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Messages - Victor

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Wild Surge Inn / RE: A Warning
« on: December 16, 2005, 05:36:00 am »
*Victor reads the notice and muses aloud*

"Rumour had it that iron is getting scarce in Haven mine.  We'll have to find a new source of iron if scavengers are already picking over the mine's bones."

*Victor leaves the inn frowning*

Rumour Has It / RE: Attention All Crafters!!
« on: December 15, 2005, 11:52:00 am »
*Graffiti scrawled around Mistone*

I was gambling in Tibum.
I took a little risk.
Bring axes, shields, and money.
To get me out of this.

Fixed Bugs / RE: Lar: Citadel of the Hammer, bindstone...
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:15:00 pm »
Is there more than one bindstone in the Citadel of the Hammer?  I'm clicking on the bindstone in the southwest corner of the citadel, but nothing is happening.  It's the only area that is open to the public.  The rest of the Citadel is only accessible through a locked gate.

Layonara Server / RE: Bank Vault Empty
« on: November 24, 2005, 08:06:00 pm »
Oh yes, very funny.  Victor will be laughing all the way to the bank.  High pitched maniacal laughter, that is.

Of course, the law will defend the bank, so I can't exactly beat the value of my goods out of the vault keeper.  I guess I have only one other option.  I don't want to have to do this, but the Hlint bank branch leaves me no choice.

I'm going to report them to Florah.

One audit, coming up!

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Safety on the Seas?
« on: November 21, 2005, 07:59:00 pm »
*A call to action hangs below the unanswered inquiry*

I've heard no information out of Roldem since Blood's forces landed.  However, I feel certain many would like to know more and aid the beleaguered citizens of that realm.  If no one comes forward with more current knowledge, we ought to take it upon ourselves to investigate.  Not only are there people in need of help, but what we learn could be of value to the war effort.

I call upon all who have an interest in the condition of Roldem to speak up.  While we can not hope to challenge the enemy's navy, together we may find a way to infiltrate the islands.  I speak not of a mad attack on the enemy, but a carefully considered scouting mission.  I have some outlandish ideas for landing on the islands, but they would require beings of talent, experience, and audacity to have any hope of success.  Should a group that possesses the right combination of sense, stealth, and skill gather together, I would be willing to make the attempt.

Is there anyone willing to join me in this endeavor?

Make your mark here, so that we may confer and decide whether such a thing is possible.  

-Victor Firefall

Fixed Bugs / RE: Lar: Citadel of the Hammer, bindstone...
« on: November 20, 2005, 04:58:00 pm »
I'm having the same problem.  It's kind of disconcerting not being able to use the bindstone of one's own faith.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The secrets of Hlint NÂș1
« on: November 18, 2005, 03:45:00 pm »
A copy of the letter circulates around the Wild Surge where a crowd gathers to hoist drinks and sing Gloin's praises.  There is laughter and nervous talk.  Victor Firefall waves dismissively.  

"Bah! Pay it no mind!  Only a complete fool believes such idle rumors."

Roleplaying / RE: The Rumor Mill
« on: November 18, 2005, 03:23:00 pm »
ZeroVega - 11/17/2005  9:25 PM    I do have one question though. What made your character think Gloin was permanently dead? He obviously wasn't from the last fight he had with the golem. I don't even remember him posting IC on the forum about his little run in with the construct.
 If Victor has a fault, it is that he takes his kinsmen at their word.  When he ran into two other dwarves grumbling about how Gloin has been killed by a bone dragon and taken by the soul mother, he didn't think to question it.  It seemed a great tragedy worth causing a stir over.  Acacea described the encounter, but no other witnesses came forward to claim that they had seen Gloin since.  Victor likes Acacea a great deal, but at the time he didn't credit the word of the agitated halfling over that of the stout hearted (if thick headed) dwarves.  I figured that Gloin himself would eventually step forward and correct the misapprehension, if misapprehension it was.  I expect that it is not entirely unheard of for the supposedly deceased to reappear at a dwarven wake, wondering what is happening.  A wake is a fine excuse for drinking and celebration, and it would be a shame to spoil it just because the dwarf in question isn't actually dead.  I started the thread with what little in character knowledge I had, and couched it in subtle language rather than bold disclaimers.  Read it carefully, and you'll realize that the source of the information is not necessarily reliable.  For some reason, word is spreading through the dwarven community that Gloin is dead.  Gloin may be rather surprised to learn this.  I had no knowledge about other happenings with Gloin's character.  I won't apologize for alarming anyone, but it was my attention to alarm the characters not the players.  I rarely see role-play regarding the consequences of real death in Layonara, and this struck me as a fine opportunity.  Now the tale seems destined to have a happy ending, so I suggest we play it as comedy rather than tragedy.  It would be hilarious to have the whole town in mourning at the time that Gloin makes his return.  Of course, that would require role-playing on the part of those who give credence to the tales.  Even some witnesses to the bone dragon attack might wonder if Gloin had met his demise elsewhere.  Well, everyone but Acacea, the self-professed madwoman.  ;)

