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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 82
General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Ystrday!
« on: September 11, 2009, 01:55:12 am »
Quote from: Frances
You know, some people farther east seem to be a bit jumpy....

We'll just pretend it's tomorrow and say Happy Birthday! to Ystrday today!

(I feel like we should add "Third base!" here for some reason...)

LoL.. hey.. I waited!

I didn't know its still tomorrow for you.  ;)

Edited: Er.. I mean.. I didn't know its still yesterday for you. Er... see what I mean!

Rumour Has It / Re: Rumours about a Sorceress
« on: September 10, 2009, 05:56:09 am »

Trouble sits on the table in a local Inn, bouncing a rubber ball off the far wall and catching it on its return as he lazily sips off from some of his green coloured ale.

Eventually, his throwing and catching slows, as he tilts his head, hearing the rumours of the missing sorceress. His brow furrows as he strains to listen, until their conversation turns to other things, and he resumes his ball bouncing off the wall.

After a few minutes, he finnaly questions the wall.

" Well... how many good points ya think I'd get for rescuing the elven damsel in distress huh? "

Whether the wall replied vocally or not, Trouble hops off the table and downs his ale before walking out the Inn, leaving only a meagre tip on the table.

General Discussion / Re: What would you like from a world leader?
« on: September 10, 2009, 05:15:25 am »
Quote from: Pseudonym
I'd like the GM team to drive events that make us (us as in players/characters) need to come see you (you, me, Acacea, Fenrir, Angela, Alantha, Sallaron, Jennara, whomever) to gain information/leads/advice/whatever from your sphere of influence in order to reach a solution.

Already being done. ;)

But I would like to point out its down to the players to contact the WL's.

We as GM's know the capabilites of the WL's.
We can leave the clues, and make them as obvious as possible which WL ( or WorldLeader'S) you may need to speak to, but we can't really contact them for you.

WorldLeaders are experienced and probably reknowned characters in this world with a fountain of knowledge at their disposal. Use them!

Though I would advise players to perhaps PM the necessary WL's first , as due to timezone issues and RL , it may be difficult to track them down.

General Discussion / Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« on: September 07, 2009, 07:28:06 am »
Shhhhh! *hushes Script and quickly and slyly fixes it*

General Discussion / Re: IC Thread - "To save a girl"
« on: September 07, 2009, 05:47:08 am »
Apologies folks... but due to changes, I'll not be around too long for this next event.

Event shunted to the 14th  :

Please sign up as soon as possible so I know who can and can't make it, or if I need to reschedule.


Edited: Now moved to 14th so not clashing with WitchDoctor

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Weeping Lily
« on: September 04, 2009, 08:02:24 am »
Happy Birthday!

Stepping into the house, Trouble shrugged his jacket off and let it drop where he had set his backpack off, literally in the middle of the passageway.
Walking into the front room, he snatches a small rubber ball from the fireplace and hops onto the dining table, beginning to toss the ball off the wall and catch it on its return, the ball thudding on every impact.

" Well... come on then.. ask away." he says simply, an eye on the wall.

He waits a moment, as though listening, then shrugs as he continues tossing the ball off the wall.

" Well so far so good. Had one "bloody" good night I can tell ya," he says with a slight smirk, " ... aint likely to forget that in awhile. So.. yeah... no complaints."

Again a silence follows as he bounces the ball off the wall, and then his whole attitude changes from cheery to annoyed, as though he didn't like something he's been asked or told.

" Well what do you think? Within a day was nearly up to three points. One bloody day!!"

He curses softly, the impacts off the wall beginning to get harder and harder, shaking portraits and vases softly.

"  I mean.. the first one was enough! I shoulda' blasted right there an then. I mean... the hells?! Before I wouldn't have given 3 points! Someone said something like that I'd have been on 'em in a bloody flash!"

Trouble sighs softly, the easing back of throws against the wall going in time to his own abating temper. He seems to listen quietly a moment, then just shrugs.

" Don't know.. hang around home for a bit really. Heard some weird rumours bout mom and po... ah.. speak of the Pit Demon and...."

