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Messages - Locust

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Wild Surge Inn / RE: Information requested
« on: August 16, 2005, 04:14:00 am »
A robed figure fixes a note underneath but before he finishes he comments with a broken voice.

‘This will not only concern you, this may effect many if not all’

The note says.

Yesterday I discovered something while traveling through the broken forest. It may offer us another piece to solve the puzzle. You can contact me through Toran’s temple in Llast.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Trip to Hampshire and Rilara continent
« on: August 16, 2005, 03:52:00 am »
I've been traveling Rilara on various occasions but usualy along the more established routes. Yesterday I discovered another route and along it I enjoyed some of the spectecular views the continent has to offer. On those places I found peace and quiet to meditate and to write, to find again some purpose in my live. I'm interested to see if more of those places exist.

//but I'm not able the be online before 20:30 pm GMT/BST. Would it be possible to shift the times somewhat? Also I could start from Point Harbor or Fort Himlad.

Development Journals and Discussion / Me's luck
« on: August 12, 2005, 04:33:00 am »
*after a tough day out in the wilds you decide to rest at the Hlint campfire and there you meet a female dwarf. She starts talking.*

‘ello pretty.

Oyeoyeoye … it’s been long ago since me’s been so lucky wit’ t’em sparkles. Me’s ‘ands are green again from the rubbin anda t’as w’at me’s live for … *catches breath* anda make A’ anda B’ s’ine someday so me’s can use t’em … *catches breath* anda get the yellow anda purple ‘ands from t’em dusters. Looks better wit’ me’s.

Buts let me’s tell yous w’at ‘appened pretty, me’s sure yous like story.

Me’s was alone in red caves smas’in t’em stones wit' t'em B' anda t’ey came one by one …. anda soon me’s ‘eard t’em gritters at end of t’e tunnel …. anda Me’s got curious anda found deader .. oyeoyeoye .. t’as noso fine anda t’en A’ told me’s to tilt t’e ‘ead of t’e gritters. So me’s did it.

*teeth start grinding*

T’en man wit’ t’em ox came anda ‘e was pretty, looks muc’ like me’s older brot’er … made me’s spine tickle anda me’s wounds feel funny. ‘e’s said ‘e’s from some clan .. never ‘eard of it … me’s from Dickur me’s told ‘im.  ‘e’s got strong belly toug’, noso soft from t’e drinking, noso … strong like me’s little brot’er. Buts ‘e was noso lucky today cause me’s ‘ad ot’er sparkle in t’e ‘ead anda me’s went upside.

*broad smile followed by an extended burp …. a swipe from the canteen .. finishing it off when she spits in the fire.*

On t’e upside me’s met wit’ red anda yellow. In ‘lint. Many s’innies anda s’arptoot’ t’ere anda me’s ‘ad lossa talk, made me’s ‘ungry for boar. Red anda yellow know w’ere t’ey are anda so we go, ‘e’s talking about big'uns buts me’s don’t see t’em. Big'uns, muss ‘ave smelled us coming … Oyeoyeoyeoye ….. We find boar t’ere anda now me’s ‘aving noso fat but juicy meat at ‘lint campfire anda me’s belly is tig’t. Oyeoyeoye .. issa fine living.

*with filthy hands she cuts another piece of the meat hanging over the Hlint campfire and presents it to you while winking and bearing a broad satisfied smile.*

Me’s been lucky today wit’ t’e sparkles buts still A’ anda B’ no s’ine.

CRUNCHA!!! *waving a piece of boar meat over here heard*

Development Journals and Discussion / Path to salvation
« on: August 11, 2005, 03:48:00 am »
Could it be things are changing and that I just don’t see it, or don’t want to see it?

It’s been several weeks now and the blackouts have not struck again. I’m regaining some of my strength, the curse seems to be weakening, the pain and blood loss are still there reminding me of it though. Jasslin, she must be recovering as well. With here lust for blood growing and here weakness sliding away I wonder when she will attempt to strike again.

