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Messages - Cinnabar

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
Forum Bugs / Re: PM box suggestion
« on: June 30, 2010, 09:39:30 am »
Quote from: RollinsCat
I'd like to request that sent items be allowed to be saved as well as received pm's.

Being able to put sent items into folders would be great, even if they can't be put in folders which hold received items.

Rumour Has It / Re: Lor
« on: June 24, 2010, 12:34:57 pm »
Caerwyn steps up to greet Argali, speaking quietly to her, "K'azrg our', Haartwarden."  He flashes her a private smile, before turning to survey the cadets and then addresses them in a voice loud enough to be heard by all.  

"As Miss Argali mentioned, I'm here to offer you all some guidance in the use of various bows. She's quite correct:  Archery is dangerous;  it's supposed to be.  The trick is to only have it be dangerous to something you intend to hit.  So, Safety Rule #1:  Never point a bow at anything you don't intend to shoot;  once an arrow takes flight, you can't call it back!"  Caerwyn looks to each of the eight or so cadets to make sure that registered well, receiving the requisite nods from each.  

"We'll start today with the standard bow."  He unshoulders his own hunting longbow, which fairly glows from decades of careful oiling.  "The first thing to know about any bow is how to string and unstring one."  He sets the lower bow tip on the floor, slides his right foot up against it, steps through the bow with his left leg, and, pressing down hard on the upper arm of the bow, levers it over his hip.  He lifts the string out of the upper nock, before slowly releasing the pressure on the bow.  Reversing  the process, Caerwyn demonstrates the bow's restringing.  

"Now this bow is fairly powerful and a little tall for some of you."  A wry smile crosses his face as he takes note of the number of dwarven cadets in the room.  "So, I've made a few of lighter draw weight for you to use here."  He pulls back a tarpaulin covering a table in the hall to reveal a small collection of oaken bows, both long and short.  "I didn't know how many to expect, which means that you'll have to share for today.  I'll try to make enough more before our next session, for each of you to have your own.  It's important that you each learn with your own bow, as they all have a slightly different feel."  

"Alright, let's see each of you try to string and unstring one then."  One by one, they step forward and he supervises each individual attempt, giving small advice and encouragement, as needed.  One of the dwarven cadets, a girl, strides forward full of confidence and shakes her head when Caerwyn offers her a short bow, as he has with the other dwarves.  "I can handle a large one, just fine.", she insists.  He shrugs and hands her a longbow, watching, surprised, as she actually manages to string it, though with great effort.  "Pretty good", he nods to her.  "Now, imagine yourself running through the forest after some quarry, with something that much taller than you in your hand.  Is your clearly well placed pride really worth tripping over it?"  She shakes her head in understanding and looks down.  "Go ahead and unstring it now."  She follows the example given perfectly but, as she releases the pressure after removing the string, the bow bounces out of her hand and clatters to the floor.  "There, let that be a lesson for all of you.", he addresses the cadets.  "Any bow you can't conveniently string and unstring is a bow that's too much.  Better to choose a bow that you can handily use."  

"It's alright", he speaks to the dwarven girl quietly, "I'm amazed that you were able to string that bow in the first place, Miss...?."  "Dordis", she replies, still somewhat abashed.  "Ah, yes.", he nods, "Your name precedes you. You're a sailor of some note I hear."  "Yes Sir!", she says enthusiastically, her confidence returning.  "Well, now you'll learn to be an archer too.", he smiles.  

