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Messages - NEXUS7

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Wild Surge Inn / RE: *Posted on Ozy's Door*
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:14:35 am »
In a chilish hand some graffite has been scrolled on this note

grumpy old Ozye is in Loooovvvvvveeeee

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: January 21, 2006, 12:46:12 pm »
got to be the Mouse

I hear Donalds in rehab now, to much drink and drugs with Roguer Rabbit

Fruit from the tree of Life or Fruit from the tree of Knowledge

Just for Fun / RE: This or that?
« on: January 21, 2006, 10:43:59 am »

yerr baby

Tit or tat (as in Tit for Tat)

General Discussion / RE: Suggestions needed for gear
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:38:12 pm »
I run a Half Giant PC called Spugly Fuglet (our PCs have met)

With Half Gaint the best stuff to save up for is

any Migic on your mull so it looks cool
Flame, ice, or lecky all looks cool
The half gaint skin is non custmisebell so its one of the few things you can change to you PC

Spugly has and ICE grate Sword very nice that also gives of white light
looks cool when he steps up for a fight.

Also as you can carry a lot take spear stuff that other PCs mite need
The times spug has handed out, canttens, food, Bolts, Axes etc
Other plalyers like that and there PC are very aprietive of the big guy with the stuff

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Maps
« on: January 17, 2006, 02:42:42 pm »
Thats grate thanks
grate mod love it love it


General Discussion / Re: Trying to find a home
« on: January 17, 2006, 02:35:57 pm »
Layaonara is the best NWN server(s) in the whole wide world (and thats a big place)
Some See Ozy the grumpy, Ferrit the helpfull, Zan the Drow, FrogSnot the Gaint,
and sooooooo many others

Talk, walk and fight with the brave
Take Make and bake all you need.

Its fun 24/7/365 with 100's of players all Roll playing some of the most fun types
you will ever meet,

see you soon


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Maps
« on: January 17, 2006, 09:40:25 am »
Whats the Quill system dos it have a web page?

Wild Surge Inn / Re: minor obituary
« on: January 17, 2006, 08:38:22 am »
*Max reads the note and shakes his head and says to hime self"
Was only playing cards with him the other day, such a sad end for a good card man.
*with that he puts 100 gold behind the bard for any one that asks after Pox can have a drink*

General Discussion / Re: Favorite Movie, T.V Death Scene
« on: January 17, 2006, 08:28:50 am »
O there is one we all know that is the best ever Death in a film

It’s when Major T. J. "King" Kong the cowboy hat waveing all American Pilot of a B52 RODEO rides his NUKE down to start the end of the world in

Dr. Strangelove or: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"


That tops them all

General Discussion / RE: Plains server
« on: January 17, 2006, 08:22:34 am »
O mistory good

Just for Fun / RE: Character theme songs
« on: January 17, 2006, 04:39:48 am »
For my PC Max it would have to be

"Some thing for the weekend"

By The Divine Comedy

General Discussion / RE: King Kong!! Er...
« on: January 15, 2006, 02:51:00 am »
Im off to see
Memoirs of a Geisha
Others have said its just a grate film (not a chick flick)

Underworld 2 (looks OK)

General Discussion / RE: Stuck at 9th
« on: January 13, 2006, 09:46:00 am »
Thanks Lilswanwillow
well meet up and do a trip

General Discussion / RE: Stuck at 9th
« on: January 12, 2006, 09:48:00 am »
>Do you really believe that this is done on purpose?
>What in the world would be the reason for doing this sort of thing on purpose?  There is none.

Leanthar I did not to inply it was there on perpused I just asked if it was.
I did not intend to sound flipent.
(Ya lknow we all Love ya BigL :o)

>Part of the problem is that at around 7th or 8th level you need to start venturing
>further and further away from Hlint--and not many people do that.

If what you say is true then yes that would be the main problem, open empty areas of rach EXP all going to wast as the playes
stay in the (what they belive to be and in doing so make) a rich PR zone of low EXP.

If that is true the I am giulty of making my own cross to bare as is very one who complaines about this.

It could be biuld into DnD 3.x as well which would not help the matter.

Next time I will take up Big9's pffer and head of into the blue.
That should give me my RP fix and some EXP.
If it works then Look for Spugly seting up Package Tour bussness.

