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Messages - NEXUS7

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 26
General Discussion / Re: Obsidian holding up its end of the bargain
« on: December 07, 2006, 08:20:39 am »
Played it throw and I must say there are some realy big bugs, a few times I was just stuck in the game talking to NPCS with no way out.
Round and a round saying the same things. But its still good can not wait till Layo NWN2

General Discussion / Re: Breaking a level stagnation.
« on: December 07, 2006, 06:30:04 am »
I know that I have ranted on and on about this but thre truth is, the walls there to make the game fun for the 50& who play for hours and hours and stop high level players over running Layo, if your like me and play the odd hour here and there, your impact on the world is minimal most other played dont know who you are and you dont do GM games
So how can oit voice carry the same wait, lets be far there are players who RP there guts out here. Yes it would be nice for the GMS to say well You have been here for a year real time and your still 7th level, your a ok player and you have a nice PC heres a loylt reward of some XP.

But thats just more work for the DMs and well would lead to a nightmear I just know it, so when you play as little as me then its the price you pay.

So I just play low level PCs and in fact it works out fine for me, most players stay around Hlint any way and to be far its where the action is.

The facts are the wall is there, DM games and long hours of play, Playing one PC only realy helps are the way past it.

But at the end of the day RP "is" what its all about and good players I have met here can RP at 7th just as much as 27th.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: December 07, 2006, 05:56:04 am »
Dear Journal
I met a Drow today who was in hidding hes says the the Hilint fowk tryed to linch him, We had a long talk about the underdark and how evil it is down there, I said I will tell Zan about him. Hes a very good shot and usis tyhe weaive with magics I have never seen befor. I helped him find some things and showed him some of my skills, its good to see new faces in twon once more.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: December 05, 2006, 12:10:19 am »
Dear Journal
Thast was close, the gray peacks is a hard place to get throw with out being seen but at the end there i was seen but found that my skills are getting better Im going to try again today, I have bond my soul to hilint so if they do spot me I may at least come back closes, but I know I get get throw fine

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: December 04, 2006, 08:16:35 am »
Dear Journal
I need to find out who the Blue Elf is who was in town a few days ago, she was very good at hidding and I looked on as a big meeting was talking place.
Ill ask Ozy when I see him next abvout her

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: December 04, 2006, 08:14:12 am »
Dear Journal
I had a long talk with Ferrit today and she says she knows how to make things that will help me once i get better and hidding, Zan has been showing me more of the skills she uses and has shown me how to "pull shadows" I know see thats how she moves into the relam of shadows, I asked i was done with the shadow weave but Zan says now its not magic and move a feeling, a craft as it was more like my feeling for making others cofuzed. Bees not been around for some time so Im worred more than ever, I did see another Quicking in town today but they where playing tricks on a sleeping Gaint so I did not go and introduce my self.
Im heading out into the goblin wasts and see if Zans help has worked, the camp is still up there Im going to see if I can get past.

Last week I got all the way to the bottem of the Hevean mines and met a group there fighting the Ougeys, it was a blood bath and most of them where killed, I did as Zan showed and hid untill the fight was over, then walkd all the way back, I could help im to small, I do feel bad but what would one more body mean.

Note to self: gte some red ink

General Discussion / Re: Tales of Layonara - Comic Strip - Issue #1
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:20:50 pm »
way to go niles and Andrew

General Discussion / Re: Recent Maturity Levels
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:15:25 pm »
Ill say this for layo after playing here for over a year I have only had one player do the above "ingame" with me, and he was angray at a DM for pulling him up on occ stuff.

shows ya what a good family place layo is, that takes good dm team work.

*bows at dm team*

General Discussion / Re: Be mindful; freedom with moderation.
« on: December 02, 2006, 08:02:33 pm »
very intaresting posts, it was Dragon Meet 2006 in london this week end and there was a long chat there along the same lines a load of pnp players all saying, pnp means fixed game time with real intaraction where as onlines RPGs just lead to back ingarrys, and eye straine. Made me chuckle to see a load of pnp game nards like myself point at others and say "at lest where not that bad"

yep playing more that 6 hours a week , which would be a good pnp sesh is pushing it, 6 hours down the gym a week would get you a lot more than  a +2 sword and 10,000xp it would get you a life, its esay to think your working when mouse jockying all day.

