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Messages - Eorendil

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Just for Fun / RE: Most Hated Creature in Layonara
« on: June 15, 2006, 06:36:38 am »
Hmmmmmmm.. I'd say Rust Monsters but my characters haven't had the severe displeasure of dealing with them yet. Really.. when they strike an armored foe they ought to have a chance to destroy it if its plate... hehehe..
  Anyway.. I'd say, for me, it'd have to be a particular dark elf arcane archer assassin... rumored to be around lvl 40. Plink plink, ... and death.

There's going to be a large hole in content even six months after release of NWN2... a good amount of the community creatures and whatnot that Layo has may not be there. That said I'm not going to worry about it too much either way. I like the eye candy of NWN2 but I like the huge mass of community content that NWN1 still provides.

Roleplaying / Re: Divine clothes switching?
« on: June 13, 2006, 09:19:14 am »
Really.. the padding thing is a good idea as well. Anyone that knows real armor knows you have to have some sort of paddes clothing or something beneath it. It's quite naive to think otherwise.
  Caighd has a hot button for his plate and a button for clothes that I setup to look like a basic padded armor. When he puts his plate on or takes it off I usually emote that he's strapping, buckling and fastening his armor into place or doing just the opposite.. Plate armor comes in many many pieces...

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Making peace
« on: June 12, 2006, 01:23:54 pm »
Where to begin.... its been a while...
  Those poor folks in Roldem.  I'm afraid Miss Jennara is very sad.  The alliance has pulled their support of her relief actions and as people go about their lives she dedicates almost every waking moment to the cause.  Supplies continue to come in but usually only in small amounts.  I only wish I could do more... My own crafting skills are meager but I will lend my time and my back in hard work and devotion at a moment's notice.  I have pledged as much to both Miss Lee and Miss Jennara but they need so much more.  If we are to ship in the relief supplies we will need people guarding every step of the road to Roldem... Our brothers and sisters in faith should step up to this task and I intend to ask Geldar as well.  Our two faiths work so closely in so many things, surely they will be willing.. and perhaps the followers of Aeridin... We need strong, trustworthy people.  There are many items that will surely tempt those of lesser resolve...  
  So many tragedies... There is a price on my head, set by a man i know only as Christian.  He is a noble of Fort Hope, or so i have been led to believe and at his request many of us came together.  After listening to the man it seemed that his request for assistance in winning the Lady Sussanah's hand was neither noble or honorable.  Geldar, I and others agreed that it seemed like he was after something besides the lady's love or her money.. several times his tongue slipped, revealing what I think to be contempt for her.  When we questioned him he became agitated and dropped a pouch of coin. Caldir, a hooded dark elf, scooped up the purse.  
  After traveling to Port Hampshire we tracked down Lady Susannah.  There's such a lot of us that Miss Lee and a few others decided to see her audience rather than intimidate her or her family.  Seems that Sussanah is being made to marry by her father but he allowed her to choose tasks for her suitors... What a troublesome arrangement.. but it has keep them at bay thus far.  She's really in love with a man named Stuart.  He has no noble ties and thus her father wishes nothing to do with him but she sent us after him.  He lives in Fort Hope too.
  When we arrived he threatened us but Caldir had long since disappeared with the coin.  He wanted the coin or the three objects Lady Sussanah requested and when we refused he rode off.  Absurd.. he claimed we had a contract because that thieving little dark elf scooped up his coin.  
  We went to the Inn in an attempt to find Stuart.  Everyone was trying to talk at once.. Rhynn and half a dozen others it seemed, offering money to the Inn keeper... It was more than I could take.  Truth is not something to be purchased with coin.  So, I stepped outside and after a time Geldar stepped out.  I'm not sure what he was looking for but I followed him.  Christian has told us to watch our backs and I took his threat to heart, pairing up with Geldar and watching for something as we wandered the streets.  It was as we neared the tents that we were fired on.  We were able to spot our assailant and we tried to run the man down but he disappeared between two other tents.  So, we returned to the Inn and I resumed my post outside but not long after Geldar left I was pierced by a poison bolt.  I made my assailant, silhoueted on a nearby hill.  It was all I could do to stumble inside before I fell to the floor.
  After a time, I can't say how long, my thoughts cleared and I awoke to Rhynn, Miss Lee and several others standing over me.  The bolt was out of my chest and the poison waning.  I still felt weak and with Geldar and Miss Lee's help I stumbled into an inn room, stripped the plate armor off and colapsed on a bed that was far too small.... it didn't matter.
  When I came to I guess this Stuart fellow was in the tavern.  We were worried that Christian might take after him too so I took a seat close to the door and kept a close watch on things.  From there I do not know what happened but that Geldar said he agreed to meet us at the far corner of the pond in ten minutes.  Several times on our way were were attacked by more assassins and as we waited there at the pond I saw a dark figure casting not far away.  Miss Lee and another were closer to the figure than I so I ran as hard as I could, knowing that they were in danger.  I got a good enough look.  It was a female dark elf.. but that's all I got as I was engulfed with darkness.. stabbing pain struck me in the throat and the world fell away.
  Some time after that I awoke. Alleina pulled me back from death... After I fell the dark elf must have left having lost the element of surprise.  While Geldar and the others spoke with Stuart of what we should do I meditated and worked to regain my strength.  We were ambushed several more times as we made our way to Port Hampshire but when we got there the Savannah's father had left..
  I'm tired.  Hope Miss Lee and Jenarra know they can count on me... Miss Rhynn and Treana too.. had a nice talk with Treana about faith and destiny and such.  It was real nice to talk to someone who thinks for themselves..  
  There's more.. I just need a bit of rest now

