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Messages - Lareth

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How much do you want for the Jaldrix Boots?  Send me word with the price, and if I can meet it you will have a sale.


Alassir Vil Drazzic

General Discussion / Re: Donate Your Level Day
« on: March 30, 2008, 09:16:58 am »
Donated :)

I use AVG on my desktop and AVAST on my laptop.  Both are pretty good, Avast has a slightly spiffier looking interface, but they both perform equally well, haven't had a Virus issue in over 2 years using them.

General Discussion / Re: Group Tactics//Curtesy
« on: March 08, 2008, 01:56:16 pm »
When I first started playing here on Layo, some of the players organised a Wizards conference in Vehl, where amongst other things Spellcaster tactics were discussed.  One of the best pointers they gave was a lot of good advice on what to do if you did run out of spells, or were otherwise unable to cast.  In summary though some of it went a lot like this:

1.  Missile weapons - learn to use one, use it to distract and annoy the enemy.  Especially handy if you run up against an enemy spell caster - make them roll concentration checks before they can fireball your party

2.  Layo has some of the most useful 1 shot / charged items I've ever seen.  I run around with packs full of star dusts, wands and magic books all of which can really give you the edge (literally in the case of those that cast keen edge ;)  )  So I tend to plan my spells around them, and make what I do memorise last that much longer - especially as most of them aren't too hard to find / make.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sall's old Junk
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:01:49 am »
I'll take the healers hug if you still have it



Trade and Market Hall / Re: G'orks Items
« on: February 18, 2008, 10:21:05 am »

How much do you want for the scroll of Greater Thunderclap?  Send me a bird with the price, and if I have the trues I'll take it.



General Discussion / Re: Short Holiday
« on: February 18, 2008, 09:37:46 am »
Welcome to Sunny Florida, enjoy!!!!

p.s. If  you get a chance and there's somewhere nearby that offers... go for a swim with Dolphins, it really is the experience of a lifetime :)


Iwould like to order one of your special deals, Two rings which grant the strength of a bull, and One amulet of the same kind.  


Alassir Vil'Drazzic

**A short description of Alassir then follows**

Forum Discussion / Re: Posting conundrums
« on: February 02, 2008, 03:55:47 pm »
Thanks folks, just what I needed :)

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday, LightlyFrosted!
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:21:25 pm »
Happy Birthday mate!!!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Knock Scroll
« on: January 07, 2008, 02:12:09 pm »
I have one of these, seek me out around Hempstead or Leringard if are interested.


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cleaning out some chests
« on: January 05, 2008, 07:54:14 am »
I bid 5,000 trues for the scroll of Power Word Stun.


Lareth Vathach

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Sallaron and son's Carpentry Shop
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:51:44 am »

I would like to order one of your finely crafted Mahoganny Quaterstaff's.


Lareth Vathach

Rumour Has It / Re: A last goodbye...
« on: December 13, 2007, 08:51:17 am »
*A pale and tired looking Lareth stops in front of where Godim lies, bowing his head in silent prayer for a time*

Farewell my friend *he whispers*

General Discussion / Re: Top 5 Reasons I dislike Comcast
« on: December 10, 2007, 01:36:40 pm »
Quote from: LordCove
This man does not speak for the rest of us!

We do NOT spend from 6pm till 10pm watching soaps and concerning ourselves over the mad-cap antics of the Beale family and the goings on of the Queen Vic.
We drink tea, read poetry and build battleships out of matchsticks!
We curse those who dared bring the unjustice of Hollyoaks and Big Brother to our screen, and remain focused on the Discovery channel and knitting doiles!


Err... quite right, I meant I used the torrents to download serialised versions of all the classics of english literature, not to mention the latest audio recordings of God save the Queen

*snaps to attention and starts saluting frenziedly*


General Discussion / Re: Top 5 Reasons I dislike Comcast
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:43:00 am »

Ok so I've calmed down a little from last night and this morning... amazing the soothing power of having internet again...

Honora, to be honest, I think its the local office here who are just plain useless, last night was caused by them running new cable to a part of my sub division that's just being built now, but they tend to cut their own cables at least once a month lately.... Frustrating does not do it justice for me, as that takes down my phone, tv and internet.  Hopefully where you move to, they'll employ professional staff, instead of the fly by night sub contractors we have here.

Dorg.  I know what you're thinking about the torrents... but no, I'm not here thieving music at nights ;) .... like any good ex pat Brit, I needs the torrents to download the latest episodes of East Enders and Corrie... Sir, you may take away my country, but for the love of God man, don't take away my soaps... that's just plain inhuman.  So sadly now, I rely on my brother to tape them for me and FTP them over to me... and he's as reliable as a chocolate teapot.

Wild Surge Inn / Re: Mage Wanted for Adventuring Group
« on: November 26, 2007, 10:09:31 pm »

If I am able to, I would be glad to help out.


Lareth Vathach

General Discussion / Re: Giving up smoking.....
« on: November 23, 2007, 08:32:16 am »
Good luck with quitting... stick with it, perseverance, pig headed pride and chewing gum (lots of chewing gum) is what saw me through when I quit nearly 3 years ago - haven't looked back since.  

p.s. - My method of quitting cold turkey, the day I moved into my in laws house for 2 months while work was being finished on my own.... Not Good!!!!  Try the patches, try the gum, from what I hear they do help :)

General Discussion / Re: happy turkey day everyone
« on: November 22, 2007, 11:42:13 am »
Quote from: Carillon
But Thanksgiving was ages ago! Silly Americans. ;)

Heh, I'm not complaining about the day off though.. Long live the thanksgivingness!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Who lives in the Twin Dragon Inn?
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:07:24 pm »
Lareth lives there also - Paid 3 (RL) Months rent on 9/25, so I think I'm coming up on pay time next month :)

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