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Messages - NEXUS7

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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Whips
« on: December 14, 2005, 09:08:00 am »

I dont think thats right, in anchanit Japan they used to kill with
Rise flayls, Nunchucks, and even bukets. History s full of wepons used are from every day tools
that then develup a fighting style so that thay can be used on an armred warrior.
I whip is a pesents wepon.

I know spelling all gone to pot :o)

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Whips
« on: December 11, 2005, 02:57:00 am »
>How about something like knockdown?
>Because the whip could have the ability to wrap around their foes and pull them to the ground for a while, like not sure how many rounds or seconds but just a thought...

Yep thats what i think could be a good thing to add to a whip

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Whips
« on: December 11, 2005, 02:08:00 am »
>Stephen Zuckerman
I think the big L said it all there, but I’m a big old grumpy gett as well so I know where ya coming from
When you say you have had a rough day.

>Still... I really don't understand, Nex, where some of those came from. If you could explain it, that would be grand.
Sit ya self down drink ya coffee and get ready
Heres where I’m coming from

They are utterly useless you get the disarm which you can not use.
But it gos deeper than that even in the Books they still suck.

Whips should not work on be a STR Bonus they should e DEX
I have use a whip and know that STR has very little to do with the use of them
Its DEX and Skill.

Whips are a terra weapon they do, do damage but it’s the ability SHOCK in combat and trip

In Layonara you can empower weapons with fire, could and electricity doing D damage on top
If the normal damage so I’m asking that sonic bonus be allowed to be added to whips.
That would be in Keeping with the sound that a Whip makes.
So I Agre with you on this  

>But if anything should be able to have a Sonic effect added (NOT automatic), it's a whip.

When I siad Trip feat I ment
Expertise (I13) ---> Improved Trip as the Trip feat
So a whip would give you improved trip n PnP terms
My smistake there

>Sonic attacks...
ment sonic bonus Done this one above

>Greater range? Absolutely. They're a reach weapon, in PnP.  
OK with thith this

>Stun for a round? That's a Called Shot, no matter what you're doing it with.
>Adding the property to a weapon is ridiculous; most of the things we're fighting are battle-hardened,
>and won't be stunned for six seconds when a whip cracks next to thier face.
I think not here Its not just a called shot, its an efect part of the sonic bonus/attck
I crit could gve us this only as an small area efect. We live in a world of magic
Thats part of the way the world of Layonara works. So your just plain wrong here.
Whips would stun in a world of magic.
Whips can have that stun limited to work in game.

>Could not induce attacks of opportunity? Well, sure, if you have the Prestige Class Master Lasher. Otherwise, no. It's a reach weapon, genius.
This gos back the the grater range point with in the software of NWN it could be better to just give that than try change the range.

>Causing fear? Why?
See above on wepon of terra

>Blind? Called Shot, again.
Wrong again can be effect or spell

>Slowing effect? Just... Why?
See Fear

>I think you meant to say "morale," and that's another idea that just doesn't make sense.
Morale meants a genaral term for there willing nus to fight a bards cused song afeacts the Morale
of aponets thus lowering thare atacks chance.

Last of all Ive been a PnP GM for 25 years, played more than just DnD in all its forms
GMed at cons all over the world and have been a play tester for meny games.
Doing GURPS Magic now which is very broken.
Look at Enlarge and Shapeshift added and you will see what i mean.
So please dont take me for a green horn thanks.
showing Rule book pages at each others is not what PnP and I hope Layonaras about.
I dont know of any GM who did not change rules they felt got in the way of a good game and fun for all.
*waves James Bond RPG book*

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Acacea!
« on: December 11, 2005, 02:03:00 am »
Happy birthday tooo
Ill eat some cake for you

Hall of Heroes and Heroines / RE: Ayla Bineau
« on: December 08, 2005, 04:04:00 am »
In a post sent to all members of the Giant Army

Ayla "Friend to giants" has ouched to death in haven Mines few days ago bye Orcs.
Ayla was also "Kin of giants" for she was the best of us and helped many new giants to find way. We loved her and miss her.
So giants in Glokks Giant Army are to Stand at action at noon today and say a bye bye to Sweet Lady Ayla.

