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Messages - Krell Himmler

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Trade and Market Hall / Clearing a few chests:
« on: March 13, 2008, 12:46:20 pm »
Mercurial Longsword
Light Pick

Also: Belt of Aquisition
Swashbuckler's sabre
Lesser Gauntlets Ogre Power
Last Defence
Robes of Acid
Blue Seude Shoes
Lesser Ladies Gift
Bloody Lash
Boots Militia
Utility Belt
Boots of the Sun and Soul
Bloody Lash
Platinum Reinforced Clothing
Ascenders March
Hamaji's Fan

Also Resources:
Box Bodak Teeth
Box Spotten Mushrooms
Make a reasonable offer


General Discussion / Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:02:18 am »
Now I wanted to do this for awhile because I noticed some people really really don't seem to understand or know it....

I understand for some the RP is to charge in and attack but in the instance your character is intelligent and such forth a few pointers I find which helps the group.

1. Unless there is a spellcaster in the enemy group whom you can/should neutralise or some special issue needing your rushing forwards, wait for the enemy to come to you. This is for a few reasons, first and foremost by waiting for them, you stop the party mage/cleric from getting attacked and yourself from getting surrounded. Also by keeping a distinct line/arrangement the friendly party mage is able to fire spells into their back ranks and is also able to protect you better.

2. When the party mage/cleric/caster asks you to stop and wait for rest in a safe location, do so, at least try to get some semblence of intelligence and wait, too many parties die because the fighters want to push on, your abilities as a rogue/barbarian/fighter may not be tied to rest, but the other party members abilities often are. In this case I'll call it maintaining your supply train ;).

3. Keep a solid group formation and try and stick to it, mainly do this to keep the cleric/mage/cast alive. Use ranged weapons as the enemy closes if you have them, but as above, wait for them, don't charge in, that's a quick way to get surrounded and die.

4. If you assign someone to extra duties then please wait for them to finish, don't ask them to loot and then run off screaming the warcry "xp". The cleric/mage you're leaving behind may very well save your life, in fact they almost assuredly will!

There was a few more, but I'll add them as I remember.

It may seem like a rant but use a little common sense, there is no point in a party member dying because someone was impatient or didn't want to work together. There may be more so if others think of them, add it to the list as I think this will help all groups better work together.

Rumour Has It / Mysterious Figure
« on: March 08, 2008, 04:37:12 am »
A mysterious figure wearing dark robes was seen slumped over a horse heading north from Hempstead fields, there was significant amounts of blood on the road. The horse slowly carried the man north, he was last seen slumped over in the saddle near Fort Llast in the early hours of the morning.

Fixed Bugs / Couriers Keeper
« on: March 05, 2008, 10:38:07 pm »
Area: Forest Giants, Forest of Fog
Replicatable: Yes, with time

Not sure if it's just me but every time this one drops it has no properties, i was told it was sposed to be 40% weight red, but was also told to double check, I can't wash it in the ox to fix it because it's a box and I was told to post this up there. I hope it isn't again a me specific problem :(. Sorry for hassling you all so much.


General Discussion / My real name:
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:54:01 am »
From a chain of events one person forgot that they don't know my characters name and then this person passed it on to others, whom believed that they heard it legitimately. I understand when people forget, but please when I remind you that you DON'T know my name, please accept that and don't argue....IF I ever told you, I assure you that I won't deny it. I have written down every instance I have told a person my real name and so far that is to one person, I deliberately wrote it every single time to ensure I would know who and when and to attempt to avoid it spreading around from one person forgetting.

So just a friendly reminder to remember that I havn't told anyone my name, I know you will all understand and remember this.

I also politely ask people to remember the message about characters in disguise.....if I am dressed and acting differently a character will not instantly know who I am and so will not be able to associate all alias's with my character, now I know this can become tedius, but if you are unsure of the disguise at the time and if it has changed I'm always happy to let you know if you send me a tell or failing that, a PM on the forum whether my disguise has changed recently and such forth.

I hope people forgive my public message but the name and association of alias's has spread out far and I was hoping that by posting here that the people, whom I believe are more than reasonable will be happy to remember this and correct any mistakes.


General Discussion / Critique a Character
« on: March 05, 2008, 01:22:32 am »
Oh, just a thing I thought of, if people want ignore it, but basically you post a character here and people make suggestions as to what you could improve in their opinion.

Way it works is you quote the post of the person you want to critique, you may post your own character at any time you like and any one of them, but you can only post comments on another character, or a character of your own. (btw if you're sensitive don't post!).