Quantum called me once more and we ended up in the temple in Pranzis. The Healer there referred to me as the tainted one, I don’t know if that is a name I would prefer but at least he showed his concern regarding my curse. It seems there are still people that want to offer me their support and rid me of this curse, more then I realize.

I noticed the surprise on Quantum’s face when the healer told us an undead huntress by the name of Cal is already on Mistone looking into the whereabouts of the last of the III. She is the one who raised Quantum in the ways of Toran and His hunters and she may have gathered some valuable information concerning all of this.

It’s one of those little things that have made me see another light past few weeks. Small things like Storold talking about his magic and the ability it has to corrupt a mind, the reason why I often frown upon magic myself. Small things.

And then this dreamed I had this morning, this time a pleasant one. It still lingers in my mind and it will take me through another day I’m sure of that. I can’t remember how much time has past since I had my last one without the curse and the pain waiting for me when I awoke.

In this dream I see a man and a woman somewhere along the coast spending some time there with their children. From where they are, high above sea level, they have a spectacular view over the ocean. Water as far as the eye can see. Heavy rollers are breaking on the cliffs and seagulls are darting around each other while skirmishing for the fish a fishers boat left behind and frigate birds constantly preying on their catch.

The shadow of a nearby tree covers the family from the sun burning from a clear sky and a gentle breeze is blowing through their hair. Around them the two children, a boy and a girl, are running completely occupied by their game. Every now and then the man gestures to the children to come closer and they shared some food and a drink.

After some time the man mingles in their play. Cuddling the children, teasing them and preventing them from falling on the rocks strewn across the surface while they climb all over him. The woman is observing it all while she bears a smile on here face.

Slowly the thundering sound of the sea below takes me away from them and slowly I awoke from my dream.

But these small lights are still shrouded in a thick mist.

I still see the monsters gathering in the caves, the ogres and other rabble expanding their hold over the Sielwood forest and beyond, the undead in places that were recently safe and the many thieves picking on the unexpected traveller. I see it changing and it is moving, moving closer to Hlint. It just a matter of time before the Gods will loose their grip on this world and things will change for good. Toran is this why You saved me from death? I’m suffering each day and in the end I will die without any light in this world to comfort my death. Or am I here to test the faith of those that aspire membership of the Shining Hand. A pawn in a game offered when it has served its purpose.

The two sides of the coin. Continue to believe what I was taught to believe or loose it all and start anew. Both leading to salvation of my inward conflict. Choose risk or certainty. My own decision.

/I’m not the greatest of writers and have difficulty putting thoughts on paper but I hope these last entries have made clear the internal battle Na is currently fighting.

General Discussion / RE: Looks like I might be leaving
« on: August 08, 2005, 08:16:00 am »
I met Mary only once and there I enjoyed here input a lot. I’m a player with very little time available to be online and most of that time I try to find an opportunity to RP something since this gives me the reason to be “in the game”. On the other hand I’m very green when it comes to D&D and RP and I’m certain that Mary could have taught me many new things on this.

So .. yes .. I would have liked it to continue interacting with Mary (IC wise off course).

Development Journals and Discussion / A coin to keep
« on: August 05, 2005, 04:10:00 am »
Typical. They kill, they are killed, they take from the dead often losing part of their soul if they don’t succeed, wealth and possessions is what most care about with no regard for the population or the Gods. What good does it bring? Heroes that serve the Gods of death, of greed and of foul play instead of the Gods that grant them this life, this earth. What will be required to open there eyes, when will they see what I see, feel how I feel?

Instead they continue in a comfortable and well-known pattern, the circle that will never end, why should they worry. Indifference? Ignorance? I wonder when the circle will grow weak and no longer serve them, when will it break and unfold itself into a straight line. Did it start already, the beginning that will end it all, not only them, all?

Do they care? Should I care? Why? Should I seek death, greed and indifference now as they do so that it can grant me eternal life now. Or should I continue to seek life and live this tormented life until the end and enjoy eternal life later? Who can tell me the price that has to be paid for either option?