Turning back to the cadets at large, Caerwyn speaks up.  "I know you all want to shoot, and we'll finish with that today."  He looks to one of the dwarven boys.  "Gunder, is it? Would you turn those bales around for us."  "Yessir", the lad replies smartly.  "Since we're just starting out, let's not pepper parchement today. Besides, in the field, few of your intended targets will have convenient circles painted on them", he chuckles.  "Later on we'll get to precision, which is where targets will be useful as a metric."  He paces off 25 steps back from the center bale, after Gunder has turned them round, and draws a chalk line on the floor.  Gripping his own hunting bow, Caerwyn takes his stance on the line and nocks a plain bronze tipped arrow.  "Do yourselves a favor and avoid using what's called the 'pinch grip'."  He turns to demonstrate, before resuming his standard three finger grip on the string.  "It's easier at first, but you'll want to unlearn it later."   He then moves slowly, talking through each of the steps of the draw, before he lets fly, skewering the bale.  "Alright, one at a time then.  Let's see what you each can do, with a flight of five."  As each shooter steps to the line, Caerwyn hands them a strung bow appropriate to their size.  For each shot, he hands them a single arrow, making note of their stance, grip, and draw, saying little other than to address issues of safety.  Most manage at least a few into the bale, with any errant arrows, skidding across the floor or smacking into the far wall, happily a stone one.

Caerwyn speaks gently to the last shooter, a tall, lanky, perhaps human, girl with waist-length red hair, as she steps up to the line. "You don't say much, Miss."  "Oh that's Ginny Reath, she's quiet.", booms Gunder.  Caerwyn turns to the cadets in general and says in a soft voice, "Some of the best archers are."  "Go ahead and take your shots, Miss Reath."  As all her arrows hit the bale, three of them close to the middle, he nods approvingly and offers her a small smile and a knowing wink.  

"Next week, we'll work on technique and increase our distance. See you all then."  Caerwyn collects the arrows, discarding the damaged ones and unstrings the bows before putting them away.

Just for Fun / Re: This must be old, but still I have to say...
« on: June 08, 2010, 07:05:45 pm »
Old?? OMG, by set design and wardrobe, this must be from the late 60s or early 70s *laughs*

I see Andy Kaufman more than Rowan Atkinson, in the facial expressions and body language, but it's a close call ;)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: AA's Arrows of death
« on: June 04, 2010, 05:41:04 pm »
Two things:

1) The suggestion is to make the DC 20+1/AA level. Does that mean a DC of 30 when the ability is first available, or a DC of 21 and then going up by 1/AA level from there?

2) This is a great idea/balancer if it can be accomodated in the mechanics.

Quote from: Jilseponie Wyndon
If it makes the DC save, let 'em bleed until healed by Kit/spell/potion.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Aa's Arrows of death
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:09:47 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
How many times a day does the AA get an "Arrow of Death"?

1x/day (and it doesn't look like that increases w/ further levels)

Just for Fun / Re: Totally NOT Layonara Related...
« on: May 17, 2010, 07:44:59 pm »
Wing Commander (1999) David Warner, Jurgen Prochnow, David Suchet, Saffron Burrows IMDb link

Space movie w/ combat sequences reminicent of WWII submarine and carrier engagements

General Discussion / Re: Disapearing oxen
« on: April 23, 2010, 11:34:04 pm »
Quote from: cbnicholson
Anyone else have thier ox disapear without a trace?  I went to the dealer prepared to pay to have mine found and dragged back and he acts like I don't have one, which I know is bogus.

Ditto. Annwyl Cadi's ox, Alexander, was stashed safely in Hlint (right beneath Captain Nefzen) and is now nowhere to be found. (IIRC Hlint is a no PvP area)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Seeking 2 Designer Rings.
« on: April 12, 2010, 12:00:36 pm »

I have one of those rings spare, if that would help. I can be reached through Lady Calise at the Temple in Hlint.

~ Annwyl Cadi

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Poster in the Vehl Tradehall
« on: March 24, 2010, 04:24:37 pm »
* A tall man in green and brown leathers, caped and cowled,  looks at the poster, before turning to the armored man. *

"Seems clear enough to me. *shrugs* Two rings desired: Bulls and Cats. Though in what strength, and on what budget, is still a bit foggy."

* He chuckles as he turns to the giant. * "I think my guild can help you there."

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Flynn's Dusty Storage Chest
« on: March 22, 2010, 08:33:07 pm »

I am interested in the chainmail. I am fairly sure it is what I seek.

~ Annwyl Cadi

//Cobalt? Could you post/PM me the stats?