PRC has also done some extensive work with psionics as well. I've seen people take parts of their code and integrate it. So, its possible but *shrugs* it can be labor intensive.

Development Journals and Discussion / Making peace
« on: May 22, 2006, 07:49:22 am »
Its been over a month... I've spent countless hours in meditation attempting to make peace with that part of me and those three words but I can not abide them...  They are a poison, often a lie told in an attempt to avoid something that is painfull.  However, I am much calmer now and my shame is lessened.  
  A couple weeks ago I ran into Miss Lee while walking through Hlint and took the opportunity to apologize.  Her heart does her great service, forgiving and calling a man friend who very nearly threatened her loved one.  She understood and it was all I could do to hold back the tears that sprung from my heart.
  Today, as I passed through town I saw a small crowd gathered by the road and as I approached I recognized Miss Lee, Jennara and one other lady.. Jenerra beckoned me to come sit.  She was telling the tragic story of the people's of Roldem.  Lord help them all.  Were it not for Lady Jennara's works they might all be forgotten and swept beneath the rug in their time of need.
  Jennara has set up a drive for donation of items and supplies for the people of Roldem so that their suffering may be lessened while they rebuild.  The numbers of items that she seeks is no small thing and I fear it may be too much even for the heroes gathered in this place but I continue to gather what I can for her cause.  To her credit she has already amassed considerable amounts of supplies.  I want to do more, though.  My crafting skills are weak and I was no more than an apprentice in my father's blacksmith shop.  Jennera spoke of reclaiming the farmland.  Now, that's a job for me.  I've no fear of hard labor, breaking rocks, tilling the earth.. It strengthens the spirit.  Perhaps I can be of some help to the people in that regard.. or, atleast, I hope I might be.  I shall speak more to Jennara...
  It seems that no day in Hlint is complete without some amount of tragedy.  Miss Lee's love, Mith, returned from another mission.  He and others have destroyed a blood pool, but at a price.  Many have lost a part of themselve, falling in battle so close to it.  Mith is counted among them and his spirit grows tired because between the pools and the soulmother he has only a tenuous sliver securing him to this world.  Worse yet, in speaking with him I have learned he is without faith and believes that, were he to die, his spirit would be cast into the void.  So.. I made my peace with him in a way.  Despite our differences I would lay down my life to keep him from jeopardy.  The pain his passing would cause Miss Lee I can not even begin to imagine.  I pray that The Lord's wings shelter and protect him and Miss Lee...
  Strangely.. Miss Lee has seemed unusual as of late; not in a bad way.  There's something different about her; something that is very familiar to me.  It floats in the back of my mind and occasionally my thoughts drift to my own mother but why they would do that I have no idea...  I'm glad she's acquired a taste for Rhubarb pie though.  A man could fuel a battle on a good bit of Rhubarb pie, though a tall glass of milk goes a long way in washing it down.  Oh, and chips... chips and fish.  I'd hold back blood himself for fresh chips and fish.
  I'm hungry. I wonder what the kitchen at the Surge has prepared today. I could eat griffon.
  *scratched at the bottom of the page, erased many times and rewritten*
  The tail of a dragon.. When defending a dragon's tail is always in motion, much like the style of fighting I use when wielding my hammer.  Never do I allow it to stop.  It circles and swings, dips, connects with the foe and continues on always attempting to keep the force it holds in motion.  A dragon's tail.... nearly always in motion...  protection for its back and other weapons.. a weapon in its own rite....

