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Messages - Lance Stargazer

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 107
Rumour Has It / *It was for sure a moment of
« on: July 04, 2014, 12:19:00 pm »

*It was for sure a moment of pain, Aesthir would understand that, he won't suffer it or he had acted diferently, but certainly could empathize with the old man, he wanted to speak to him about the soul of his son, to explain that he even if not full in the investments he once were, was able to feel for the soul of the fallen captain, one that he had come to respect, and why not .. befriend. Alas the old protector was probably too consumed into his pain, or maybe he knew already . ..  Anyway .. its better this way , he had to keep things separated and show that he was with the guard right now, even if his heart belong to the Gold, yes... had to be better this way *

*Aesthir was calm at least that the good section Commander soul was in a better place, he called upon the gold to bring him back, and the soul didn't came back. . The soul of the man resting on the Gold's embrace, ... yes it was better this way*

*His face didn't show any of this, he was calm and collected , his usual neutral face and maybe that creepy smile, he waited and watched with respect as the service processed,  he remain away of the Rofirenites, watching closer than the others adventurers, paying his respects, but not too closer*

*Once he spend enough time to finish his own prayers, he leaves the place and moves away to the outskirts of the camp, he stops by and looks for watches on the outside, he has been a man of faith, but as also a pragmatic investigator, he was not going to simply let superstition rule the day, he infomrmed the people on the watch of his departure, and then wearing his armor and fully armed start to move towards the forest, after a couple of meters outside the camp, the man frame vanishes in thin air*

Trade and Market Hall / *Armand gets into the store
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:25:18 pm »

*Armand gets into the store and do some bussiness, picking up some things and leaving others*


1 Club of Bloodiness  25000
2 Bodak Teeth ( @500 )= 1000


20 Bronze Ingots ( @40 ) = 800
26 Platinum Ingot ( @200 ) = 5200
 1 Iron Ingot ( @100 ) = 100

Previous credit = 30,000 + 26000 - 6100 = 49900

Left : 610 trues in the chest

Rumour Has It / *Ausir pull the hood upon his
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:26:47 pm »

*Ausir pull the hood upon his now braided hair, the hood and the  hair that fell over his face hide a smile, somehow twisted to smile in a situation like this, but it was somehow unexpected to caught as much information, he looked upon the features of the men leaving and make sure to catch the memory of the "distinguished" odor, plenty of thought came to his mind, and for a moemnt he felt doubt, it was vanquished fast*

*He thougth for a moment on the improvement that this hs been m and the dangers that may come with this, like that had stopped him in the past, if any he was as stubborn as his mother, letting the two men move away, a bit Ausir saw himself took his belongings and leaving the place, not without giving a tip to the baldish and ugly orc guard as he left,  he walked thru the city, armed and thoughtful , following the couple for some blocks, before he retake the road to the down town quarter of town, he had to make note of the tavern, and eventually vanished into the night*

Trade and Market Hall / *A man enters and leaves the
« on: June 23, 2014, 09:30:23 pm »

*A man enters and leaves the store after a quick transaction, he for some reason doesn't stay more than the time needed for the transaction*

Bought 7 Lion Bags   Left 32109 on the Padded armors chests

 // Argos .

Trade and Market Hall / *Argos enters the saddle bag
« on: June 23, 2014, 09:04:43 pm »

*Argos enters the saddle bag and start to work out with some wares *

Left :  
Cloak of the Bull runner :13376  =10032
2 x Mahoganny branch  :  400
2 x Yew Branch : 2000  
Charlatan's band :  25820 = 19365
1 x Gi Waraxe =  27144 = ´20358´
2 x Splint Mail +3  28372(2) =  45558
1 x Chainshirt +3   28284 =    21213
2 x Energy Drain scrolls = 80000
1 x Greater Thunderclap = 20000
In credit : 218926

Took :
Scribble Cloak : 4664 = 3498  
1 tarnished amulet´= 1900
1 Scales of Truth +3 = 59352 = 40014
5 x Saphires = 1250
14 x Saphire dust =  1190
20 x Fire opal dust =  160

Total :  95000 + 218926 - 48012  

New Credit :  265914 trues

// Owe you 4891 trues .. will deposit on next visit

Trade and Market Hall / *The post is replied in a
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:31:47 pm »

*The post is replied in a strange electric blue ink that doesn't seem natural at all *

Thank you for the kind reply, It was a funny story on a trip towards Corsain i met a sailor who had a sister, who had been traveling to hempstead for the summer, it turned out that she once met a man who said to had build an etermalmovementmachine that allows plenty of mechanical and kinetic energy to be generated without any combustible making the machine to last eternally in the process, it turns out that he actually was using racoons to pull a giant band that actually was the one who produced the energy, it was such a big disappointment ... 

