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Messages - HooD!uM

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Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / RE: Dezza - Canislupis
« on: May 10, 2005, 09:53:00 pm »
id like to request a cdq (maybe more) for Grimgore. Plz PM if you can accept this.

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Rouge Armour
« on: May 07, 2005, 11:54:00 am »
whats the diference in red armour and rouge armour plz?

General Discussion / RE: Drow Debating
« on: May 02, 2005, 03:46:00 pm »
aye kurumba!...ive nbeen up for 24 hours now waiting for my submisson to be eyes are so sore, now i know what a drow would feel :/ But at First i though the same as ZV, it would be in their gene, but i guess living a century on the surface, maybe the pain isint so bad after awhile? Yes! i like being difficult!

My Eyes! Tha Goggles, They do nothing!

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Diary of Kelis
« on: March 16, 2005, 02:41:00 am »
got attacked today...inside Hlint, by a damn Mummy!!! How in the nine hells did he manage to pass the guards to roam into town and into the very inn? He killed many patrons, and a few adventurers. Before he left she said something like "A shall have all this", or something like that. Cant really remember was half passed out from the disease it inflicted apon my body. But im sure he will return, there was a strangeness about that one.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Diary of Kelis
« on: March 14, 2005, 12:56:00 am »
I have been adventuring with a Wizard named Ramanon of late. A Shadowly figure described at best. Perhaps he has his reason, i do not doubt that alot of people around here hide hidden demons. We often hunt local areas of creatures to fight. Ever since i left my brothers i feel so alive, so independant. The feeling i get from defeating monsters and the like is nothing i have ever felt. Its like a lust that i cannot satisfy. Ramanon, or Rama as  i call him told me i have potential...potental for what? I didnt push the subject. Maybe he will share this with me at a later date, perhaps never.
         I still try to hunt down information of this world and of this sinthar Bloodstone. But when  i left my home it was to battle against him. To find a organization, to join their ranks to battle his foe. But since recent events im not to sure if besting him is so grand a thing. So i stand now neutral to this ensuring war, thou i may still fight with the forces against him, more of a challenge for myself than to any flag of mistone. And perhaps their is a Group that have my feelings towards these event or similar ones. Time will tell.

Layonara Server / RE: Trees in Sielwoods
« on: March 08, 2005, 12:23:00 pm »
dont worry about them treees...ive had the same feelings about them when i first saw them, but u will manage..when ur char is stronger it wont bother you will just plow through whatever is in seilwood easily enough....cant expect L and the team to fix this, they have their soup bowls full atm..

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 20, 2005, 12:48:00 pm »
Must be weird magics roaming the berhagen area these past few days, and it seems to affect my fellows Golems. Thou mindless at creation, these ones had a mind of their own, even to the point of talking! I must admit it brought a smile to my lips to see a clay and stone golem talk about who was mightier....

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 10, 2005, 07:03:00 pm »
Spellguard has fallen into drow hands! How can this be? I heard that many powerful mages live in this settlement. I went with another two warriors last night to confirm this, alas its true. We were overwhelmed with spiders and the dark elven. Ive even gone a few shades darker, cursed mage *Rubs her neck, the mark of the spider still resides on her neck*. I must find answers....

