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Messages - Cinnabar

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]
Rumour Has It / Unusual Occurrence near Dapplegreen
« on: November 03, 2009, 01:15:51 pm »
While exploring the Battlehelm Moors, three warrior women were swarmed by uncommonly large numbers of Swampkin, close to the entrance to the platinum mines. According to one, what seemed like dozens appeared to just rise out of the mire, almost directly in front of them. Fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds, one fell and the other two were forced to flee for their lives, fighting as they went. The monsters pursued these two to Dapplegreen and beyond. One fought and vanquished her pursuers at the very gates of Vehl, while the other fought and died on the stone steps at Stormcrest. The third, rushing back from her bindstone, arrived in Stormcrest just in time to see her battle sister fall and promptly slew the remaining two monsters there in a quite unladylike rage.

After guarding the site of their comrade's death in Stormcrest until she could return to reclaim herself there, they gathered some reinforcements and prepared to head back into the moors. As this group of, now five, women left Stormcrest, the one who had fallen there spoke eloquently for them all when she issued a bear-like roar of defiance that is rumored to have been heard all the way in Vehl.

Seeking both vengeance and redemption, the group marched directly and purposefully back to the original battle site, without pause and with little comment, slaying everything in their path as they went. Nearly each battle on the way was with, again, uncommon numbers of foes. Once they reached their destination, and the last had recovered herself there, they immediately set about to clear the moors of any remaining Swampkin that still drew breath. The valor they repeatedly exhibited, both coming and going, and the piles of bodies they left in their wake leaves this reporter thinking the appellation of "the weaker sex" to be somehow inappropriate.

Ask A Gamemaster / Eschew Materials II
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:46:50 pm »

Prerequisite: Spell Caster, Ability to cast 6th level spells

As Wizards are unable to cast any 6th level spells until Level 11 (per the Base Spells per Day Table In LORE), does this mean that the Eschew Materials II Feat, when taken as a Wizard Bonus Feat,

[INDENT]a) cannot be taken at Level 10?
b) can be taken at level 10, but will not have any effect until Level 11?
or c) can be taken at Level 10, and will be effective for spell levels 4+ that can be cast at that time?[/INDENT]

Clearly I'm confused, unless the prerequisite is simply Int 16+ for Wizards, as their 'ability' to cast 6th level spells.

General Discussion / Found on the Master Tailor Bench in Allurial
« on: April 17, 2009, 09:51:58 am »
Caerwyn found a temple donation receipt for a sizeable amount, dated Seplar 15,1447. PM or poke to claim it

Guilds and Councils / Forum Access Request
« on: September 18, 2008, 12:37:52 pm »
As Caerwyn has recently joined the Orc Basher's Guild, could I please have access to their forum(s)


[SIZE=16]* Musing, he ponders "Who will remember my story after I'm gone? A family of my own perhaps, but there is no such now".  After over two years on Mistone, he is at a loss to know where to begin.  Quill in hand, he struggles to order his thoughts;  drawing a deep breath, he begins to write *

My name is Caerwyn Ahrail'lan and I was called to my vocation in my 37th year, in Mar of 1429.  I had spent most of my adult life in the company of soldiers, as a tracker and scout.  With the boyhood training I received at my father's hands and my adult experiences in the field, the choice of Ranger as my calling came naturally.  My time to date here on Mistone has confirmed that choice.  

I began, as so many of the newly called do, in Port Hempstead;  I was aided at the beginning by many, notably Shiff Dragonheart and Rose Blair, as well as a man named Marcus and a dwarf called Skully.  They saw to it that I was properly outfitted and pointed in the right direction.  Since that time I have travelled and mapped much (if not most) of Mistone and have ventured to Alindor, Krashin and the Dragon Isles. I have even been back to Dregar more than once, though most of it seems strangely unfamiliar.

In the course of my travels, I have met many of the summoned;  most have been pleasant enough, some have been kind, and several have been fine comrades. There are only a few however that I would consider close friends.  At the top of that list would be Fianon Brittlebow.  A fellow ranger, he has taught me much of the local forestry, and I in turn, have shared with him my knowledge of matters military.  By now, when we travel together, we think and act almost as one.  In the field, we need few words to cooperate effectively, though by the campfire, our talks have seen many a sunrise.  While we each often go our own ways these days, each time we travel together it's like coming home again;  I would be disconsolate to ever lose Fianon's company.  

Another that I would call friend in the truest sense is Balthazar Woll.  A very clever man and extremely successful scrounger (as he calls his trade), it is Bal who set my feet on the path of making a fairly handsome living gathering saleable commodities.  Teaching by example, he has shown me many areas of Mistone, where to find specific goods, how to draw off those guarding them to be dealt with piecemeal, and how to build a retinue of customers.  He has also been preeminent in pointing me to quests which have helped me to gain both gold and experience.  He and I too have seen more than one sun come up after talking all night, often with me wiping wet cheeks from laughing so hard.  Without his friendship I'm sure I'd be much poorer than I am now, both in my bank account and my soul.  

I would mention two others in this list:  Elohanna Dawnstar and Arynne Liadon.  Each has befriended me in my times of doubt or need, giving sage advice which I try to follow and, on occasion, gifting me with special tools.  I like to think that part of who I am becoming is at their hands.  I strive to be worthy to call each friend.  

