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Messages - Joyrock

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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 27, 2007, 02:30:30 pm »
No I like the strand system, I would like to see that stay, what I don't like is being dead in a group of 5-6 people and there being nothing they can do to avoid you just clicking respawn like it is a single player game, it takes away a great deal away from this being a RP server.

It is  auto respawn, regardless of how prepared you were aslong as you don't have a high level cleric.

nothing like running to your corpse walking the edges, when suddenly for no reason your shot into the middle of the map and set off a spawn. that beat you over the head and cause you to lose a soul strand. with nothing the party could do because there 40 screens away you die to a game glitch.....:\\
a example that won't ever happen? it did.

But if the party could have had my body when I died, and just stopped in a near by town to get it raised, that could have all been avoided. That and I could even RP'd them saving my life and owing them one. I don't even know how to RP running around after a respawn, so I just ignore everyone.

Just so much RP could happen with movables corpses, and so much frustration avoided with it.

death to glitches as a ghost can be avoided.

this was not a do this or I quit. This was a hey how about a answer because it is important to me deciding to stay here. Nothing is more frustrating when you offer to do the work for someone and you don't give you  the time of day for a answer. it was also to show how movable corpses are a need, when it becomes the factor tending to why someone would leave, and others then it becomes a need. Not because I am trying to get my way, but the current unrealitic ancient death system is that much of a frustrating factor. I doubt this system will be changed because after three topics, and someone offering to do the work, regardless of what I do, or what I say I doubt it will be changed, but if I can, but if I can make this a need, and not a want in the eyes of those that say matters for the future of others, then it something I am happy to do.  

 It amazes me that with all the minner things done to systems, something as important as the death system has never been updated to this. that and  when I offered to do the work, which I am told, and know from XP that the number one thing that stops things from getting done is the time and work.  I have seen nothing but support for movables corpses, seen players make the topic over, and over never a say has been given on it. This I find is often away to avoid saying no, on something alot of people want, and to avoid upsetting them.

After dieing to a glitch that could have been avoided if movable corpses would have been in, lossing 3 strands 2 of them to going back and trying to get my grave. one getting stuck on a tile, other to the welcome to your death port. I don't mind the glitches, that require DM aid, if there was some way to avoid them being to costly to me the player, that did not require a DM, because I won't ever bug a DM. DM's are not replacement parts for glitches in the game. and when your up at 4 am you can't really count on them.

as far as Nibor21 goes does he even check his PM's or the forums? one would think suggestions and idea's and a topic that has been as popular as this a pretty important place to look when your in charge of what he is. if he is that busy, I don't think I can count on this for a while. Like I said I am willing to meet the project team half way on this and do the work, and make it bug free but some things are left up to them I won't continue to keep posting waiting for a reply that won't come. if they want this they can reply back, and I feel publicly to it would prevent the topic from coming up again in the future and would be the best.

I will PM him the link to this but that is all. I am sure I seem rather unfriendly, but like I said after three topics, and the offer to do the work and still no answer, after PMing this to a few people, and continuing to do try to get this through. I see nothing but support for this, I can see no reason a answer has not been given other then to avoid a no, to avoid upsetting those that wish it.

I understand the work load, and other things including RL the project team deals with, there good people and do the work for free. but I also have a RL, and I am also offering to do the work for free.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 27, 2007, 02:34:05 am »
Ok give a yes or no if this will ever happen so I can find out if I am wasting time playing here, because I can't play with the current death system. I can't I keep trying but I can't. I lost 3 soul strands at level 5 in one day, I only died 3 times.

I was asked how is the movable corpses a need? this i show, because I can't play with the current unrealistic can't move the corpses system of DOOM.

It just keeps bitting me in the rear. I have offered to do the work, I have offered to make it work perfectly no answer on it. And now I die 3 times and lose 3 soul strand on a char, that I have always loved to play and is pretty important to me.