With a wry chuckle, he catches the ball deftly and shoves it in his pocket, half turning on the table to face the door as it swings open and the sound of two arguing voices can be heard coming in and dropping bags.

" But sweets... you know I love that place." his fathers voice chimed softly from the doorway.

Tegan strode into the room, full of fury, showing Sallaron the hand without even looking at him. Seeing Trouble sat on the table, her anger ebbs away long enough for a smile as she walks over to kiss his brow.
The young man smiles up with a murmured "Hi mom. Problems?"

Tegan smiles down at him, toying with the silver streak in his hair, before turning back to face Sallaron, a face full of thunder.

"Why don't you explain it to your son "DEAR!" ... go on... ask him what -he- thinks a holiday home should be like!" she half shouts at him, a sudden warning tell of lightning dancing across her finger tips.
This obvious Tempest Tell-tale sign usually suggested Trouble should head for his room, but it seemed he was being dragged into it.

Sall sighs and smooths down his coat, looking at Trouble pleadingly.
Sadly, the young man was at a loss as to how to help his father, and just gave the honest answer.

"Holiday home. I don't know. Nice cottage overlooking a lake, in a nice warm place. " he says.

Instantly, Sallaron is pointing and wagging a finger at him.

" See! See! Ours is over-looking a lake!"

Its obvious in an instant that was a bad idea.

Tegan turns slowly on her heels to face him, folding her arms, her face icy.

" Yes dear, you are quite right... " she starts off softly, gently, " ... it does indeed have a nice view of a lake.... something I did want..... but...."

Then her hands clench as she takes a step forward in anger, raising her voice.

" NOT A FROZEN LAKE! NOT A FROZEN LAKE ON A FROZEN MOUNTAIN! And dont says its a Cottage Mr Tempest! Its a TOOL SHED!!! A tiny, run down Tool shed halfway up a frozen mountain, near a frozen lake in Breuth, on the outskirts of an icy town filled with ale guzzling dwarfs!! How is THAT a holiday home!"

General Discussion / Re: Adventures again again
« on: August 29, 2009, 08:21:04 am »

:( Shame. No can do.

General Discussion / Re: A thought of returning.
« on: August 27, 2009, 07:20:34 am »
Hi SilverDrac, and welcome back.

Although I can't state officialy, I can say that there has been no date given for the release of the MMO... or for the ending of this NWN incarnation.

As such... create a new character, log-in, RP and have fun.. and expect to be here for quite some time still.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: 50,000 True Each
« on: August 26, 2009, 07:33:17 am »
* Sall wanders by, glances at the poster, and almost walks on.
A momentary soft spot hits him, and he walks back to the poster, pulling out a quill. *

Fair enough mate. You caught me on a good day.

*quickly signs it and moves on*

1 Ingot only I'll sell ya... since the stuff's scarcer than chickens teeth after the Balamati.

Sallaron Tempest
Haft Lake

Rumour Has It / Re: Giants of the Great Forest
« on: August 25, 2009, 11:37:52 am »
According to rumour, and something which many pray is true... the chaos of the HornBlower clan may finnaly be coming to an end.

Word spreads of a move against the HornBlowers into the far east of the Great Forest, and a vicious battle in the Giants icy valley high up in the mountains, where a party of adventurer's slew the Giant chieftain and barely escaped with their lives.

Their is however, some confusion over the reports coming in.

Word tells of ruins of halls and passageways, of statues dedicated and built by both human and Giant hands.
Of a humans Throne... where the Giants now dwell... and of questions still remaining.
Who were the HornBlowers? Where did they learn to craft their weapons and armour, learn their tactics, build such massive structures in what appeared to be such a desolate place.

With such questions still unanswered, there of those within the Foot and on the border of the Great Forest, who still wonder if this is truly the last they will hear from them.

General Discussion / Re: Adventures again again
« on: August 23, 2009, 05:24:10 pm »
Am there. :)

** Trouble sits perched atop the table, feet on the chair infront of him as he bounces a rubber ball off the wall, catching it on the rebound deftly on each return.
He stares intently at the wall as though listening, then frowns at it.

