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Messages - Eorendil

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General Discussion / Shiff's Absence
« on: March 06, 2008, 10:24:18 pm »
Shiff will be gone due to technical difficulties.  His computer is having a breakdown... so, he will return once that is remedied.

He asked me to pass along the message.

*sketches upon sketches litter every sizeable margin or bit of free space in this book, depicting everything from symbols to signs to buildings, people and plants.*  

I thought that I'd surprise Uncle Caighd by arriving unannounced at the temple in Vehl but it seems that I have only managed to strand myself.  Vehl is a dreary and dark place to say the least and I found myself somewhat uncomfortable ambling about the port in my immaculate robes.. It was the first time in very long time that I've felt out of place and I was grateful to reach the insulating reliquary of the Rofireinite temple.  Speaking to the clergy I was informed that he was in seclusion.. meditating and praying.  Understanding this well, myself, I left a message to be given to him upon his emergence.

Making quick notes and sketches of many of the styles and architecture of the local area as well as an interesting game being played by some of the local children I decided to use the remainder of my true and visit Port Hempstead.   I read much of this grand city and its institutions but my studies had not done it justice.  

The Crimson Eagle memorial, itself, was breathtaking to see for the first time.  It was congested with commerce and any number of people set about their daily activities.  I've included a number of sketches of the area and the fountains though I'm not certain the method by which these fountains bring forth their clear water whether that be elevated supply or by some minor form of magic... Regardless.. I spent much of the day basking in the activity and the conversation of its residents.

It was later in the day that I met Emmalee.  She too, like Uncle Caighd, is in the service of the Lord Protector.  Though I'm a bit embarrassed by it I thought at first that she might be a courtesan or noble's daughter and exchanged only pleasantries before she revealed her calling.  

Again I have let my curiosity get the better of me.  Before i realized it I was staring at her hands and elucidating on the finer points of Palm reading.  Its become somewhat of an obsession of mine as late, determining exactly how much of this age old tradition is factual and how much one could reliable glean from it.  It is said that masters in the art can tell you, almost to the day, things that have happened or events that will happen in you life.. things about who you will marry...

I regress.. she was quite interested in the telling of her life and love lines though she withdrew at one point, so maybe the telling bore truth.   I confessed early on it was an interest and I could easily be off on any of the details... Her hands were very soft but strong.  We spoke for a time on the significance of a person's hands and it ended up first I rubbed hers and then she returned the favor and before we parted she kissed me on the cheek.  

I confess.. I find myself enamored with her.. even from this first meeting I know that I wish to see her again and to know more about her.

Rumour Has It / Torn Asunder
« on: February 26, 2008, 11:49:23 am »
Those traveling through Falls forest in recent months find a large area of it that seems to have been accosted by a freak storm.. or pehaps a massive tornado.  Limbs litter the ground and lay blocking paths. Whole trees are wrenched from the soil and laid to rest a few feet or even yards from where they grew.  Strange, large outcroppings of rock seem to have erupted from ground in and around a clearing known to be well used by those that travel through the area.

Rumour Has It / Dragon at the Gates
« on: December 02, 2007, 05:52:26 pm »
People will notice that the guard around Hempstead has nearly doubled.  Those on the walls and in the towers are never without a partner.  A few moderately sized ballista have been placed in strategic points as well and all citizens are cautioned away from these areas.

When questioned Trent says simply, "I don't know what it is for sure but there's a possible threat that's been identified.  I take that very seriously just as I take the safety of Hempstead's citizens very seriously."

Rumors abound regarding dragons attacking or flying by the walls or chasing citizens through the fields and the Dapplegreen.

Layonara Server / Elemental Mysteries
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:09:20 pm »
Current episode of Elemental Mysteries postponed till the 15th.


Layonara Server / Enemy or Foe! Blast it all!
« on: October 22, 2007, 02:37:04 pm »
Update.  I put this up this morning, on the calendar but meant to schedule it for Friday.  If any of the people currently signed up need to change their availability, please do so.

Thank you

Kobal/Harlas will hopefully be updating this soon.  Thanks for everyone's patience.

Rumour Has It / Word in the trade lanes
« on: September 04, 2007, 10:44:57 am »
Rumors spread among ship hands in distant ports that something happened at the docks of Nith.  Some say that an armada of Corathite ships plundered and sunk every ship in the bay.  Others speak of a mysterious cutter.  A few even say that demons poured out of nowhere to brutally rend anyone they happened upon.

Regardless, it is said that three powerful individuals bearing symbols of Toran showed up and saved much of the port and its citizens.

General Discussion / Elemental Mysteries. Postponed 1 week
« on: August 09, 2007, 06:24:38 pm »
Due to scheduling issues I'm postponing tonight's session till next week and also shifting the next session out an additional week.  

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Layonara Server / Elemental Mysteries Quest canceled for tonight
« on: June 21, 2007, 06:10:26 pm »
Sorry guys but I'm not going to be able to run tonight and I'll be on vacation from the 26th of June through the Second.  I have something planned for this next episode that should be a bit of a change from the norm.  

I'm also pulling back to two four hour episodes per month due to other requirements on my time.  As usual, if you have any questions or requests feel free to PM me.  I'm going to post a copy of this in the Elemental Mysteries forum with some additional notes.

Thank you,

Layonara Server / Muireann's CDQ - RESCHEDULED
« on: May 26, 2007, 06:10:33 pm »
Due to technical difficulties during setup Muireann's CDQ has been moved back almost two days.  See the calendar for details.