*The man continues in the note explaining in pseudo-gnomish science about how that machine was actually imposible to build and then the note finishes* -- I got the robe just before i met that sailor. 


// Thanks mate,.  I got the robe already, but so kind to offer. 

Rumour Has It / *The column seemed in shape,
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:23:58 pm »

*The column seemed in shape, Aesthir nodded with sattisfaction, and the place , the rocks, the small quantity of people seemed to work perfectly to the goals, if there was an army of demons on their way, would make less diference if there were a castle, the memories of the battles came to his mind slowly, at least he was in peace, for the Section Commander was now in a better place, his soul didn't had to go back, at least in that he knew that he would be resting finally,  A lot of people think of death as something wrong, its not that life its wrong either of course, but the fear of death it was simply primal, irrational, the fear of what is beyond,  but someone should know better than that, Life its a chance to prove yourself and change the world, to make the life time count for, one should not expect or accept the rewards of death without effort, alas there was always a bad thing when efficient men leaves the world, that is how he felt about the Section Commander *

*He noticed the protector and his attitudes, once his duties as over seer were completed, he approached a small shrine to make some prayers, he made sure to enter the place as another worshiper, and made clear that his presence there was a as an overseer from the guard, and not by any other implications, alas he was still a believer *

*Once the prayers were done, Aesthir approached to the old protector, and spoke to him while not otherwise engaged *

Greetings Protector *with a small bow of his head* 

Thank you for the hospitality and security of this walls, this men really had proven themselves in the name of the Gold and deserve a proper ritual and resting place, It was indeed a hard battle, one I'd wish there won't be need to repeat anytime soon. *once he says that he introduces himself*  My name is Aesthir Stargazer, Lieutenienta of the Vehl Guard, I am here as an overseer of the proceedings, to secure the safety of the town, and investigating the anomalies that led to this tragedy.

I am in the understanding that you and the people here will hold the rituals for the Section Comander and the fallen, I had the blessing to met the captain just for some days before his demise, a kindred soul must say, One that surely the world will miss, In the short experience I had with him, I was convinced of his faith on the golden, putting duty and honor in good standing.

*The man awaits for his acknowledgement and reply*


Rumour Has It / *It simply was a long day,
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:01:19 pm »

*It simply was a long day, one long and  bloody day, the man rested in the tavern, his eyes closed with as he used to be, more than once some smart mouthed had tried to steal from him while he was there, apparently drunk and aslept, it surely kept his senses sharp, that day he secretly hoped nobody tried, he just had another duel, another life on his blade, more blood on his hands, one less vagrant on the world he thought, better faced him than someone else that may not have the proper training,  what he was becoming himself , he thought himself, a vigilante, a killer, he wouldn't know for sure, but anyway, a blade has not to give those thoughts to that.*

*He was on his thoughs and meditations while waiting for her, the girl had to return as the sun had to set down, plenty of time to wait and meditate and well mabe removing a new threat of this dirty place, he though heard about a wet work, his ears perked upon hearing that, a common work on the dirty Vehl, the word civilized applied barely to the city, he opened his eyes as he looked at the small ratlike man that was speaking with a burly big man two tables away from where they were, he didn't move or set the sight straight, what he had heard was enough, he waited to see what the developments would be, when the burly man and the small one parted ways he stood up, and took his blade hang up on his shoulders and start to walk, .... there was going to be probably a busy evening... and even more bloody. *

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir bows his head in
« on: June 19, 2014, 12:03:03 pm »

*Aesthir bows his head in acknowledgement*

Quite wise descision, must say Lieutenient. I understand that the descision is not an easy one, but we should not sway on the aim for what is correct.  *gestures over the column and the dead bodies, then nods slowly at his last remark* They indeed deserve a good resting place for their heroic deeds. 

