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Messages - Lance Stargazer

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Ask A Gamemaster / Thank you for the concern,
« on: May 08, 2014, 04:58:10 pm »

Thank you for the concern, There was a huge earthquake in the Capital of the country yes, I live about 900 km from Mexico City (  about  560 miles ), I live in the North about 2 hours in the borderline with Texas, so no there was no problems here with the earthquake, Thank you for asking anyway .

I'll try to be pending on Sunday then. or before that if I am able to catch up with you.

Ask A Gamemaster / Heh . Guess we should have
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:10:09 am »

Heh . Guess we should have started to ask you your timezone. Easier that way to coordinate.

We do celebrate Mother's and Father's day, I live in Mexico , our Mother's day its not the first sunday of may but May 10th. But cause mom will be busy that saturday we probably going to celebrate her on Sunday, so there is that. 

So what is your time zone and what are the usual times that you can get in game? That way we'll be able to sync up.


Ask A Gamemaster / ARe you available at certain
« on: May 07, 2014, 06:29:35 pm »

ARe you available at certain specific time window?  I can try to fix it by tomorrow at 2 pm cst . if that works for you .C


Ask A Gamemaster / Has this been resolved? 
« on: May 07, 2014, 05:10:43 pm »

Has this been resolved?


Ask A Gamemaster / Greetings  Brutus,That is a
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:25:03 pm »

Greetings  Brutus,

That is a relatively easy fix to do , you just need to poke a Gm to met with you IG and fix that for you, If you are around 2 pm CDT I can come and help and do the fix for you. Otherwise look for someone ig or request help on IRC and surely it someone can help to help you with this problem


Rumour Has It / *Argos may recieve the note
« on: May 04, 2014, 02:03:00 pm »

*Argos may recieve the note on Haven by raven or falcon, upon reading the notes he frowns a bit upon the news, * 

Well, there is that, Now I wonder if they will head over here on their way back.

*He pens the reply to the very same falconry office where it was emited, then he resumes his search upon the investigation he was persued , awaiting for reply *

Rumour Has It / *Aesthir presents his notes
« on: May 04, 2014, 01:58:58 pm »

*Aesthir presents his notes about his own investigation on how the remanants of magic were shown around the town, upon learning of the events that transpired during the interrogatory, the man nods slowly listening his mind still and his facets unmoving*

Well then .. there is that .... So the portal is that and it has to be closed then, Are we aware of the kind of effects that this may have ?  Or what to expect on this kind of events,  it sounds like its not appropiate to do a militaric approach, but rather a small group , but of course we are speaking about unknown numbers by the enemy.

What do we know ? 

*Aesthir measures the distance beetwen the point of the camp and the Town of Halin, and then to the Portal making a triangulation of distances *

Rumour Has It / *Armand doesn't lose his
« on: May 03, 2014, 03:55:33 pm »

*Armand doesn't lose his time, he knows that a bully can be dangerous a mob full of bullies can be way more dangerous , upon closing his eyes he focuses on the little girl to see if there is any changes on her particular Aura's, his senses goes thru all the formulaes that he had studied to mimic the human mind with the hopes to one day create a sentient construct, he focuses on the aura and the mind of the girl, to see if it has been affected unnaturally by magical efforts, his usual aloof nature dissapears if any for the time he is concentrated *

General Discussion / (No subject)
« on: April 28, 2014, 07:03:04 pm »

In my experience the fortune its just a way to improve the ways to achive things in a Rp way, I usually go with a rule of thumb in the use for NPC's if it make sense up to the character, for example if it were with Lance and he is in trelania, and need to get lets say a wagon or to met with someone who may or may not be available, Since Lance has done some things in Trelania , specifically in the area of Llast for example, its belivable to think  he would have known someone who has access to methods to make easier the task, for example a councilman to help with some paperwork in the kingdom.   It has to come from me as a player to come up with the initiative of looking for someone and explaining to the GM the how and why's without being closed into our thoughts, this of course would be up to the GM discretion if the situation is doable or not, and what would be the cost in Fortune that the exact action may be.

The uses i've most given uses though has been to succeed in exeptional tasks, and asking for a natural 20 on specific actions when a roll is requiered and that action is key to a series of actions or plans. 

In my opinion , GM's won't give you options on how to spend fortune points during the plot of the quest, but it should come to an intent from the player with colaboration of the GM to fit on what its posible during the proper quest storyline.

I don't understand the last question though .

Hope that this helped a bit.

General Discussion / (No subject)
« on: April 26, 2014, 08:31:39 pm »

I can tell you that I've spent a good deal of fortune points during quests and CDQ's myself, I usually try to limit it to once or twice per game session since as i see them they are preety good options as you mentioned, I know i've used them with Armand  , Aesthir and Lance, during some interactions. 


Ask A Gamemaster / (No subject)
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:07:04 am »

Yes, Its exactly like that. 


Ask A Gamemaster / (No subject)
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:40:00 pm »

// Moved to a more appropiate forum!


Greetings Borris .

Real state vendors are located in some towns, that has a Real Estate Vendor,  If I remember well Haven falls into the Hlint area for Real Estate.

Have you checked there for available houses?  Or are you looking for someone wishing to sell their house in the area?



Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 25, 2014, 01:43:00 pm »

*He listens to the man with atention pointing out his remarks and such then simply nods*  Well, at least now you are informed good sir, And my duty to your town is fullfilled, I couldn't agree more with you,.. if this were a detention of course , yet I guess that came on the report that you probably read ..... or not.

