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Messages - HooD!uM

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Fixed Bugs / Ginseng - Battlehelm moors
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:00:18 pm »
Description : When you click on the ginseng and either unclick it or move away from it (possible due to lag) the ginseng dissapears.

Location : Battlehelm moors

Verified : i have done this myself on a number of occasions and has always dissapeared on me

Reproducable : yes.

Trade and Market Hall / 40 dusts of Amethyst needed
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:51:06 pm »
in need of mineral fire opals.

i also need 18 nuggets of silver, thank you.

please find me in Vehl to arrange pick up and price...


General Discussion / What brought you towards DnD?
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:22:45 pm »
my first experiance in anything DnD would have been the fighting fantasy books by steve jackson and ian livingstone when i was 10...well before that was the choose your own adventure books, but FF was one of the first who brought out a combat system with the books. Steve jackson and ian livingstone if you may know are the founders of Games workshop.

I remember going through the first few titles of FF, loving every moment but i got to book ten, House of hell...and it scared my pants off..didnt attempt to read it for a couple months after the first time..and from this day i never completed it. so many deaths and dead ends to be comfortable with..but only recently wizard book have returned with the re publishing of these great books, with new adventures to be had, and i for one, will be collecting them for memorys sake, and for my future kids!!!!

  Oh....and to finally get past that blasted House of hell *shakes fists*

here a link to there website if anyone is interested, or even remembers these books:  Gamebooks

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / custom combat feats..
« on: January 29, 2010, 09:50:20 pm »
i know there had been a few posts complaining about mages vs melee floating around for some time, but i was wondering why couldnt we have some nice combat feats.

example : shield bash (you will need a shield of course)
            : pommel bash - stuns for a short period
            : elbow smash - could possibly blind them (ever been smashed in the nose, teary eyes anyone)
well something similar to these, and to be fair the DC would be helped with your strengh modifier so would not be too handy for mages..

just a thought tho, i dont know how these would be made if they could be, or the time associated in making such, i just thought i would be a good idea, and hopefully lessen the melee vs casters argument.

General Discussion / Congratulations polak76
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:35:04 pm »
Congratulating Andrew for the new edition to his family this morning in the guise of a baby girl... Best wishes man.

Ask A Gamemaster / Bard CHA and spells
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:59:21 pm »
ok this is what it says in LORE

Must have a Charisma score of 10+ the spells level to cast a spell.

why then cant T'orroc who has 18 Cha cast 4th lvl spells? if i raise it to 19 he can but 18 he cant? Also Rhydell who is a tiefling who gets a -2 to CHA can only cast 1st lvl spells where his CHA after mod is 13?

General Discussion / Happy birthday Pseudonym..
« on: November 20, 2009, 08:35:39 pm »
happy birthday matt...hope you get many MANY birthday punches!!!!!

Development Journals and Discussion / T'orroc's book
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:07:10 pm »
After my freedom i had to work, the trues i had left barely covered my new armour and weapon and any food and healing supplies i needed. Working the sewer problem was at first slow, them blasted rats are bigger than what i expected, snf there was even a fishman..all green and scaly. After a few tries i finally carved him into fillets. I have grown with the Al'noth of my decendants, and my voice, still broken has gave me focus, and thus hardens my resolve to prevail in combat. I still not dare using it for my advantage, as im scared my focus isnt up to scratch and i dont wish my friends, when i do get some to be harmed by me. Hopefully soon i can master it to bring fear and pain to my foes, only time and practise will tell...

General Discussion / Happy birthday Andrew aka polak76
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:51:26 pm »
Happy birthday mate, he is offically a old buggah now *evil laugh*. now he needs to learn the national Australian motto, don't got work on your birthday!!!

Just for Fun / Slap chop
« on: May 20, 2009, 09:51:36 pm »

Trade and Market Hall / Selling - Panthers cloak Exceptional
« on: April 20, 2009, 05:25:45 am »
I have recently crafted an exceptional panthers cloak, i shall put this up for auction starting bid 15,000 trues
 --Signed with a black maple leaf--

//P.S auction will end friday 8:30pm AEST thank you

Fixed Bugs / Sinister forest
« on: April 20, 2009, 04:24:17 am »
while on central today i walked throught the sinister forest about three times, in which Yvale killed all the spiders there dark treants, large blue snake and trolls. That was all on her first visit throught the region, but when she passed through the next two times, no dark spiders or treants spawned, everything else did but thoes two encounters

where: Sinister forest (central)

reproducable : possible

Fixed Bugs / Purple mushrooms
« on: April 13, 2009, 07:55:22 pm »
The purple mushrooms in the ire mountain seems to be bugged, the mushrrom patches are there, but nothing inside any of them.

Fixed Bugs / druid spell inferno
« on: April 06, 2009, 10:15:03 am »
the spell inferno dosent seem to be working properly (i posted this on the update section) at 1d4+1/ level Yvale my lvl 17 druid was only getting between 2 to 12 hp damage on the treants in whitehorn forest..

Trade and Market Hall / buying boxes of ginger
« on: January 03, 2009, 10:46:29 pm »
i Yvale, am buying boxes of ginger, if any are seeking extra trues in thy pockets, please find me.. i am normally around somewhere but ye may leabe a message arounf Vhel.

 Signed with a black maple leaf

Trade and Market Hall / exceptional rings
« on: November 19, 2008, 05:26:36 am »
I Yvale have managed to make two quite exquisite rings.
One, a exceptional ring of eagle splendor of the 1st grade
//+1 charisma, Cast eagles splender (3) 1/Day, level 10 required// - 5000tru
and one exceptional ring of bulls strenght
//+1 strenght, Cast bulls strenght (3) 1/Day, level 10 required// - 8000tru
 I hope these rings will serve one well.

               ~ signed with a black maple leaf ~

Trade and Market Hall / buying exceptional gloves of fury
« on: November 09, 2008, 05:35:44 am »
* A notice is posted on fort Vehl crafting hall*

I Yvale, wish to buy a exceptional glove of fury. If anyone has a pair to sell, please seek me out or leave a mesage on how much and where i can find thee.
       *Signed with a black maple leaf*

Trade and Market Hall / buying iuon stone of dex
« on: August 11, 2008, 08:58:59 am »
I am seeking a special stone to enhance ones dexterity..if one is available to purchase please contact Yvale, you may leave a notice around Vehl....also on the lookout for some better gloves that enhance one's strengh than what i have already..

Development Journals and Discussion / Book of the black maple
« on: July 24, 2008, 04:34:56 am »
****The journeys of Yvale, Druid of the deep****

Since leaving the forest i have travelled far and wide..Apon reaching a place called Fort Vehl i started my work...the local kobolds i heard have taken on a magical stick.. the captain of the guard inPort Heampstead has insisted that i retrieve it..and that i did. I bet if he knew what i really am..i would have been executed on the spot..ironic.

Trade and Market Hall / Exceptional Belt of cunning
« on: July 23, 2008, 03:19:23 am »
I Yvale have im my possession on of these grand crafted belts

20,000 trues is the starting bid will close friday 8pm AEST

//stats are Wisdom +2, hide +3, Search +3

happy bidding

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