**he bows his head, as the hood falls upon his eyes, some relief for a moment, but then his features reutnred to the cold and almost  unnerving smile, were his concerns existed, it was not apparent, as he keep striding with the knights*

*The former knight, almost matched the formation, alas he kept the distance, showing that he is just there as an overseer, and not part of the contingent of the Rofirenites*

Rumour Has It / *As an overseer, Aesthir
« on: June 18, 2014, 03:49:52 pm »

*As an overseer, Aesthir rides with the Rofirenites, so far , and appriach the lieuteninant*

Good sir, I see that the tensions are getting a bit high with the last developments, and I am sure that you understand the reasons why this good people aren't happy or even more apt to say nervous about the incident, with this said I do think that you are devout to do the best for everyone rather a single group, since the scope of this problem may be way beyond this realm.

With this said, I understand the strenght in numbers is for the safety of the stones, and the dangers that they may entail and i agree with you,  but .. back when we started this incursion , we planned on doing so in a small numbers to prevent a massive danger that would be deemed unnecesary, If we get this stones into the city, and the stones activate, what hopes do we have?  If an unit of prepared knigths were ready, we had some chance, but .. Vehl would find the enemy surroundered by inocents, people who looks for the city for the safety of the dangers outside. Captain Draedan made his best to heed the wisdom of the gold by putting safety of the numbers first, I do believe you follow in his wake by the same wisdom. 

If numbers is what you need, I am sure that the church would believe more appropiate to protect the inocents rather than risk them to any danger, even if the danger now its just a threat.  So .. instead of our current plan of action, would you mind if i suggest an alternative? 

*Aesthir awaits for the man's acknowledgement then keeps speaking*

Instead of Vehl , I believe there is a small stronghold, enough to provide some shelter that is just one day ride away from the city .... The fabbled Jesom's Hope,  if i am not mistaken,  I do believe that if the stones are guarded there, it holds way less posibilities from a disaster, and once we got there, a messenger could be dispatched towards the temple for reinforcements or instructions, this also would give chance to the Lucindites that may come to find a more familiar spot to study the place. 

We should not forget, as your unit has acted admirably, that the only law that matters at this point is Co'rrys' law, with your beliefs in the Divine law of course as compass to guide us, as it guides every civilized kingdom.

What you say ? 

*Aesthir awaits for the reply of the man*

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir regards the
« on: June 11, 2014, 12:32:00 pm »

*Aesthir regards the Lieutenient Vercilaas, and agrees with the overseen of the legal procedures due rank and file,*

I appreciate your confidence Lieutenient, at this point of course I am here as an overseer for the legal activities are to be done in proper way and fashion, since the Constable was not directly involved and I have my jurisdiction tied to Vehl, even more with this being a Rofirenite development and investigation, of course you and the temple may have the right to decide the proper course of action, and with that moving this things should remain in control of the Temple for the time being, ....  unless its your desire to be passed to the guard of Vehl for custody. Yet I uinderstand if this decision would fall into the hands of your supperiors.  - 

*The man speaks openly for the people to listen to him, and he acts professional and responsable, showing pride and the Politely right statements , once they are moving away , as Aesthir gestures the Liuteniant to walk alongside with him to a more separated area of the camp*


Rumour Has It / *The grim news are passed by
« on: June 03, 2014, 10:00:28 am »

*The grim news are passed by Aesthir, as well. the first thing is to report the findings and the fall of the captain the next ranking officer, he will do a verbal inform of the findings and the battles faced down the crypt, he states that in observance and in respect to the Captain, the investigation has been concluded at least on this stage and not without paying a big price for them, for now he recomends to move the camp back to the area near Dappllegreen once the dead have been paid respects of course.  He discuss with the ranking officer about the details of the army and what would be his plans orders from now , all in spite of keep things in agreement to the law of course*

Trade and Market Hall / *a strange man with  a fuming
« on: May 31, 2014, 07:14:56 pm »

*a strange man with  a fuming arm enters the store , after scaring a couple of clients with his antics, he finally reaches to the bar and speaks* 

Greetings I am looking for some formulaes ,and i think you could help me with that. 

**he describes some elements from a scroll case that are near*

//  Looking for price for a Summon creature VII , I see you have them available on the shelf bahind the store ,  Would like price please.