You want players? you want them to stay? then fix the corpses for the NEED of there sanity. I know it always been like that on layo, but most new players come from servers that have this, and I don't think they can take it because I have tryed very hard and I can't.

Final offer to do the work for you. because at this rate my char won't live to level 10, and trust me I am going out in partys of 5-7 people. I don't need to hear how I can stop dieing I know how. thing is, things out of your control kill you sometime like lag spikes, our being ported to the middle of the map  to spawn a group of monsters that swarm you because no one in your party is even near you. and the non-movable corpse's are really, really, getting old I feel like I am on a server made in the BC's. please step up to the 21st century and put them in. Yes this is a rant but after today I think I deserve one.

Now I made up my mind, I won't put my self through this anymore. give us a yes or a no on this please, it seems it been in 3 topics and never got a reply the final one I offered to do the work. If it does not belong in Layo I don't belong in layo because my sanity needs it. I understand some things belong here others don't but a YES or a NO Lets us know.

General Discussion / Re: The Dark Beast - Quest Feedback
« on: May 24, 2007, 04:32:25 pm »
I like the quest, and found the simple way to defeat the monster, after asking a few questions IG about them  to others that have done battle with them.

great quest,  rather enjoy how you handle it, and you use the right amount of force with them, going easy on them at first then going all out forcing them to put pride aside and use there heads.

Quote from: Gilrod
Leanther and ALL the GMs make this fantasy escape from the rigors of law so fantastic that I do not think I can stay away! :D
 Thanks again!

So they aid others to escape from the law huh?

but see you when you get back!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: subduel mode widget
« on: May 22, 2007, 05:40:58 pm »
Not sure what you mean about picking fights by lethel enemies, that would be the same as just fighting near them. I have never once had someone lead me to a area with hostile monsters to subdual. Not really a expolit, it just a not something people do. Just like how there nothing on this server to stop a level 20 from power leveling me other then it is understood in the rules and is not done. Now which would you rather exploit the one that give you benefits of power leveling? or the one that lets you kill a foe after subdual damage is the combat screen along with "you killed them" for them to take screen shots of and send in to the DM team?

Now with a fire ball it works with subdaul, weapons are not the only thing to work with subdual. and much like Pen 'n' Popper posted, the argument of it unreal goes hand and hand with the many unreal things al'ready as a mechanic. and you can RP it as just being that careful.

I mean you can't even lift the body of a half-ling what less realistic that or not killing someone when you fire a fireball, and don't full kill them?

hellblazer I understand what you mean about skill points, but the fact is you have what folks that stack such skills. I have seen folks do this.

give me all your money or I will kill you"
Intimadate 7+24 = 31 Player trying to avoid it 14+6 = 20
"hands over all there money" There just as much dice abuse as other abuse.
Ever seen a depressed char persuaded to commit suicide?

Sure these are unrealistic thingsto happen here you might say, we have rules, or that never happens here.(but if this does not happen then I assure you no abuse of any lets lure them here so when I spar mode them and maybe win, they will die from a monster, man I love being a jerk and picking on people) Well if that does not happen I don't think much abuse of a subdual system would happen. remember most rules are based on trust, of folks willing to play fair it more so enforced by the players then the DM's. if you have players that are crazy and want to pick on each other and abuse system, then it will happen no matter what you do. there are things only bioware can fix to stop exploiting.

But if you have good players, that look down on cheating, power gaming, god gaming, and PvPing (player vs player, a term used when RP has nothing to do with it, and only out to win, bully etc) then well you often don't need to worry about such things. Now star a pretty fair player, don't think I ever saw a CvC action on from them unless they were on there drow, and they were going on a RP surface raid to try and capture surface elves, or maybe a village. All very well Rped things. they tend to avoid any kind of conflict.

Now they feel the PvP widget, it a walking thunderdome, two men enter one man leave, because you can't really pull punches if you roll a crit. even if you RP swinging the blade lightly, a crit is a crit and is a game mechanic.

