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Messages - General_Ski

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Development Journals and Discussion / Raj Whitehall and his times
« on: July 22, 2005, 05:04:00 pm »
The master dwarf, to whom I was apprenticed, has recieved good news. He has been selected to head the mining in caves near Haven keep.
We have arrived to Haven Keep. Alas, the place has been beset by ogres. My master gave me my leave, while he went to Berhagen to whistle up some dwarven help. I headed out to explore. Passed by a lake. Stopped there for the night. Fell asleep. Had a very disturbing dream. Woke up.. And I was at the town gates..

Arrived to Hlint just before sunrise. Seems to be a small quiet town at first. Met a few strangers, some of whom refused to remove their hoods, when conversing with me. I found this rude, but have decided to wait my hand since one of them, I think it was a she, by the sound of her voice, mentioned there were recent troubles, and that this town can be rather intolerant of strangers. Having no arms, I'v visited a shop. Bought my self a studded leather. Lacking knowledge about local dangers, I did buy a large shield and a war hammer. One can never go wrong with a hammer. Although am able to wield weapons dual handed, that double sword looked tempting at first, I could not risk spending most of my savings on it. Thus, I will stick with a hammer for now...

Fixed Bugs / Dwarven axes, don's seem to be possible to craft
« on: July 13, 2005, 10:42:00 am »
Quick question, I know only dwarves can craft dwarven axes. But when my elf character examined the requirments to craft a dwarven axe, it also required 10 copper ingots, 1 hickory shaft, a large molding and being a dwarf. Now I am wondering, how can one fit 10 ignots on an anvil that allows maximum of 6 or so... Is that a known issue or is it because I was examining it with an elf character?

Just an idea, replace the disarm feat, since disarm does not work vs npcs with knockdown feat, obviously that should raise prices for whips greatly or just add knockdown feat.  I mean after all a whip can snap arounda leg and trip, when pulled. Since whip does not do much damage, no one uses them and I find whips to be really cool weapons.. Also I have not seen whips in the crafting system, albeit I cannot claim to have explored CNR fully. But I find the idea of knocking down flaming or freezing or acid whips interesting... Just a thought.

A weapon that heals the attacked target on hit. Terrifying against undead. Gives living a chance to back off without a fight. In line with Aeridin's teachings. Probably valid for staffs only. Since true followers Aeridin would be using non-maming weapons. And a staff is made from living tissue a tree, so may have healing powers, unlike metal.

Wild Surge Inn / Small note attached to a poster, for Bruenar
« on: July 07, 2005, 07:58:00 am »
Bruenar. This is the stranger, who setup a deal with you a few days back, shinies for the fruit of your labors. I got the shinies now...
Ugly Elf

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Armor/weapon crafting by products
« on: July 01, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
Should it not be possible if a crafting of a weapon or armor fails, to smelt the messed up result into an ingot? especially since it takes quiet a few ingots to try to make a product, so if once does not succeed, it should theoretically be possible to smelt 1 or 2 biproducts into an ingot. What do you think? Everyone is welcome to comment.

Recently there have been heard rumors floated around Hlint, of an unholy alliance of Mist and Pyrtechon. As a follower of Aeridin that worries me since there can be no peace and alliance with Pyrtechon, mortal enemy of Aeridin. Sides may have begun to shift... I shall pay for any evidence that can be provided to prove or disprove this gossip. Pay can be negotiated, albeit I can't afford to pay much at this point.  Contact me in Hlint.
Aevornii ul Direwood,
the balding elf, with a quarterstaff and a ring in his nose.

Master dwarves, ye are known for being master craftsmen and smiths. Could you enlighten a grubbing amateur, on what can be crafted out of tin.