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Re: The Artist
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:07:33 pm »
* Lacking any skill whatsoever with the Al'Noth, Annwyl can only lend her faith and devotion to Andrew's prayer, as she stands beside him. She holds onto his hand tightly and places her other over her own charm at her heart.*

IIRC, there is an arrow that causes (temporary) blindness "Shoot the Moon" (available in drops).

General Discussion / Re: Isherwood and Co.
« on: February 03, 2010, 05:45:26 pm »
Phoenix came by to let us know that you'd dropped and later again to drop a portal so we weren't stuck in Homestead forever :) As far as I know everybody portalled out.

Rumour Has It / Re: Pranzt Patrol attacked!
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:32:17 pm »
* After fighting giants to the east of Corax Lake, Laaren and Annwyl come across a pair of smoldering footprints, for lack of a better word, their maker long gone. Laaren asks for guidance from their Heartsong, but can determine little other than that the fires were not natural. The pair proceed to Vale, to report what they found. *

Layonara Server / Re: Layonara Team Applications Now Open!
« on: January 31, 2010, 01:24:37 pm »
1.What position are you applying for? (Gamemaster or LORE team member) LORE team member.

2. How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been an active community member in good standing for at least four months to qualify. Nearly 2 years (joined February 2008 ).

3. Why do you want to be a GM or LORE team member in Layonara? I'd like to contribute to the ever growing world of Layonara, a place where I get much enjoyment;  I think my efforts could help expand the enjoyment of others.
4. What characteristics make you well suited to the position of GM/LORE team member? A great deal of my professional career was spent as a Systems Engineer, designing avionics components and systems for the military. This involved working with both the customer and large development teams to resolve (often conflicting) requirements of mission, environment, technology, and cost into a cohesive design.  As such, I have a practiced eye for both detail and consistency and am very used to working in collaboration with people of differing perspectives and disciplines.  I'm also a life-long student of history, with all the cross-referencing which that entails, and have both played and DMed PnP D&D, off an on, for 30 years.  I'm passingly knowledgeable of the published contents of LORE, though I'm certainly no expert.

5. Please read through the GM/LORE team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. In light of these obligations, what other responsibilities (either Layonara-related or real life) could affect your Team performance and how would you balance these? My RL schedule is somewhat flexible, though I envision my prime hours for contributing to the work on LORE to be in the late night hours here (Central TZ US, GMT -6/-5).
6. Are you a member of any other Layonara teams? If so and you are accepted as a GM/LORE team member, how do you plan to balance your new role and your current role? No. N/A

10. Please describe your English writing and editing skills, and any relevant experience you have with proofreading and/or Wikis. Most of the products of my professional work were System Requirements Specifications, System Design Documents, and technical proposals.  These documents describe complex concepts to a widely diverse audience in a manner suitable for review, approval, and use.  I'm quite experienced in proof-reading and am very familiar with soft-copy markup as a group editing process.  I have no experience with Wiki Markup itself, but am confident I can learn in short order.  

11. How much time per week do you have to devote to LORE editing? 4+ hours a week.

Quote from: Alazira
The buffs were due to Zira and Ben.. heh.. We walked by and saw you alone... then you piffed.


Thank you. :)

Oddly enough, Annwyl who had been stable there at the entrance to the moors also crashed (while standing still, btw) after Silver-Draco had tried logging Xanya in many times. When I loggedback in, Annwyl arrived suddenly  buffed w/ Bull's Strength, Stoneskin, and Elemental Resistance. :\\ Annwyl's back out now but Xanya's still stuck in limbo.

General Discussion / Re: Note concerning the quest series, The Artist.
« on: January 27, 2010, 03:06:27 pm »
Saturday the 6th is fine.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Equipment sought.
« on: January 22, 2010, 08:31:51 pm »
* A note is appended to one of the postings *

I believe the Orc Basher's Guild can fulfill these needs. Please seek out myself or Lance Stargazer and we will see you outfitted. We do have a policy of advancing equipment on credit.

~ Caerwyn Ahrail'lan

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Seeking Casting Molds
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:49:07 am »

Your box of medium casting molds is ready, at your next convenience.

~ Annwyl Cadi

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