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Messages - Ne'er

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 22
Just for Fun / Re: What's your avatar from?
« on: October 11, 2006, 01:59:46 pm »
Mine is a penguin, slapping another penguin and knocking him off his feet and into the ice. No, I do not have a strange obsession with penguins.

Just for Fun / Re: player ages (anonymous)
« on: October 09, 2006, 07:15:06 pm »
Go team go! I mean, go late teens go!

Just for Fun / Re: BG quotes anyone?
« on: October 09, 2006, 02:58:28 pm »
Can't remember the exact Cespenar quote, but it refers to the recipes. Something along the lines of:

"You know who has lots of recipes? Lady named Martha. She's around Hell somewhere...."

And then my personal favorite:

"Oh, Hindo's Doom. Can you say it? Hindo's DooooooOooOoooOoooom."

Just for Fun / Re: BG quotes anyone?
« on: October 05, 2006, 03:52:38 pm »
My personal favorite...

Xan: We're all doomed...

And then there are dozens of others of course. Such a great game...

General Discussion / Re: They're everywhere!
« on: September 30, 2006, 01:59:30 pm »
Don't ever be scared of a GM when RPing. After all, we were all new to this stuff at one point in time (Layo was my first real RP experience). So no one is going to be too critical of the way you play :)

Yup, once or twice I have had my CDT be the start of a story of a character, divided into chapters. Sadly, I never got far with those characters. :(

But yeah, that is a definate possibilityas well that is always fun to try.

General Discussion / Re: a possible answer for the drow problem
« on: September 26, 2006, 06:09:51 pm »
I did not mean to insult you. This is in no way directed at your character, because I have not once RP'd with you so to make claims about your personal RP would be ignorant of me. The things that you present as your means of 'fighting back' are perfectly viable, and I applaud that.

However, as far as persuade checks go there are situational modifiers to checks like that. If you try and say something believable, okay, a simple DC works. HOWEVER, if you are trying to convince someone that a drow is good, well, the DC is going to be VERY high. As I said before, they are categorized with demonsand devils in the evil group. As in, they are all mean and nasty and only the darkest people affiliate themselves with it. Someone who has had this drilled into their head their entire life is not likely to accept this, especially if it is coming from a said creature. If I were to watch such an encounter, I would set the Persuade DC very high, quite likely higher than 40. After all, why should any one belief the devil when they know better through education?

And please, remember that this thread is not targeted at you Aeon. As I said, I do not know you as a player or as a character, so to make judgements about how you play would be foolish on my part. But I am afraid that you, playing a drow PC (regardless of how you play it) are going to get grouped in with the other drow players. And I know not all are bad RPers. However, I have noticed trends, and I felt they needed to be pointed out.

I did something non-written for my CDT for Jet. Jet never would keep a journal, just didn't seem like his thing. So instead I did some reflections, where Jet would recall past experiences and relate them to current events. It was sort of like a mental process I had for others to read. Sometimes I had Jet act out scenes also, scenes where he was alone, but scenes nonetheless.

Hope that gives you at least some idea :)

General Discussion / RE: a possible answer for the drow problem
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:44:02 pm »
The extreme desire I am reading from this thread, is that all drow disguise them selves, hide in the shadows, never interact with other PCs, and be denied access to merchants and craft halls. Of course, most the players complaining about the drow PCs and calling us bad roll players, are the same ones that never interact with drow PCs in the first place.

There could be a several good reasons for this. One is that the people who feel drow are RP'd poorly are the same people who play characters that would kill a drow if they spotted them. They DO NOT WANT to interact with a drow because the very fact that they are talking to one in the open contridicts their character. They should be killing or scaring away that drow, not discussing their differences.

 So, since about 80% of drow PCs worship a Good Dark Elf Goddess, I think we can come up with a more clever fix to these issues then making dark elf worshipers of Az'atta an unplayable character theme.

80% of drow PCs worship Az'atta because they cannot be evil, and most people want to play that "outcast" from the drow society. After all, Drizzt was cool. Most of us can admit that. But Drizzt was a freak, and a freakish freak. He is, by no means, a percentage of the drow population. He is not representative of them. Just like the "good" drow of Layonara are NOT representative of the drow population.

