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Messages - darkwulf365

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General Discussion / Re: Funny things happen on Layo
« on: November 20, 2006, 05:21:20 pm »
Few nights ago, Exploring the Past:
"Are YOU From Alindor Sent here by Cricket!?"
Halfling: I Just wanted a beer..Jeez...
*The group with Rhynn in front crowds the door again. a couple walks in*
"Are YOU From Alindor sent by Cricket"
Rhynn proceeds to follow those people around all the while being tapped on the shoulder by a lecherous Drunk.
"I was just...going out with my wife...some people..."
*tap tap tap*
"You like men from Alindor"
"...Are you from Alindor sent by Cricket?"
"You like Crickets, Want to see mine?"
At which point I OOC started to get kind of freaked out and got at least 3 snarky messeges...
*Drunken man pulls dead crickets from his pocket and starts petting and tallking to it*
At which point Rhynn gives up....

Just to make sure credit is given where it's due, I was only responsible for the first two, the fellow with the dead crickets was all Nova, so you have her to thank.

Funny moments, hmm...most of them lately have come from my alternate (Daren isn't much into humor)

Cymeran Vrinn: [Party] May Az'atta guide your path, and lead your heart to a place of freedom
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] Az'atta? Oh great...a flower hugger...
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] A nutter just like my brother, good to see the world is going to the Hells in a handcart

Sometime later...

Quantum Windword: [Party] Are you not intrested finding out what is going on?
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] I do care...but I care about this one a bit more
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] Well...really I *don't* care, but I'm trying to be gentlmanly around the lady
Sophia : [Party] why should I care about the ramblings of a smelly old man?
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] Like I said...this sounds like a treehugger problem
Jeran Valhaikor: [Party] And the All Watching who must be blind in one eye because he didn't see this one coming, must not know squat about it

My apologies to shadowblade and Grid Blader for the hell I must be putting you guys through, I'm sorry, I really just seems to...happen.

General Discussion / Re: Friday.
« on: November 18, 2006, 11:23:32 pm »
That is harsh.  And to Lon, they make monitors that big? *has never had anything larger then a 15" and would probably experience brain melt if he did*

Just for Fun / Re: Player behind the Character
« on: November 14, 2006, 12:43:53 pm »
Real Name: Jonathan
Birthday: January 24, 1979
Birthplace: Toledo, Ohio
Current Location: Toledo, Ohio (unfortunately)
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Ambidextrous
Your Heritage: Irish, German, African-American (but raised as a Slovakian)
Fave Movie: Dazed and Confused
Fave Book: Almost anything by David and Leigh Eddings
Fave Fantasy Character: Belgarath the Sorcerer
Married, Kids: No, and none
The Shoes You Wore Today: Steel toed work boots
Your Weakness: Gaming of any kind (except gambling) and a good story
Your Fears: Spiders
Your Porn Star Name (Pet name + Street Name): George Byrne (conjures up a bad mental image, but I think it's cool)
Your Perfect Pizza: Stuffed Crust Veggie Lovers from Pizza Hut
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Remove myself as a target for middle management hostility
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: bah
Thoughts First Waking Up: "Into the flood again..." (bonus XP if you name the tune)
Your Best Physical Feature: *Shrugs*
Your Bedtime: Whenever exhaustion takes me
Pepsi or Coke: Mountain Dew
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacDonalds
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or Latte: Cappuccino (iced if I can get it)
Worst (PG) Vice: Smoking
How many times do you Shower Daily: At least once, as many as 3 times a day
Have you Been in Love:  Recently, yeah *said very flatly*
Do you want to go to College: Graduated, but possibly returning to become a mechanical engineer
Do you want to get Married:  Yeah *said with a whimsical half smile*
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only in the vertical direction
Are you a Health Freak: Unfortunately, no
Do you get along with your Parents: Unfortunately, yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Probably a little too much
Do you play an Instrument: Yes, not nearly well enough though
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yep, no arcade though *pouts*
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No, I try to avoid junk food
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes, made me sick, but was good
In the past month have you been on Stage: No, but I want to
In the past month have you been Dumped: *points to his answer for 'ever been in love'*
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: *points to his answer for 'ever been on stage'*
How do you want to Die:  The same way I was born, kicking and screaming
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Happy
What country would you most like to Visit: Ireland (Louth, in particular)

Rumour Has It / Re: Hurm
« on: November 12, 2006, 07:10:02 pm »
*Distributed freely throughout Prantz and it's surrounding cities and villages*

On this day, the eighteenth of Mai, of the year 1408. It is with a heavy heart that this message is written.

On this day, Broegar, Lord of Prantz, graciously extended his arm toward Hurm, offering nothing but aid and food to the destoyed city. As Lord Broegar's supply wagons lay deployed before the city gate and his personal herald went forth to announce his presence he was churlishly and with the most callous disregard turned away by thosw who would call themselves heroes.

