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Messages - Lance Stargazer

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Rumour Has It / *The man nods once at the
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:26:53 pm »

*The man nods once at the words and looks upon Emily for a moemnt before returning the sight towards Andrew and Elly*

- Its not my place to question your motives ma'am, I am just following orders here, Once the inspection provided by Leiutenient Wang is concluded, we'll be escorting you to the meeting place if all.

*The concentration by Emily finishes some seconds after the man had finished speaking and she gives a small nod at him*

- Everything seems in order, please acompany us, this way please-

*They lead you to a charriot that is being brought by other two members of the Silverguard, the wagon is simple but confortable, with enough space to acomodate six people, the vehicle does a short trip till the very same tower on the outskirts of Hempstead where the first meeting took place, the place seems calm some guard around the door, Emily takes leads here and nods at the other two silverguards*

*As they walk inside the tower, being escorted by other two guards, Emily speaks*

- It was a surprise to hear that you'll be coming, Of course I'd wish that the circunstances of our metings were diferent, I heard what that stone caused, and all the tragedies that happened during those days, makes one wonder how much was bad luck and how much was careful planning -

*She looks over to you, observing you as you start to walk up the stairs of the tower *

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir takes the time to
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:58:53 pm »

*Aesthir takes the time to say farewell to the Rofirenites, and to the old monk in the Fort, he also greets to the adventurers that remain in the camp before his departure with Sgt Kalvin, he will give a final prayer in the memory set for the fallen before abandoning the place, during this he pulls out a small vial of golden dust, he pulls out a small vial of it and spreads it over the memorial. ( I know they were burned in pyre, he is doing this in a representation of the fallen any specific area of the Fort that serves to honor the fallen would do it ).


*The man walks alongside Sargeant Kalvin, as the events unfold, he was not happy of course, but his face betrayed no such feeling, he had long past had learned to not to show his thoughts and his experesion calm and collected was like the mask he had learned to use all this years*

- Captain Andrew will be pleased isn't it? - *The tone used beetwen serious and sardonic*

- This stones shall be put to good care in the guard I hope, At least one mission down, this will help your resume quite, as well good Sargeant. -

- Now lets just pray to the gods that this doesn't turn out against the city -  

*Once they arrive to the city, Aesthir will present his report to the case for file for the guard, and will give report as well to Andrew when the time arrives *

Development Journals and Discussion / Entry 12The lone sword... I
« on: October 03, 2014, 06:52:00 pm »

Entry 12
The lone sword

... I am ready for whatever is your answer? ..

*The words keep echoing in his mind after the meeting, the cherry blonde girl, no .. woman had spoken this with the determination that is natural on her ilk, If it was not for the inmense pain he felt at the moment he would have the luxury to feel strange at a woman being decalring to him, as if it was not enough .

It was an interesting time, he had to learn of this, he maybe flirted a bit, he let her braid his hair, and even now he start to braid part of his hair after her doing so, part of it desired to carry it that way, to be closer to what she is and he knew he wouldn't be able.

-She needs a better man, and so she deserves -

*He whispered to himsel, What good can he cause her, she was sprited and willing to do changes in the world, they had a lot in common, but at the same time they belonged to another world, like two sides of the same coin, like light and darkness, They shared the teachings and the precepts, but vary several degrees on their methods, and he knew he would never be able to follow her steps, .... maybe in other life.

Her soul devoted to Toran, she so closer to lady Daniella, he following the path of the style inherited to his grandfather, and follwoed thru his bloodline till him, a true follower of the code....

It is him and him alone who walk this path, And there was Liliah, his heart knew, and his mind knew that she'll never be his, at least not whole, she liked to play that way, and so far he had enjoyed the fun part of it, How could he dared to stain the purity of her... And so he walked away.

- The path is still long - *The man spoke while the rain start to fall on his face, water that may hide the tears he had not wanted to feel or see*- I am but a lone sword, this is the way it should be, my heart belongs to my blade, and my blade to the world.

I ... am sorry Mary.

*He clenches his fists, and harden his heart, the pain will pass, its natural to feel pain, it means he was alive still, it is a lesson, everything is a lesson, Even swords are allowed to rest at times, but once the rust is removed it reborn stronger than ever*

*The man kept walking over the mountain hill, till the fog made his silouethe dissappear*

Long-running Quests / // Sorry guys. . got Flooded
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:25:51 pm »

// Sorry guys. . got Flooded with work last night and missed this one.  Will try to be around for the next one.


Trade and Market Hall / *Ausir looks at the note and
« on: September 09, 2014, 05:57:34 pm »

*Ausir looks at the note and smirks with a sly smile*  Well, I was wondering if Gypsy could earn this ones after the training, but guess i could help this one.  She is being quite expensive anyway  *he mutters to himself, then pens a reply* 

I may not be able to help you with your straight request , but may have something that could help you ... If interested met with me over Vehl in one moon from now, On the Talent street .