By order of
General Glokk

Caption Spugly Fuglet

Just for Fun / RE: The Folk who think D&D is Satanic...
« on: December 07, 2005, 04:09:00 pm »
Im saying nothiing

*Locks him self in a small room safly out of the way of this one*

Just for Fun / RE: The fate of Harry Potter revealed!
« on: December 07, 2005, 08:22:00 am »
>If Dumbledore were still around.

And who says hes dead ;o) now what was that pet Dumbledore had a bard of some kind hummmm

General Discussion / RE: Just a friendly reminder
« on: December 06, 2005, 07:40:00 am »
A i just rembered what if you get that

"Hi X longtime no see"
Yoi have forgoten if they told you there PC's name so you just take it that they did and say

"Hi Z" Back only then to be told you dont know the PCs real name.
could happon

General Discussion / RE: Just a friendly reminder
« on: December 06, 2005, 03:54:00 am »
Im with Gulnyr  I completely agree to.
Sorry if this is OT but emoting thoughts I think is wrong, showing them i think is right.
*Max looks in Shocked at the news of Alyas death*
*Max is in shock from the news of Alyas death*

Its a fine line, but I feel the Meta-game line another PC can not know what Max is feeling.
(unless he is playing a Mindflayer, Phionic PC or has a mind read spell.)
I feel its better to show what Max is feeling.

Back OT
Intaracting with a PC is a problem if you can not give that PC a name with meaing.
In the head if a fight its hard to right

"Go heal *The PC over by the tree whos name I can not use as they do not wont it to be used in game* befor they get hit again, Opps to late"
Using the name given by a PC is better than that shorly. Nick names any one

General Discussion / RE: Goodbye for now
« on: December 03, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
You have proven your self to me a freand in and out side of game, I to feel like a brake for a bit so will be joining you for a time out
of Layonara, I think its for the best.

I agre hole hartedly that a certain "just for fun" topic sould be removed for ever from the bords.
But its not up to me.

Post me a mail when you deside to come back and I'll come back with you.

Have a good time out and grate Chrismass

Your freand

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Ayla Bineau's wake
« on: December 02, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
*A small note is added*
During the wake the thows of the gaint army not going to the wake will be pitroling the mean roads to the wake
so as to keep thows going safe. Me to sad to go to wake so me dos this.

Captian Spugly Fuglet
Gaint Army

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Ayla Bineau's wake
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:27:00 pm »
Spugly looks at the note looks shocked and walk out not saying a word


General Discussion / RE: Deleteing ones PCs
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:59:00 am »
Thank you Harloff

General Discussion / RE: Are whips any good
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:51:00 am »
>Got one word for you: Armor.

>I don't care how good you are with a whip, if you smack me with a whip and I am wearing even reletively light padded armor I'm going to gut you like a fish with my sword before you do >more than make me really mad.


I agree with that but remeber in Layonara magic could push PAIN throw that armor as the natuer of the whip is unneak
or if it could trip and was a dex wepon than that same armor could be come your down fall.
Thats why I like trip.

One of the resaons that full plate armor was over taken in history was the fact that foot men in light armor with the new
High carben Stelto style rapeers could inflicks peasring wouns throw that armor the more you try to make that armor proof to
such atacks the more restrictive it became. Only in mass combat on and off hosues did it sustain a place
untill gun powder put pay to its protetive eliments even in that.

A man with full plate on has a hell of a job running down a man with no armor and a fine sword.
In mass combat this is not true but in a one to one fight in the open.
Your dead if you have full plate on for a long combat, ya have to close and kill as fast as you can.
Or your just swinging half blind trying to get a lucky hit wile yous light aponent just bides his time

Like a wolf hunting elk he can just run you down.
If he has a bow or cross bow ya just as dead.

But NWN is not the real world so I would say whips should cut throw armor.

