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Messages - Krell Himmler

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General Discussion / Re: Krell goes to Ireland
« on: January 19, 2008, 09:41:13 pm »
As promised to Leanthar, pictures from Ireland:

Road, far south west of Ireland, it's a winding road on the coastline, beautiful view but reasonably trecharous.

Older castle, in a swamp/moat.

And also Iceland:

First 'Parlament' of Iceland (800yrs old)

Vatnajokul (biggest glacier in iceland) (drift ice!!!)

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 19, 2008, 05:25:35 am »
Lucius slowly opens the book, reflecting on the events of the past few weeks, the viscious manhunt for him and his accomplises, he beathes a sign of relief and wonders if it was really necessary, that doesn't matter now.

He wonders if it was necessary to kill the young girl and if he saved her soul and his own through his actions, damming others, or if it was all part of some greater scheme of the lich. He pushes this to the back of his mind and alone and in the dark, begins to read through the first paragraph of the book the lich had given him, heaving a slow and great sigh as the last word passes from his lips.

He wonders what the Lich's reward will be, he hopes it will be knowledge or one of the secrets of undeath, his weak body barely serves as adequote for daily life, littleown the rigours of adventure and the stress it takes upon one.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 18, 2008, 10:49:49 pm »
I was approached, to use my casual friendship of Brian in order to reveal his location to others. For what purpose I don't know or care to be honest, money is money and this has nothing to do with me beyond the duties I have signed for. I wash my hands of this. Apparently G'ork wants to teach him a lesson for something, he didn't say what.

I saw a symbol of Corath, the assassins section on a cloak G'ork was wearing today, if he truly is a member, his punishment will be harsh and swift for wearing this article of clothing. I can't help but think he is under duress and control in this instance. I will investigate further to find more information, he seems on edge, angry and agressive.

I was lectured by a Lucinite for raising the dead to my bidding, I got a tiresome lecture on how I should see the light and not be corrupted, eventually they left me alone to burn more mushroom men and take their gold.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: Adventuring Gear
« on: January 09, 2008, 07:01:09 am »
*you see a note tacked on underneath*

It's high time, the merchants have been charging blatantly over a reasonable price for some time, they deserve to be undercut or have their business attacked.

Rumour Has It / Re: *posted about the town of Port Hempstead*
« on: January 08, 2008, 10:34:53 am »
//I was explicitly told by a DM that it is a secret temple and so whilst you can see it mechanically, you cannot technically find it as it's *hidden*, hiding it of course isn't possible in game.

Rumour Has It / Re: *posted about the town of Port Hempstead*
« on: January 08, 2008, 08:09:57 am »
Quote from: Falonthas
* a crossed blade and spider emblem are sealed into the sheet*
 the proof is in hand, though you may not wish to see and hear such

the third was seen, spoken and known to be around those now in question

a tunic aquired from his temple, shall be given upon a meeting place


Rumour Has It / Re: *posted about the town of Port Hempstead*
« on: January 08, 2008, 08:07:45 am »
Quote from: OldBear
Dalan wonders by and sees the notice that has been posted.  His eyes light up with a firery rage as he strokes "Tempest".
 De foul creatures have harmed de lass.  Me thinks they might not make it to justice though I suppose dat be what should happen to dem.  I wonder if dis be de same temple lookin buildin I found buried in de mountains on one of me trips?  It had a most foul stench about it and evil creatures parading around de double doors.  It turned me stomach so when I entered dat I dinna go but a few steps within.
 With these words to himself, he moves off to find Captain Trent and the family of his "niece".

//Although you "found" the temple mechanically, you have not found it technically and therefore cannot get into it or know the location therof. I'm sure a GM would be happy to explain this to you. As was explained to me more than once by more than one GM, despite having easily found it in the mountains mechanically, I have not actually found it myself, until I was shown, it is also to be treated as a guild house, with no entry allowed by non members without permission, just giving you a headsup.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Divine Scrolls and other items
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:46:10 pm »
One animate dead.

I will contact you asap.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: Amulet and Ring of Int +1
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:06:34 am »
*Down the bottom a note is tacked on*

I need names, I'm not aware of your membership.

Rumour Has It / Re: *posted about the town of Port Hempstead*
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:02:50 am »
//Yeah I thought the same, as I understood it, no one knew of the Corath temple even existing in the mountains, so I don't understand how him worshipping an unfavoured evil god in the mountains says a Corath temple is there. I'm confused to say the least.