Layonara Server / in pursuit of something......
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:28:59 pm »
Just a quick note to let those hoping to attend the quest tonight that it will need to be rescheduled. Looking at Sunday. Please PM row or I with times.


Layonara Server / Elemental Mystery Discussion Forum
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:29:31 am »
For those of you involved or getting involved in the quest this forum is now available for you to join.

Please keep in mind that, unless otherwise stated on the signup page, this quest series is open to new attendees if spots come open.

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Update for Sonya and Lex CDQ
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:07:25 pm »
Row will be unable to run this this weekend but will try and do it next weekend if possible.

Layonara Server / To all those on or signed up for my quests
« on: February 19, 2007, 12:50:26 pm »
There is the distinct possibility that, at any time, I might become more or less unavailable for a few weeks. This possibility will remain present until it happens which should be sometime in the next couple months but could be tomorrow. So, I apologize if this ends up causing any trouble or delays in my quests in the near future. I will try and give ample warning.

Rumour Has It / Out playing ball
« on: February 11, 2007, 07:50:26 am »
A group of children stand around, near the docks of Fort Velensk, passing a brightly colored ball between them that has been bestowed with a minor light enchantment.  They all look to be having a good time and the red haired boy gets all wide eyed for a moment.
  "You guys'll never guess what I saw!"
  A flurry of "What?!", groans and "Sid??!!!" follows the boy's announcement.
  He looks to the petite little girl next to him who seemed to be the loudest one protesting, "It's TRUE!  I saw it!  It was right outside the dragon's temple.  Honest!!  This big Ogre came outta nowhere I tell yas!  He was wearin shiny chain armor and had this HUUUUUUGE sword on his back."
  "Yeah, " the tiny girl with blue eyes replied, " And the Lord Protector prolly flew down and picked him up in his claws, riiiiiiiiiight???"
  All the children laugh but the little red headed boy, now with a face to match, responds, "NO, the temple guards chase im off you see!  But the whole time he was sayin stuff.. in common!  He wanted to see 'is frend!  Meh.. Laaa Naaaah...  That was the names.. "  He nods resolutely and then continues, "I never heard of an ogre what can talk.. and he did!  Kept sayin he jus' wanted ta see his frend, not hurt nobuddy."
  All the children laugh and shake their heads.  In response the red headed boy starts to walk off but his attention is called back for a moment as the others are yelling at him to leave the ball.  He stomps his feet and tosses it with all his might, knocking the smallest girl over.  
  "Sid Medelson, I'm gonna get you, " she screams as she hops up. Both of them break into a run, followed by the rest.  They disappear in and among the houses and buildings of Fort Velensk though their shouts can still be heard for quite some time.

Rumour Has It / Of Haven and the Night Sky
« on: January 06, 2007, 02:41:16 pm »
Word spreads like wildfire of a recent night where the darkened skies of Eastern Mistone were audience to a great circle that appeared as if drawn there by a sure but unseen hand. Inside its boundaries lines intersected and wound in chaotic, flowing patterns, each circling slightly in a counterclockwise direction till they met at a small circle at the center. Within that circle lay something else but distance made it impossible to make it out. Along the circumference were symbols. These too moved in a counterclockwise direction, visible to anyone with eyes though it was just a bright disc in the night sky to those as far away as Fort Llast, Spellguard and Nogar .  
  Moments after it illuminated a column of radiant light sprung from somewhere on Layonara to touch it. The energy spread across it like fire and the lines within moved of their own accord. Though it may have seemed like an eternity to watch it could not have lingered there for more than two minutes before the column of light retreated into the symbol. Shortly after, the array appeared to just collapse in on itself and the night was dark once again.
  Word spreads quickly among the populace of Mistone of an army of gnolls that took Haven for a time and of their ability to come and go with the wind. Some claim that on the night that the great symbol appeared in the sky it coalesced over Haven itself and on that very night the gnolls fell into disarray... and of Kit and her militia who took advantage of the confusion to march forth from the nearly splintered gates of Haven Castle to take back the city and drive off the gnolls with the help of a band of brave adventurers who lent to the cause a great number of invaluable weapons... Sadly, many citizens and militia died during the occupation and the outlying homes are reported to be in a shambles.

Rumour Has It / Iron Clad - Discussion
« on: November 04, 2006, 02:42:59 pm »
The Iron Clad quest has been placed in a timebubble and as such things discussed in this thread will not be immediately available for IC knowledge of characters not involved in the quest.  
  This thread is for IC discussion of events as well as planning of the "next step."  No actual actions requiring the characters to move from their current location will be taken though spells could be cast and questions asked or minor actions taken.  Consider this a "campfire talk/planning" scenario.
  Additionally, at this time I'm open to moving the quest to a different day/time to accommodate those involved.

General Discussion / It's Elemental
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:58:18 pm »
My quest for tonight has been delayed but will start in about 30 minutes.
  Thank you,

Rumour Has It / Trouble in Haven
« on: October 28, 2006, 06:30:41 pm »
Travelers report odd happenings in Haven. Some swear they felt they were being watched and tell tales of eerie howls that fill the air with no source to be found. Others tell of humanoid figures that come and go like the wind, never becoming wholly substantial. Still others claim phantoms now plague the town or that gnolls have infiltrated its borders and attacked its citizens. Whatever the cause the people of Haven are not taking things lightly as all the tales report one common element. Haven feels like a ghost town. Its people.. its children.. no one wanders the streets lately except the guard.

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