My curse may well be my blessing and my salvation once, if ever, I admit my failure to Him and serve another. It can be the coin that I should keep in order to pass over the last bridge spanning the eternal abyss. Heads or tails which side to I show to the One waiting on the other side? The One who will open the door to beyond so I can enter eternity.

General Discussion / RE: Dorganath is a Daddy (again!)
« on: August 03, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
Another great moment. Sweet dreams  ;)

Development Journals and Discussion / Path to salvation
« on: August 02, 2005, 04:55:00 am »
It’s been long, much happened but no time to document it. The lid on the past was lifted a little and now I know some more on the blackouts, the clan I was part off, the cult, the vampires, some day it has to be documented but not today.

Today I’m tormented by thoughts, thoughts of what I see happening in the world around me, thoughts that originate from the pain still surging through my hand at times, the blood, it is getting worse. From my hand two marks recently have disappeared but one remains. The blackouts still hanging over my head as a guillotine ready to strike at the moment Jasslin will be struck once more by another of those that call themselves heroes unaware of what they are doing to me.

The blackouts have made me weak, the loss of blood that often results from it. My muscles, my willpower no longer bear the strength to continue on the current path. Toran is leaving me, no longer protecting me from the curse. His focus is with His own battles taking place in the firmament far above and away from us. I tried to strengthen the faith in Him, the pilgrimage and the conversations with the villagers. But only few are interested, even among the heroes faith is of little interest. Their inability to show their faith will be the reason why I perish.

And still I have forfeited everything to live in His name. Forfeited the things that make life so much more bearable and what do I get in return, a curse and His hand no longer able or willing to protect me from it.

Quantum I’m sure he was sincere when he said he would help me, I saw his note in the Inn. It is what keeps me hanging on to the last straw, I don’t know if it is enough though.

There are a few other faithful around. My old friends, I can still rely on them, and several new ones. They speak words and of actions, it doesn’t help at all, I don’t see the things changing.

Will death bring me what I desire, will it take that what burns inside.

Some blood spills from under his fingernails and smothers the page. He puts the quill down and picks up his cloak. Tightly wrapping it around him after which he briefly shimmers before blending into the surroundings. It doesn’t take long before the sound of the quill on paper continues.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: A note of the missing and of vampires
« on: August 01, 2005, 04:40:00 am »
*a note is attached to the second note*

Although weak the female, Jasslin, may be looking for slaves prepared to do here bidding. Being the hero and killing here will not end here threat since her soul is protected by a foul magic that enables her to ‘live’ again as long as this link exists. Taking here as a prisoner or tracking here may be the preferred option.

It is possible the two males are still alive but no longer wear the protection on their soul and therefore I think they can be killed by conventional means. If alive they may be looking for aid in restoring the foul magic that protected them before.

The foul magic that surrounds these vampires involves large gems able to absorb the live energy of the slain vampire and releasing it at a later stage. Anybody with information regarding this please report this as well.

It will save lives! (a trail of blood continues where the last sentence ends)

*the note is not signed*

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Mining an' killin' gobbos
« on: July 29, 2005, 07:59:00 am »
Oye. Me’s gonna bring t’e A’ anda B’ anda me’s can ‘elp yous anda me’s gonna ‘ave t’em sparkles ..... *catches breath* ..... anda me’s gonna go if me’s gots w’at me’s want down t’ere.

'Da Cruncha'

//I will try to be there for 1 – 2 hours but I can’t promise anything.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Storyteller's Night II
« on: July 26, 2005, 03:25:00 am »
//Assuming 12 PM GMT is based on the time on top of the forum. If so I probably won't be able to attend, the loss of sleep will get me otherwise.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 24, 2005, 12:32:00 pm »
//Don't worry to much about it Ael. I had to leave early due to RL obligations when we entered Karthy.

This was partly caused by the delay along the way and the small disaster (from my point of view) that occured between the time we entered the Port and reorganised ourselves in Velensk. It was a good experience regardless since Na got to know some characters he hadn't met before and found a house he didn't know existed.


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 23, 2005, 11:50:00 am »
You can always join as a pilgrim.

The idea is to avoid danger but if unavoidable the Rofirein followers will defend the pilgrims.