*Aesthir thanks the man for the time and leaves him be, he returns to his room and start to work out in a map, pointing out the areas around the town where he find those anomalies, he probably would do several rounds to check out if they are constant or fluctuating as well as making note of its intensity*

**He takes the time to pass all the information to his notes, and secretly thanking that this investigation was handed to the Rofirenites rather than the Vehlites in this case, there are something really wrong in this town, and this pit-fiend is not but the tip of the iceberg, he thinks*

*The next day very early he saddles up his black horse and after informing the rofirenites, he departs the town, with the promise to come back *

General Discussion / (No subject)
« on: April 23, 2014, 11:59:14 am »

On more general notes , Wendensday has become a not too viable option for me currently,  Same as friday and weekend.  of the three Wendensday seems to be the most posible but its a big hit-miss situation.

General Discussion / (No subject)
« on: April 23, 2014, 10:47:49 am »

No worries mate, Work and RL goes first !

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:56:11 pm »

*Aesthir remains stationed in Dapplegreen, and helping with the law matters and interpretations as well as the small issues that may be come to arise, he looks around the area and notices after some atempts by Vincent, he looks with some curiosity at the man yet doesn't do anything to close by for now, he just remains watchful, he will confer with the Rofirenites and then moves around the town as if looking for something,  his falconlike gaze falls into the small details and focuses on the area around as if again looking for something*

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 21, 2014, 01:17:21 pm »

*To the mention of the remark of the first time saying about the SSGEMP, Armand looks genuinelly surprised*  Really?  I can't believe this, its maybe that it was lost among many things i say, because its something that i refer often , some strange people the ones that call me strange may even say that i may be obssessed with them but that is just because they don't know how dangerous that organization is, One day they made a huge bomb that caused that all the corporal fat of one town changed beetwen bodies, that was a very chaotic situation that took a long to fix. They are crazy...  not like the inocent Catapultable **nods sagely*

And yes the Secret Society of Gnomes for Evil and Maniatical Purposes or SSGEMP, they are deviants who turn science into.. well. . bad science , they are experts in golemology and other turn outs into evil mean things.

*As he explains about finding people and figting evil  * Oh good on you, its good to always do that. Leaving us engineers time to well.. do engineering. I guess.

*As the smith asks him about the arm and the machinations he explains that he did not forged the metallic arm per se, just design it for it to fit his arm and had it done by a gnomish smith at the Clockwork academy, this last model at least, he informs proudly to the smith that his "Arm-and-me Mark VI" its the lastest model of his elemental enhacer, it serves to several functions and is able to change raw power into elemental forms and viceversa, making more potent or reducing the capabilities inserted in the core batteries, he goes rambling in gnomish pseudoscience that actually probably would make sense to gnomes and seems to wild to actually have any sense of logic, but well. .. for some unknown and ilogical reasons work*

*After the first day, the man seems to be working on the areas around the town, offering to "fix and improve" things around the town, he probably won't get much success due the ankwardness of his methods and after the first explotion of one of his attempts, the town may see him with even more suspision as all out of the blue he announces in loud voice*

- Get off the way !!!

*Once said that he runs over to a nearby body of water and submerges himself into it as his arm start to show and unhealthy hot red color, as he goes out of the water and after a lot of steam before he returns to the town as if nothing had happened, this is where William may find him de second time as he activates a Dryier on him (gust of wind )*

But of course William, non bully, I will lend my aid to the task, its not like this people its letting me help too much anyway ... Where we going again ?

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 19, 2014, 09:13:15 pm »

Well you can do that too, yet you are half the way from here to Spellguard, Now mark that i can't pinpoint this as Arcane, even if it seems the logical assumption, there are things on this world that we may not be explained, you do as that, and if that is what you choose to, I'd stay in Haven, specially if you deal with Storold, since I don't think my presence there would be any helpful to your case.

Still i am on my way to Haven myself to see about if there are more cases like yours, leave a note here *he passes her a note of an address in Haven*  if you pass by the town or need something.


Ask A Gamemaster / (No subject)
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:07:44 pm »


There is the link

Rumour Has It / (No subject)
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:04:36 pm »

Well..  those are indeed very good and hard questions, since this falls out a bit out of my area of expertise, but i have some ideas though, We could go and search if there is something about this with the Aeridintes, they are specialists in curing ailings and requestiong their help would prove fruitful, specially if they may know of a someone with knowledge in curses that also delves in Arcane magic or well.. what ever is this.

The second option would be that you go to the Lucindites, even if I don't see eyes to eye to their teachings, they for sure may have more than one expert in this kind of situations or at least maybe could point in the right direction.

And third but not last, doing some research with the Aragenites may prove fruitful as well, I know that my mother has told me about all kind of knowledge that they hold there, yet as i said this is not a sickness that is too common, so it may be well that they got nothing. 

I'd recomend you to travel to Spellgard, you may find a way to speak with Lucindites there, And if they can't help you, you may find on the city a convenient portal to North Point where there is an Aeridinite temple.

What i can do in the mean time is to travel towards Haven, and see on the vecinity if there are other cases like your and if something has been found about this illness.  if any we'll need to move forward.  If you wish to proceed with this , I can try to get  a wagon and some horses  for transportation in order to move faster over the areas intended.

This is of course if you wish to preceed with my recomendations.

*Argos awaits*


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