she needed assistance with and there was indeed.
  She needed to collect a bounty on goblin ears as well as seeking out lost treasures within the Seilwood caves and so we went. The kobolds and goblins were out in force that day and I collected a great deal of stolen coin from the corpses. Miss Mala's animal friend Aeri is an amazing creature and listens Once, when the battlefield within the caves lay quiet and I was hurrying to gather everything.
  Having seen my harried rush she too gathered what she could and presented it to me when I was finished. I'm not sure if it was just me or if her mind wandered or.. but we stood there for what seemed like forever and those blue eyes felt like they were looking directly into my soul. Don't get me wrong, she is very pleasing to the eye. She's also an Elf. Mom used to say something about Elves bewitching men's souls but I don't know. She hasn't cast any spells on me.... not that I know of. It was just a very uneasy moment... but in a nice way. I don't know.
  Its easier being different when you're alone. Sometimes I'd give anything to be the size of Geldar or Master Elladan or even Miss Jennara if it came right down to it. Being big has its good side, I guess, but you just don't fit in. The world looks at you different and things are more... complicated. Sometimes its like being alone... with everyone around.

Development Journals and Discussion / The long and short of it...
« on: June 15, 2006, 09:27:44 am »
Bear with me.. for I've waited too long to write within these pages and catching up past events is difficult. Even now the details blur somewhat... as memories are want to do.
  We waited for Sussanah's father to return home... goblins slaughtered... ogres scared from the grey peaks... people, literally scared to death by some unknown assailant and a mysterious grave marker that Miss Lee and Miss Rhynn touched. It made them feel sorrow and betrayal... From the Quartermaster, whos has a somewhat odd fascination with grave markers we learned that this marker was placed where it is now, some fifty years ago. It was reused.. I can not imagine why nor can I understand it.. seems such an irreverant action to take the stone from another's grave.
  Both Miss Rhynn and Miss Lee have copies of the inscription, as far as we've been able to discern it.. L.A.P.A.T.... I think.. and there's a poem. At Elladan's suggestion I took Miss Lee to both the Rofirein temple in Velensk and The Citadel in Pranzis to research and see if the stone was moved from somewhere else. The scribes are very thorough in its records and while I could research it myself I feel Miss Lee's talent for finding things among piles of books and parchment is far greater than mine will ever be. I'm just a protector.
  I must remember to apologize to Master Shale next time I see him.. there's a lady cleric of Mist that joined us. She seemed quite keen on telling Geldar and I how we are supposed to act as paladins and I fear my comments to her might have been insulting to Master Shale. While I would rather her tongue be stilled permanently I am afraid she might be right.. to a point. Unable to see Miss Lee because Miss Rhynn shrouded her from sight I rushed ahead, following the one called Coin who insisted the party that ventured into the Grey Peaks was in dire trouble.. The lady cleric and Miss Lee were attacked by a vicious skeleton.. stronger than those of the Hlint Crypts. From here on the coaxing and encouragements of others to rush to the rescue shall fall on deaf ears so long as I have others under my charge. It will not happen again.
  The other party was indeed in dire trouble but we were able to bring them back.. though, I was not sure how this was done. I was too busy watching for an attack.. a great and sinister fog stretched out through that area of the peaks. On our return trip Miss Lee, Geldar and I ran into an odd Ogre.. he was so afraid he did not attack us. He simply ran away and much faster than we could ever follow.
  An entertaining thought.. I wonder what scalding remarks that cleric would have if I managed to save her life.. Best not to dwell on it. There are none, save the followers of Pyrtechon, for whom I would not give my life in the line of duty and... under the right circumstances... Forget it. I dare not even consider what those might be.
  I miss Dalia.. I have many I call friend, Miss Lee most of all. Treana is a welcome additionn amongst them. She is a considerate and wise lady. Miss Jennara is among the wisest and most kind people I know. Still, Miss Dalia would seek me out to talk or to lay the undead to rest..... no matter.
  I suppose I shall be assisting with the training of the Militia in Roldem as well as clearing and helping to rebuild homes. Master Cole was going to take up that task but the Soulmother has taken him for good. I am impatient to begin my work there. I'm tired of sitting in Hlint, waiting.. Before I go, though, I will double my efforts to enforce the need for donations to the Roldem cause. It is a time for action.

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