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 08, 2005, 07:54:00 pm »
Its wonderful to see people enter this area to cull these undead. Ive met a few mighty warriors, and a few odd ones to. There was Liam Blackbeard the ranger, Armon Eartu, a well mannered mage named Rananon, a Gnome by the name of Nalue, and a cheeky little goblin that called itself Grizel. This group invited me to go on a expedition through the berhagen mountains. Giant country i was told. The day went well, many Giants were slayed during our travelling. But things were about to change. On our way back through the mountains, we encountered some sort of creature. It looked similar to a shark, but with legs. This was a hard fight for it seemed not to concerned with the blows of our weapons. But in the end it was put to rest. I dont like the killing of creatures, but sometimes it comes down to them or us, a shame really.
      The next encounted suprised us greatly, we were ambushed by Giants. I knew this to be odd as the Giant leading them was already in the throws of casting a spell. The battle was fierce, he took heavy casualties. Poor Rananon fell hard. Little Grizel and Liam ran towards town with this Giant chasing behind them, swinging his massive maul over his head. It would be an amusing sight, if we werent in dire aid. Alas the giant escaped thou Armon was eager to find him, thou we managed to keep him in restraint. Theres a time and place, and surely this was not it, also we had to take Rananon to a temple. He is fine now, a concussion at worst. I guess he will be resting the next few days till he gets his strenght back. I returned to hope, with the image of that great giant in my mind. Perhaps oneday i will help Armon find this one, then again perhaps not.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 08, 2005, 07:33:00 pm »
I came across a town called Hope. I have now decided i shall stay here and help the locals deal with the dangers in this region. A fitting name in these bleak times, Hope, the one word to seperate victory over evil and deafeat to chaos.
    My first step is to cull the undead that roam the forest just outside town, these it seem is easier said than done, for no matter how many  i slay, there seems to be abundance more. Perhaps over time we may find the source of this undead scourge.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Journal of Faile - Druid of Toran
« on: February 08, 2005, 07:24:00 pm »
I met a young boy named Tom today. He was dirty, and well, smelled worst than he looked. After an hour of trying to calm him down, i managed to take him outside hlint and bathe him. I can see he has been through alot, the bruises and scabs on his back and side confirmed this. He healing balm should take care of the scars on the outside, Alas it will not repair the ones he carry deep inside his soul.

Ask A Gamemaster / server ips
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:48:18 am »

arghh cant find the server ips..nwn wont bring up any servers at all

Ask A Gamemaster / list of characters
« on: October 25, 2013, 12:32:49 am »
hi guys, is there a list of what characters a user already has on his account? if so can someone link it to me? i cant seem to find it myself. cheers

Ask A Gamemaster / Tavern to be built in fort Miritrix
« on: June 02, 2010, 03:20:01 am »
Torroc is considering opening a tavern in fort Miritrix and wonders how to get around doing this..does he have to buy a house as per Links post a little further down the threads here or is it a whole new ballgame? thank you.

Fixed Bugs / Death domain - negative plane avatar
« on: March 04, 2010, 08:57:20 pm »
Description: As it states in LORE " the cleric is able to summon a shadow that gains in power as the cleric advances in levels". From lvl one to lvl 6 this shadow has not lvled at starts out at lvl 3 at cleric lvl 1 but has not gained anything while my cleric has leveled, even its stats are the same by cleric level 6.

Location: Death domain

Verified: by me at this time

Reproducable: im guessin yes

Fixed Bugs / Evards black tenticle's
« on: February 14, 2010, 11:15:35 pm »
Description: the spell dose not state you need any spell component to cast it, yet once you do, it fails because you do not have any octopus tencticles.

Location:  in my spellbook :P

Verified: my me , yep

Reproducable: yep

Just for Fun / Talisman the boardgame has a new corner piece coming out!!!
« on: February 12, 2010, 04:07:00 am »
heh im a big fan of Talisman the boardgame...and only recently (hmm ok a couple years ago then) my girl bought me the 4th Edition of this awesome game. And as any geek would when it comes to something they like they get all the goodies that comes with i found out the 2nd boarder map for this great game will be coming out its time to pester the missus once again to let me spend my own money to pre-order this...* walks away muttering*

Just for Fun / EDTHEKET is from the netherlands
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:47:21 am »
now im wondering if he was ever one of them c64 game crackers hehe (alot of them were from the Netherlands, germany etc etc) :)

Trade and Market Hall / 12 ingots of iron needed
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:37:14 pm »
i be looking for someone to supply me with twelve ingots of iron, no more, no less

   i can be contacted in the tavern in fort Vehl

  *signed* Torroc.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Epic spell : Mummy dust
« on: February 06, 2010, 08:48:34 pm »
As this spell is: Mummylord Stats:

LORE: Epic Spell: Mummy Dust

being the way layonara is at this time, many things chew through +1 amour..which is basically adamantium, especially at epic lvls, heck even the giants in the wandering dune caves have +2 weapons i could we possibly get the +1 soak 5 DR pumped up a little and the DC of the poison raised as well? Being a epic spell it really looks underpowered compared to the way layo is setup to.

just a  thought.

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