Week One:
Aeridin as my witness, this has been a tough week,
Having mixed up the directions given to me, I have made it into the township of Hlint. And have not been able to find the forester, the priests of Aeridin have sent me to train with. I have failed as a priest. Now I am failing as a forester. I guess the only bright side that remains is my ability to handle my staff. Unfortunately, it has improved at a staggered pace, leaving a lot more to desire, as I keep soulsearching after several unsuccessful forays into the goblin camp, located in a cave, just west of Hlint, having been tasked by a local merchant to attempt to relieve the constant attacks on travelers and caravans. Still I have accomplished a few things on the way, as far as hunting for the pelts, a local furs dealer tasked me with.. Bah.. I forget his name. It is difficult, with so much sole reflection and goblins on my mind, leaves little room for much else. I also assisted in the recovery of tax books, and was bidden to keep quet about it. Undertaker, has tasked me with recovering the essense of a lesser dark soul. For once I was able to follow Aeridin's tenants to a letter, and have dispatched a number of those whose life has been unnaturally extended beyond death. My quarterstaff proved to be a reliable weapon in that darkness. Still chills of vile hands of undeath pursue me... I may yet return to that place to insure that undead do not trouble Hlint.
Of course I read, some scrolls on forging and woodcrafting, have caught my mind. By Aeridin, all living things should be of my concern, but I cannot help and wonder about other things I read. I see now the insight of the priests, sending me away, helped. However, still, I do not see forest as my calling, except I harvest honey some times, and dig clay, clearly not tasks behooving a good, well intentioned elf. It's just things've changed inside me, since I have seen us, elves banished from the land and Direwood. Something became unhinged... I still attempt to follow the tenets of Aeridin. All life is sacred, yet so much evil has befallen local lands. I attempt discretion, yet knocked on the ground, goblins do not flee. They stay and fight attempting to destory all those that they meet... I use my staff, defend myself... Still, kill and maim... Focusing on this skill with staff allows to forget, the raging darkness that envelops land, whose loud cries of help beset my mind, yet fall on the death ears of most others, who are to nature blind...
Aevornii ul Direwood
After being ambushed by Goblins, in an attempt to keep the roads safe.

Layonara Server / Spell continues to affct after respawn
« on: June 26, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
My character Aevornii Ul Direwood, seems teo be affected by some spell after respawn, resting and healer can't help. Relogin did not help. All my stats are red and way below where they should be. making my char illegal. :(

Wild Surge Inn / Large, neatly crafted poster.
« on: June 26, 2005, 09:41:00 am »
A merchant in Hlint has notified me that Goblins have began raiding and pillaging his trading caravans. This cannot continue. For Hlint to grow as a town a persistant trade is a must. Therefore I propose to organize a massive counter raid into goblin territor. It has been rumored that the caves, where goblins have based their operations are filled with usefule minerals and ores. Therefore any miners are welcome to join the expedition, thus also contributing to the mercantile affecting Hlint.
Signed, loyal servant of Aeridin Aevornii Ul Direwood.

Fixed Bugs / Tieflings do not seem to get the dark vision feat
« on: June 25, 2005, 07:12:00 am »
Dark vision feat is not listed as a tieafling posessed feat in the character sheet. Darkness is there so are the other benefits. Elves have low light vision feat listed, shadow dancers have their dark vision feat listed... I think it's a bug. And I am pretty sure  dark vision does not work for tieflings.

Wild Surge Inn / Small, neatly scribbled note.
« on: June 24, 2005, 12:41:00 pm »
Self appointed, temporary sanitation services of Hlint, requires protective escort services, while sanitizing the sewers. Pay five golds per rat skin. Must escort the sanitizing supervizor, through the rat infestation area. Will pay 40 golds, if tax book is recovered in the process and provided to the Great Sanitizer.
This is a one time offer, expiring on recovery of tax books.
Garmus the Great Sanitizer

General Discussion / Question about duelist
« on: June 24, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
I was somewhat confused by the description, on one hand being duelist demands a rapier weapon focus, on the other, it mentions any light weapons. So which is it? Can anyone shed some light on it for me please?

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