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Messages - LordCove

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 82
Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: June 05, 2009, 05:11:59 am »
Well I took the trip.

It turned out longer than I thought it would... I've been all over!

And I've met some of the -strangest- of people.
But.... it was nice to come back home after it all.
Dad was whining about his coat so I've had to give it back... and mom's talking about taking me for some trip for gold for her guild.

But coming home after everything thats happened, just made the house seem smaller.
And my time in Alindor? Geez!
Who'd have thought protecting Aerdinite altar girls could be so fun!

Still... mom and dads trainings only really helped a little. I've practiced wrapping the Al'noth around my music in battle, and I can see the small effects it has... but my voice is just maybe, a little too small.
I've started practicing raising it, wrapping Al'noth not around melodies and music, but around any sound or note I can muster.

I'm trying to.... wrap an emotion around it... and then throw it.
Its not going so good... but I've heard it can work, so I'll plug on at it.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Serissa!
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:31:01 am »
Happy Birthday!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Tempests Sale
« on: June 01, 2009, 06:41:45 pm »
*signed underneath*

All items on bidding now ended.
Contact either Sallaron or Tegan Tempest in Haft Lake for Collection

Just for Fun / Re: Pseudonym's random recommendations
« on: May 27, 2009, 03:26:52 pm »
It's rare I watch a film and am pleasantly surprised.
Especially if I assume its going to be rubbish.

So here:

The Mist  ( Fear the ending!! )
YouTube - The Mist Trailer (FINAL)

Vantage Point
YouTube - Vantage Point International Trailer

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Tempests Sale
« on: May 26, 2009, 09:54:08 am »
// Please note... small incrase in exceptional Mithril items due to current situation regarding rare ores.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: May 26, 2009, 09:46:40 am »
Well... he came back.

I don't know how... his explanation of how he came back was a lie.
I'm not sure if mom could tell or not... but he's a terrible liar... and I've seen him tell his little white lies too many times to not notice it.

I felt so strange seeing him again... after having expected never to.
We just talked... from one end of the hallway to the other.
I ... didn't want to touch him... hug him... anything.
I dont know why and... I can't explain it.

I'm so glad he's back though.
It was strange. Mom wasn't mom when he was gone.
She was different... like something was missing.
I guess he must have been the same without her.

I'm not so sure thats a good thing though... to be totally dependent on another to make you whole.
I know its the whole love and marriage thing... but it just seems more a drawback.

I don't know really.
I just know that... after this little event... the house seems so much smaller.

I wonder if its maybe time I took a little trip of my own.

... but sure as hell not the least.

If it weren't for her... I reckon I'd have pegged it a long time ago.
And probably might have looked forward to it.

She's my sun and moon... my north and south... my wind and rain.
Never thought I'd write something like that about some one in a will.. but there it is.
The day don't bloody start till I see her... and it aint worth waking up if she ain't around.
I'm sorry about Trouble ... I wish I could have been there to pull him out when he needed us. Same as you... I lost something that day.

And I'm sorry I couldn't have given you another.
But.. and you'll laugh about this now. Yeah... you were right.
You were -right- for us to adopt Jurn.
He didn't replace Trouble.. obviously not.
But he made living with his loss... worthwhile.

So for you wife.... I'm dumping everything on ya.

All the True in the bank... anything that might be mine in our house.
Its all yours.
I might owe Old man Marley down the road a few true for sneaky ales... and if grumpy Mr Wilson shows up complaining about another hole in his roof... tell him to sod off and stop walking on it.
And seriously.... if Im gone now... buy some rat poison and kill those sodding raccons that live in the trash can outside. It will save ya a -whole- lot of bother in the mornings.

If they find my body... take my swords and armour... helmet, bracers.. everything Im wearing... and drop them in a chest.
And if ever anyone with potential catches yer eye who can use them.. give them to them.
Anything I aint wearing... do what ya want with.

An thats it sweets.
Hope I see ya soon... but... not too soon.


* In a sealed envelope, stored with hundreds more in bookshelves and cabinets, with Trustee's from Lor*

To who it may concern,

Well here it is. Will and Testament.
This is pretty much everything I want done when I kick it.

Let me ramble a little though... cause hell... I sure didn't think I'd have anything worth handing out when I died. At least not when I started out in this life.
A kid doing small time robbings and burgalry's on the streets, to selling bags of corn and flour on Hlint's main road ... trying to pass myself off as a "useful" DragonCalled.
I had no fashion sense what-so-ever... and had to fight twice as hard just to "pretend" I was some kind of adventurer.

And hell... it might have stayed that way.
If I hadn't discovered the most powerful thing in the world.
Something that... once you have... can make you the most skilled fighter.

It can turn your sword into something from legends... your shield into a wall of bloody mithril ... and can help your thoughts and ideas become something even the smartest mage would bloody gasp at.

I am of course... talking... about friends.

So for them.
My bro... and any remaining Explorers who aint pegged it yet.
I'll put the house in Lor into Shamur's name... but its all yours.
Do what ya want with it.
Just remember to put my name on the plaque when I go.

And for Val....
.... who knows what might have been. I still wonder sometimes.
If anyone ever even finds her in that Great Forest.
Just er... give her a Lily.. and... tell her ...
... as useless as I was... I'll always be her Ranger.

And for the last....

Just for Fun / Re: Champion!!!
« on: May 24, 2009, 06:22:03 pm »
Quote from: Pseudonym
This was the unbuffed round. I lost the log for the buffed round.

Suuuure you did.


