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Messages - Eorendil

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General Discussion / Row and Eor Presents: POSTPONED
« on: February 14, 2010, 01:43:57 pm »
Due to erratic network issues that we've been experiencing this weekend.  We've postponed the quest until next Saturday.  As there is always a chance of mortality on our quests we'd hate to be disconnected and return to one or several total party wipes... or perhaps be unable to return for an extended period of time.

See you next week and Have Fun!

~Eor and Row

Layonara Server / TenTokens: POSTPONED
« on: September 25, 2009, 06:57:45 pm »
Sorry guys but I'm not feeling up to running this evening.  There's a good chance between being simply exhausted and fighting off this migraine that I will likely pass out before the quest was scheduled to begin..  Anyway, have fun and we'll rescheduled this for as soon as possible.


Rumour Has It / Shadows at the Gates
« on: September 21, 2009, 10:49:25 am »
Reports of a swarm of shadowy creatures assaulting the docks of Fort Vehl filter through Mistone.  Though the attack was short lived rumors insist that the shadows were expelled by a large black cloud chasing a ship.  

Lives were lost but it could have been much worse.  A group of individuals reportedly fought hard against the onslaught but made for the open sea, apparently with intent to pursue.  

The Fort Vehl guard and Church of Rofirein are seeking information regarding the attack.

Admirers of the late Arkolio swear that if he were still alive such an attack would not go unanswered.

Rumour Has It / Dragonstealers captured... ?
« on: September 17, 2009, 04:51:31 pm »
Rumors spread faster than bad news that a number of dragonstealers were captured and are being held in For Llast.  Some claim that half a regiment were sacrificed to bring them in.  Others insist that they were brought in single handed.  Still others claim that they let themselves be caught as part of some sinister plan.....

Who knows?

The Dragon Storm Campaign / IC: The Capture of some snakes
« on: September 13, 2009, 06:05:10 pm »
This is an IC thread for those involved in the impromptu capture of three cultists this weekend.  RP anything you wish between yourselves, make plans, state intentions, etc.  We'll get to the interrogations.

If you stayed, please go to Group Membership and request membership to the TenTokens group.  Inside there are threads for each group, aptly named Caution, Bait and Detectives.  The information and interaction within those threads may prove invaluable though please to not cross post or use information from other groups unless you have consulted me.

Bait's session is set for this Friday on the calendar.

Thank you,

General Discussion / Disturbing the Waters
« on: July 14, 2009, 11:53:23 am »
Disturbing the Waters, this Friday, is now available for signup on the calendur

Please RP here any followup actions or your intent or direction now that this is done.

Word can be sent to those far away and those capable of faster means of travel and communication may do so.

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Gulnyr!
« on: July 07, 2009, 11:53:47 am »
Hope your day is everything you want it to be and more.


Rumour Has It / A Night of Thousand Screams
« on: June 30, 2009, 01:21:11 pm »
News on the trade lanes and in bardic circles indicates that hundreds of citizens of the Port city Hurm fell victim to a plague of shadows on a night not so far gone.  More recent news indicates that since that night the trade lanes in and out of the city and perhaps the city itself have returned to its familiar ways.

Some city officials, while pleased with the current clean state of the city, have been said to lament the loss of free labor in the streets.  Schmedrhi, a street vendor noted for his specialty, meat pies, had this to say, "I should clean more often.  You can even eat off these plates now."

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Hurix Salvation
« on: June 27, 2009, 05:20:55 pm »
Those headed for Hurix need to confer regarding your schedule.  The proposed time is next Thursday at 6 GMT.  The day is open so if there is any time that will work that day, excellent.  Else, lets compare schedules and we will try and fit it so that as many can attend as possible.  If we need to schedule for the Saturday after next then that's what we'll do.


General Discussion / ATTENTION The Death is in the Details - delayed
« on: June 19, 2009, 06:56:49 pm »
I got out of work late tonight and am going to be starting an hour behind schedule.  If this causes a problem please let me know...

Thank you,


General Discussion / Death is in the Details Quest
« on: June 17, 2009, 12:47:57 pm »
For those on my Death is the Details quest that have not done so please go HERE and join the Ten Tokens Group if you would like to take part in the outside quest discussion and information gathering.

Thank you,

Just for Fun / What a Half-Life movie should look like
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:13:12 am »
Most people probably know or have played half-life but even if you're not familiar you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this.

Half Life Movie

Note: Keep watching after the first one is over...

Rumour Has It / Spic and Span
« on: June 01, 2009, 09:54:50 am »
Hurm is, perhaps, a shining example of how to not be a shining example but things get done. In fact things seem to be getting done a lot lately and with extreme attention to detail. Those visiting the city recently will have noticed that the streets are progressively cleaner, the guard dressed daily in clean and crisply maintained uniforms... even Red Bear's men seem to be acutely aware of their appearance. Merchant stalls are stacked neatly with produce in some form or fashion and even the beggars or their filth seems somehow orderly.

Tattered or significantly worn ships have been stopped in their dealings in order that the merchandise and even the ship itself can be set straight before any business can be reached.  Some who refused may even have been turned away or had their ship and cargo confiscated.  Needless to say the shipping lanes and ports are a'buzz about it.

Despite the difference much of what went on before still seems the norm. They just seem to be going about business very.. very differently....

Rumour Has It / Dragon Attacks on Southern Mistone
« on: April 04, 2008, 12:44:11 pm »
Word spreads like fall fires.. merchant caravans, settlements and patrols have all been set upon by a large dragon that seems to be marauding here and there across the continent in a maddened, and some say injured, state.

More and more lost lives are attributed to these attacks as reports of charred caravans and homes trickle in... some even saying they smelled not of sulphur but of sharp fumes that would make your chest hurt at the slightest whiff.

Guards are on alert and even in Hempstead and Vehl extra lookouts and partols are set up.

Rumour Has It / Mariner's Hold
« on: March 15, 2008, 07:15:53 pm »
Amidst vicious rumor of Trade Companies taking over and secret back door deals Mariner's hold has ground to a standstill.  Some boats wait off shore to deliver or gather their cargo... while every boat is searched and taken inventory of for the  new tariffs and taxes on trade... Merchants and vessels in Hempstead, Vehl and elsewhere are outraged and frustrated.  Where once shipping flowed like the water beneath them it now takes days to process... Captains look for alternate routes.

Curfew is set... those out after dark are rounded up and arrested.  Those caught in questionable acts are beaten and hauled off.  The whole city.. down to man woman and child feels as if it could rupture at any moment.

Those who do not have lodging are sent out of the city at night, often only to be assaulted by specters that seem to flock to the town in the hours of lesser illumination.

Rumor has it that a group of individuals took to defiling one of the nearby graveyards and seeks to further expand their legion of shades with those within.

Layonara Server / Conflict and Conflagration delayed.. 30 minutes
« on: March 15, 2008, 01:32:48 pm »
There ya go... just letting you know.

Layonara Server / In pursuit of Emberblade [postponed one week]
« on: March 13, 2008, 07:32:21 pm »
I apologize for the late postponement but I'd like to be a little better prepared for this two parter.

Thanks for your patience.

Rumour Has It / In the Dark...
« on: March 11, 2008, 10:32:07 am »
The guard of Hempstead are doubled for a time.  Rumors of a strange creeping darkness and attacks from shades sets people on edge and dominates tavern chatter...

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