Along with such an immature and almost childish display. As his Lordship prepared to depart the depraved ruins of what was once a great city, he wished to impart upon the citizens of Hurm the truth of the crimes crimes commited against them. Proclaiming louldy to the citizenry the names of Quantum Windword and Elladan Peters, two nefarious individuals, and their premeditation of the past tragedy.

Quantum Windword stepped forward from the gates, and faced the Lord's Justice willingly, although the one known as Elladan was not found. It is now the speculation of the Administration that it was these two men, who may call themselves adventurers acting in the name of nobility, unleashed this plague upon Dregar in an attempt to assasinate our Lord Broegar.

Thusly, from this tragedy, the following conclusions are now drawn:

Quantum Windword, admitted criminal, was executed and then restored by the ancient magic of the Bindstones for the crime of disrupting the Lord's Order.

Elladan Peters is now a wanted man, and any information leading to his arrest, and those who would be so low as to consipre with him shall be sought out with all expediancy.

Hurm is now labelled as a refuge for those who would consipire against his Lordship, and as such, shall recieve no aid from Prantz. Lord Broegar would also ask all civil leaders of Dregar to carefully consider before lending support to Hurm as it is obviously a den of lawbreakers. Furthermore, any true citizens of Prantz who may have family living in and around Hurm, may at will petition the Administration to arrange for their safe transport to the City. Lord Broegar feels no need to punish those who were simply decieved by the honey tounges of those who would then wreak havoc upon innocence.

Lord Broegar beseeches all to carefully reconsider and advises shrewdness in their dealings with those shiftless individuals that would depend upon seeking glory by the blade for their living instead of hard toil in the fields. For as is now apparent, their craven and cowardly hearts will stop at nothing to advance themselves.

*Signed with a flourish*
From the desk of the 3rd Undersecretary, 5th Judiciary Arm, 2nd Buereacratic Office,
Kyrad Schnendel

Just for Fun / Re: How to make me cry...
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:28:34 pm »
*claps you on the back* You're the first I've known to actually make it.  I've been trying on and off for the past 8 years or so, still no luck *sighs*

General Discussion / Re: Help with math project please! and thank you!
« on: November 03, 2006, 07:53:30 pm »
Male, 27, 5'10" (or as somebody else put it 'About 6 feet tall'). And hopeful that my fiancee will shrink (read: No, not growing any more).

Just for Fun / Re: "Vista Changes Everything"
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:51:43 pm »
*Shakes head and wonders how much hex editing he'll have to do to make Vista Starter turn into Ultimate just like NT 4.0 Server and Workstation*

And the MCSE is...I'll just say I have no love for it, and leave it at that.

Roleplaying / Re: okay now what?
« on: October 18, 2006, 03:14:17 pm »
*Was going to post here, but was on the verge of giving away all his secrets*

The best advice was already given by Memilies, and I echo it here, in the words of the great actor and imminent sage, Patrick Swayze, "Be nice, until it's time to not be nice"

General Discussion / Re: Legendary or Lucky?
« on: October 17, 2006, 02:31:36 pm »
I'm going to go with the team falling apart during the back half of the season.  Seems to be a tradition for them lately, and I have to put my money on Tampa Bay in the NFC, Bruce Gradkowski is a local, just like Rothlesburger, though I can't spell either of their names.  And I truly think this may be the year of the Bengals in the AFC

Who dey!!

As an aside:  I'm really a Washington Redskins/Oakland Raiders fan...but I'm also a realist...both of them ain't the greatest this year

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Gunther's gems
« on: October 15, 2006, 08:33:50 pm »
*Daren posts a note containing his address, and his intentions to buy the sapphires, garnets, and fire opals*

Just for Fun / Re: Vespar Bloodborne
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:53:28 pm »
Firstly, before approval, since Xandrial was a female, please give us a bit more upon how Vespar dealt with having two mothers.  Keep in mind that the more you write in his submission, the shorter your WLDQ and Character Dev thread will have to be.

And since Vespar is a tiefling, please elaborate more on that side of his heritage.  Also, please state what sort of physical deformities you would like him to have, tail, horns, flaming wings etc.  Also I noticed that he has no ears for languages (especially infernal, draconic, and celestial, which I think he *would* know), please add those to your bio, with supporting cause, keeping in mind that he should have at least a base 18 INT to support all the languages he is likely to know.

Also, after careful consideration, a belt to help boost his core stats (WIS, STR, and CHA) would be unfair, since he would need to be wearing it virtually all the time.  Please contact a member of the project team, (PM at least one member at least 25 times, that way they will fully understand the gravity of your situation) and they will happily recode a skin for you that will have the needed benefits.

World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's) / RE: Daren Valhaikor
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:00:36 pm »
*As politely as possible for such an act...bump*

Just for Fun / Re: Layonara Drinking Game
« on: September 21, 2006, 08:25:32 pm »
Ok, can't sleep so...