Thats just my point of view

General Discussion / RE: Are whips any good
« on: December 01, 2005, 03:30:00 am »
Looks like the whip thing will be looked into in the next update cool

I like the idaer of whips as a uneck wepon one that takes dedication to larn.
1: one feat to get it.

There is a wepon which is a balde on a chain thats how you get a whip with a blade
ya need some thing strong to hold the blade and it dont CRACK like a whip.

All looks good to me

Are whips DEX or STR to hit?
Say there DEX and a small wepon so expertes works
the grate clive would good if used with trip

I like the idear that whips dont kill they just subdue
feels better to me.

Just for Fun / RE: Do you believe in god?
« on: November 30, 2005, 02:23:00 pm »
I will not be posting on this matter any more

Just for Fun / RE: Do you belive in Science?
« on: November 30, 2005, 02:21:00 pm »
Im not going to post on this matter any more

This one is now ended
Could a GM Freze thanks

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 30, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
Just so

>But the main point here is that, the scientific logic is "things that can be disproven and things tha can't" if you suggest something that cannot be verified by hard facts e.g. the >existance of god. that is simply not science. This might seem ilogical to you but that is the hard facts of modern science. If you go back to the greeks you would see a logic/philosofi >based science and most of the theories have been proven false since that. Eventhough the idea of an atom constituing all things was invented by the greeks.

Ok pure Logic

>I KNOW that there a connections between my faith and the real world,

Ok lets look at this you know
1st peren andidotel evidance

>My faith is real
Yes I think that you could demastart that you have real faith
Throw your actions and by directly demenstating it throw direct and indirect sbservation.

So you have real faith you are in the world so ergo your faith is in the world and can be said to be throw this

Irefutebly connected to the world.

So you HAVE proven you have FAITH

Now is what you belive in with this FAITH "real",
you have yet to prove this.
Just haveing faith in god
dos not that god real or that this god is any thing more that
a MEME of god that lives in your mind.

You have to prove god is real with out relying on your faith as proof.

Now get out of that one

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:34:00 am »
Hay Niles09 if your a christen

Then Forgive me

>different view of waht logic is so stop it
Look go read up on LOGIC please.

and you did say you wonted to "end this".
But I see now what you ment with "end this" was you wonted me to stop pushing you.
so alowing you to keep on pushing you piont of view.
Sorry thats not how an open and free debate works.
Just like all religens in history when the fact stop fiting the thirey
they try and silance the criticks. It use to the at the stake now its by calling on the GMS.

If as you say your faith can take this then dont ask thows that push you to stop
and then when things dont go your own way ask that the whole debat be ended.

It just seems rude.

Like I said befor
Right a papaer on your new and astounding form of logic and send it in for review to a scintifc genrnel.
I would realy like to see what they say out it.

From what I can see it will go some thing like this
evaltion is wrong becosue
"Well you have not got all the ansers"
So ID must be right as it dos"

The ansers to all being "we have faith that god did it"
Becouse well "That looks logicl to me"

If thats all then you have them im going to be on your back all the way in this open debate.

Good luck and my your god go with you

Just for Fun / RE: The proof that women are evil!
« on: November 30, 2005, 06:35:00 am »
>well Im gonna make this as short as posible, and its not to start the discussion all over again,

See Niles09 ya just will not let it go

>its not to start the discussion
to late

>for ME its "logic"

This is not  logic its just your world view and a religes one at that based on faith thats all just faith, if you ever stud up in a scince convention and said
Will my proof is "I think it makes scance" and to me its "logical" IF you did that out HARD FACTS! to back it up
then you would be asked to go see a docter as you would be seen as STACK RAVING MAD.

Stop parming your faith of as logic it is not and never will be if all you can ever do is say
"Will i think im right so I am" Then your just making storys thats all.

Now right a paper and sumit it pear revue and stop preching you MAD LOGIC to the sain.
We have better things to do like findng out how the world works than wasting it on none thirsy and half baked
rubesh parmed off as logic

Look your are wrong I know you think you are right but to the sain you have proven
that you are mad so your view are suspect.

Saying that
Good luck and my your god go with you

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