Just for Fun / Re: Champion!!!
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:22:27 pm »

And with Ark's trashy equipment too! Im impressed

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: May 21, 2009, 08:06:41 am »
Another training session came about under the tall branches and swaying leaves of Folian's Forest. The Tempest' bench beside the stream served as a good resting point, as mother taught son the workings and how to control his gift.
There seemed a moment of sadness, as though the forest could recall an event such as this taking place many years ago.

But soon Jurn began to master his gift.
He wasn't exceptionally good at it... he struggled grasping and controling the melodys as he attempted to turn and wrap them into an effect. But successful or not, with Tegans patient and detailed teachings, he began to master it.
More so... he began to understand why now.

His mind had been blocked for so long, blotting out the nightmarish acts he had witnessed as a child, that it had blocked his gift.
Now as the nightmares and pieces of memory of that tragic day came slowly pouring back to him, his gift more and more came to the forefront.

And what did they want to do?
Take him back to NorthPoint.. to the Aeridin Temple.. and have him forget all over again.

" You don't understand son. What you were... forced to see.... no one.. and I mean -no one- should have to carry that around or live with it. You might want to remember now... and understand what happened... but.. when you do, I'm scared you'll regret it son... and regret it terribly."  

Sallaron's words. They were cold and foreboding. The first serious warning the man had given to Jurn.

And so what to do? Remember? Let it all come flooding back of how he became an orphan, how he was fished from the see and what happened to his parents?
Or remain ignorant?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Raise Dead Scrolls
« on: May 15, 2009, 02:23:19 pm »
I'd like to buy three scrolls please

Sallaron Tempest

General Discussion / Re: Lance Stargazer out of the game
« on: May 14, 2009, 06:20:55 am »
Aww... that sucks mate.
Sorry to hear.

See you when you get back


Rumour Has It / Re: Prisoner Transport in Nel
« on: May 14, 2009, 01:21:49 am »
In an appaling rescue attempt within Hlint, the Sun Kingdom bandit now revealed as Sashka, has escaped custody.

A dark plot, utilising corrupted artifacts to create a diversion, caused undead to rise and roam from the small towns graveyard and crypt.
Whilst city militia and the Sun Kingdom's guard's themselves fought off the plague and protected the townsfolk, a group of bandits, aided by mechanical constructs has freed the captured bandit and escaped into the East with her.

Thanks to the combined effort of the Hlint Militia, the Sun Kingdom guards and a group of passing adventurer's, Hlint was hit with minimum casualties and injured, and the race is now on to recapture the bandit leader and bring her to justice.

Officials in Hlint state the prisoner had been removed from the Sun Kingdom after recent attempts to free her had become a cause for concern.
Though why she had been sent to a small town such as Hlint, is also, a cause for concern.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Jurn's Diary of Sad Songs
« on: May 13, 2009, 05:49:39 am »
The ching chang and clink clank of steel against steel could be heard outside the house clearly.
Passerby's stopped to listen and arch an eyebrow, but becoming more relieved when laughs and chuckles could be heard amidst the noises.
This wasn't a house known for the sounds of fighting practice to be coming from... small explosions perhaps... but not fighting.

But with the laughs and snorts of amusement, the fighting sound didn't sound quite so foreboding to the general passerby's.
Still, it was commented on by people in their daily routine's.

And so, his adopted father taught him the basics, parrying and dodging, having a right good laugh when they tried to set suits of armour onto Jurn, who could hardly walk in the heavier form.

But after a vase toppled here, the couch took a beating and some nasty scratches were noticed on the hardwood floor, his adopted mother suggested taking the training to a more wide open and undamagable area.

And amidst the swaying oaken tree's and patter of wildlife, Jurn began his dedicated training.
It was a wonder what had made him ask to learn such skills. Usually his music took precedence over everything.
But the adopted parents could only guess, that repeated nightmares of creatures and pirates chasing and trying to kill him, had brought on a fear in Jurn that it would be better to be able to defend himself, than not.

Fixed Bugs / Re: Anyone else have this problem? Item Moving
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:05:11 am »
I have the same issue on occassion with my, though its on-and-off.

This can be deadly if you cast spells in battle, since the double click cancel's the spell.. and you can stand there like a doofus being hit.

Same for placing items in a chest.. the double click means it goes in.. and then straight back out.

Resolution: Seriously whack the mouse a few times. ( Works for me )

Rumour Has It / Re: Sad news for the Rofirenite church
« on: May 08, 2009, 05:53:38 am »
Sallaron pauses and frowns at the news.

" How young? Aint bloody right them being taken so early."

He pauses a moment in respectful silence, before moving off.

General Discussion / Re: Arrows
« on: May 07, 2009, 02:17:01 pm »
Yew does 2d8 damage with copper arrowheads

Or 2d8 vs ( see list of ore's above) + 1d8 ( see from list of feathers above)

Just for Fun / Re: Character theme songs
« on: May 06, 2009, 08:01:59 pm »
Listening to this song and writing up Journal entry's means everytime I hear it I think of Sall ( Sad I know )

Hero - Foo Fighters
YouTube - Foo Fighters live @ Yahoo Live Sets 2007 - My Hero

And in recognition of Tegan's tolerance and Sall's pure dumb luck

Damien Rice - CannonBall

YouTube - Damien Rice - Cannonball - Official Video

Madness - Shut up  ( Classic! )

YouTube - Shut Up

Just for Fun / Re: Character theme songs
« on: May 06, 2009, 07:14:16 pm »
Freddie's Pink shirt too?

Okay... I'll give you the bunny slippers and pink shirt.

Anything else and Im going to be insulted  ;)

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