Now honestly if your going to try to say kidnap my char to ask where the hidden treasure is, and there no RP way out of it, I am tired of you chasing me. There not going to be a Dice off. Not going to do *swings blade rolls dice* It CvC time, because to many classes have the advantage in skill points. it much harder, and rarely do people agree on the roles, and we are battling for what we feel is both very important.

Dice rolls have there place in bar room brawls, other places but nothing a char being 5 feet from you and emoting *grabs them rolls dice* You keep running they send you a tell. "I grabed you" you send back "you char was no where near me!" this is when I want control of ruling out of human hands, and in the hands of the game. if I am able to use knock down on you, I am able to grab you. if I am able to swing at you with my blade I am able to grab you.

even if you grab them it does not mean the fights over, or you auto won. Which sadly often when you see people emote grabs you they think that means they grabed you, over powered you and tied you up.

Dice rolls have there place, CvC has it's place, and subdual mode has it place right between them.

Also if someone leads you off into a monster infested place, does that mean they will also die if you win, and walk away? same outcome for the loser with the normal CvC widget.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: subduel mode widget
« on: May 22, 2007, 03:21:40 pm »
Quote from: darkstorme
The problem, always, is separability of lethal and non-lethal damage.  If the same hitpoint bar is used for both (as it is in most subdual systems) there will always be exploits, regardless of whether it's tied into PvP or not.

wekk there are fully working subdual system the on ethat bring you to 1 hp is fine, because if your going to kill the fella, you don't subdual you kill them, subdualing to bring them to hope a monster kills them is pretty pointless.

It also the sub-dual system the majority of servers use. Trust me if you have it out for someone, and plan on griefing, which from the looks of this community I don't think anyone is, even on server where we allowed full CvC we never had any griefing through CvC.

If someone is out to kill you, there going to just kill you.

And to the point of RP battles, there nice but sometimes you need to win a argument because it pretty key to the events that will happen in both your chars storyline, Players know when to use which, and is often a agreed on.

Star just felt that death being the only option in the wilds as less then RP friendly. Because CvC should only happen when there a need for Rp, and often when there RP your goal is not to kill your foe but to capture them, teach them a lesson battle over possesion of something.

Often with no wish to kill the other, and when you RP to hot headed folks there not going to march half way around the world to a arena.

I feel the is it worth it argument should not be the main focus, it fully worth it because it keeps RPing rolling and CvC/PvP should only be done when RP is in mind, and it keeps folks from killing each other with no way to raise the other.  which is pretty important to a good relationship with the one that is dead.

I do feel the question of do you feel it is time, for such a thing to be added. is important. I find currently from how everything  is going it is not needed at this time, due to a wish to see if players are able to handle such things.

Another thing on the dice rolls, People stack those. seen a bluff 45, 50 intimidate. Often the folks that do are the ones that demand you use them.
I don't think anyone here does that, but since we are allowing for the idea of abuse to happen there can be just as much dice abuse as CvC abuse. and I rather lose what i was fighting for RPing my char beaten crushed, then just bluff,intimdated, or persuaded, because someone rolled 2x higher then I can with a 20. ;)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: subduel mode widget
« on: May 22, 2007, 03:17:20 am »
Well I must say you won me over with it, with the you have one much like that with the arena and the fireball. Then I read the post and Pen n popper made a good with the paladin, and the man wishing to kill to prevent harm to himself. that type of thing can only be done with spar, but the one that I saw that made the most sense, and the one I see of most importance, is the one by Dorg. Saying that it would be good for the future if the PvP system is not a problem.

I see that undertsnadable given the servers background, as not having a PvP system. and while it still young, and fully not proven we can handle it, adding in a moving arena that allows folks to use it so early with out fear of dieing as something we should wait on.

I mainly thought of it in uses where they would not be "to the arena!" paladin turns his back the rogue looks at him and simply sneaks off.

I still fully support spar mode, as they said nearly every PW uses it, but for the future.