// Need to search fro what i have that might help you , but surely have something to help.  The character is Ausir Stargazer.

Long-running Quests / *In the meantime Aesthir has
« on: September 09, 2014, 11:49:00 am »

*In the meantime Aesthir has gone thru his own investigations* // Pm sent Lonn.

Layonara Server / I am interested, of course!
« on: September 08, 2014, 10:55:01 pm »

I am interested, of course!

Long-running Quests / *Aesthir speaks*  So what do
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:49:03 pm »

*Aesthir speaks*  So what do we have then?

*He looks to one side to Fleur then to the robe they are holding ,  but awaits the remarks of the ones present*

Rumour Has It / *Some weeks had passed maybe,
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:43:00 pm »

*Some weeks had passed maybe, the arrival of a caravan with a non remarkable couple of travelers, are seen stopping in the village on its way to Briardusk, the man a tall blonde man with serene expression looks at the village works with distracting look, as the woman , a smaller and slim elven female looks up at him and speaks as she touches his arm*

- Wake up, Scoundrel, if you keep staring your eyes may pop out of their sockets -

*The man looks at her with a smile and simply shakes his head*  I am just glad to see the town taking shape again, its only natural.

*The woman replies in calm voice *- I still not sure you should be hidding as you come here, the people deserve to know-

*He replies at her* - I am not hidding, princess, I just don't want to make it harder for them, you know its not praise or acknowledgement i am looking  for here.-

*She smiled a bit after that , patting his arm and returning his gaze to the construction*  -I know .. -

*The couple kept his gaze into the activities of the village, their silence and touch speaking volumes without a single word been exchanged , after some time they return to their activities as the caravan as its prepares to retake the path to Briardusk *

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir smirks a bit upon
« on: August 13, 2014, 11:35:26 am »

*Aesthir smirks a bit upon Storold reply to the newcomers apparently had not acknoledging his presence, but doesn't make any more remark to him on that , as this happens he instructs the Vehl Guard to go and look for the captain, to see if he has a spare moemnt to talk, once he has finished then he speaks*

- Its indeed of dire importance that the nature of the stones be determined, as far as for moving them it would become problematic, since other circunstances had entered to the game, I am bound to inform to the Captain that the stones has to remain here for the time being, since Vehl guard has taken them into custody, and this has been put into me as a burden to carry on with this. There is of course my desire to have this stomes to put more people into danger. And so .. there are other ways we could persue to do things smoothly. I do hope to have your cooperation in this mater, i do think that something can still be done about this guard claim. But of course i may need your help. -

*He looks upon Vrebel as he comes closer, then as Anna falls to the ground he is ready to help, but of course being Connor the one that is closer, he doesn't get in the middle for him or Storold to help her first, *


Rumour Has It / *Aesthir nods slowly upon the
« on: August 11, 2014, 11:43:00 am »

*Aesthir nods slowly upon the reply* Of course, that is what you came all this way after all.  The crypt may not be inmediately available, but I can point out the whereabouts of its location to you of course.

*He lets a smalls space before continuing* The stones are a bit more safe here, than it was in the wild, at least the conditions for its defense had improved, even if they were not as dormant as we thought they were,  they had a small spark of activation not much time ago, and for now the stones has to remain here by order of the Guard of Co'rrys , This new developments just happened and in the same time as your arrival.

Yet there are some ways to work with this which I can discuss privately with you once the proper examination of the stones is ready.  Lets just say that there are other cogs in motion.

*As they aproach Aesthir guides Connor and Anna thru the halls towards the hall where the stones are,  alongside with the Rofirenite guard and Storold*

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir walking with the
« on: August 08, 2014, 10:27:36 am »

*Aesthir walking with the other two, nods*  The good captain means well, yet he needs to learn a bit more about the wisdom in life, Leadership fell upon him all of sudden since the previous senior officer is no longer among the living. Alas that doesn't justify his extreme actions at times, but well ....

*He continues walking* I meant to ask cause i don't know what had you seen on the way here, when the pits are involved i've learned that no precaution is enough, the stones we are about to see were found in a crypt some miles to the north, it was used as a portal, what we have here is just part of the said portal, which was disrupted by one of the creatures we found there .

During the assault I was following a particular pattern in the Al'noth, which help us to find the position of the stones, They were found facing one against the other in direction to the four cardinal points. We found a large group of pit creatures, with fiery eyes and wings down that place, some of them able to comand powerful magics. At the time we finally reached the room where the portal was, there were gylphs glowing on them, one of the pit fiends that were in the room, destroyed one of the four stones, at the moment of our arrival. The three surviving stones are held in this monastery.  The glyps vanished once the stones were moved from the place, and just recently had blinked with the gylphs.