The drow helped serve Bloodstone. The drow have raided Port Hamphire, Hlint, Spellgard, and that is to name a few. Milara, one of the most feared and evil people in Layonara is a drow. These drow ARE representative of the drow population. Why? because this is what most drow are like. They are not the good guys. They are like devils, demons, beasts, giants, orcs, goblins, and the monsters that adventurers go out and hunt all the time. They are the villains. No one ever asks the monsters taht get slaughtered every day "Are you a good one or a bad one?" (yes this has been asked of me when I played a drow awhile back). Instead, they are killed on sight. So why would a race a PC goblin, orc, drow, half-giant, or half-ogre recieve a different treatment?

The answer is that people know better. These are players. They can't be evil, because you can't play evil from the start. You can't PvP them, so what are you left with doing? Many just call it quits and embrace them openly.

So what would I suggest in this drawn-out debate that doesn't change the rules of the game? Sadly, there is very little that can be done. Although the fact that less drow are being approved is good. That means that we have less non-evil drow flooding the world and watering down an alrighty watered-down character idea.

Instead, the only thing I can really say is to try and pt yourself into the mindset of your character. You're whole life everyone has told you that drow are evil. They are in that group with demons, the "Kill on sight" class of creatures. So what are you going to do? Really, it only makes sense that you would, at the very least avoid or make life difficult for them. And Drow PCs, the way to solve this problem on your end is to not hide behind the PvP rule and metagame. If they threaten you with violence, RP it with dicebags or request PvP, or leave. Don't stand their and say "No, I am not evil. You cannot hurt me." Really, that just frustrates everyone.

And that's all of my thoughts and ideas. On a side note, I am impressed with this thread, and I do think it has set a record for longest potentially heated subject thread without being frozen. Good job everyone!

Layonara Server / Re: My Toran quest
« on: September 25, 2006, 05:00:02 pm »
Only chance would be Friday or Saturday for me. And I am not 100% sure about that either.

Just for Fun / Re: which layo race would you like to punch in RL?
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:37:29 pm »
J-ser - 9/25/2006  4:44 PM

Well, of the normal races drow is first, but the aasimar are a close second. Why do we want to beat up part cestials?

Everyone wants to hurt the snobby people, and the aasimar is like, the epitome of a snob.

Just for Fun / Re: the meaning of life
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:21:40 pm »
There is no meaning to life. The question derives from the basic human need to rationalize everything that they do. Thus, humans cannot really except the fact that everything has no true meaning, and that life is here simply by coinicidence.

Yeah, I took a philosophy course last year, and I read way too much into it :P

General Discussion / Re: A Big Happy
« on: September 24, 2006, 09:18:47 am »
Happy birthday! Enjoy the cake :)

General Discussion / Re: question on the death system
« on: September 23, 2006, 06:59:55 pm »
It is correct. If you roll a 14, you get a DT. If you roll a 15 then you are off the hook. So since you roll a d100, a 14 out of 100 is a 14% chance.

Just for Fun / Re: Count to ten thousand. Go!
« on: September 20, 2006, 05:14:55 pm »
9811... and this thread has gone on for an insanely long amount of time... didnt we get 10,000 already?

General Discussion / Re: Corath
« on: September 18, 2006, 05:24:51 pm »
Exactly what Polak76 said. Open recruitment leads to problems, and well, being as few in numbers as Corath is right now... that's not what we... err, they need. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Playtime
« on: September 17, 2006, 04:41:09 am »
Heh, with all the time I spent last summer playing Layo that I should have instead been training for track and cross country, we might have won the district spring track meet.

Ah, who am I kidding? I would've wasted the time some other way anyway. :P

General Discussion / Re: After much internal debate...*evil cackle*
« on: September 16, 2006, 05:03:01 pm »
Happy birthday!! Enjoy the cake!

Just for Fun / Re: Geek Test
« on: September 16, 2006, 02:19:46 pm »
35% Geeky

I'll take that....

Rumour Has It / Re: Prantz Executions
« on: September 11, 2006, 02:31:18 pm »
*a heavily robed man walks up to the sign posted, and raises his hood slightly*

Hmm... a lesson to be learned. Those who fail should accept that failure. Perhaps a lesson will be taught to those who misunderstand who is charge.

*pulls his hood low again and carefully makes his way out of the room*

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