General Discussion / Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
« on: May 11, 2006, 11:37:22 am »
Depends.. the blurb I saw on the official boards said a 9800 with the 256 ram would do okay but lower end cards are iffy. the lower end xXXX cards x300 etc might not be able to adequately run it but an x850 or 850 AGP series would do pretty well.
  I could be wrong though...

Development Journals and Discussion / The color red
« on: May 09, 2006, 06:59:36 am »
I wake up in the morning and the only thing that brings focus to my thoughts are my exercises.. my weapon training.  That, and the thought of battle...  When not fighting I feel somehow empty but when I am fighting a frightening anger fills that void.  I have found myself, occasionally, continuing my assault even when my enemy no longer moves.  And in the back of my mind all I hear is,
  "I don't care."
  I could speak with Miss Lee but I fear she would wish me to make a sort of peace with Mith as well.  It can't happen.  I could not trust that anything he says wasn't simply for Miss Lee's benefit.  I will not cause my dear friend harm.
  "I don't care"
  Ketilbjorn came and enlisted me into a small band of adventurers.. a halfing, myself, Keti, Tegan and a man named Remi or some such... and some man with a malicious and annoying sense of humor.  I really wished to have my hand around his throat, Rofirein save me...
  "I don't care"
  We marched from Hlint, deep through the Sielwood and, before I realized it, Remi and Keti lead us straight through the center of the Broken Forest.. I'm not sure how I could have mistaken our direction or where we were but, once again, the forest claimed me.  
  "I don't care"
  The waters of the fishing pond in Hlint are so peaceful.  I like to practice there.  Occasionally I peer over at the man I see in the calm waters and he stares back at me.  Who is he, I wonder....
  "I don't care"
  Lord Protector give me strength.
  "I don't care"

Oh, how things go so wrong sometimes...
    In an effort to assist the Hearth brothers and Johan the crafts master I have shown my own weakness.  As we gathered pelts we ran across Miss Lee and Mith in the High Forrest.  One of the two asked us what we were there for and I spoke of Bears and Johan's need.  I knew it would pain my dear friend but I found I could not swallow the words before they left my mouth... I simply could not.  I wish I could have for My dearest friend's heart sinks, I know.  
    She, herself, has told me that this is the natural order of things... Living and dying... and I know not to take too much from nature.  Even in nature there are laws... much like those of the Lord Protector.  
    She had entered the Sielwood caves with me earlier in the day and I simply could not ask any more of her but Mith... I see his true nature now and it saddens me.  Though it is obvious his love for Miss Lee is strong it can not excuse the rest.  He seeks to protect her and I have respect for that.  Regardless, words were exchanged and the anger in Mith's voice was apparent as soon as Miss Lee winced in hearing our intentions.  He might as well have been threatening us... and as I tried to reason with him, assuring him that none of the creature would be wasted, since I planned to donate the meat and other products to the Freelancer for their drive, he said three words... three words that drive in me such anger as can not be described.  "I don't care" Never will you hear me issue such a base and disgusting phrase.     Law and protection are always balanced with mercy and compassion.  I DON'T CARE! *circled several times and underlined* This is the phrase issued by tyrants and cutthroats, mercenaries and deviants.  People hunger and people die because someone simply does not care.  Hearts are twisted and minds worn away under the empty power of those three words that I simply can not tolerate.
    So, I am both ashamed at my display and deeply saddened for I can not bring myself to seek out my dear friend Lee and apologize.  I do not wish to see that dark creature again... He is a selfish creature, save perhaps when it comes to Miss Lee but even there I can not be for certain and any assistance he might ever lend me I can no longer conscience because I know it would only be for Miss Lee's benefit.  For her sake I shall hold my tongue.  She loves that creature and hers is a heart that has seen much pain.  I will not bring more upon her with my words and since I can not be trusted to bite my own tongue I must make certain I am never given the chance.     I'm so sorry Miss Lee... so terribly sorry... *large, bucket-sized tears stain the page* I wish you love and happiness...
    So enraged was I at myself and Mith's words that on my way from the forest I swung my hammer in a wide arch... and left its imprint on a tree.   Some justice...  I have used my hammer in vain and gone against my oath but I guess a kind of justice was served for the forest claimed me that day, not once but twice.  I feel... lessened, like a part of me is missing.  In meditation I searched my thoughts and feelings but could not put my finger on it.  There is an emptiness... small, but its there.  And strangely... I dreamt... dreamt of walking the streets of Hlint as a young child.  Very strange indeed, almost as strange as my lack of appetite....
    I beg your forgiveness Lord Protector...
    *written innumerable times in the margins, at the head and the foot of the page* I'm sorry Miss Lee
    //A few things I failed to mention about Caighd in his character submission: 1) He has a monstrous appetite because his metabolism is so high.  He could sit next to a half giant or an ogre and almost eat them under table...  2) He's not just truthful... he's compulsively honest, to a fault.  He can not lie or even withhold the truth.  3) ... well... we'll let that be a surprise.