General Discussion / Re: Undead Resting Place kudos.
« on: May 22, 2007, 02:29:24 am »
I was not there but I heard it was good, undead massing armies!? that spices things up abit. :D

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: subduel mode widget
« on: May 22, 2007, 02:24:37 am »
Well if your going to have any type of CvC system you need it. after all your goal behind CvC is to create Rp it hard to do that when there dead.

The system they talk about is the one we used on my server. it is nearly perfect. And if folks wanted it I could send the work in to have added.

After all you would not believe the RP you could do with this, that not even the non-conflictive. it was mostly used for folks to sparr with are train. or even in the arena for tornaments. that we held once 'n' awhile.

Star post rarely, and they often don't unless they feel something important needs said, or if they really sure something would be a good idea.

Now coming from the spot of being a admin that allowed open CvC on his server you can't have a thing like CvC/PvP  and NOT have sparmode.

Now I only post things that require project teams to do work unless I am willing to do the work.

They want they can ask me and I will have it done in no time, I have no small amount of talent in scripting for NWN or making anything for NWN at that matter.

So with that offer, how about we throw the thoughts is it worth the work out?I know in the past this server has had alot of limits on it back due to the amount of work, but I can get the work done, I just need to be asked.

I am here, if I say I can do, and will do it you can rest assured it would be done and done very, very fast. you can ask anyone that came here with me on the stuff I can script and in a short time. :)

Even if this spar mode is not used often, or very rarely I stil lthink it is needed, and would help RP, and avoid alot of headaches in the future when you have all the bugs worked out your CvC/PvP system.

Oh P.S. Star is Danish, you have to mind there english, and there pretty shy about.

General Discussion / Re: Ideas to "spice" things up
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:39:51 pm »
But I really think player run events, like a festival would be nice, with like a mages familar as one of the animals in the cage and it gets lose and causes havoc, as a group of half-orc/half giant chars come to it and ruin it with there small brains and massive bulks while they do that HA! HA! HAAA! laugh. and some char panics and freaks out the pie's are ruined while a halfling dives under the table with the last of the pie, glancing around the before to dig in only to jump at the sound of that laugh and put the pie all over there face and get fighting angry to find themselves walking in place in anger as there held back by a friend, while they call out threats to the ones that ruined the party, after the high Wis chars calm all down, and the half-orc/half giants say there sorry and head back to the hills only to have the halfling digging a grave for the pie and praying at it, as they wipe a tear from there face.
then some folks run by chasing that mages familar we all forgot about, as we all goto look for it, RP takes a turn, as it comes to life on it own, maybe a evil char does something.

this is just a example of things we can do to remove work off the project team, and DM team. and if this happens everyday, which it can. then I don't know who would'nt want to logon more. just think of the things that would happen when a DM to take control of it.

why must a DM leave clues with the bounty idea? a player can do this just as well as a DM, bump into some one drop a clue in there pocket, Rp leaving it in there path, send them a tell about it, etc.

can call your self something like "the grey' and leave these clues that seem to be building up to the secrect of say the shadows, but then folks find out you did that just to get focus on your little game in the end. they might bonk you on the head or shake a finger at you but OOC everything would be fine.:)

Now I am not out right talking about scheduled events, like these festivals, and contest I see on the forums, talking about more spare of the moment stuff. stuff that makes me not want to logoff for fear of mising something that just Springs up!

social events are not what I am talking about there fun, but not very spicy.
talking about turning social events into spicy things, out right chaos. and a opening for evil chars to do something evil. while not harming anyone (unless that there goal) to get some sort of evil goal done.

General Discussion / Re: Ideas to "spice" things up
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:03:56 pm »
I feel less stuff on both's back is needed. The work need is to keep others having fun. that what this place is for. find ways to spice things up with out the DM team and project team then you found away to 'spice' things up.

we all know this place can be more fun if people work on the module and work hard, but there doing that al'ready at there max speed, if it is to slow for you to find things thrilling, then trying to find ways to spice things up on your own is it.

