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Fixed Bugs / Re: Elemental Shape dm. red. not working
« on: January 07, 2019, 09:43:43 pm »
I know this is an age since it's been addressed but the DR is 15/3 when it's the Elder shape (level 20+) and 10/2 when it's the Huge shape (level 16+)

Fixed Bugs / Re: Katar of Penetration
« on: January 07, 2019, 07:58:59 pm »
Just looked into this, katars are supposed to be Exotic or Rogue. The TLK was not properly updated, I've updated it.

Important Layonara Announcements / 2018-2019 Holiday Bonus Event
« on: December 27, 2018, 04:19:23 pm »
Greetings all. The server is currently being reset. When it returns and until January 27th, 2019, the following bonuses will be in place.

  • Enhanced XP
  • Enhanced GP
  • Enhanced Fortune
  • The Soul Mother has her attentions elsewhere

If you happened to equip something with an item level restriction in the last few days that you were not able to before your character will now have problems logging in.

Please let me know in this thread and we'll get your character fixed.


Important Layonara Announcements / Re: NWN Server Migration
« on: November 30, 2018, 09:42:14 pm »
Well the migration went as smooth as I could imagine [knock on wood].

To connect to the new server just point nwn to or if you're serious on IP addresses, the new IP is

Report back in this thread or on discord if you notice anything wonky that might be related to the site move.

Important Layonara Announcements / NWN Server Migration
« on: November 30, 2018, 05:33:30 pm »
Greetings all,

We've been notified our servers have to be moved so I'll be migrating them this weekend. I will be taking the server down some time later this evening and provided things go okay it should be up by the early hours. I just want to have the weekend available to fix any issues so I'd prefer to do it tonight.

There will be a new IP address, so if you don't use (or other DNS names) and use the IP directly please keep an eye on this thread so I can notify the new IP address.


Layonara Server / Re: Server showing as Offline
« on: May 07, 2018, 09:13:41 am »
Hi and apologies for not posting this earlier.

Yes the IP address has changed as indicated earlier. If you don't use the domain and connect via IP you should be connecting to now.

This was nothing we could control, our host enforced the change.

Important Layonara Announcements / Re: Site Update
« on: February 10, 2018, 10:16:03 pm »
Looks very nice and thanks for all the work!  Just wondering if there is still a server-status page?

Not yet, no, I'm sorry, there'll be one soon.

The Server Status is a block in the middle of the Forum Home page.

Important Layonara Announcements / Re: Site Update
« on: February 10, 2018, 09:10:04 pm »
Looks very nice and thanks for all the work!  Just wondering if there is still a server-status page?

Not yet, no, I'm sorry, there'll be one soon.

Important Layonara Announcements / Site Update
« on: February 09, 2018, 11:05:58 am »
Layonara has switched its forum software to Simple Machines as well as given a facelift to the front entrance. Additionally the Lore, Rules and Information will be moved to There may be a few posts that didn't make the migration over from the old forum so if you see one of yours missing please repost.

The old site will be up for some time at while we perform the migration of the lore and other features.

More to come soon.

Fixed Bugs / Fixed in next update.
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:28:26 pm »

Fixed in next update.

Fixed Bugs / Surprised this is just
« on: June 02, 2017, 07:44:09 pm »

Surprised this is just getting discovered now but yep there's a bug there, wasn't including the +1 per caster level. Will fix.

Ask A Gamemaster / I just checked with the
« on: May 28, 2017, 01:21:31 pm »

I just checked with the pawnbroker and after enough talking I got all six jobs, so not sure how you didn't, perhaps a bad run of randomization?

We'll cut the expiry down from 2 weeks to 5 days in the next update.

Ask A Gamemaster / I'll reconsider how to better
« on: May 27, 2017, 11:26:40 pm »

I'll reconsider how to better handle this but to start there was only 3 running quests, not sure why there weren't 6, possibly a result of some crashes long ago. I've since added 3 new ones as there should always be 6 running.

It's not easy to just add "don't include mithril and emerald recipes" but maybe what we'll do is cut the time of expiry to be shorter than 2 RL weeks at least.

Layonara Server / It now feels safe to mention
« on: May 10, 2017, 01:06:55 pm »

It now feels safe to mention you can delete the following haks that are no longer required:

Please delete the following from your hak/ folder if you wish:

  • layo_ctrlv3r??.hak - anything but the current layo_ctrlv3r21.hak can be deleted

  • layo_female.hak

  • layo_male.hak

  • layo_resr1.hak

You can also delete any layo specific tlk in your tlk/ folder that is not layonara_v30.tlk

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Plenarius is going to be
« on: May 05, 2017, 08:12:20 pm »

Plenarius is going to be leading something 10PM EDT.  Meet at Fort Miritix.

General Discussion / The portraits pack archive
« on: May 01, 2017, 03:48:30 pm »
<p>The portraits pack archive has been updated to include all portraits up to this date.</p><p>-orth</p>

Fixed Bugs / Acacea wrote:Checking the
« on: April 29, 2017, 08:01:53 pm »

Quote from: "Acacea"&cid="2759575"

Checking the page gave me a random question about the spell itself, which is probably better suited for... anywhere but here. Still!

Those in the area of effect are petrified, encased in stone. Targets failing a Fortitude save but have Freedom of Movement are encased in rock for 1d4 rounds. The caster can petrify 1d4+1 creatures per 10 caster levels. Targets who fail the save and do not have Freedom of Movement are petrified for 3 rounds.

Am I correct in understanding that it is possible for FoM to cause someone to be petrified for an extra round than if they didn't have it at all? *squints*

The description is explaining two separate things based on whether the target is a playing character or not.

  • If target is PC and they fail their save but have FoM they are immune.

  • If target is PC and they fail their save and they don't have FoM then 3 rounds stoned.

  • If target is NPC and they fail their save but have FoM then 1d4 rounds stoned.

  • If target is NPC and they fail their save and they don't have FoM then permanently stoned.

I don't know if this was the intention but that is what the code does.


Layonara Server / This update is now live and
« on: April 28, 2017, 10:59:46 pm »

This update is now live and appears to be running okay. I'm sure some little issues will arise but things seem stable and functional.

Layonara Server / The server is being taken
« on: April 28, 2017, 07:03:01 pm »

The server is being taken down now for this latest update. It will take a short while to get everything into place and ensure things are running smooth.


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