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Messages - Krell Himmler

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Trade and Market Hall / Re: Divine Scrolls and other items
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:28:29 am »
I am interested in as tone bones scroll if you are able to make one.

Signed the Doomed Mage

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Items for auction
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:26:26 am »
What's the level requirement on the cloak?

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Zombie and immunities
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:23:54 am »
No immunities, I'm sure of the sneak attack one as I almost died believing that to be true *laughs*.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Box of Corn
« on: January 03, 2008, 08:21:24 am »
How much?

6 corn per egg roughly as I understand it and the price of eggs is usually 3000 per box, so I will offer you 500.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: January 01, 2008, 11:41:58 pm »
I met another group of do-gooders today, they claimed I am not fit company and that I am evil, maybe, maybe not, I don't concern myself with such philosophical debates. I convinced them i was insane, this serves my needs, if people believe I'm insane they will never know the danger that lurks below.

Lucius Kaiser

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Eggs wanted
« on: January 01, 2008, 11:32:38 pm »
I have a box of eggs for you if you want them, contact me.

//OOC Lucius Kaiser

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Need Boxes of Clay
« on: January 01, 2008, 11:31:17 pm »
I have someone who would be willing to get you clay for an iron longsword, how many boxes of clay for one iron longsword?

Also one iron handaxe.

//OOC Lucius Kaiser

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Iron Longsword and several scrolls for sale
« on: January 01, 2008, 11:29:57 pm »
How much for the haste scroll?

//OOC Lucius Kaiser

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal of Lucius Kaiser
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:21:38 pm »
Met leaders of the Corath church, they arn't as kind as other members of their order, I will one day destroy them, to protect the family.

Lucius Kaiser

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: December 29, 2007, 10:00:52 pm »
Portrait for Lucius Kaiser

General Discussion / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: December 23, 2007, 07:13:24 pm »
Portrait for Mukanda:

Download here

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal
« on: December 21, 2007, 07:17:06 pm »
In upholding the law, I have been accused of misdeads, this pleases me not as I have done my best to follow your lord o' lord. I must work in secret now, to enforce your will as best as I am able, I serve you and no other Rofirein, protect me, so I may protect others. The order is lax in your unquestionable laws and wisdom lord Protector, I am your instrument in this god awful hell world.

Server Rules / Re: For those fast leveling characters out there
« on: December 21, 2007, 02:58:29 pm »
I agree I like how it is possible to be very dedicated and level (relatively) fast as long as you are involved in many GM run quests/plots and RP exercises. I think it'd be wrong to punish the addicts for playing too much so I think it's a good balance.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal
« on: December 21, 2007, 03:08:49 am »
In recent times my life was almost lost to a Chaynce, in a confrontation that would've been of an unknown outcome. Never forgive, never forget.

The all knowing and all seeing great punisher watches.

Krell. Himmler

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Journal
« on: December 20, 2007, 06:12:42 pm »
The last few days/weeks have been depressing, in trying to uphold the law I've made many enemies from amongst the town, repeatidly. Being kind and firm or neutral doesn't seem to work, I must train harder and be more viscious and vigiland in upholding the law, the price of failure is too high. These idiots don't know what law does for them, they must be punished, there is no other way. I met many interesting people today, I must pursue them to see what is happening.

A few people will soon recieve my vengeance, Chaynce Baldu'muur, Abigail Firesteed, Jaigan Drakand and Silvia in Darsius or whatever her name, justice prevail, at any cost.

Krell Himmler

Ask A Gamemaster / Black Blade of Disaster
« on: March 27, 2008, 09:09:11 am »
Just wondering if it's been reduced in power or somewhat, in stock NWN it had a slew of abilities and +27/22. But in Layonara it has 16/11. Does it go up in power either, or was it powered down? Not complaining, just curious.


Ask A Gamemaster / Monster/NPC saving throw
« on: March 25, 2008, 03:36:02 am »
Do monsters/NPC's always fail if they roll a 1?
Always pass on a 20?

Ok, well I haven't been here the longest amount of time.......But I was just going to jot down a few things about good places to go at certain levels. I noticed a plateau at about level 8 and the difficulties continue until about level 11 when things open up a bit, so I'll write a quick guide as to good places to go and RP/Adventure. It is by no means exhaustive and if you feel necessary delete it but I hope to just give them a few pointers. This list doesn't take into account the power of your character and is still intended for groups of roughly 4 people:

This isn't meant to mitigate exploring, but just give a few heads ups to new players. One may say explore...but I dare say all the veterans starting new characters know all of this already. But new people starting new characters don't and perhaps it will help them out a little and improve new player retention.

Levels 1-2: Hempstead Sewers (Stephen)
Levels 3-4: Skeletons in the crypts of Vehl.
Levels 5-6: Dirty Claw Kobold Camp near Hempstead.
Levels 6-8: Goblin Wastelands near Hlint
Levels 9-10: Krashin go from Hempstead docks to Leringard to Krashin, you will need 4 tickets. Follow the road out of the city then go north, then east again (think?). You will reach a wolverine camp just past that is a great place to adventure. NB don't go alone :P.
Around Levels 10 till 17 you can survive in Dregar in a balanced group. Audira is a good staring area and in a few levels you can go to the forest giants, near lake Corax.

Failing that, if you're still having problems getting orientated or getting a foot in the door, I'm online a lot, just send me a tell in game (Lucius Kaiser) and I will Rp with you and show you around or just let you know, your choice. But I'm always happy to help if I have the time (please don't message me asking for or expecting xp runs/power levelling, I won't answer or help!).

I hope this finds its way to some new people and helps them get settled.

General Discussion / Divine Relation:
« on: March 19, 2008, 04:10:38 pm »
Now this may be a bit of a touch subject for some....but I'm going to say it anyways.

Now whilst I appreciate the fact that divine relation increases the deity aspect of RP, what I don't appreciate is how divine relation basically means that no evil deity worshiping psychopath is going to go undetected for least if clerics use divine relation as much as they "should".

Well if you glance at a few of the good gods you will start to find many of them ONLY have CE opposition. That of course means that if such a cleric finds an enemy of their god they immediately know it's a real bad guy and the career/life of said villain is over. My point goes on to ask the question, how do any of these so called villains survive amongst the general populace when touching this person for the good cleric results in actual physical pain and when it is so easy to 'sense' their evil. It is not logical or cohesion building.

Now, when I spoke to some good aligned clerics OOC many of them felt frustrated with the manner in which the divine relations are carried out(yes there was many, not just one :P). Now I'm sure I'm about to get a strong opposition towards it, but my idea is to make divine relations much more subtle. In my idea/perception of it, when one is going to be raised by a cleric this cleric will have chance to then see the divine relation between themselves and the individual. Making relations important and never the less far more subtle. But under my idea, the whole divine relation spell would be gone from general play, forcing a bit of detective work to find out who they worship.....Divine relation makes infiltration of enemy churches virtually impossible, and I believe it should be....

Now I may be wrong and I just happened to talk to a few people frustrated with how the system is, but I thought I would at least give it a chance for discussion, as if many people feel a similar way about the divine relation system it may be time for an overhaul, after all, it's all about having fun and if something detracts from that then it may be time for it to go.

General Discussion / Look out for new players!
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:01:07 am »
I'm just writing this to raise's great when a new person joins and stays. So I'm just appealing to anyone who doesn't already, to look out for new people and send them a tell when they come on. If you don't recognise the login name on the server status page then try and make them welcome and show them around a little, maybe lend a few pointers. I think this would be really great for the server and its longevity.

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