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 23, 2005, 04:46:00 am »
I need some extra time with the family and plan to start at 8:00 pm BST (time at top of forum). See you all there in the temple of Toran in Llast.

Regards, Peet.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 19, 2005, 08:44:00 pm »
Stug3 - 7/19/2005  3:23 PM

You can count on me to walk beside the faithful.

Roland Uquhardtt, Paladin of Toran.

// Sorry it took so long to post, been at sea quite a bit this month.

Don't worry everyone is still welcome.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 18, 2005, 12:53:00 pm »
The pilgrimage is still planned for 23/7 starting on 7:30 - 8:00 PM BST.

I'm sorry for not being able to be in game and find interest for this event but RL intervened in a major way. However Saturday should be okay and I hope some people will turn up but whether I can make it all the way to Pranzis I do not know yet. RL is still unpredictable.

You can look at this link to get a bid more into it.

Also I'm still looking for suggestions on places to visit on Rilara. I like to prepare the track a little so that we don't have to spend to much time deciding which direction to take in game. Also I don't wan't to run over Rilara but find 2 - 3 places where we can stop for a prayer, meet some special person or some time to tell the others why the place is so special to you (for instance a fight where you were saved on the brink of death, or just a place that you feel at ease or one with Toran for instance).

Regards, Peet.

General Discussion / RE: Storytellers Night
« on: July 17, 2005, 04:37:00 am »
I was planning to be there but there was some evil to be hunted when this was on.

I hope to be there another time to enjoy the tales.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: July 08, 2005, 12:39:00 pm »
//Finaly some spare time.  ;)

The provisional date is 23/7 on 7:30 PM and it's on the calander.

After looking through the handbook I was planning the following track for the pilgrimage

Start in Fort Llast at the Toran temple.

Then Fort Velensk for Rofirein followed by a boat trip to Point Harbor.

Accross Rilara.

Boat trip to Lorindar and onward to Pranzis to honor both Toran and Rofirein.

I'm only wondering about Rilara. I couldn't find anything in the handbook about shrines or other places to visit that are related to these Gods. From a previous quest I have an idea to visit Bloody Gate but that's about it.

Therefore if anybody has some idea's or experiences regarding one of these Gods in places that could be of interest for the pilgrimage, especially on Rilara, let me know.


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Pilgrimage of the faithful
« on: June 28, 2005, 01:41:00 pm »
* a letter arrives at the door of Tarradon Duvall *


We thank you for your call to protect the Toran pilgrims during their pilgrimage. As you are aware we will also be travelling along the various temples of Rofirein. Followers of Rofirein are therefore welcome to join us as pilgrims and to display their faith in their God.

If not in spirit but by the shield the protection you and the other heroes of Rofirein and Vorax can offer us will be highly appreciated and probably required. We will be packed light with a minimal supply of food and water and travel through a country filled with danger. Hostility must be bypassed but we recognize that it is sometimes unavoidable. Without your arm to defend us we would be obliged to fight ourselves probably with loss of live and blood due to our weakened state. Besides the distraction this would cause will disrupt the aim of our pilgrimage.
Despite the dangers and the hardship endured by the pilgrims we feel that this sign to Toran and Rofirein will strengthen the Gods guarding the people of Layonara.

Walkers in faith.

//Some additional ideas I had that should add a feeling of a pilgrimage. More are always welcome.

All pilgrims to wear a robe, with cape, in the colour of either Toran or Rofirein depending which God your character believes in.

All pilgrims carry only a staff and this will be used as a last resort weapon. No other weapons allowed to because the pilgrims will travel lightly packed.

Also it would be nice to not eat and drink during the track and let the negative stats affect you in your actions.

I hope this can be done for all those taking part.

The protectors will off course not be limited by these requirements :)

Although to early to fix the date I was thinking about, 23 or 30/7 starting at 7:30 pm BST (time on top of the forum).

General Discussion / RE: Unable to download new hak
« on: June 22, 2005, 10:53:00 pm »
I had the same problem but after closing down the virusscanner and firewall I was able to download several hak's.

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