Thats for your Input Leanthar it dos make scence
Thank Big9 ill look out for Zan


General Discussion / RE: Stuck at 9th
« on: January 12, 2006, 08:15:00 am »
What you have said is all true, Make more time, dont worry its a fact of life with Layonara, put up with less RP for the sake of levels
or RP and forget the levels,

I have GM'ed a lot in my 40 years and I mean a lot, and some have said im good at it.
I have run evry thing from DnD to Amber Im not grate but i am good, doing things a lot will make you that.
I make a few notes, I roll the odd NPCs and I dont folow all the rules.
I GM for the players my Aim is alwasy that they have the best game i can give them.

Now any good GM will tell you the secrat to a good game is the stady "chaling" + "risk/Action" + "reward" of RPG
all inside a grate story told well.

Thats it, make player think, make them roll play and keep them on there toes with a good story and at the end if
you and they feel like they have acheved some thing like a good game hand our rewards that will lead to more RPGing next game.
That rewared should be a stedy drip drip it was keeps the games fun for all.

But what i hear here is that the tap runs, then stops then runs.
There is a drouet at 8th to 11th level which is know about
And is there for a reasion? but why
That drout is killing Layp for me.

Big L can I ask? is it there to try and make playes like me comit to GM games or puting more time?
If so then as Uber-GM that your call on the PW eliment of Layonara and as you know a lot more
about this then me then I must defer to your expectise in working with 100's of players not 10.

I would say this I have 4 PCs now all stuck in the same part of the story yes I do
like RPing not if its becomming the same RP over and over and over.

I just wish there was a way of making the story move on for players like me.

If not then its the praice players like me have to pay for thows who can move one to a deep level of
world interaction.

General Discussion / RE: Problem missing head
« on: January 11, 2006, 08:21:00 am »
I copyed the files in with out a sub Dir Zen

Wild Surge Inn / RE: ORC in Town!
« on: January 11, 2006, 07:05:00 am »
//Niles is one of your pcs saying that or did they put a note up if its a note then there will be a responce if its said then not

General Discussion / RE: Problem missing head
« on: January 11, 2006, 06:43:00 am »
Thanks Big 9
Like the drawings keep it up
there better than the stuff i do

Can a GM bump this please to Disputes and grvences thanks

Just for Fun / RE: Rare find!
« on: January 08, 2006, 05:09:00 am »
What you mean good old days I can rember them like well a few years back
Roughnecks was good as was reboot, the MoCap CG was ok and things ahve moved on a bit now
FilmBox bye Kaydara was the main tool used which is now part of MAYA for you CGI nuts out there.
The blend tools a very good for IK rigs.

Are the good old days when Mocap was not all done thow MachMoving. If any of you like the Idaer of making your
Own CGI show a very cheap way to do the CG is to ues the new tools in realViz.

This is how to do the MoCap

1 take you mate and put him in a body suit.

2 get drunk

3 Stick Ping pong balls on the points of his body that will drive your
IK chain.

3 get hold of some chap DV cams I use JCVs 240's at $300 a time (you can like ILM use HDTV cams at $12k a pop)
4 to 12 will do it.

4 Set them up so you they can see as many ping pong balls each as they can

5: If you need to sink the frames place a number of flashing ELDS in the frame or on your mate (which is more fun as your drunk)

6 Film him doing the animation you need.

7 feed footage into RealViz Motion capter tools

8 Muck about trying to get the F curves out with a resolve that is a bugger to get with all the mition blur and low rez images.

9: Feed them into Maya, taking out the bad data and link it to you IK rig

10 Render out as longform.

11 colect Emmy

o well thats the plain

Or you could just 2d the hold thing and use real animatars who get the timeing right

I work with A nice chap called Mike whos with me and sme others did Walking with Dinos
Once apon a time we where going to mocap Eliphonts.

Mike did a nice peace on Mocap which was being done around the time of your TV shows

General Discussion / RE: greetings lo...
« on: January 07, 2006, 10:26:00 am »
I get what hes saying but then again I am dislexic
see it has uses.

>i'm jarretk //his name well i hope its a he

>you are greatly greatt // Your very good

> please add in lotts of custom barbarian warrior player portraitss and fur loins bare chested barbarian warrior pants to module please someone please add in.

//I would like the GM team and module biulders to make lots of cool stuff just form me, becouse I have a CONAN fetish.

Thats it

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