General Discussion / RE: umm..
« on: November 17, 2005, 07:22:00 pm »
cptoad - 11/17/2005  4:06 PM

ummm.. ahhh.. gloin's just taking a break till the conclusion of his EDCQ.  i relized i took that last death a little hard, and decided to take a short break. so whlie i did read about the wake (?). i was waiting to make a post on that when Gloin reappeared.

I guess you'll have dispell the rumors of your death when you get back. You wouldn't want to miss your own wake, would you? ;)

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Gloin's Wake
« on: November 17, 2005, 06:07:00 pm »
Gloin is gone.  Did he fall out of the bone dragon's ribcage intact, as it attempted to devour him?  Who can say?  We have only the account of poor Mad Acacea, who fiercely denies that he is dead and becomes greatly agitated by the mere mention of Gloin's demise.

I fear that we will all be driven mad with grief unless we can drown our sorrows in a prodigious amount of fermented beverage!  Let us not quibble about the manner or permanence of Gloin's death.  Rather, let us celebrate his life.  

Lift your glasses high, and remember Gloin!

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Where to call home
« on: October 27, 2005, 08:08:00 am »
Speaking from experience, I'd recommend the Leilon Arms to any of my kin.  It has the added benefit of being one of the few establishments with decent brew.  I believe they have double occupancy rooms.  You should check for space with the management.

-Victor Firefall

Wild Surge Inn / RE: The Dwarven Address
« on: October 25, 2005, 06:50:00 am »
Bah!  I hear a lot of talk, Sunderstone!  Give us a place to strike a blow, and the dwarves are a fearsome hammer.  But without the guiding arm, the hammer is useless.  I refuse to believe that there is no place to apply dwarven might and skill to thwart the enemies of all we hold dear, yet no one has stepped forward with a plan of action.  Something should be done immediately, yet people still deliberate, waiting for Blood to make the next move.

Gather the dwarves, if you will, but no more talk!  Any action is better than waiting for calamnity to befall us.  Mark a spot, and let us bring the hammer to bear.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Adventurers Needed In Search for Family
« on: October 20, 2005, 08:39:00 pm »
*letter mailed from Port Hampshire*

A good friend has convinced me not to throw my life away in an ill considered search of Dregar.

However, I can not return to Hlint and spend my days crafting in blissful ignorance of the world around me, while the fate of my family remains unsolved.  Therefore, I am relocating to Leilon, where I can better organize my search.  I can likely be found at the Leilon Arms, where I will be recruiting adventurers to aid in this quest.

I now have a rough idea of where to begin.  I only hope that I can find enough assistance to make the search a success.


Victor Firefall

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Adventurers Needed In Search for Family
« on: October 18, 2005, 10:37:00 am »
(Event added to calendar.)

*Scrawled at top of list*
Where do you plan to meet?

-Victor Firefall

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Dwarf Meeting
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:24:00 pm »
I've learned some things of interest to us.  Should fate permit, I will attend.

Victor Firefall

Wild Surge Inn / RE: An Invitation
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:20:00 pm »
Ozymandias had a fine tale to tell that answered many of my questions.  I am certain he will tell it the next time the Leilon Arms is open. Make certain you attend!

Wild Surge Inn / RE: An Invitation
« on: August 29, 2005, 05:03:00 pm »
The Leilon Arms is now open, so I've moved the party there.  Catch you later!

Wild Surge Inn / RE: An Invitation
« on: August 29, 2005, 04:02:00 pm »
Victor calls from the step of the Wildsurge.

"The bar's open, friends!  Come on in!"

Wild Surge Inn / RE: *scroll pinned to the wall* Ogre Hunters Wanted
« on: August 10, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
I should like to see a new group of hunters form.  The leader of the last organized group to form around Hlint seems to be having trouble of a judicial nature at this time.  Set a meeting time and place, and many interested parties will attend.  I can also recommend you to the founder of the Iron Drake in Haven, who also has an interest in clearing the mine.

-Victor Firefall

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