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Messages - Ozy_Llewellyn

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Enter stage right!
« on: April 04, 2007, 08:29:09 pm »
Now you have me laughing, I imagine that is probabbly what Ozy would do. Chances are though that slap would be backed up with needle tipped gloves and good poison. Need the table to wait while it takes effect. I sort of miss the Ozy cowardice followed by the Lia commentary, followed by the explosive insult contests.

Roleplaying / Re: darts and throwing knives
« on: April 04, 2007, 08:28:24 pm »
Personal opinion: on the basis that NeverWinter Nights does not supply this tool but something simaler then it should fly fine. Not to mention that in a world with the Heavy Crossbow, the thought no ones thought of throwing a knife is simply absurd. Ozy doesn't use darts either, he uses throwing knives. I just have always justified it as perhaps throwing knives are smaller and lighter weight in Layonara thus 1d4 damage.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Enter stage right!
« on: April 04, 2007, 05:29:27 pm »
Timmy -
You are not at all mistaken. Bards in version three and to a slightly lesser extent version three and a half of AD&D are absolutely a joke. Furthermore this is compiled in Neverwinter Nights to create the weakest class. You can build a party valuable bard equal to any other class but the effort it takes is about ten times greater then just starting a character with a naturally strong class. What the bard class is good for in this medium is duel classing with a no magic class like the fighter. Where upon you augment your current abilities with some of the bard powers. I wouldn’t say this makes that new fighter/bard a real bard of course. The role-play of a bard can be of course done by any class or character, just people stereotype the bard in it.

Barbie –
Mind the rampant grumpiness.

Lynn -
You are a gigglefit some days.

Falon -
You must be thinking of a different bard. Other then the dragon thing anyway, personally I liked Fhalken’s take on stories more then Ozy’s.

Blacky –
Grand Mastered Cowardice is a feat of mine. Hiding under a table saved my neck on a main plot quest if I recall.

General Discussion / Re: Confessions of an RPer
« on: April 03, 2007, 07:04:53 pm »
I suppose since I stumbled upon this Twidget I should reply.

‘How often do the WL's and GM's use their xp wand to reward good RP? I believe that was one system that was introduced to reward good RP.’
As a world leader I feel its sort of my job to answer this question of yours. The answer is, very little. There are several reasons, of which two will be listed, I personally don’t use it and they probably apply to all the others as well not to mention other better reasons.
The first reason is that it is incredibly boring waiting for people to role-play around you unless your in a group. I have spent countless times in Hlint, Hempstead and soon enough Stormcrest for two to three hours on end without so much as a hello as people walk on by. The record duration for this is eight hours and often six hours. Even then the most I normally get is a ‘Hello’ or more often ‘((afk))’.
The second reason is upon the wand itself and throughout the forums there are multiple warnings about the results of overusing the wand. For me the result is only using the wand on the following stipulations.
a) Ozy is not on a first name basis with that character to prevent the possible accusation of favoritism.
b) I have not in recollection or in my notes used the wand on that character before.
c) That I could argue into the dirt why that character deserves an hours worth of quest XP just for role-playing around me. This includes screenshots, text logs, and CD threads all to show as proof.
d) Do to infrequency of use, I remember I have the wand and screenshots and text logs and can find the CD thread in good time.
Of course you would notice there are a few catch twenty twos in this, if your qualifying under c, doesn’t that put you in severe risk for a? Don’t worry, next double experience weekend I will forgot my four rules and use the ‘do I think they deserve a use of this’ rule.

I hope this answers your question politely and informatively, drop me a line to tell me how I could of made this post better. No really I’ve re-written it four times now and this is as good as I can manage.

General Discussion / Re: Confessions of an RPer
« on: April 03, 2007, 02:21:55 pm »
Brave, very brave.
No two cents from myself, just thought I’d applaud that bit of bravery.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Enter stage right!
« on: March 31, 2007, 10:51:00 pm »
Would you like a screenshot? Forty six was a typo, it is forty five.

The primary reason Ozy spends most if not all of his time in Hlint, now Hempstead and soon Stormcrest. Is simply because his job isn’t to bash monsters into oatmeal. His job is to teach people and answer their questions. He is a paperweight physically and unfortunately his build is otherwise that of a mage not a bard so it makes the character very interesting to play.

But it proves my point, with enough brainpower and patience anyone can manage it. So those with characters that are not, totally and completely worthless on all aspects. Should be able to manage without excuses just fine. Not to mention my diehard boycotting of the Soul Strand reimbursement in which it takes a lot of nagging by DM’s to get me to post it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Enter stage right!
« on: March 31, 2007, 07:10:17 pm »
Yes Snaggletooth! Panther I think, still exit stage left and he goes left on your screen but is facing you, therefor he is going right to himself. Confusion for those that would chase him.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Enter stage right!
« on: March 31, 2007, 12:48:58 am »
Oh we start off the questions with a tough one, suits me fine. Despite that I’m a veteran DM of both Pen and Paper and Never Winter Nights there are three very good reasons.