1 drink every time the party mage casts a spell centered on the front line, knowing they're warded, or that the others' reflex save will keep them from taking damage
1 drink for every time a party cleric casts bless
1 drink every time a party member sets off a trap (a chaser if they do it deliberately, in an attempt to disarm it)
2 drinks every time a natural 1 results in the worst case scenario (you'll need them)
2 drinks and a chaser every time a natural 20 isn't "good enough" (you'll need them as well)

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *A note delivered to the Officials in Prantz*
« on: September 20, 2006, 02:41:07 pm »
Dear Miss Valhaikor, Resident of the Haft Lake District:

I am honored to receive your correspondance on what must indeed be a very pressing matter to bring to my personal attention.  I am assuming by the tone of your writing that this issue must be extremely dire and would require the utmost urgency in its resolution.  

It saddens me to inform you however, that the nature of my vocation within the Administration leaves me unable to personally fulfill your request at this time.  Take heart in knowing that I will expedite copies of this letter to the Office of Environmental Control and Forcasting, the Bureau of Asthetics, and the Department of Health and Safety, Common Malaise Division.  I expect they will spare no amount of effort in reaching a conjoined decision and presenting it to the officers of the 3rd Judiciary arm who have recently broken session and will reconvine in four months.

I would expect their prompt reply to your query to reach you no less then eight weeks after the Judiciary Arm commences again with their work.

Yours truly,
The 3rd Undersecretary of the 5th Judiciary Arm in the 2nd Buereacratic Office
Kyrad Schnendel

General Discussion / RE: Corath
« on: September 18, 2006, 05:56:24 pm »
To clarify...perhaps Quantum wants his character's head.  Daren just wants a meet and greet and some pie afterwards :)  In all seriousness however, you just found one of those major pitfalls that hits us players those who play characters that follow a misunderstood (read: *evil*) deity.  Secrecy and possible isolation (and fear of death) are just facts of life, at least until Corath reigns supreme over all :)  All in all, it was probably a lesson well learned.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Corath wants YOU!
« on: September 16, 2006, 11:55:52 am »
*Daren walks away, then turns quickly and scribbles out one more note*
C'ld ye also tell me when an where yer next meetin? I'd like ta greet any new faces an all that.

I'll bring the pie, no worries


Wild Surge Inn / RE: Corath wants YOU!
« on: September 16, 2006, 11:45:24 am »
*Daren sees this note, he rubs the scar on the side of his face as he glares at it seeing the icon that makes up the bottom half of the letter.  He's about to tear it down and then stops in consideration.  His face breaks into a smile and he's forced to bite the insides of his cheeks to keep from laughing out loud.  Taking out a piece of parchment and his quill, he pens something quickly and posts it below*

Thank ya for tellin me that yer cult is movin.  Would be a shame if I showed up an nobody was home.  If it aint too much trouble c'ld ye please gimmie yer forwardin address?  I do so very much like ta keep tabs on all the heretics an loonies, an excess travel is such a pain.

Yer friendly cleric of Az'atta,

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Boregar the Traitor: 100,000 Gp Bounty!
« on: September 12, 2006, 03:56:53 pm »
*Written in a very neat, flowing hand, and tacked up by a hooded dwarf beneath Bjorn's notice in Port Hanpshire*   Dear Master Irongout Ironguts,   The tone of your note would seem to indicate that you would blindly follow violent vindictivness in favor of reason. These individuals are charged with serious crimes and are presantly safe and sound awaiting a trial in which they will have more then ample chance to prove their innocence.   You on the other hand have, by your own brash behavior, branded yourself as a traitor. An unveiled threat upon our Lord's life and well being shall not be taken lightly.   Current world conditions dictate that while you remain upon Mistone, you will face no harm from Lord Broegar or his vassals.   Know that you will now be watched with the utmost scrutiny by any and all means available upon your heart's first beating after you set foot upon Dregarian soil.  Your every step shall be dogged relentlessly and any misdeeds will meet with the harshest of retributions.  Any attempt made by you, to enter the city gates will result in the immediate and excruciatingly painful death of you and any nearby who are not known citizens of Prantz, whom we would view as co-conspiritors in your no longer clandestine acts of civil disorder.   Finally, know that you have brought this entirely upon yourself, by your own free will.   *The handwriting becomes harder, almost accusatory*  To be blunt sir, do not let your mouth run so fast and far ahead of you that you lose your brain trying to catch up.  *The parchment is stamped with the official seal of Prantz*

Quests Ideas and Discussion / RE: Star of Ilsare - Breaking the cage
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:36:58 pm »
Aye, I gotta go wit' th' lil red dwarf on this'n.  Might be th' only way ta get us outta this 'ere mess.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Prantz ~ The Hungry and Homeless
« on: August 31, 2006, 03:38:26 am »
*The dwarf can be seen visitng variosu crafthalls, and inns throughout Mistone, making his way from Lielon and then heading south.  He talks to many of the citizens he meets on the road and in all the cities and towns he visits, sometimes taking notes, at times handing a gold coin to those he meets after their conversation is finished.  In Krandor he meets with a gnome, and they then journey onward to Port Hampshire.*

//Varka, PM me with a time you're available

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