Rumour Has It / *Armand opens his eyes
« on: May 23, 2014, 03:30:11 pm »

*Armand opens his eyes frustrated,  as he finishes some quick notes on his always reliable flashcards, he then looks upon the crowd and is obvious that he is not confortable with being in the middle of a would be furious mob. .... again. *

**He projects a small trick upon his arm, making it crackle with illusionary electricity in a way that has done before, this time the arcs shwo to be shoot to small distance from him, he looks oblivious at the situation and start to advance forward to come closer to where the girl is, if he manages to pass the crowd to be on the front line of it, he focuses again on the girl, taking time to try to go thru the basics of the so called magic, not taking references this time, but studying the raw energies around it, he leaves the illusionary electric arcs thru the arm as an instict, not minding that well... they are still there *

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir looks at the
« on: May 23, 2014, 01:56:46 pm »

*Aesthir looks at the newcomer with some disdain , yet its not apparent  behind his falcon gaze like eyes, he poses a neutral expression, with that polite and creepy smile that he is used to wear , his thoughts go thru all he has lived in the past years, his inquisitive mind first goes thru all the infiltration options that may come with the arrival of this "monster". Alas he keeps it to himself, there are monsters and "monsters", at least this monster that just recently arrived lived on this very pit,  there will be time for current punishment if the "man" turned out to be a liability or an inflitration in the ranks, with the fate of the world at stake, and an army of would be cities-leveling monsters on the opposite band, how could the situation of an infiltrate make it worse, if any .. it would make it faster, for good or bad, alas he will keep his eyes upon him.*

**he stirs his black stallion near the newcomer and nods behind the dark hood, his eyes focused on the man* Of course we won't turn any help that comes, yet you must know that the dangers we face maybe are one of the biggest you'll see in your life, or maybe not and you are used to such monstruosities.  We are a force of good, be careful though since good can deal punishing blows as well .. .. as the enemy is about to find out.

*he looks forward and then to Magnus again*  The name is Aesthir, If you comming get yourself ready.

*He awaits for the man's reply*

Rumour Has It / The call has been set out, I
« on: May 20, 2014, 11:35:28 am »

The call has been set out, I personally refuse to believe fully that all our enemies will be as the pit fiend we saw here, if it were such raw power may be enough to level the whole continent they had the desire so, alas i don't fully discard it, anyway we should be acting as if they were able to. 

I am sure that the call for help has been set out, but the same as that Vincent I am sure that the creature or creatures had other agents among the people, we should be wary upon the actions we see . and hopefully more help manage to come in time.  With the hurry this situation its escalating we as you mentioned may need everysingle person we could get on our side.

*He looks upon the dwarves and nods slowly as if having an inner satisfaction*

*Then turning towards the Captain*   The horse is ready and Just the night rest separate us of the departure, I say we make it count, The gods know when we may be able to get another. 

Forum Discussion / It probably has to be with
« on: May 14, 2014, 02:30:56 pm »

It probably has to be with the whole PM box down issue,  I did a report for that so we need to wait for it to be fixed.

For what is worth I am attending to this one. 


Rumour Has It / *In the mean time ...  Argos
« on: May 13, 2014, 10:43:49 am »

*In the mean time ...  Argos has been looking around in Haven , for some causes, yet his discoveries has not reached to the conclussions he needed, he seems interested in the flood upon the gnoll mines, and the "special" people that are lurking around the town , he looks around the town to keep gathering information upon the identities of this people*

....  I wonder if this is no red herring. *With that he continues searching the town*


Hello Teo.

We are getting the discussion going, We appreciate your interest in the process and the willingness to go with it, We are giving some time for the rest of the Gm's to give the insight and give you some reply soon.

As always your patience is appreciated.

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir nods slowy and looks
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:14:08 pm »

*Aesthir nods slowy and looks satisfied*  Of course that a main offensive idea would be perfectly suited against an army of such creatures, yet the first thing to learn here is the numbers and the situation, only for that the small party would be used, Wars are fought by soldiers and militiamen, but won by strategy and knowledge, I do feel that if we move too close we may lose the advantage of positioning, but again all this is suppositions, we just need to secure a place for the main camp and all the supply lines for those, we can't but to start to get ready for the assault anyway ... Time its not our ally here, nor are the weakness of the creatures.

*he nods*  As for the scout,  I had one who may be well versed in this, sadly he has been lost to us, a good idea.  *Aesthir looks upon the maps, observing how near would be from the borderline with Ulgrid's*

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