The first reason is pretty simple, Layonara needs an active World Leader or its equivalent that’s not a dungeon master. By my activity it proves that a normal player can hit epic levels and become a World Leader, Ozymandias himself reinforcing that anyone can do it, I mean he has forty six hit points at level thirty six. So yes it is a political reason to start with it is also probably the most flattering to myself.

The second reason is I have no stupidity tolerance. If your stupid, I will kill you on my quests I don’t do second chances. The other side of the coin is I still have no stupidity tolerance from other dungeon masters. I’m irate enough without having to hear about every bone headed thing a member of the team does. I would create a lot of friction very fast until people got used to me and Leanthar has enough headaches.

The third reason is pure ego on my part, I would like to think my ego isn’t very large but at the same token very dense. So it gets what it wants ninety nine percent of the time simply because it doesn’t ask for things very often. I haven’t been asked, so I’m not going to apply. I have had on a few occasions been prodded into trying by others but Leanthar tends to get a mysterious ‘I withdraw but don’t tell anyone’ private message from me.

There are about a score of other reasons, nothing I do is simple but I think those three should highlight it nicely. Someone needs to be the Ozy even if he is a fool. I’m far to mean and blunt unless I’m really trying to be diplomatic to get along nicely. Then my ego called its one favor of the year.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Whip of the Gods
« on: March 22, 2007, 01:32:03 am »
Written on a separate piece of parchment beneath the initial advertisement.

“Dear Lord Arkolio

Being eternally fascinated with ancients relics and the like and really not caring much about the supposed reputations they carry. I will pay two hundred and forty thousand gold, no less, no more. Should what you offer be what you speak of I would gladly pay to see to it that no treasure of Coraths ever finds its way back to his disciples. Although I know of no record of any such item, I cannot say I know of every relic that ever was. On the other hand if you should be fabricating a story to try and drive up the price and have a lesser item be quarreled over for bids. I’ll have to have some reason to keep my mouth shut about it.


Bioware Issues / Re: Zombies damaged by Death Armor
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:00:02 am »
Greater Ruin

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: Quest Series - Epics
« on: March 05, 2007, 02:10:38 pm »
I'm alive, you know me. Anytime.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Of Inns, taverns and alignments
« on: March 03, 2007, 09:54:41 pm »
Well as I was responsible for this mess as I built those interiors back in version two I should probably explain. Keep in mind these places were developed during Version Two to add some flavor to otherwise very generic and boring areas. Not to mention to give some relevance to that Deitys on Layonara matter, they have non adventurer followers. Some of them are quite, powerful indeed. Oh and as a side note everything bellow was just me justifying what I was doing back then, as I’ve never been a DM I can’t honestly say those back stories are accurate.

The Temple of Shadon – Initially the temple of Shadon was just a generic temple.
The Port Hampshire Inn – A copy paste of Hlint’s Almost-Never-Used Tavern not even NPC name changes.

From the Version Two Handbook Page 213: Wherever a group that follows Shadon actually manages to organize themselves (which rarely happens), they normally take over the local bars and festivities. Organization is rarely more then a long word, and Shadon’s followers encourage everyone around them to forget propriety, morality, or inhibitions and enjoy themselves.

No where else on Layonara was this actually represented. Thus I developed the Scamp’s Mug to represent it. The back-story was something as follows, The Scamp’s Mug came into being shortly after the War with Bloodstone began. Not as any great effort to stop him, in truth the owner couldn’t of cared less. A well to due Shadonite bought a local pub at an ideal location on the docks and promptly began renovations. Before a seedy dive in which what they watered down your grog with was you hoped water to a moderately different seedy dive in which the same hope applied. At first business was great, it was a new place to get drunk and forget that tomorrow you would have a hangover. Success is often attributed less to innovation but more to doing a common thing, uncommonly well. The Shadonite that owned the bar did just that, opening a small over the counter supply of ‘Cure Alls’ which were nine parts strong liquor one part drunk blessing. This seemed to do the trick, people found that the hangover just was not as bad after one of those and soon the place prospered. But the Shadonite was and is by nature a greedy man, he expanded his enterprises reveling in the fun he had and the wealth he acquired. A second series of renovations made the seedy tavern a place that was moderately respectable without losing its charm for the primary individuals to frequent it, sailors. Upon acquiring an actual priest of the Scamp the business thrived even further as the Mystic Hangover Cure’s which they sold actually did the trick and sailors know a good deal when they saw it. Over time business continued and continues to thrive attracting anyone whom wants to let their hair down for a night then quietly walk home only smelling not acting of hard liquor and revelry. The place is and has remained a tavern even if temple supplies has expanded slightly over the years, the closest thing to a prayer is ‘Shadon make the hurting stop’ when someone forgets to pay up their tab.
Just something like that, it made sense to me that sooner or later a Shadonite would open a bar and then start selling some blessed items to make more money.

The Advanced Craft Hall –
Once again this was just a case of your everyday humdrum craft hall. Why is it called advanced? What makes it so special? With the craft halls recently burned to the ground and then later rebuilt I thought I’d so something a little special. The Dorandites struck me as the sort that would probably build expert centers of craftsmanship the world over. They are the best so they would build the best.