And then there are the women.  I am of an age where I long for the lasting love and companionship of a good woman.  And while I have loved fleetingly and lost (twice) since coming to Mistone, in retrospect I have yet to meet one with whom I could share my life.  I will however mention one woman who has become a very dear friend: Hedessa Tanario.  Hedessa is a Priestess of Xeen (with all that entails) but I think our relationship transcends that in an odd way.  While she tries her best to show me the pleasures of Xeen, she is rarely successful, as I value her friendship more.  I find that I am more comfortable in her company than I am with any other woman I've met, whether fighting in the field, drinking at a tavern, or sitting quietly on a mountain top;  I am discovering that the true definition of a lady belies appearances (in either direction).  While our friendship turns more than a few heads I'm sure, I can think of no one else with whom I would rather share my deepest feelings, eventhough she and I will never be romantically involved (again for reasons of her calling). I only hope that a woman with whom I do find love will be able to understand that while I will be hers alone, the deep friendship I have for Hedessa is a great part of my life.  Quite possibly that, in itself, may be a test of whether I have found the right woman to share my life.  

I have found through experience here that my skills lie most in stealth, observation, and tactics. I did not start out with this wisdom, but have had to learn from painful lessons (nothing focuses one's attention like a few visits with the Soul Mother).  I began by behaving like a light infantryman armed with a longbow, following wherever others would lead;  over time I have learned better.  When by myself, I rely on stealth and caution to carefully avoid or dissect the enemy standing between me and my goal.  When in the company of others, I now stay in my rightful place either in the back rank observing the flow of the battle and covering the front rank with my longbow (using my blade only in dire need), or out on point performing stealth reconnaissance and coming back to report what I see.  

I have taken to sitting quietly to analyze each battle just concluded while it is still fresh in my mind.  As a result, I have been able to start building a catalogue in my head of what tactics work (and don't) in a given situation, as well as sound (and poor) applications of individual's capabilities.  Most importantly, I have learned that mission focus is the key;  most failed missions seem to be the result of either disparate and/or poorly understood priorities.  Hunt to hunt, gather to gather, or explore to explore:  failure to adhere to this principal can break a mission, and it seems to be the rare group that can manage more, and certainly not without a common understanding.  

I am quite stunned by the number of times a group is gathered with neither prioritized goals, a tactical plan, an understanding of the party member capacities, or even a briefing before 'going in'.  I find that I am in a minority in this, as many seem to repeat these same errors over and over.  I have begun to encourage others to rethink their approach to battle, with mixed success;  I have come to learn that there are those with whom it is simply unwise to travel, regardless of how pleasant they may otherwise be.  

They say that a man is defined by the company he keeps and what he has learned;  all that is mentioned here has been (and continues to be) instumental in making me who I am and who I am to become.

C.A. Jular 15, 1431

Trade and Market Hall / Oak Weapons for Sale at attractive prices
« on: July 14, 2008, 06:00:33 pm »
[SIZE=32]Oak Weapons ~ Simple, Solid, Effective[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]These sturdy, hand crafted weapons are available for immediate delivery:



[SIZE=18](reduced pricing for those serving Warrant Officer Kit in Haven)[/SIZE]



[SIZE=18]~ Special Orders Undertaken ~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Caerwyn Ahrail'lan, Prop.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18]Contact me in person, by falcon, or via mundane post (//PM)[/SIZE]

Fixed Bugs / Lore Character page updates?
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:52:54 am »
It looks like the pages for characters (mine and any others I've checked) stopped being updated sometime around June 17. Caerwyn's page was last updated when he last leveled; is this a change in policy or simply a problem to be addressed?

Thanks in advance for looking into this, and thanks for all you folks do each day for us.

Ask A Gamemaster / Magic School Specialization
« on: April 16, 2008, 05:22:00 pm »
Pursuant to his character submission, Caerwyn will be starting to take levels as a Wizard in the not too distant future. As a Ranger, he has some divine spell capabilities that I wanted to make sure would not be affected.

In specific, is there any school specialization which Caerwyn could take that would negatively affect his Ranger spell casting abilities in any way? For example, if he were to take say Abjuration as a school specialization (which has Conjuration as a prohibited school) would he still be able to cast Ranger summons spells both from scrolls and from memory?
I wouldn't think that this would be an issue (Ranger spells being divine and Wizard spells being arcane), but I seem to recall being burned by this once before in off-line NWN.  There I had another Ranger/Wizard character, who took a school specialization (for the life of me I can't now remember which) only to lose his ability to use scrolls previously useable as a Ranger.  I rebuilt and re-ran a different Ranger/Wizard character who took a generalized Wizard path (no school specialization) and ...voila, no loss of Ranger spell casting abilities.

I don't know if this applies in Layonara, please advise.

Trade and Market Hall / Commodity Contracts Available
« on: March 18, 2008, 09:14:34 pm »
* posted on notice boards at inns across Mistone *

The following commodities are available for contracted delivery (either fixed or open-ended):

    Aloe (currently under contract)
    Barley (1 box in stock)
    Bombadier Beetle Bellies (11 in stock)
    Corn (currently under contract)
    Ettercap Silk Glands
    Garlic (currently under contract)
    Skullcap (currently under contract)
    Spider Silk
    Spider Venom Sacks (Aranea, Phase, Dire, and/or Giant; many in stock)
    Sugar Cane (1 box in stock)
    also: Animal Pelts (typically with one small hole at the base of the skull)

Other commodities available by arrangement.

Also in stock for immediate clearance:
    Hickory Longbow - 1
    Iron Bascinet - 1
    Minor Traps - 2
    Tin Ingot - 1

Contact:  Caerwyn Ahrail'lan (either by posting here, or in person)

Wild Surge Inn / Room Wanted
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:18:18 pm »
*posted notice in a clear, flowing script*

Mature, sober tracker seeks secure room to let, in any of the following locations:

    Port Hempstead
    Fort Wayfare
    Fort Llast
    Haven City

Storage space is a must, tiedown and grazing for oxen would be a plus, sleeping accomodations are optional

~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

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