We learned originally of the portal thanks to a pit fiend that this good knights caught and interrogated in the area of Center back in Brelin. This pit fiend escaped as its my understanding, i was not present at the moment of its escape since I was doing a research on the "pattern in the al'noth " i told you previously.  This first pit fiend apparently was able to affect mortal minds, and with ease must say.

I am sure that Storold Sir, could confirm and expand a bit more on this subject. 

**He continues walking awaiting for their reply*

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir replies to the
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:09:39 pm »

*Aesthir replies to the captain with a small smile as if finding funny an invisible irony*

It is more than what you think, Good Captain, I may need to speak with you once we are back to the monastery, its a matter of urgency, due the developments on this place.

*He then returns to the half elves as they walk forward towards the monastery*  Welcome, Sir Storold has prepared some wards for the stones, we appreciate the help you two could provide with this ugly situation, I am not sure how familiar you are with this, but I'll explain the short version to you and the facts so we are in the same base ground. If you consider its safe to speak now of course.

*The man walks alongside the half elves towards the camp , and in the general way where Storold may be hanging *

Rumour Has It / *Ausir smirks upon the orc
« on: August 06, 2014, 06:35:38 pm »

*Ausir smirks upon the orc falling to the ground, he still leaves it the beverage, as he was going to buy it for the now knocked down orc, he shakes his head and return his gaze upon the barman awaiting for the replies he previously asked, this time passing a small bag with gold pieces to get his atention back *  So.... ? 

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir gestures to Kalvin
« on: August 06, 2014, 04:45:00 pm »

*Aesthir gestures to Kalvin to go back to the place where the stones are guarded and to stay put there, he makes sure he doesn't make any visible sign towards any particular place, then moves forward at the conmotion, he doesn't run, but walks steadily fast, then speaks once he is close enough , as he hears the replies from Connor he approaches *

Good people, lets not make the work of the enemy easier, words and intents could be easily misunderstood, lets make things with clear head and civilized ways.  

*At this moment he manages to get at least closer to the circle, his demeanor as not threatening but neither shy*

*he nods at the two half elves then to the captain*  I am Aesthir Stargazer, *more with the intent of stating that to newcomers* I am here representing Co'rrys and Vehl interests *The man wears the colors of the guard on his armor, then speaks to the Captain* Of this two travelers I had traveled in the past if any scarcedly, and this gentleman is an ally to the gold, or at least was so during the last time we traveled together, Even if I don't know the reasons for them to be here, i could guess it. I can tell you that there is no need for innecesary violence sir.

*Then he speaks to the two half elves, he give a more acknolegeable nod at Anna*Its been a while since we had met, and again not in the most favorable circunstances.  An invitation and a favor you say? By Storold I presume?

*Aesthir observes the two and then to the Captain, hoping that his interruption had managed to calm the animosity of the situation*

Development Journals and Discussion / For duty and deity  ...
« on: August 06, 2014, 03:20:14 pm »

For duty and deity  ... Eaornath D’lisk,

*The couple of travelers arrived at the small village, the glum feeling could still be felt in the air, the death and sorrow felt could not be washed from the inhabitants who still had just had no other thing to do to keep going with their lives, of every thing that had changed on him, this never had been, the feeling of impotence on how the enemy had once again threw dispair into the lives of inocents, he had heard once to one of his many rivals that there is no such thing as an inocent, and despite this, this people had no guilt or deserved what happened to them here, Hilm gave him a purpose, something bigger than his life where he could help people to reach for some of Toran's grace, but at times he missed to be able to do the small work, the real work, the politics .. that was his burden. *

*He moved into the field, he and his wife walking side by side, with traveling clothes, the long and sturdy cloaks hidding their true selves, to avoid suspicion... even if this people weren't as suspicious of any new strangers in town, hard and cautious faces recieved them during their stay. *

*As they walked they saw the remains of a house that was previously burnt, the new dig graves being blessed by the priest to prevent the bodies to raise again, the sorrow of many sons, daughters of Hilm lost to the senseless massacre, and the distrust... It all hurt on his heart as if it were his own loss, but the face of the man remain unfazed*

*They did not found an inn, it wouldn't be the first time they had to camp in the wild, it was no problem at all for them*

*The stay was as expected, after a couple of days and the proper visit to the temple, the couple left the town back towards Hilm, He didn't mentioned his rank or name, not even to the priest in the temple, there was no need to bring more trouble to this people, he had work to do, rebuilding work awaited, His visit served to oversee the damage, and to help him plan the rebuild effort, Lance Stargazer won't stay idle upon this people, Hilm people, his people suffering this way. The plans already drawn on his head....