I have unistalled nwns and layo for now, it was doing my head in as they say. nwn2 was fun but untill layo nwn2 I think ill stick to beating my rpg adication with lots of boring old real life stuff like holadays, sex, the gym, eating that kind of stuff :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Millie Mooneyes MAPS
« on: November 24, 2006, 06:05:40 am »
Dear Journal
The work is going well Be as been away some time now an Im worred, I haeded out to Port Haber to see if I could get news of him, Im trying to get the hand of mind set I need to shift my self into shadows
and do as Abu said but im still failing. They say there is a place where the dark kills magic may be if I go there I can know more, I must find out abot this place.
Ozy and Baren help but its still so hard, Zan I know will give me gidence.

I will keep at it, I know I can do this, The cold is getting bad now, even the south lands show no sign of getting betters, every one is worred and now plage
what next.

General Discussion / Re: Some news
« on: November 23, 2006, 02:57:48 pm »
yep where doing that film next, I mot tll you where the shoot is but im goimng there in 2 weeks to meet the directer it will be a cool film
but for now did you like the Bond Into titels my mate did them, cool a.

General Discussion / Re: Some news
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:28:29 pm »
Thanks guys, my mum and dad are most impressed and the local paper is running a spread, keep an eye out for the golden cumpus the 1st of the philp pullmen films, I'm biulding a 9 foot armored polor bear at the moment, wonder if we could have them as a race in layo.

General Discussion / Re: Dodge mods and stacking.
« on: November 19, 2006, 11:44:07 pm »
so how dos blind fighting work, dos thath counter snick attacks flat footed bonuses

General Discussion / Re: NWN2 is awesome!
« on: November 08, 2006, 12:01:37 pm »
Yipppppppppppp ppppppppppppeeeeeeeeee
I love it

General Discussion / Re: Alright Americans, go Vote!
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:09:17 am »
heres my take on this and its just my point of view

I say vote to keep democracy

Would you all like to know why democracy is so important

thows countrys with out it have but one way to change a givernance when it is out of step with the wonts and needs to the populations under there control. Revolution and Civil war blood on the streets, we have all forgotten that democracy is just a way to have a bloodless coeu every 4 years.

What is KEY! to this is freedom of speech with out it you can not openly exspress opposition to the givernance in place and state why they are out of step.

To not vote and to not protected by the action of doing freedom of speech is to say "I would like Revolution and Civil war"

Groups such as the far right and left, Religious fanatics like Creationist Christians and Litarel Islamasist why say "Think only what I say you can, and say only what I say you can" are evil beyound words for they seek to close minds not open them.

I will up hold your right to say as you will with in secular laws, laws for all based on evidence not religious beliefs but on human morral beliefs, you can pass any amout of laws but it is we who chose to keep them and so we who have the power over them.

never for get that, we the people rule in a democracy not any king or dictator, you may not like the whos has the top job for a time or what there doing but if they upsets to many of us, there out!

Thats why I belive in democracy and why your vote counts so much.

"Throw your vote away and it lands in blood" Spugly Fuglet 2006

General Discussion / Re: Only Playing Low level PC's Thread.
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:27:26 am »
Hi Leanthar,
I realy am sorry if I come across as some one who " a player in the community that is trying to stir up flames." that was never ever my intent, and I dont wont to be a bore on this matter.
I can split my posts down into two parts, The fustartion that the level thing was there and "ok its there but for good resen" posts.
The Grate wall post was the turning point, this was about just what I said at the start, trying to find a Layo game style that works with none fixed game time. I was unhappy but I exspet the way things are now and im just trying to do my best.

I take on bord what yours saying I have become winner whos just flogging the same old house over and over I will not post on this matter again. I do not wont to get banned and I dont wont to stir up flames do web site grefing or take away from the fun.


General Discussion / Re: Stricken - By Trace Nightwind
« on: November 06, 2006, 05:10:55 pm »
very very good short for a short, as some one who works in film post its well done and nice framing, grading is off but that dos not matter.

if you ever need advice with cg-vfx drop me a line.

my I ask did you use final cut pro/shake and/or after-fx?.

General Discussion / Re: Turning a page...
« on: November 06, 2006, 03:09:04 pm »
Thanks for being a grate DM and working so hard on layo,

General Discussion / Re: The GRATE WALL OF LAYONARA
« on: October 12, 2006, 08:11:40 am »
Thank Niles Will do, I have booked 2 DM games now as yet work/life has not droped things on me so I may make it for once.
But there are 2 days yet

General Discussion / Re: The GRATE WALL OF LAYONARA
« on: October 12, 2006, 07:53:09 am »
Thats where I have been going wrong then I had the idear it would be metagaming to do this and have a key to another players house with out a room there.
I never seem to have the cash for healing let alone the 1,000s need for a room. Forming for coin I have aways tryed not to do.

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