During the rebuilding after the fires in Hampshire consumed the halls of crafting and creation, the Dorandite’s played a key roll in rebuilding the new fortified structures. Nearing the completion of the hall of master craftsmen the Dorandites brought in a great stone statue and placed it in the center of the building as a tribute to Dorand. As in their own minds that fashioning items of such power was indeed a tribute to Dorand and his perfection. To this day as in most master crafts halls the majority of its occupants are Dorandites singing his praises and looking up fondly at his statue. When asked if the hall had been converted into an impromptu temple of Dorand a master smith looked up from his forge and said, “When we build we are in prayer.” This inconclusive answer seems to fit well with the Dorandite Dogma and beliefs. Making all places of creation a temple on his domain, while also leaving them not officially any type of actual temple.

The Temple of Deliar – Page 185-186 Deliar
The Merchant House – Generic
The Bank – As Before.
So I thought to myself, instead of having three separate buildings why not one of these massive, ornate temples of Deliar in a major city happen to double if not triple for a place of merchants? Initially it was going to be a district all unto itself, however there were module size constraints and other issues. Ultimately I substituted for just a large building and three separate sections to it. In truth the building would be massive and sprawling, parts of it open to the air and merchants, money lenders, the bank and others would be scattered throughout.

The role-play behind this is an economics lesson. As I don’t think you want a long lecture on the principles of economics and sound business I’ll skip that and get to the important part. This subject has actually been brought up before, it was when the areas were first released, to sum it up: Neither the Bank or the Merchants are part of the temple segment and it is fine for a cleric or paladin to enter. This was said by L himself if I recall the post correctly but it is up to you to find out where in the forums it resides.

Short RP Explanation for the sake of it – The Halflings of Deliar founded their grand temple in Hempstead under the principles they always used in dealings with large cities they intended to hold sway within. They consolidated their goods and organized the imports and exports they made from the cities, drafting in all the major merchant powers until they were the largest mercantile faction in the city. Soon the only place to acquire fine goods or low prices was near their grand temple from those ambitious clever Halflings and later their descendents. To this day the temple continues attempting to expand in an attempt to gain a total monopoly over legal trade in the region, having opened a branch of the Layonara World Bank.

Hall of the Weave
This is basically the Dorand thing just using Lucindites. They were the most logical candidates to express interest in rebuilding the structure and therefore it is themed after what they find pleasing. Given you could probably find a lot of them in any enchanting location in the world.

End the absurd gibberish on my part. Anyway that is the explanation of why things are as they are now, at least from my point. It was designed to give the deities a bit more of a spotlight in the every day life. Tavern’s are not the most lawful locations, merchants have since money began and will till money ends try and get a leg up on their competition. Like minds will gravitate to places they like most, etcetera.

I imagine that as V3 progresses those places will disappear and be replaced by very vanilla areas as not to leave anyone out so worry not. I really shouldn’t write posts like this when I’m not feeling well enough to be one hundred percent polite. I just felt you might deserve a reason why things are as they are.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Ozymandias's new perch in Port Hampstead
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:58:13 pm »
*Ozymandias himself wanders up and sees the notice, he opens and shuts his mouth a few times. Following this he rubs his eyes and looks to the sky with a strange expression normally reserved for comments such as ‘I like to eat live kittens’. Then writes in a shaking hand losing all pretence of ellegance.*

"Many will tread in the affairs of mortals. Others will dare dance with demons. But I warn all in my finite wisdom, that one should not meddle in the workings of paladins. For they are honorable and will seek to make the world a better place, if but one person at a time. It is most confusing but not entirely unappreciated...

- O.L.L.”

*After this he wanders off a strange grimace of delighted confusion upon his face, returning on occasion to repeat all the previous steps bar the actual writing*

General Discussion / Re: V3 and the fast forwarding of time
« on: February 28, 2007, 02:35:22 pm »
Okay, as your changing things as a day 1 we are all in hlint and day 2 we are split between Hamhawk and Vel. It is up to you to explane why as we no longer have a 3 to 5 years to kinda migrate.

Layonara Server / Re: A few Thank You’s stemming from V3 work
« on: February 28, 2007, 09:34:18 am »
Thanks Pan, Thanks Dorg.

General Discussion / Re: Handbook
« on: February 27, 2007, 08:46:18 pm »
Well then, you never did do spin on your announcements. At least in the irritating amount found in most media releases. So now I shall wait anxiously to see what this grand surprise is.

General Discussion / Re: Handbook
« on: February 27, 2007, 08:16:52 pm »
Should I hold you to that many reallys?

General Discussion / Re: Whatcha gonna do first
« on: February 27, 2007, 06:10:16 pm »
Same old, same old. I'll find a place to stand thats in easy view then I will stand there. Upon which I will wait and answer questions when asked. My only hope is that the light will not be yellow.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Re: Monk Gloves, extended for v3
« on: February 27, 2007, 12:33:09 pm »
Just a note: The armor class bonuses would be Deflection not Natural, bioware hard written. Not to mention if I recall a previous statement on the subject of bonus damages correctly. Then also a case of hard written for the damage over-write on the second. Just thought I would mention it.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Akata
« on: February 27, 2007, 09:22:53 am »

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