Think outside the box, most things on the server are craft, and monster bashing based. Lets try to avoid that to add a NEW fee, after all your not changing the flavor by adding more of the old, you just making it strong to choke on. ;)

Honestly I think a good place to start is a by gathering as much folks as we can and avoid monster bashing at all costs. a fevestival would be a great way to start, making plans for this while others get other idea's for it is always fun ands exciting nothing like a bunch of retarded orc chars coming to the fevestival and trying to ride the pony, nearly killing it the process or entering the pie eating contest and eating all the pies. ruining the fun for most chars IC, while they have a balst IC, and we all have a good laugh OOC.:D

General Discussion / Re: Ideas to "spice" things up
« on: May 21, 2007, 07:25:33 pm »
Quote from: kuchida

I think you're being unrealistic, especially for someone who hasn't been here long...  How many people do you meet in real life and suddenly make instant, deep connections?  You can't expect great role play between strangers, at least not consistently..  It's like real life..

Usually it's small talk and some activities together which lead to friendship.  In real life it might be talking about music or something, which would lead to going to a see a band together, which would lead to deep conversations about other things and becoming real friends.

In a game like this it's a casual "what do you do?" or "what do you craft" which would lead to a trip to gather something or bash something, which would lead to talking along the way, and then next thing you know the characters are good friends and involved in each other's dramas.  Or for that matter they may become enemies, or whatever else, but it's something that has to develop-- and it does, and it happens here all day every day.

That's how it seems to be at least and as far as I can tell there's plenty of that going on. If you don't see it then you haven't been here long enough. A lot of it can't be forced and has to happen organically (if someone comes up to me and starts telling me the story of their life, or a total stranger throws their drama in my face expecting me to react, I usually back away.)

Also.. And I don't know you, so this isn't about you at all but just a general comment to anyone.. But you have to be interesting and entertaining yourself to get it back from others.  If you're not getting player-player RP you may not be giving it either.

O.o yet I can meet people and be trusted enough to go slay trolls with them?
If trying to get players to RP is unrealistic I must not be on a RP server :\\

Think you did not bother to read much of what I said, both those things need less trust then to monster bash side by side with someone. I am not saying you need to do something, but I mean hey lets go monster bash is not RP. It nice watching folks RP there wounds,swinging there weapon,  and there chars funny acents, but it does not bring me much exitment. it not a very exciting thing. it a RPish thing but exciting it is not.

thank Pen N popper, I do get tired of the whole new your thing, when I have seen nothing new since day one, and I think after playing NWN for 5 years I am vet of monster bashing, that does not really change on any server.

I really think the best things we can do to "Spice things up" is do it ourselves and not trust our own fun in the hands of DM's they got enough to do and expecting more out of them is selfish, and unsupportive. If players made a effort to lead events, create important feeling events with out DM's on then I would be more inclined to logon when there are not DM's on( short logon for RP when there no DM's to hand it out), I have talked to others, and they feel the same way.

in fact after talking with them they want to help make it possible rather then bash it. Now it all good and gold for us to talk about what would be nice, and spice things up but lets do the things to spice them up.

best way to spice things up is find others willing talk/work it out with them, and make it possible not talk about it, best way to do this is remove factors that slow it down or delay it, such as the need for DM's, scripts, haks, or anything else that needs added to the module. Go the distance and be a leader, Create RP, create something you can control, and are allowed to do.  

The need for players to lead RP does not change no matter what server you goto that is why we are here to RP. Any DM will tell you, getting players to RP for themselves is the hardest thing of being a DM, because you can't be a Dm and do it because then your still leading/showing them with tools they don't have. You need leaders amoung the players.

General Discussion / Re: Ideas to "spice" things up
« on: May 21, 2007, 05:50:33 pm »
regardless of a DM being on, I still think stuff to do other then craft, and monster bash would be nice for when there not on, more RP things. the amount of time I have played, does not matter when it comes to things to do.