General Discussion / RE: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« on: May 05, 2006, 10:49:59 am »
Looks kinda nice. =-)
  My 2 cp on balance...  
  Eh.. can't have everything perfectly balanced to everyone's liking.  It just won't happen.  It's the GMs job to level the playing field if necessary and to use RP and sometimes the weaknesses of the character to further the plot line.. (not to defeat the character or the player though).  I like 3.5E a lot, prestige classes and all.. the only thing I might like better is Rolemaster.. and not the d20 remake.  I hate balancing for balancing's sake.  In an RP world RP is the great equalizer (and sometimes GM intervention) in many ways though if people abuse things you have to do what you have to do.  If you're playing Diablo II or EQ2 or something, *shrug* fine, balance away.
  I personally think they should have coded in all the PnP skills and left a switch for them to be turned on.. many of them could be used in a very nice RP manner, especially on GM'd quests.. Of course, nothing can replace player ingenuity. More times than I can count my players have gone so far left of center on things I had planned out but that makes things fun... hehehe

*cackles gleefully* yes, yes I am... *wrings hands in a maniacal manner*

*shrugs* Hadn't seen them myself and just thought they were cool. =)

General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: May 03, 2006, 06:04:23 am »
Here   is Caighd's custom portrait pack.

Just for Fun / Re: What D&D Character are you?
« on: May 02, 2006, 01:51:37 pm »
I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger Druid   Alignment: Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.   Race: Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.   Primary Class: Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.   Secondary Class: Druids are a special variety of Cleric who serves the Earth, and can call upon the power in the earth to accomplish their goals. They tend to be somewhat fanatical about defending natural settings.   Deity: Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.   Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

Well.. I have found out from Miss Rhynn, recently, what this whole ordeal is about and I offered myself to aid Miss Lee and her troup in any way possible.  I'm afraid, though, that she was very focused on the task at hand.  I offer my counsel and my ear, my hammer and my life in service to protect the innocent.  In this case, these fine people and the strange horses that are now bound to their souls.  I know they appreciate the offer but I am, yet again, left feeling somewhat useless.  I could not go with them on their planar travels as I would have only been a burden... I hope Rofirein's eye is watchin over them as they journey.
  Miss Lee is a sharp one.. wish I were half as gifted as she.   This blasted treatise I'm working on is still floating around in my head.  I'm sure Miss Lee could put it to words but I don't think she can reach into my skull.  It will take me time.
  More on fate.. Maev and her friend still go on about fate and how it rules and determins everyone's lives.. When I was speaking with Rhynn I had an insight into my thoughts on Fate.. I have refined it a bit more since then.  Darn fools and fate.. it astounds me.
  Fate is like a mining pick.  It hews large, rough pieces from the stone of.. well, everything.  It does not take interest in details.  I speculate that sometimes this is why a greater tyrant replaces lesser tyrants if dethroned... Just an idea.  It is up to individuals, good or bad.. deific or mortal to take up the gem cutter's chisel and carve out the details for in those details is where an individual's life is decided, not in the greater cut.  Furthermore, there is only true failure if the individual refuses to take up that chisel and relies completely in the greater cut.  We are not helpless puppets.  I chose Rofirein and in return, for his own reasons, he chose me.  I shall serve him to the best of my ability because I believe.
  -Caighd Brendimeere

General Discussion / RE: Mistone's Most Wanted
« on: March 31, 2006, 06:34:34 am »
Absolutely! It was a very enjoyable little adventure.
  Thank you!