There's a few rules though....
*No veiled or direct insults, keep it purely positive criticism and you can compliment (lets not make it a kissing thread though it's sposed to improve things ;))
*Be polite
*The person posting their character ISN'T allowed to answer any comments on their character in the thread, just to stop flame wars and arguments.

Seeing as it's my idea, I will post my character Lucius Kaiser up and people can feel free to critique anything they think I could improve. IC stuff you do/don't like and OOC things you think I could improve.

N.B if the powers that be think it's a bad idea, delete away ;)

Fixed Bugs / Drop Bugs:
« on: March 01, 2008, 11:03:13 pm »
I will not post exactly what here, but I will post the things being dropped, if you're not aware of it, let me know:

Forest Armour +1 (almost all monsters of type)
Breastplate +1 (almost all monsters of type)
Fullplate +2 (always I'm fairly certain)

If you're not aware, PM me and I will send you one back detailing how/where.

Fixed Bugs / Horse bug
« on: March 01, 2008, 03:25:09 am »
Long story short:

Got stuck on the horse, was weird with my body split up, couldn't dismount. Eventually a Gm helped me get off of it. Now the saddle is usable even when not on a horse and it summons a new horse. I can't wear a cloak, so the game still seems to think I'm mounted.

Trade and Market Hall / Searching for a spell:
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:24:09 pm »
I seek the horrid wilting spell, if you have chanced across it in your travels I will pay well for it.

Aiden Corseau

General Discussion / Possible PC Config
« on: February 28, 2008, 02:44:10 am »
Any hardware buffs throw me some advice:

I'm thinking, E8400 duo (intel): $302

Inno3D nVidia 8800GTS OC 512mb PCI-E 2.0 video card, 2x DVI, video out, 128 stream processors: $473

Corsair Twin3X 2048MB (2x 1024) (ddr3 1333mhz): 473

Asus P5KC LGA775 P35 board, DDR2/DDR3, 1333FSB, 2x PCI-E x16, PCI-E x1, 3x PCI, 4x SATA, GigaLAN, Audio: $201.30

WD Raptor 150gb 10,000 rpm: 280.50

Total: 1750 roughly, although I'll get it wholesale, so probably about 80% of that price. (All in AUD)

Any suggestions?

General Discussion / Spell Penetration and Layo
« on: February 22, 2008, 12:22:04 pm »
I know that generally speaking, it wasn't much use in most servers and anywhere really for that matter, but I have noticed spell resistance seems to be more common and higher here, I was wondering, do people find that spell penetration/greater spell penetration are worthwhile in Layonara or not really?

Wild Surge Inn / Notice to a Mr Coldfinger
« on: February 19, 2008, 05:28:48 pm »
I seek you in a matter not concerning the eyes of others, I may have something of value to people of your concern. Perhaps we can meet in a place not of the public eye and discuss that which is naturally, of interest, substantial interest I believe, if you are reading this, you shall find me, or me you, but be assured one will find the other.

Trade and Market Hall / Hazlenut Oil
« on: February 19, 2008, 03:50:27 pm »
I have 8 flasks of it, if you want them just make an offer, no reasonable offer refused.

Ask A Gamemaster / Metamagic and Sorcerors
« on: February 19, 2008, 11:27:59 am »
Does it make it a full round spell like in pnp? Just a quick one this time.

General Discussion / Lore Login
« on: February 18, 2008, 12:58:20 pm »
I hate to be a bother (yet again it seems) But I have tried signing up for lore and I never get the email with the password in it?

I tried logging into lore using the email address and it never came :(.

Ask A Gamemaster / *stuck* piece of furnature
« on: February 16, 2008, 05:42:14 pm »
I put a chest up against the wall and it is stuck, I can't move/reposition it with the tool, I also can't get the deed back from it. It won't let me open it either. Is there any way I can access it and get it unstuck?

Trade and Market Hall / Fire Opals
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:52:04 pm »
I have 26 for sale, if you're interested, post an offer.

General Discussion / Valentines Day:
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:43:27 pm »
Just wishing everyone a happy day, hope you all had fun with whichever person you spent the day with ^^.

Avoiding the semantics of what versus what roll, I just want to ask, what is the limit of each skill, could one approach a corathite with a high persuade and demand conversion to Toran? What exactly are approximate limits to these skills and appropriate RP theron.

Trade and Market Hall / Bodak Teeth
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:06:34 pm »
Got one box for sale:

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