Keep in mind, the question was what would spice things up for you, that was my answer. and it not so much as something the DM's can fix, more so more experienced players.

Let me give you a Example of player based RP I am talking of. my frist day on one server, a player was helping me out hunted with me, etc. then he says. I must leave now Seek shamrock in the city, he can help you. so he logged onto his other char.

was walking around town. So I bumped into him, and the fella in bright green said he would show me around, and great was to make the gold I needed, but first I had to help him with a little job. then he gestured over to a drunk sleeping dwarf, a player afk with bottle around him. so after patting down the dwarf for what shamrock said was his own wallet, we when to the docks where I had to drop off a leter for him, once again pretty shady stuff, it got my char into a little bit of trouble. then I had to RP my way out of the misunderstanding with the local hero's. well after that the local hero's were more then willing to keep me from folks like shamrock and show me the ropes.

Not only was I having fun exploring the server, but I was also RPing, got in some trouble RPed my way out and was not a single DM on.

while monster bashing contest are nice, and area tornaments, archery contests, other mini games. there not really RP based.

Another example of what I mean was I was on my char and I RPed having a kid, the kid was missing and I swore it had to be the works of my archrival, trying to make me lose sleep before some big grand day I had for them to be able to beat me. well I confronted them with a group and we did the whole I know you did it, after a while they ran (full OK's and understanding from me and them to make it fun for all) and they led us on a wild goose chase lasting half the night. well when we catch them and everything and I am ready to have them arrested for kidnapping and the likes, a char walks up with the kid and says hi. "I do the whole your OK I so happy did he hurt you?" they look at me like I crazy and go we just went to go pick flowers far away did you not get the letter I left you under your bed?

When a few players agree to do these with a faviorable outcome for all, and make it somewhat conflict, makes the ones not in on it wonder, then you done a good job.

See what I mean? Just something more then "Hey lets go bash monsters would be nice." Don't really the DM's to logon more they logon enough and do there part, it up to the players to meet them half way the rest of the time, and keep things "spiced up"

I believe this was why we have 'World leaders' ;) .

General Discussion / Re: Ideas to "spice" things up
« on: May 21, 2007, 01:37:46 pm »
I think stuff that gets folks away from DM RP and Player based RP would be great, last night I thought perhaps I should take a break seems I logon, do some Hi how are you lets go bash thing social RP, then I get in massive bash groups and go grind XP, on little quests. Both tend to get old.

And the simple how are you, oh my name is dave, or hey nice to see you again, how is your crafting going. Also gets old. seems I meet other players to form endless alliances with them, to go bash things.

But I have not really seen much to push for player based RP. talk of the dark monsters is about it. :\\

Think Less things focusing on when a DM is on, and more focusing when there not. Because I play late, and I have noticed it often not worth logging on, due to not many on to group with, and pretty hard to find someone even to just say hi too.I often spend about a hour running between the main places, before noticing that I spent a hour not running into someone.

more things for when DM's are not on would probly get me to long on more.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Crashes after crashes
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:08:31 am »
seen it happen before and being move will fix it for you :)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:06:14 am »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
Thank you, Acacea, I couldn't find those.

Anyhow... I don't really see any negative opinions other than "easier to raise" and the argument about how much the object should weigh.
the wieght is pre done, and can be to the amount the char was carrying you had 340 stones of 380 that char weighs 340 stones. they no arguing the weight because that how much they did weigh. as you said there not much standing in the way I just see work being done as it, and I fully understand that which is why I said I will handle all that and send it in for someto just put in to a test copy and try it.

only thing I really see is if it so great why don't we already have it? I would say the work, and the problems of working one out testing it getting the bugs out. but that what you have me for :)  I can make it work just like it supose to. First time the right way.