Server Rules / RE: Abuse of AI in temples and locations like that
« on: March 30, 2006, 09:45:20 am »
That is very amusing.. that last story. So.. if I'm to understand correctly.
  Serious interaction with an NPC or group of NPCs needs a GM present..
  If two characters, or a couple groups of characters for that matter, are having a fight and want it to actually come to blows does the same thing apply if the two sides are amenable to it?

Layonara Server / Re: Donate to keep this server alive
« on: March 30, 2006, 07:47:44 am »
Layonara is fantastic! Donations are forth coming but I do not know if it will be before the end of the month..

Roleplaying / Re: RPing Scripted Quests.
« on: March 22, 2006, 01:43:26 pm »
I truly wish quests, and even the world, could be made to be more dynamic. It isn't the fault of any Quest or Dev team anywhere.. its tough, really tough. Its a personal point of contention I've had with online worlds in general for some time. A fully PC run world would overcome some of it but that would require a player capacity even major MMO producers couldn't begin to deliver. Not to mention.. who has the time?  ;)  
  Its a very valid subject and one that deserves a lot of thought. I'm so glad I have a small PnP group.. ;-) There's just no real substitute for imagination mixed with perception.
  Wouldn't it be cool if you could have a living, breathing virtual world that not only took into account player actions but those of npcs, animals, growth of plants, etc etc? What fun that could be... a true fantasy simulation, in a way. I can't even begin to imagine the complexities and how tough it would be to put in things like a dragon.. detail its growth, aging, learning, etc etc.. just too much to think of... The best thing about a true simulation? Surprise.. things would happen that you never even thought of.  
  I suppose you could do that with NWN and have the apearance of a constantly changing world but you'd have to have a team of people willing to work every day, changing and updating the world, running quests, tracking their outcomes and modifying the way things were accordingly.. there'd have to be daily world updates too.. The work would be staggering, I'm sure.
  Layo is a great place though, no doubt about it. Its pretty amazing what the people that have worked on this world have done. At some point we just have to accept the limitations of the tools with which we work.. or go make our own tools.  :D

Roleplaying / RE: RPing Scripted Quests.
« on: March 22, 2006, 01:22:45 pm »
So.... don't RP scripted quests? Just kidding. I just wanted to add my incoherent babblings and perceptions on this topic...
  This is always a difficult subject in an online PW where some quests are static and unchanging. Until an engine is designed that can come up with quests, get rid of old ones that have been solved and allow GMs to easily and quickly create and implement progressive, evolving quests into the world it will continue.. RPing this sort of static content is even harder.. I mean.. how many times can you help clean out the caves before the local denizens are wiped out.. or decide to move to greener pastures?  
  Its a tough subject and one that can be equally damaging if hard and fast rules are implemented regarding how they are RP'd. I've seen some online RP oriented worlds where the players felt they were so boxed in that they couldn't even speak to one another about the game world for fear of GMs coming down on them.. RP there amounted to .. "hi.. er.. nice nail color. You like my dress?" O_o "Look, I trimmed my whiskers with my new Cutlass_of_Sharpness_01"Unless, of course you were involved in a GM run plot line.. then it was okay but it was far from immersive or fun for most players....
  Quests such as pay for hunting down a handfull of goblins or animals to keep them in line or supplying an NPC crafter with a random number of various goods work very well in PWs because there is an obvious continual need.
  There is a point at which you need quests for flavor as well and so most world designers put in the static quests because it does give the world a certain flavor and it also helps spread lore, or can be used as a tool to do so. Too many static quests can harm immersion and a fine line has to be drawn somewhere.. A good imagination can overcome a lot of things but there's a point at which any imagination has difficulty pursuing the suspension of disbelief.

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