... On the following days from arriving to Hilm, preparations were made, and materials prepared with engineers and builders dispatched towards the small village*

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir nods slowly at the
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:47:21 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowly at the reply, standing by the entrance of the tent , he watches as where the events are being unfolded, he still attaired in his armor with the Vehl guard colors , once he realizes where the conmotion is, he gestures to the man to come with him, and proceed towards where the half elves are, not before casting a true sight on himself, he takes a conservative stance , moving to the outskirts of the circle, trying to measure the situation and of course not making the authority of the Captain to look less, and eventually coming closer to the circle*

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir is seen storing
« on: August 06, 2014, 11:26:52 am »

*Aesthir is seen storing something as the messenger comes in, he returns and nods at the man , with a good salute*  Good to see you, Kalvin, Make yourself at home.

**he takes the scrollcase and reads the one from Andrew, a slight frown appear on his face, yet he returns to his usual calm and calculating look*

Well, seems we have work to do here, Kalvin? Are you familiar with the situation we got here?

*If he is not, he will give the basics of it, how the events unfolded and the dangers that the stones represent are, he leaves aside anything regarding magic or such terms from the probably unstudied in the field things to the guard*

And what is the outburst out there?

Trade and Market Hall / *Armand looks with matching
« on: August 02, 2014, 02:20:27 pm »

*Armand looks with matching curiosity to the small and loud creature that seems to be asking about things he takes in the halfling*

Hi Charm, the halfling **he nos thrice fast , strangely for a human he seems to match the quickness of words and energetic beheavior, Charm may notice an ocassional spark that comes out from strange metal plated  arm cover on his right arm *

Hey! Yes looking for special clothes,  I am glad you hear me , being deaf is something i won't wish to anyone, No, I am not from here, I am  Proffessor Armand Dawson, engineer Extraordinaire, *at this point he raises one finger to the air in a proffessor like way * , I come from the Clockwork academy **nods thrice fast * Wonderful you have the kind of clothes, and hopefully willing to part of them, Favorite color , Blue I guess.  And yes modifications and changes are all good.

I'll be there around next month, will look for you!  And no.. no horses.

// What is the usual time that works  best for you mate?  Cheers



Rumour Has It / *The way back Hilm was slow
« on: July 30, 2014, 02:10:41 pm »

*The way back Hilm was slow and silent as death, at least it was for Argos, on the way he traveled back with Lieutenieant Xelios and those who returned to the Castle, the mood of the man was grim, its been a while since he had seen so much massacre, the grace invested on him conforted somehow, alas  so much death* 

*One thing was for sure, the people there may had find some rejoice in toran's blessings, he wished he could be as joyous, it was just by his own body and the extent of his phisical abilities that he was able to channel enough to raise as many as he could., he wished he could have done more... his body was aching , but not as much as his heart*

*Torn on the way back he observed to the young Xelios, his first mission on the field apparently, a promising officer on the Company of the Star, led by his father, Sir Lance Stargazer, the elite troops of Hilm, he couldn't help but to smile a bit as this man had given a chance to return to his family, ... Family was indeed a strange thing, he had tried over the past to overcome the shadow of his father, Rory had helped with that, he thought he had come to peace with it, but this mission just made him realized he had not fully put it past him, he somehow felt envy and anger as the actions of his father would always overcome his, he discarded the thougth inmediately, he had learned over the years how wrong were those thougths, his test was diferent, he was a diferent man, he may never be the general or the paragon of virtue that his father was, but he had a family, a man of diferent path, one set by the duality and the conflict that all his life had brought to him ... and still just a simple man.*

*Argos knew that not many would see in him the son of one of the leaders of this kingdom, it was better this way, it always has been,  probably not even the Undead slayers that are near the group would recognize him as the son of the Commander, and if they did, no one had said a thing, it was better this way, he looked upon the road and the rest of the Toranites, the moods varied, the Shinning hand always so distant, he thought of Jilly and how she raisd to the ranks of captain and how she seemed to had not lost the joy of life despite the rank and file, he thought of it as a small miracle, he had heard that she even had a boy fruid of her marriage to that other brother of the longsword, he found himself a reason to smile*

*Then he had his own kids, the five little ones that have now grown and out on the world, Ausir was his concern, its been a while since it has seen him, and Orn following his steps into the clergy, Aiden and Keira, and finally Lil Ell, upon thinking on the little one named after his mother, he couldn't help but to smile a bit more, he raised his head and watched the Castle in the horizon, the memory of the eyes of his wife came to his mind, ... it would be interesting when he came back to her arms*

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