Ask a few that came over with me, I can handle it, and the system works perfectly. from what I saw of those topics they just died, off in the busyness of fixing other things.  if anyone has question you can MSN me, the idea is easy, but putting it in takes some work other wise every server would have it, but I am willing to do a great deal of the work.:)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Movable Corpses
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:01:23 am »
Thanks for the links, I don't see any argument to it, just not much response probly because they have other things to work on and, it does require work. Now the server they talked about with it working right, and the raise dead graphic, and the coprse that probly my old server we were the first, server to have such a system, and most others did not so great copy's. For example there no bug with trading. I can hand you the body and you will be fine.

I can promise a few things I can do the work,  I can make it 100% not buggy. I can even setup a script for it as well for the temples to raise folks for a price, perfectly everytime that can be added to the coversation.

One nice thing of this, and it is mainly for new players. I goto the kobold I die with my group it 5 am, instead of me getting upset and logging, I can simply wait they can drag me out take the corpse to a temple, and have it raised for a costly price.

But I am happy, I am alive, and we can continue.

it adds a much more real effect then not being able to lift a body when I can lift a shield. it applys the weight. A good death system is pretty key to a server for new players, it one thing they look at when they first play because when your knew you plan on dieing alot.

it takes away nothing from the world, and add's a bit more touch of 'realisticness'

only thing I see a stone in the path so to speak, is the fact it takes work. Well I am willing to handle all of it, and send it in for you just to add, once you have it in the first module you just export, then import it into the rest done and done.

You don't lose any cost of Layo's death system the risk's of dying are still there. And it allows players to do more when there are no DM's on, being a late night player this is nice for me. it also makes the need for dm's for this no longer need and a DM can focus on more important things like killing the person dragging the corpse, then moving it for them.

Now I know folks said they think it would be nice and explained a few details of it, but I am the guy that has this, and it the orginal and the one know's works for sure. no bugs, no problems, perfectly everytime. And what more could you want then someone else doing the work, and being able to know they can get it back to you working 100% and fully able to be tested?

there alot of checks to make sure there nothing like 2 corpses always onlyone, there no way to avoid staying dead, your dead.... not even a reset because well layo says your location, but also the default starting area can have a script that if some how they get sent the the defualt starting area and have the death token, they get shot back right away.

we used this system for over 4 years, never a problem. if you wish to test it I am all for it, I ask you to try and break it, or find away around it.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Limiting Pawnshop Buying
« on: May 18, 2007, 05:25:57 pm »
From keep the ear to the ground this is a porblem I know MANY, OLD NWN face, it often one of the leading factors when they decide to do a wipe why they did one, it becomes that big of a problem with no simple answer.

The best way I know to deal with this? Make crafting a few things harder and make it to where you have to trade in lesser crafting goods to make a bigger one, like it takes 5 swords of light to make one sword of very brightness. thus making players use there resources. Or you can make things called gears, pullie, etc parts of things that use resoruces to make to make things.

Another good way to help and can be done right away with no time being taken from the builders, head and other busy folks. Is for players to sell there goods. I don't care what it is but if you sit there and RP trying to sale it I will probly by in in support of what your doing, and then I will look for a item you saling that I can use.

I find this works the best. because I am sure the poor builds don't need anymore work when the players can help out.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Where can I
« on: May 18, 2007, 05:15:10 pm »
I would worry more about module space then lag with placables. I been told there been problems with module space. But you can switch odd things like that extra barrel in a shop, that is there for looks with a sign, you do that in each shop in each city you got your self a few signs.;)

Thing I see as being the problem with this is time. Sure we can all guess where would be a good place to put a sign, but in a big module in the toolset you get alot of load times, and finding the area your looking for. just putting 10-20 signs through the whole module can take a hour.

when things become a matter of time you look at what aids the community the most for the least amount of time first.

most things in a module can be worked around, it is all about the time the nice folks that do the work for free put into it.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Where can I
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:42:34 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
Still a couple roadsigns might be nifty if only at the crossroads (Krandor this way, Silkwood Forest that way, etc.)

Warning beware of wolves?

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