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Messages - Lareth

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 16
Roleplaying / Re: What It Means To Play A Drow
« on: July 04, 2008, 09:49:19 am »
Quote from: Serissa
Most RL underground species have lost their color.  Perhaps the new game will have evil pure white elves with red eyes and special sensitivity to sunburn?

Hehe, I like that as an idea.... albinos make the best baddies, there's just something extra creepy about them :)

General Discussion / Re: You're HOW old?!
« on: July 01, 2008, 07:34:27 pm »
Ahh.. but sadly all that good healing magic is probably undone by our addicition to haste spells and the like... can't imagine they do the body much good at all.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: June 28, 2008, 02:41:09 pm »
*A note is delivered to the Orc Basher's Store*

I would like to place an order for the following items

1 x Intermediate ring of Fox's Cunning II (Int. + 2) @ 15,000 Tr
1 x Suit of Adamantium Reinforced Clothing @ 15,000 Tr
1 x Lion Bag @ 10,000 Tr

I believe that when the 10% discount offered is factored in I owe you the sum of 36,000 Tr, which I will be happy to pay upon delivery.

~Lareth Vathach~

General Discussion / Re: Donate Your Level Day
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:38:55 pm »
Added my 2 pennies (a little bit more really :) ) Thanks again for all the fun times and the hard work that goes into making this such a great world.

General Discussion / Re: Vista Problem! HELP!
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:25:48 pm »
A few things you might want to try

1.  Know this is dumb and you probably already did this... check the disk, any scratches, immersion in last nights beer and pizza that sort of thing ;)

2.  Does it give you any grief with other disks now?  If so might be the drive, if you have another drive in your system might want to try that one.

3.  Open up the case and check the cable connections, might be a loose one.

4.  Try disabling your AV / Security software and see if this makes a difference, I read a couple of forum posts the other day that mentioned this helped them with a similar issue.

5.  You may be outta luck, as I was reading that Battle for Middle Earth II has big issues with Vista, but have you checked the Game Designers website, they might have some more things to try.

*Lareth comes across the notice and pauses for a while before signing his name to the bottom*

I would be honoured to lend my skills, such as they are, to this endeavour.


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Dusty Red Ioun Stone
« on: June 14, 2008, 07:32:59 am »
I'll up that bid to 28,000 trues.

Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Dusty Red Ioun Stone
« on: June 13, 2008, 03:14:51 pm »
I bid 19,000

Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Dusty Red Ioun Stone
« on: June 13, 2008, 10:09:18 am »
I will open the bidding at the starting price of 15,000 trues.


Lareth Vathach

I will open the bidding on the boots of Hardiness at 15,000 trues


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Buying Items
« on: June 11, 2008, 08:21:11 pm »
*A note is left along with a stack of bottles of corn oil in the foundations donation crates*

Please consider these a contribution to your cause, as I know the good work that is done by the Foundation, I would not ask any payment for them.



Trade and Market Hall / Re: Kayana Memorial Relief Foundation Raffle
« on: June 08, 2008, 08:47:54 am »
I would like to take tickets 31 and 54 please.


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Buying Silk and Hides
« on: May 31, 2008, 11:20:59 pm »
Lady Honora,

I have two full boxes of silk that are yours if you wish them.


Alassir Vil'Drazzic

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Lawful Evil deity for Human / Surface races
« on: May 25, 2008, 06:38:20 pm »
Thanks for the thoughts guys, to answer a few of the questions here...

Al's family background, and that of his people is one of a strict militaristic society, very cruel and unforgiving to boot.  So, with that in mind I was looking for a driver for such a society.. from my basic knowledge of social studies, thats usually either a political system or religious system.  As they're basically one big extended clan, I figured that religion would be the more fitting way to move it.

Al's actually a Rofi.. having been aided by the temple in Vehl after he fled his home.  The motivator for that was the appeal of the rigidly lawful nature of Rofirien's faith, but with it being based on a more just footing, rather than used to justify the oppression and cruelty of a society.. laws for the good of society if you like, sometimes hard and definitely rigidly applied, but working for the betterment of the people.  Quoting from Lore "Aid others whenever and wherever possible, as long as it is in accordance with the law and does not make way for acts of evil."

The feeling I'm getting is that I should play more on the society aspects for why they're evil and lawful than the religious ones... which makes sense being as they're in a fairly dangerous part of the land that they'd need a very rigid system of laws.  Religion would have just made for an easier way to bring that kind of thing across is all.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: May 24, 2008, 02:23:21 pm »
//What are the Lvl req's of the new adamantium armours and shields?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Need Stuff Collected
« on: May 18, 2008, 07:51:31 pm »

I have some 20 pinches of Alexandrite dust that I can provide to you.


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Aloe
« on: May 16, 2008, 05:48:05 am »

I have at least two maybe three more boxes harvested, and ready if you are interested.  I would match the price that you have been charged above, if you are interested, please let me know the quantity you would like.


Alassir Vil'Drazzic

General Discussion / Re: What are you playing right now?
« on: May 10, 2008, 07:58:02 am »
Grand Theft Auto IV on PS3 is taking just way too much of my time right now... that said it totally rocks :)

Just for Fun / Re: Windfall - I need movies!
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:13:09 pm »
Here's a few more suggestions for you:

Sling blade
The Seven Samurai
Blade Runner

I think I'd be happy watching any of these right now, as I'm stuck in watching back to the future... for lack of anything else better on TV

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Attention Scribes and Woodworkers
« on: May 01, 2008, 09:30:25 am »
* A note is tacked to the bottom of the advertisment *

Master Armolas,

In response to your poster above, I would like to order one 10 sheet tablet of Mahoganny parchments.


Lareth Vathach

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