//Again OOC I also wish to state that you know OOC who the second person is, but you have no proof, or reason to arrest and detain. You must think logically about it hellspawn666, would you really remember a voice by heard from 2-3 sentences and a few weeks inbetween? At the meeting with the lich I barely spoke until you were gone. If I remember correctly your character was also a fighter and not overly intelligent, so I doubt it even further. Not only that but the clothes worn on the day are radically different from the clothes worn inbetween and currently, which have changed drastically six times since then. I want people to remember what it says on the loading screen. You can't see the floaty text above their head. I don't want to be accusatory, but so often people call my character by name when he has never said it, please please try and remember this.

//I also want to say, remember my voice from where, unless it was the actual meeting with the lich himself, simply being with another character is not proof that one of them is guilty of some crime.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:06:29 am »
Today I was left to reflect upon the death of Silvia. I did not feel guilt over this, to me it was simple her life for my soul. Naturally with a sweetener of gold on top of this but can I even call it a choice, I don't think so. Killing her was hard, I had developed somewhat of an attatchment to the dumb girl, but her spoilt life and rich family didn't afford her any protection or leniancy this time.

Heinrich was captured and killed, the fool. I cannot believe he confessed and the rumours that I have heard state that he told them the location of our temple in the Ire mountains, now comes the time where I must worship Corath in secret and away fromt he temple or not at all, a severance of paths for the purpose of continuing my own life, the priestess was harsh and cruel for nothing, so how will she be for something. Heinrich cracked under pressure and didn't maintain his lies and deceit to defend himself, he won't be forgiven for this and no one who knows him or worked with him will be forgiven. The church's retribution will be quick, harsh and deadly. I wonder when his trial is scheduled to occur and why he revealed so much when we were basically home free.


Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 06, 2008, 03:04:47 pm »
I visited my father's grave and added his skull to the top of my staff, through some minor magic I have made a plain white mask to conceal my face this should serve me well in the future. Now he will always be with me. Father in life you may have been cruel, but I found a menial use for you in life yet again.

The Red Wizard

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Zombie and immunities
« on: January 06, 2008, 02:11:07 am »
I don't know if that is *correct* according pen and paper DnD cause normally a zombie form *is* immune but also iirc you can't turn into a zombie with polymorph, but it seems weird to be a zombie that can be poisoned for example, the form itself is reasonably weak.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: In Need Of Greenstone Dust
« on: January 06, 2008, 12:27:34 am »
I could prolly get you a box in a day or so, if you want it *shrugs*.

The Red Wizard

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Corn Wanted
« on: January 05, 2008, 08:40:46 am »
I don't see how a box of eggs is worth 3000 and a box of corn also 3000.

Considering 6 pieces of corn make a single egg, or when made into corn meal, 4 pieces make one egg.

Considering the 'mark up' for making the eggs yourself, this means that for one box of eggs, worth 3000 generally, I would be paying 2300 or so (575x4). Considering one of the biggest and slowest parts of this task is the collection of the eggs themselves, 575 is quite a fair price for a box of corn which isn't *too hard* to get.

If one box of corn was worth 3000, that would make a box of eggs worth over 12,000 trues.

The more powerful of you will scoff at this message, however the ones of you just starting may welcome the chance to make some easy money.

The 'Red Wizard'

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Eggs wanted
« on: January 04, 2008, 10:21:23 pm »
//Havn't seen you around, let me know when is best to meet you, been luggin a box of eggs for awhile now.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« on: January 04, 2008, 09:38:59 am »
I require the oak shortbow for the mission in Haven. Are you able to make it and for what price?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:37:33 pm »
I killed Silvia In'Darsus today for the lich. He states he will reward us and I eagerly await this time, I felt some guilt for doing so, but it was my soul or her death so I feel it's a fair deal. I felt some level of humanity today, it has been a long time, I feel the anguish of my fathers death by my hands fading, but as always I do what I must. My sanity returns slowly as time passes and I am starting to see things clearly again.

Lucius Kaiser

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Divine Scrolls and other items
« on: January 03, 2008, 12:31:21 pm »
Sorry my mistake, I read in the wrong place.

Send me a bird whenever I'm online, I'm happy to take one off of your hands.
I will also happily take a dispel magic scroll from you, assuming there's a two purchase discount?

Doomed Mage

I'm looking for rings that augment ones spellcasting ability I have ascended to the 7th level, almost 8th, what items am I able to use that will increase how many spells I may cast every day and how much would such a ring cost?

The Insane One

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