" Aint I supposed to ask that question?"

He whacks the ball a little more forcefully off the wall as though to make his point, then shrugs.

" Fine.. fine. Well.. don't really know. Maybe get back to scribing... or find Phyress for some travelling or go snooping around mom's guild... or heh.. maybe help Amanda get those bloody diamonds. Reckon I owe her fer that much."

A wayward bounce off the wall almost sends a family portrait of Sallaron, Tegan, Jurn and Trouble crashing to the floor. Wincing at the telling off he would have most certainly received had it fallen, he hops off the table and pulls the portrait down, laying it on the floor face up, before continuing his ball bouncing.

" So.... which one do ya reckon?" he asks the wall.

After a moments silence, he frowns at it, sighing and shaking his head.

"I don't remember that being one of the options I just gave ya muppet."

He frowns again at the wall, as though not liking its question, and begins throwing the ball with such force the wall begins to shake.

" What a stupid question! I'll tell ya why! Cause I aint playing.. I don't bloody dance to that tune. Stand up straight! Shoulders back! Suck that gut in! Stand at attention whilst yer judged on yer Pro's an Con's.
Well Sod that!"

The wall seems to accept this answer, and after venting a few more throws of the ball against the wall, he pockets it and snatches up a small satchel full of inks and papers and heads out the door.

* Trouble paces back and forth in the front room, tugging on his hair indecisively, and pretty much muttering and holding a conversation with the wall... arguing with it.. pro's and Con's and everything.
After much more pacing, and his voice rising to almost angry levels... it becomes obvious the wall is apparently winning the arguement.*

Well fine.. Godmanit! But I want a whole batch of bloody good points fer this!!

*the shouts the last at the wall, stabbing a finger at it to make his point, before grabbing a bag full of scrolls and inks and storming out the house, slamming the door behind him.

*The wall remains silent in its smug and amused victory.*

General Discussion / Re: Adventure 20-09
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:58:57 am »
*copies and pastes the above*  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Adventure 20-09
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:35:14 am »
He probably posted the time wrong last time too.. thats why we were late. :P

Will be there.

Just for Fun / Re: Layonara Pirates who Don't do anything
« on: August 17, 2009, 12:46:20 pm »
Pretty sure Vincents gonna laugh his arse off when he see's that... BUT...

I'm not sure whats more disturbing, the fact this is what you willingly listen to whilst Driving....
.... or you pictured Layo characters whilst listening to it...
..especially Sall as the Gourd!

If this is what you listen to when driving.. I can imagine some "serious" road rage problems.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: RP or quality of RP?
« on: August 04, 2009, 01:57:23 pm »
I will mainly whack people with the XP wand when they're "not" running around and bashing.
Even if the RP is really good whilst they're fighting... I usually wont.

If I spot people sat somewhere... in a tavern... a quiet grove.. ect... who are literally just "sat" RPing.... I'll usually hit them with the RP wand.
Regardless of what they may be talking about.. cooking, cleaning, Plot Quests, the weakness's of Dragons, the bizzare rash they've got between their toes..... whatever.
If they're spending their time purely RPing... then I feel they deserve a RP bonus.
I mean.. that is what its called after all.. RP bonus.
Whether its good or bad RP... it -is- RP.. and should be rewarded.

But.. thats just me.

That said... sadly.. I don't do the RP-seeking-rounds as often as I used to.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Multiclass at lvl 19 is ok?
« on: July 28, 2009, 07:17:44 pm »
*points to the above*

As printed above.

My request for Trouble was to determine the "form" of multi-classing which would take place and the rules applied to it.

For Druids... Multi-classing is .. not so much strict... but its difficult to go from one extreme to another. I needed to know the way in which it would take place ( would he have to rebuild as Ranger ( in which case the 5 level rule wouldn't apply )  / be able to use his Druidic powers once taking Ranger beyond 20 / or be unable to use them ... ect...ect )

I believe the same restrictions on Multi-classing come into play for Monks and Paladins also.

General Discussion / Re: Someone has a birthday ...
« on: July 27, 2009, 02:01:10 pm »
Happy Birthday!

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