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Messages - Teo

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 25
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: June 22, 2012, 08:27:21 pm »
// hey are mighty parts for ranged weapons compatible with crossbows? And do you have any mighty parts?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Deverian
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:06:55 pm »
I adventured through the Krandor Crypts today. They were an interesting place, with some interesting undead. I found lots of mummy mages, and some skeletons that were far greater in skill than the ones in Vehl. I may adventure in those crypts more often. However, the vampire with the acid halberd was enough to make me go out. Perhaps, when my skills  grow a bit more, I can slay the vampire who undoubtedly holds the key to get to the next level of the crypt.

//Deverain's transactions

Previous balance:0

Dropped off:1 iron rapier-1200
                 1 Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power-1500
                 1 Bronze chain shirt-750
                 1 Bronze star shield-500
                 1 Iron kite shield-1500
                 1 Iron half plate-2000
                 1 Branch of Mahogany-200

New Balance: 7650

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: June 19, 2012, 08:53:45 pm »
Deverain pays 4000 for a suit of plaitinum half plate

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Deverian
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:20:07 pm »
I met an interesting elf today near Prantz. She was a mage of some skill, and I found her quite helpful with slaying the forest giant overlord. She had several interesting spells, but my skill with a sword was much greater then her magic, and I had to lead the way. I believe that she was somewhat intimidated by me, which was somewhat nice. If only more people knew my true skill...

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Armor Level Requirments??
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:32:28 pm »

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Deverian
« on: June 14, 2012, 12:04:42 am »
//OOC note to self about soul strand loss~ today at 10 ish pm, i lose a soul strand with deverian due to severe lag. I was down but stabilized, and when i was at 0 hit points going to where you stop bleeding, i got hit with a major lag spike and could not use a moderate healing kit that would probably have put me at enough hit points to kill the gnoll overlord. Possible grateful plea material if i ever need one//

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:30:28 pm »
I finally replaced those old platinum clothes. They were getting a bit worn out from the constant giant axes! My new ones have adamantium woven into them! Its the highest grade of reinforced clothing they carry at Chamomiels store. And best of all, I still have well over enough coins to pay of my debt and purchase the arrows!

I have been considering doing a bit more food crafting and resource gathering. The Twin Dragon Inn is a bit underused sometimes, and I feel that if I could run a little food shop in the back, and have lots of resources for sale, it might draw more people in! I can cook almost anything, and Tyrian can get almost all of the supplies I would need. It would work out perfectly! Of course, with the famine going on, food supplies would be running a bit short.... but then more people would want to purchase food!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Resources
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:54:52 am »
Okay! I will leave the boxes one at a time in the Twin Dragon Inn in Leringaurd, house number 137 //or 173, i cant remember but only one of those numbers are in leringaurd:p// in the Twin Dragon Trade goods chest.

Alton Tealeaf

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Alton Tealeaf
« on: June 05, 2012, 10:02:20 pm »
I recently purchased a yew bow. I placed an order for 10,000 arrows, and I think I'll enchant it to shoot those arrows permanently!

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: June 04, 2012, 05:40:52 pm »
I can pay for the arrows at once :)

Rumour Has It / Re: Egging...
« on: June 03, 2012, 08:06:08 pm »
A halfling walks by the house, and seeing the single fresh egg, sighs.

"Elfs... so clueless! your supposed to use more than one egg!"

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:47:17 pm »

Rumour Has It / Re: Egging...
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:39:48 pm »
*several piles of wolf scat are also found on the doorstep of the same house*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: June 02, 2012, 11:09:51 pm »
*a small note is left on the store's door*


I have an order and a question. First, i was wondering what the cost on the Compound Bow Parts //I// costed, //and how much the level gets raised by using it on a bow// and I would like to order 10,000 mahogany shafted, platinum tipped, owl flighted arrows.

Alton Tealeaf

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Kywin Is'alde
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:04:22 pm »
*a series of sword drills are written on this page, with a small note added at the bottom*

I met an old half elf today. You don't see many of them around anymore. Anyhow, she seemed to know a thing or two about swords and magic. She gave me a few pointers. NOTE: KEEP LEFT BLADE HIGHER

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Kywin Is'alde
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:57:56 am »
*Kywin sits down on a bench in center and pulls out his newly bought book*

I figured that, as long as I would be studying my sword and my talent with magic, it would be a good idea to have somewhere to place my drills that I am practicing so I don't forget them. Although I have found that the real world is the best place to learn both of my knacks. I have come across a town known as Center, and I have learned much there. Many people have jobs I can do for them, so I can both increase my talents and make some gold to buy better equipment for my journeys.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Deverian
« on: May 20, 2012, 01:09:55 am »
I saw an interesting add today near Center. It got me thinking about a way to earn gold once my skills with the blade grow a bit more.  The man was a blade for hire, and it struck me as an interesting thing to do. i could see the world, all the while making gold and advancing my blade skills. Perhaps, once I am worthy of some more difficult tasks, I could become a blade for hire myself.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Seeking Archers Belt
« on: May 12, 2012, 10:43:40 pm »
what would the price on that be?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: March 22, 2012, 10:57:40 pm »
//sheilds and helms crate was stuck open by deverian, moved all contents to Gorms bookcase

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